Java tutorial
package ch.randelshofer.cubetwister; /* @(#) * Copyright (c) 2007 Werner Randelshofer, Switzerland. MIT License. */ import ch.randelshofer.cubetwister.doc.*; import ch.randelshofer.gui.ProgressObserver; import ch.randelshofer.rubik.*; import ch.randelshofer.rubik.parser.*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream; import java.util.jar.Pack200; import java.util.jar.Pack200.Unpacker; import*; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveEntry; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarInputStream; import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.bzip2.BZip2CompressorInputStream; /** * HTMLExporter exports a CubeTwister document to a directory. * * @author Werner Randelshofer * @version $Id$ * <br>2.3 2010-02-08 Show more information about progress. Only export * applets which are needed by the document. Compress the resources.xml file. * <br>2.2.1 2009-01-25 Fixed NPE in method htmlencode. * <br>2.2 2009-01-08 If a file already exists, but does not have the * right case, delete it instead of just overwriting its contents. * <br>2.1 2009-01-07 Added support for script.scriptType attribute. * <br>2.0 2008-12-25 The "htmltemplates" resource is now compressed * as instead of as .zip. The "htmltemplates" does now contain only * pack200-compressed java applets - the jar files of the applets need to * be generated from them. * <br>1.0 5. August 2007 Created. */ public class HTMLExporter implements Exporter { /** * Output directory of the exporter. * Note: zipfile and dir are mutually exclusive. If dir has a non-null * value, then zipFile must be null and vice versa. */ private File dir; /** * Output zip file of the exporter. * Note: zipfile and dir are mutually exclusive. If zipFile has a non-null * value, then dir must be null and vice versa. */ private File zipFile; /** * ZipOutputStream for the zipFile. */ private ZipOutputStream zipOut; /** * The current document model. */ private DocumentModel model; private String documentName; private ProgressObserver p; /** * File names and links need to be unique. * We create a unique id for every object and store it here. */ private HashMap<EntityModel, String> ids; /** Determine all virtual cube kinds. */ private HashSet<CubeKind> virtualCubeKinds; /** Determine all player cube kinds. */ private HashSet<CubeKind> playerCubeKinds; private static class DataMap extends HashMap<String, String> { public final static long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public String put(String key, String value) { return super.put(key, htmlencode(value)); } public String putUnencoded(String key, String value) { return super.put(key, value); } public String putParameter(String key, String value) { return super.put(key, paramencode(value)); } public String put(String key, int value) { return super.put(key, Integer.toString(value)); } private String htmlencode(String str) { if (str != null) { str = str.replace("&", "&"); str = str.replace("<", "<"); str = str.replace(">", ">"); str = str.replace("\n", "<br>"); } return str; } private String paramencode(String str) { if (str != null) { str = str.replace("\"", """); } return str; } } private static class StackEntry { public DataMap data = new DataMap(); public CubeModel cube; public NotationModel notation; public ScriptModel script; public TextModel note; } /** Data stack. */ private Stack<StackEntry> stack; /** * Output Stream for the current Entry. */ private OutputStream entryOut; /** Creates a new instance. */ public HTMLExporter() { } public void exportToDirectory(String documentName, DocumentModel model, File dir, ProgressObserver p) throws IOException { this.documentName = documentName; this.model = model; this.dir = dir; this.zipFile = null; this.p = p; init(); processHTMLTemplates(p); new File(dir, "applets").mkdir(); ZipOutputStream zout = new ZipOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(dir, "applets/")))); zout.setLevel(Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION); try { //model.writeXML(new PrintWriter(new File(dir, "applets/resources.xml"))); zout.