Java tutorial
package ch.qos.logback.audit.client; import ch.qos.logback.audit.Application; import ch.qos.logback.audit.AuditException; import ch.qos.logback.audit.client.joran.JoranConfigurator; import ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.JoranException; import ch.qos.logback.core.status.Status; import ch.qos.logback.core.status.StatusManager; import ch.qos.logback.core.status.StatusUtil; import ch.qos.logback.core.util.Loader; import ch.qos.logback.core.util.OptionHelper; import ch.qos.logback.core.util.StatusPrinter; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * Logback: the reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework. * Copyright (C) 2006-2011, All rights reserved. * <p> * This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under * either the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by * the Eclipse Foundation * <p> * or (per the licensee's choosing) * <p> * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * NOTE: * This class is a modified version of {@link ch.qos.logback.audit.client.AuditorFactory} * to improve configuration support for host and port. The client services * can use {@link ImprovedAuditorFactory#setApplicationNameWithHostAndPort(String, String, int)} * to initialize the audit service client without providing an XML configuration file. */ public class ImprovedAuditorFactory { static final public String AUTOCONFIG_FILE_PROPERTY = "logback.audit.autoconfig.file"; static final public String NULL_CLIENT_APPLICATON_URL = ""; static final public String NULL_AUDIT_APPENDER_URL = ""; static final String DEFAULT_AUDITOR_NAME = "default"; static final String AUTOCONFIG_FILE = "logback-audit.xml"; static final String TEST_AUTOCONFIG_FILE = "logback-audit-test.xml"; static String host = null; static int port = 0; static Auditor defaultAuditor; static Application clientApplication; static void checkSanity(Auditor auditor) throws AuditException { StatusManager sm = auditor.getStatusManager(); if (getHighestLevel(0, sm) > Status.INFO) { StatusPrinter.print(sm); } if (auditor.getClientApplication() == null) { throw new AuditException("Client application has not been set"); } if (auditor.getAuditAppender() == null) { throw new AuditException("No audit appender. Please see " + NULL_AUDIT_APPENDER_URL); } } public static int getHighestLevel(long threshold, StatusManager sm) { List filteredList = StatusUtil.filterStatusListByTimeThreshold(sm.getCopyOfStatusList(), threshold); int maxLevel = 0; Iterator i$ = filteredList.iterator(); while (i$.hasNext()) { Status s = (Status) i$.next(); if (s.getLevel() > maxLevel) { maxLevel = s.getLevel(); } } return maxLevel; } public static void setApplicationName(String name) throws AuditException { if (clientApplication != null && clientApplication.getName().equals(name)) { // don't configure again return; } if (clientApplication != null && !clientApplication.getName().equals(name)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Application name " + clientApplication.getName() + " once set cannot be renamed."); } if (OptionHelper.isEmpty(name)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Application name cannot be null or empty"); } else { //"Naming client application as [" + name + "]"); } try { InetAddress address = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); String fqdn = address.getCanonicalHostName(); // logger("Client application host is ["+fqdn+"]."); Application aplication = new Application(name, fqdn); // all is nice and dandy clientApplication = aplication; } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to determine the hostname for this host", e); } // defaultAuditor.close(); defaultAuditor = new Auditor(); defaultAuditor.setClientApplication(clientApplication); defaultAuditor.setName(DEFAULT_AUDITOR_NAME); autoConfig(defaultAuditor); checkSanity(defaultAuditor); AuditorFactory.defaultAuditor = defaultAuditor; } public static void setApplicationNameWithHostAndPort(String name, String host, int port) throws AuditException { = host; ImprovedAuditorFactory.port = port; setApplicationName(name); } /** * Get the default auditor. If it has not been previously configured, this * method will also configure the default auditor. In case of problems, this * method may throw an exception. * * @return * @throws AuditException */ public static Auditor getAuditor() { return defaultAuditor; } public static void autoConfig(Auditor auditor) throws AuditException { ClassLoader tccl = Loader.getTCL(); autoConfig(auditor, tccl); } public static void configureByResource(Auditor auditor, URL url) throws AuditException { if (url == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("URL argument cannot be null"); } JoranConfigurator configurator = new JoranConfigurator(); configurator.setContext(auditor); try { configurator.doConfigure(url); } catch (JoranException e) { throw new AuditException("Configuration failure in " + url, e); } } public static void configureByInputStream(Auditor auditor, InputStream inputStream) throws AuditException { if (inputStream == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("URL argument cannot be null"); } JoranConfigurator configurator = new JoranConfigurator(); configurator.setContext(auditor); try { configurator.doConfigure(inputStream); } catch (JoranException e) { throw new AuditException("Configuration failure in " + inputStream, e); } } public static void autoConfig(Auditor auditor, ClassLoader classLoader) throws AuditException { String autoConfigFileByProperty = System.getProperty(AUTOCONFIG_FILE_PROPERTY); String pathPrefix = clientApplication.getName() + "/"; URL url = null; InputStream inputStream = null; if (StringUtils.hasText(host) && port > 0) { final byte[] bytes = new StringBuilder().append( "<auditor><appender name=\"server\" class=\"\"><remoteHost>") .append(host).append("</remoteHost><port>").append(port).append("</port></appender></auditor>") .toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); } else if (autoConfigFileByProperty != null) { url = Loader.getResource(pathPrefix + autoConfigFileByProperty, classLoader); } else { url = Loader.getResource(pathPrefix + TEST_AUTOCONFIG_FILE, classLoader); if (url == null) { url = Loader.getResource(pathPrefix + AUTOCONFIG_FILE, classLoader); } } if (inputStream != null) { configureByInputStream(auditor, inputStream); try { inputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new AuditException("Failed loading configuration file from input stream: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } else if (url != null) { configureByResource(auditor, url); } else { String errMsg; if (autoConfigFileByProperty != null) { errMsg = "Failed to find configuration file [" + pathPrefix + autoConfigFileByProperty + "]."; } else { errMsg = "Failed to find logback-audit configuration files [" + pathPrefix + TEST_AUTOCONFIG_FILE + "] or [" + pathPrefix + AUTOCONFIG_FILE + "]."; } throw new AuditException(errMsg); } } static public void reset() { clientApplication = null; if (defaultAuditor != null) { defaultAuditor.shutdown(); } defaultAuditor = null; } }