Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2008 ETH Zuerich, CISD * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.client.web.server.util; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.basic.IColumnDefinition; /** * Creates list of lines with tab separated columns; * * @author Tomasz Pylak */ public class TSVRenderer { private static final String TAB = "\t"; private final String lineSeparator; /** * @param entities list of entities which will be exported * @param columnDefs column definitions. Each definition know column's header and is able to * extract an appropriate value from the entity. * @param lineSeparator character used as a lineSeparator separator */ public static <T> String createTable(List<T> entities, List<IColumnDefinition<T>> columnDefs, String lineSeparator) { return new TSVRenderer(lineSeparator).createTable(entities, columnDefs); } private <T> String createTable(List<T> entities, List<IColumnDefinition<T>> columnDefs) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); appendHeader(columnDefs, sb); for (T entity : entities) { appendEntity(entity, columnDefs, sb); } return sb.toString(); } private TSVRenderer(String lineSeparator) { this.lineSeparator = lineSeparator; } private <T> void appendEntity(T entity, List<IColumnDefinition<T>> columnDefs, StringBuffer sb) { boolean isFirst = true; for (IColumnDefinition<T> column : columnDefs) { if (isFirst == false) { sb.append(TAB); } else { isFirst = false; } sb.append(cleanWhitespaces(column.getValue(entity))); } sb.append(lineSeparator); } /** * @return <var>value</var> with white-spaces cleaned in the same way that HTML works (all * contiguous white-spaces are replaced with single space) */ private String cleanWhitespaces(String value) { String[] tokens = StringUtils.split(value); String result = StringUtils.join(tokens, " "); return result; } private <T> void appendHeader(List<IColumnDefinition<T>> columnDefs, StringBuffer sb) { boolean isFirst = true; for (IColumnDefinition<T> column : columnDefs) { if (isFirst == false) { sb.append(TAB); } else { isFirst = false; } sb.append(column.getHeader()); } sb.append(lineSeparator); } }