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("resources.xml")); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(zout); model.writeXML(pw); pw.flush(); zout.closeEntry(); } finally { zout.close(); } p.setProgress(p.getProgress() + 1); } public void exportToZipFile(String documentName, DocumentModel model, File zipFile, ProgressObserver p) throws IOException { this.documentName = documentName; this.model = model; this.dir = null; this.zipFile = zipFile; this.p = p; zipOut = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFile))); try { } finally { zipOut.close(); } init(); processHTMLTemplates(p); } private void putNextEntry(String filename) throws IOException { if (zipOut != null) { ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(filename); zipOut.putNextEntry(entry); entryOut = zipOut; } else { File f = new File(dir, filename); if (f.exists() && f.getCanonicalFile().getName().equals(f.getName())) { // If the filename does not match, we have to delete the // file. f.delete(); } else { f.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } entryOut = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f)); } } private void closeEntry() throws IOException { if (zipOut != null) { zipOut.closeEntry(); } else { entryOut.close(); } entryOut = null; } private void init() throws IOException { // Initialize the progress observer // -------------------------------- p.setMaximum(countHTMLTemplates(p) + 1); p.setIndeterminate(false); // Determine which virtual cube kinds need to be exported virtualCubeKinds = new HashSet<CubeKind>(); for (EntityModel node : model.getCubes().getChildren()) { CubeModel cm = (CubeModel) node; virtualCubeKinds.add(cm.getKind()); } playerCubeKinds = new HashSet<CubeKind>(); for (EntityModel node : model.getCubes().getChildren()) { ScriptModel sm = (ScriptModel) node; playerCubeKinds.add(sm.getCubeModel().getKind()); } // Create unique ID's for all objects // ---------------------------------- ids = new HashMap<EntityModel, String>(); // Holds all used ID's. To prevent name collisions on // file systems, which are not case sensitive, we store // only lower-case ID's in this set. HashSet<String> usedIDs = new HashSet<String>(); for (EntityModel node : model.getRoot().preorderIterable()) { if (node instanceof InfoModel) { InfoModel im = (InfoModel) node; String baseId = toID(im.getName()); String id = baseId; for (int i = 1; usedIDs.contains(id.toLowerCase()); i++) { id = baseId + "_" + i; } usedIDs.add(id.toLowerCase()); ids.put(im, id); } } // Create top level of data on placeholder stack stack = new Stack<StackEntry>(); StackEntry entry = new StackEntry(); stack.push(entry); // Put labels DataMap data =; data.put("software.title", "CubeTwister"); data.put("software.copyright", "Copyright by Werner Randelshofer. All Rights Reserved."); data.put("software.version", Main.getVersion()); data.put("cubes.title", "Cubes"); data.put("notations.title", "Notations"); data.put("scripts.title", "Scripts"); data.put("notes.title", "Notes"); // Put information about the document data.put("", documentName); data.put("document.copyright", "Copyright by Werner Randelshofer. All Rights Reserved."); data.put("cube.count", model.getCubes().getChildCount()); data.put("notation.count", model.getNotations().getChildCount()); data.put("script.count", model.getScripts().getChildCount()); data.put("note.count", model.getTexts().getChildCount()); // Push default cube and default notation on the placeholder Stack putCubeData(model.getDefaultCube(), ""); putNotationData(model.getDefaultNotation(model.getDefaultCube().getLayerCount()), ""); } private void putCubeData(CubeModel m, String prefix) { StackEntry entry = stack.peek(); DataMap data =; entry.cube = m; data.put(prefix + "cube", ids.get(m)); data.put(prefix + "", m.getName()); data.putParameter(prefix + "cube.nameParameter", m.getName()); data.put(prefix + "cube.description", m.getDescription()); data.put(prefix + "", m.getAuthor()); data.put(prefix + "", m.getDate()); data.put(prefix + "cube.alpha", m.getIntAlpha()); data.put(prefix + "cube.beta", m.getIntBeta()); //data.put("cube.", m.getColors()); data.put(prefix + "cube.explode", m.getIntExplode()); data.put(prefix + "cube.faceCount", m.getFaceCount()); if (m.getFrontBgColor() != null) { data.put(prefix + "cube.frontBgColor", "#" + Integer.toHexString(m.getFrontBgColor().getRGB())); } //data.put("cube.", m.getFrontBgImage()); data.put(prefix + "cube.scale", m.getIntScale()); //data.put("cube.", m.getKind()); data.put(prefix + "cube.partCount", m.getPartCount()); //data.put("cube.", m.getPartFillColor()); //data.put("cube.", m.getPartOutlineColor()); //data.put("cube.", m.getParts()); if (m.getRearBgColor() != null) { data.put(prefix + "cube.rearBgColor", "#" + Integer.toHexString(m.getRearBgColor().getRGB())); } //data.put("cube.", m.getRearBgImage()); data.put(prefix + "cube.stickerCount", m.getStickerCount()); //data.put("cube.", "#"+Integer.toHexString(m.getStickerFillColor().getRGB())); //data.put("cube.", "#"+Integer.toHexString(m.getStickerOutlineColor().getRGB())); //data.put("cube.", m.getStickersImage()); data.put(prefix + "cube.kind", m.getKind().getId()); data.put(prefix + "cube.shortKind", m.getKind().getAlternativeName(1)); data.put(prefix + "cube.shorterKind", m.getKind().getAlternativeName(2)); } private void putNotationData(NotationModel m, String prefix) { StackEntry entry = stack.peek(); DataMap data =; entry.notation = m; data.put(prefix + "notation", ids.get(m)); data.put(prefix + "notation.layerCount", m.getLayerCount()); data.put(prefix + "", m.getName()); data.putParameter(prefix + "notation.nameParameter", m.getName()); data.put(prefix + "notation.description", m.getDescription()); data.put(prefix + "", m.getAuthor()); data.put(prefix + "", m.getDate()); for (Symbol s : Symbol.values()) { if (s.isTerminalSymbol()) { if (m.getAllTokens(s) == null) { data.put(prefix + "notation." + s.toString() + "", ""); } else { data.put(prefix + "notation." + s.toString() + "", m.getAllTokens(s)); } } } data.put(prefix + "notation.permutation", Boolean.toString(m.isSupported(Symbol.PERMUTATION))); data.put(prefix + "notation.grouping", Boolean.toString(m.isSupported(Symbol.GROUPING))); data.put(prefix + "notation.repetition", Boolean.toString(m.isSupported(Symbol.REPETITION))); data.put(prefix + "notation.inversion", Boolean.toString(m.isSupported(Symbol.INVERSION))); data.put(prefix + "notation.reflection", Boolean.toString(m.isSupported(Symbol.REFLECTION))); data.put(prefix + "notation.conjugation", Boolean.toString(m.isSupported(Symbol.CONJUGATION))); data.put(prefix + "notation.commutation", Boolean.toString(m.isSupported(Symbol.COMMUTATION))); data.put(prefix + "notation.rotation", Boolean.toString(m.isSupported(Symbol.ROTATION))); data.put(prefix + "notation.delimiters", Boolean.toString(m.isSupported(Symbol.DELIMITER))); data.put(prefix + "notation.comment", Boolean.toString(m.isSupported(Symbol.COMMENT))); data.put(prefix + "notation.permutationSyntax", m.getSyntax(Symbol.PERMUTATION).toString()); data.put(prefix + "notation.repetitionSyntax", m.getSyntax(Symbol.REPETITION).toString()); data.put(prefix + "notation.inversionSyntax", m.getSyntax(Symbol.INVERSION).toString()); data.put(prefix + "notation.reflectionSyntax", m.getSyntax(Symbol.REFLECTION).toString()); data.put(prefix + "notation.conjugationSyntax", m.getSyntax(Symbol.CONJUGATION).toString()); data.put(prefix + "notation.commutationSyntax", m.getSyntax(Symbol.COMMUTATION).toString()); data.put(prefix + "notation.rotationSyntax", m.getSyntax(Symbol.ROTATION).toString()); data.put(prefix + "notation.macro.count", m.getMacroModels().getChildCount()); } private void putScriptData(ScriptModel m) { StackEntry entry = stack.peek(); DataMap data =; entry.script = m; data.put("script", ids.get(m)); data.put("script.script", m.getScript()); data.putParameter("script.scriptParameter", m.getScript()); data.put("", m.getName()); data.putParameter("script.nameParameter", m.getName()); data.put("script.description", m.getDescription()); data.put("", m.getAuthor()); data.put("", m.getDate()); Cube cube = m.getCubeModel().createCube(); cube.reset(); Node parsedScript; try { parsedScript = m.getParser().parse(m.getScript()); parsedScript.applyTo(cube, false); } catch (IOException ex) { parsedScript = new SequenceNode(m.getNotationModel().getLayerCount()); } data.put("script.permutation", Cubes.toPermutationString(cube, m.getNotationModel())); data.put("script.order", Cubes.getOrder(cube)); data.put("script.visibleOrder", Cubes.getVisibleOrder(cube)); data.put("script.faceTurnCount", MoveMetrics.getFaceTurnCount(parsedScript)); data.put("script.layerTurnCount", MoveMetrics.getLayerTurnCount(parsedScript)); data.put("script.blockTurnCount", MoveMetrics.getBlockTurnCount(parsedScript)); data.put("script.quarterTurnCount", MoveMetrics.getQuarterTurnCount(parsedScript)); data.put("script.scriptType", m.isGenerator() ? "generator" : "solver"); putNotationData(m.getNotationModel(), "script."); putCubeData(m.getCubeModel(), "script."); } private void putNoteData(TextModel m) { StackEntry entry = stack.peek(); DataMap data =; entry.note = m; data.put("note", ids.get(m)); data.put("", m.getName()); data.put("note.description", m.getDescription()); data.put("", m.getAuthor()); data.put("", m.getDate()); } private void processHTMLTemplates(ProgressObserver p) throws IOException { TarInputStream tin = null; try { InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/");; // skip header chars;; tin = new TarInputStream(new BZip2CompressorInputStream(in)); for (TarArchiveEntry entry = tin.getNextEntry(); entry != null && !p.isCanceled();) { if (entry.isDirectory()) { //System.out.println("dir:" + entry.getName()); } else { //System.out.println("file:"+entry.getName()); String name = entry.getName(); if (name.indexOf("${cube}") != -1) { processCubeTemplate(name, toTokens(name, tin)); } else if (name.indexOf("${notation}") != -1) { processNotationTemplate(name, toTokens(name, tin)); } else if (name.indexOf("${script}") != -1) { processScriptTemplate(name, toTokens(name, tin)); } else if (name.indexOf("${note}") != -1) { processNoteTemplate(name, toTokens(name, tin)); } else if (name.endsWith(".html")) { processHTMLTemplate(name, toTokens(name, tin)); } else if (name.endsWith(".jar.pack.gz")) { processPack200Template(name, tin); } else { processBinaryTemplate(name, tin); } } entry = tin.getNextEntry(); } } finally { if (tin != null) { tin.close(); } } } private int countHTMLTemplates(ProgressObserver p) throws IOException { int count = 0; HashSet<CubeKind> cubeKinds = new HashSet<CubeKind>(); EntityModel dmtn = model.getChild(model.getRoot(), DocumentModel.CUBE_INDEX); for (EntityModel node : dmtn.getChildren()) { CubeModel cm = (CubeModel) node; cubeKinds.add(cm.getKind()); } int cubeCount = dmtn.getChildCount(); dmtn = model.getChild(model.getRoot(), DocumentModel.NOTATION_INDEX); int notationCount = dmtn.getChildCount(); dmtn = model.getChild(model.getRoot(), DocumentModel.SCRIPT_INDEX); int scriptCount = dmtn.getChildCount(); dmtn = model.getChild(model.getRoot(), DocumentModel.TEXT_INDEX); int textCount = dmtn.getChildCount(); TarInputStream tin = null; try { InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/");; // skip header chars;; tin = new TarInputStream(new BZip2CompressorInputStream(in)); for (TarArchiveEntry entry = tin.getNextEntry(); entry != null && !p.isCanceled();) { if (entry.isDirectory()) { //System.out.println("dir:" + entry.getName()); } else { //System.out.println("file:"+entry.getName()); String name = entry.getName(); if (name.indexOf("${cube}") != -1) { count += cubeCount; } else if (name.indexOf("${notation}") != -1) { count += notationCount; } else if (name.indexOf("${script}") != -1) { count += scriptCount; } else if (name.indexOf("${note}") != -1) { count += textCount; } else if (name.endsWith(".html")) { count++; } else if (name.endsWith(".jar.pack.gz")) { count++; } else { count++; } } entry = tin.getNextEntry(); } } finally { if (tin != null) { tin.close(); } } return count; } /** * Reads the content of the input stream into a list of token. * If a token start with "${", its a placeholder. * If a token doesn't start with "${" its a literal text. */ private String[] toTokens(String filename, InputStream in) throws IOException { InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF8"); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); char[] cbuf = new char[256]; int len; while (-1 != (len =, 0, cbuf.length))) { buf.append(cbuf, 0, len); } int p1 = 0; int p2 = 0; LinkedList<String> tokens = new LinkedList<String>(); while (true) { p1 = buf.indexOf("${", p2); if (p1 == -1) { break; } tokens.add(buf.substring(p2, p1)); p2 = buf.indexOf("}", p1 + 2); if (p2 == -1) { throw new IOException("Closing curly bracket missing in " + filename + " after position " + p1); } p2++; tokens.add(buf.substring(p1, p2)); } if (p2 != buf.length()) { tokens.add(buf.substring(p2)); } return tokens.toArray(new String[tokens.size()]); } /** * Processes a cube template. * * @param filenameTemplate The template for the filenameTemplate. It must contain * the substring ${cube} * @param tokens An input stream for reading the contents of the template. */ private void processCubeTemplate(String filenameTemplate, String[] tokens) throws IOException { String placeholder = "${cube}"; int plh = filenameTemplate.indexOf(placeholder); String filenamePrefix = (plh == 0) ? "" : filenameTemplate.substring(0, plh); String filenameSuffix = (plh >= filenameTemplate.length() - placeholder.length()) ? "" : filenameTemplate.substring(plh + placeholder.length()); for (EntityModel node : model.getCubes().getChildren()) { p.setProgress(p.getProgress() + 1); CubeModel m = (CubeModel) node; stack.push(new StackEntry()); putCubeData(m, ""); p.setNote("Exporting " + ids.get(m) + filenameSuffix + " ..."); putNextEntry(filenamePrefix + ids.get(m) + filenameSuffix); Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(entryOut, "UTF8"); writeData(w, tokens, 0, tokens.length); w.flush(); stack.pop(); closeEntry(); } } /** * Converts a String, so that it only contains lower case ASCII characters. */ private String toID(String str) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { char ch = Character.toLowerCase(str.charAt(i)); if (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(ch)) { buf.append(ch); } else if (Character.isWhitespace(ch)) { buf.append('_'); } } return buf.toString(); } /** * Processes a notation template. * * @param filenameTemplate The filenameTemplate of the template. The filenameTemplate must contain the substring * ${notation} * @param tokens An input stream for reading the contents of the template. */ private void processNotationTemplate(String filenameTemplate, String[] tokens) throws IOException { String placeholder = "${notation}"; int plh = filenameTemplate.indexOf(placeholder); String filenamePrefix = (plh == 0) ? "" : filenameTemplate.substring(0, plh); String filenameSuffix = (plh >= filenameTemplate.length() - placeholder.length()) ? "" : filenameTemplate.substring(plh + placeholder.length()); for (EntityModel node : model.getNotations().getChildren()) { p.setProgress(p.getProgress() + 1); NotationModel m = (NotationModel) node; stack.push(new StackEntry()); putNotationData(m, ""); p.setNote("Exporting " + ids.get(m) + filenameSuffix + " ..."); putNextEntry(filenamePrefix + ids.get(m) + filenameSuffix); Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(entryOut, "UTF8"); writeData(w, tokens, 0, tokens.length); w.flush(); stack.pop(); closeEntry(); } } /** * Processes a script template. * * @param filename The filename of the template. The filename must contain the substring * ${script} * @param tokens An input stream for reading the contents of the template. */ private void processScriptTemplate(String filename, String[] tokens) throws IOException { String placeholder = "${script}"; int plh = filename.indexOf(placeholder); String filenamePrefix = (plh == 0) ? "" : filename.substring(0, plh); String filenameSuffix = (plh >= filename.length() - placeholder.length()) ? "" : filename.substring(plh + placeholder.length()); for (EntityModel node : model.getScripts().getChildren()) { p.setProgress(p.getProgress() + 1); ScriptModel m = (ScriptModel) node; stack.push(new StackEntry()); putScriptData(m); p.setNote("Exporting " + ids.get(m) + filenameSuffix + " ..."); putNextEntry(filenamePrefix + ids.get(m) + filenameSuffix); Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(entryOut, "UTF8"); writeData(w, tokens, 0, tokens.length); w.flush(); closeEntry(); stack.pop(); } } /** * Processes a note template. * * @param filename The filename of the template. The filename must contain the substring * ${note} * @param tokens An input stream for reading the contents of the template. */ private void processNoteTemplate(String filename, String[] tokens) throws IOException { String placeholder = "${note}"; int plh = filename.indexOf(placeholder); String filenamePrefix = (plh == 0) ? "" : filename.substring(0, plh); String filenameSuffix = (plh >= filename.length() - placeholder.length()) ? "" : filename.substring(plh + placeholder.length()); for (EntityModel node : model.getTexts().getChildren()) { p.setProgress(p.getProgress() + 1); TextModel m = (TextModel) node; stack.push(new StackEntry()); putNoteData(m); p.setNote("Exporting " + ids.get(m) + filenameSuffix + " ..."); putNextEntry(filenamePrefix + ids.get(m) + filenameSuffix); Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(entryOut, "UTF8"); writeData(w, tokens, 0, tokens.length); w.flush(); closeEntry(); stack.pop(); } } /** * Processes a HTML template. * * @param filename The filename of the template. * @param tokens An input stream for reading the contents of the template. */ private void processHTMLTemplate(String filename, String[] tokens) throws IOException { p.setProgress(p.getProgress() + 1); putNextEntry(filename); Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(entryOut, "UTF-8"); writeData(w, tokens, 0, tokens.length); w.flush(); closeEntry(); } private String getValue(String placeholder) { for (int i = stack.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { HashMap<String, String> m = stack.get(i).data; if (m.containsKey(placeholder)) { return m.get(placeholder); } } return "-" + placeholder + "-"; } private CubeModel getCurrentCube() { for (int i = stack.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (stack.get(i).cube != null) { return stack.get(i).cube; } } return null; } private NotationModel getCurrentNotation() { for (int i = stack.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (stack.get(i).notation != null) { return stack.get(i).notation; } } return null; } private ScriptModel getCurrentScript() { for (int i = stack.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (stack.get(i).script != null) { return stack.get(i).script; } } return null; } private TextModel getCurrentNote() { for (int i = stack.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (stack.get(i).note != null) { return stack.get(i).note; } } return null; } private void writeData(Writer w, String[] tokens, int start, int end) throws IOException { for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { String t = tokens[i]; if (t.startsWith("${")) { if (t.startsWith("${FOR ")) { i = writeForeachBlock(w, tokens, i); } else if (t.startsWith("${IF ")) { i = writeConditionalBlock(w, tokens, i); } else { w.write(getValue(t.substring(2, t.length() - 1))); } } else { w.write(t); } } } /** * Writes a block of data for each occurence of the specified object placeholder. * The block starts with a ${FOR placeholder} token and ends with a * ${ENDFOR placeholder} token, or a ${ENDFOR} token.. * * @param w The Writer into which we write the output of the block. * @param tokens An array with tokens * @param start The index of the token which contains the * ${BEGIN placeholder} token. * @return Returns the index of the token which contains the * ${END placeholder} token. */ private int writeForeachBlock(Writer w, String[] tokens, int start) throws IOException { // Search end token String endToken = "${FOR" + tokens[start].substring("${FOR ".length()); int depth = 0; int end; for (end = start; end < tokens.length; end++) { String t = tokens[end]; if (t.startsWith("${FOR ")) { depth++; } if (t.startsWith("${ENDFOR ") || t.equals("${ENDFOR}")) { depth--; if (depth == 0 /*&& t.equals(endToken)*/) { break; } } } // Write block String placeholder = tokens[start].substring("${FOR ".length(), tokens[start].length() - 1).trim(); if ("cube".equals(placeholder)) { for (EntityModel node : model.getCubes().getChildren()) { CubeModel m = (CubeModel) node; stack.push(new StackEntry()); putCubeData(m, ""); writeData(w, tokens, start + 1, end); stack.pop(); } } else if ("notation".equals(placeholder)) { for (EntityModel node : model.getNotations().getChildren()) { NotationModel m = (NotationModel) node; stack.push(new StackEntry()); putNotationData(m, ""); writeData(w, tokens, start + 1, end); stack.pop(); } } else if ("notation.movelayer".equals(placeholder)) { NotationModel m = getCurrentNotation(); if (m != null) { NotationMovesTableModel table = new NotationMovesTableModel(); table.setModel(m); for (int i = 0; i < table.getRowCount(); i++) { if (table.getValueAt(i, 0) == Boolean.TRUE) { stack.push(new StackEntry()); HashMap<String, String> data = stack.peek().data; data.put("notation.move.layersymbol", table.getValueAt(i, 1).toString()); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int layerIndex = 1; for (char ch : table.getValueAt(i, 1).toString().toCharArray()) { if (ch == '\u25cf') { if (buf.length() != 0) { buf.append(','); } buf.append(Integer.toString(layerIndex)); } layerIndex++; } data.put("notation.move.layers", buf.toString()); data.put("notation.move.angle", table.getValueAt(i, 2).toString()); data.put("notation.move.right", table.getValueAt(i, 3).toString()); data.put("notation.move.up", table.getValueAt(i, 4).toString()); data.put("notation.move.front", table.getValueAt(i, 5).toString()); data.put("notation.move.left", table.getValueAt(i, 6).toString()); data.put("notation.move.down", table.getValueAt(i, 7).toString()); data.put("notation.move.back", table.getValueAt(i, 8).toString()); writeData(w, tokens, start + 1, end); stack.pop(); } } } } else if ("notation.macro".equals(placeholder)) { NotationModel m = getCurrentNotation(); if (m != null) { for (EntityModel child : m.getMacroModels().getChildren()) { MacroModel mm = (MacroModel) child; stack.push(new StackEntry()); HashMap<String, String> data = stack.peek().data; data.put("", mm.getName()); data.put("notation.macro.identifier", mm.getIdentifier()); data.put("notation.macro.script", mm.getScript()); data.put("notation.macro.description", mm.getDescription()); data.put("", mm.getDate()); data.put("", mm.getAuthor()); writeData(w, tokens, start + 1, end); stack.pop(); } } } else if ("script".equals(placeholder)) { for (EntityModel child : model.getScripts().getChildren()) { ScriptModel m = (ScriptModel) child; stack.push(new StackEntry()); putScriptData(m); writeData(w, tokens, start + 1, end); stack.pop(); } } else if ("script.macro".equals(placeholder)) { ScriptModel m = getCurrentScript(); if (m != null) { for (EntityModel child : m.getMacroModels().getChildren()) { MacroModel mm = (MacroModel) child; stack.push(new StackEntry()); HashMap<String, String> data = stack.peek().data; data.put("", mm.getName()); data.put("script.macro.identifier", mm.getIdentifier()); data.put("script.macro.script", mm.getScript()); data.put("script.macro.description", mm.getDescription()); data.put("", mm.getDate()); data.put("", mm.getAuthor()); writeData(w, tokens, start + 1, end); stack.pop(); } } } else if ("note".equals(placeholder)) { for (EntityModel child : model.getTexts().getChildren()) { TextModel m = (TextModel) child; stack.push(new StackEntry()); putNoteData(m); writeData(w, tokens, start + 1, end); stack.pop(); } } return end; } /** * Writes a conditional block of data, if the specified value1 is met. * * The block starts with a ${IF placeholder}, ${IF value1=value2}, or * ${IF value1!=value2}. If value1 or value2 is enclosed in double quotes, * the value is treated as a literal value. If the value is not enclosed * in double quotes, the value is treated as a placeholder. * The block ends with ${ENDIF} or ${ENDIF placeholder}. * The block can contain ${ELSE} or ${ELSE placeholder}. * * @param w The Writer into which we write the output of the block. * @param tokens An array with tokens * @param start The index of the token which contains the ${IF ...} token. * @return Returns the index of the token which contains the ${ENDIF} token. */ private int writeConditionalBlock(Writer w, String[] tokens, int start) throws IOException { // Search end token int depth = 0; int end; int elseblock = -1; for (end = start; end < tokens.length; end++) { String t = tokens[end]; if (t.startsWith("${IF ")) { depth++; } else if (t.startsWith("${ENDIF ") || t.equals("${ENDIF}")) { depth--; if (depth == 0) { break; } } else if (t.startsWith("${ELSE ") || t.equals("${ELSE}")) { if (depth == 0) { elseblock = end; } } } // Write block String expression = tokens[start].substring("${IF ".length(), tokens[start].length() - 1); char operator; String value1; String value2; int pos; if (-1 != (pos = expression.indexOf("!="))) { operator = '!'; value1 = expression.substring(0, pos); value2 = expression.substring(pos + 2); } else if (-1 != (pos = expression.indexOf('='))) { operator = '='; value1 = expression.substring(0, pos); value2 = expression.substring(pos + 1); } else { operator = '='; value2 = "\"true\""; value1 = expression; } value1 = value1.trim(); value2 = value2.trim(); if (value1.startsWith("\"")) { value1 = value1.substring(1, value1.length() - 1); } else if (!value1.matches("^[0-9]+$")) { value1 = getValue(value1); } if (value2.startsWith("\"")) { value2 = value2.substring(1, value2.length() - 1); } else if (!value2.matches("^[0-9]+$")) { value2 = getValue(value2); } if (value1 == null || value2 == null) { w.write("-" + tokens[start] + "-"); } else if (value1.equals(value2) ^ operator == '!') { writeData(w, tokens, start + 1, end); } else if (elseblock != -1) { writeData(w, tokens, elseblock + 1, end); } return end; } /** * Processes a binary template. * * @param filename The name of the template. * @param in An input stream for reading the contents of the template. */ private void processBinaryTemplate(String filename, InputStream in) throws IOException { p.setProgress(p.getProgress() + 1); putNextEntry(filename); byte[] buf = new byte[256]; int len; while (-1 != (len =, 0, buf.length))) { entryOut.write(buf, 0, len); } closeEntry(); } /** * Processes a pack200 template, by writing it both as a pack200 file and * a Jar file to the output stream. * * @param filename The name of the template. Must end with ".jar.pack.gz". * @param in An input stream for reading the contents of the template. */ private void processPack200Template(String filename, InputStream in) throws IOException { p.setNote("Exporting " + filename + " ..."); p.setProgress(p.getProgress() + 1); // Determine whether we can skip this file boolean skip = true; int pos1 = filename.lastIndexOf('/'); int pos2 = filename.lastIndexOf("Player.jar.pack.gz"); if (pos2 != -1) { for (CubeKind ck : playerCubeKinds) { if (ck.isNameOfKind(filename.substring(pos1 + 1, pos2))) { skip = false; break; } } if (skip) for (CubeKind ck : virtualCubeKinds) { if (ck.isNameOfKind(filename.substring(pos1 + 1, pos2))) { skip = false; break; } } } if (skip) { pos1 = filename.lastIndexOf("Virtual"); pos2 = filename.lastIndexOf(".jar.pack.gz"); if (pos2 != -1) { for (CubeKind ck : virtualCubeKinds) { if (ck.isNameOfKind(filename.substring(pos1 + 7, pos2))) { skip = false; break; } } } } if (skip) { return; } byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int len; // Write the pack200 file into the output and into a temporary buffer putNextEntry(filename); ByteArrayOutputStream tmp = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); while (-1 != (len =, 0, buf.length))) { tmp.write(buf, 0, len); entryOut.write(buf, 0, len); } closeEntry(); tmp.close(); // Uncompress the pack200 file from the temporary buffer into the output putNextEntry(filename.substring(0, filename.length() - 8)); InputStream itmp = new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(tmp.toByteArray())); JarOutputStream jout = new JarOutputStream(entryOut); jout.setLevel(Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION); Unpacker unpacker = Pack200.newUnpacker(); unpacker.unpack(itmp, jout); jout.finish(); closeEntry(); } }