Java tutorial
/** OsciPrime an Open Source Android Oscilloscope Copyright (C) 2012 Manuel Di Cerbo, Nexus-Computing GmbH Switzerland Copyright (C) 2012 Andreas Rudolf, Nexus-Computing GmbH Switzerland This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Message; import android.os.Messenger; import android.os.RemoteException; import; import android.widget.Toast; public class OsciPrimeService extends Service implements IServiceSinkInterface { private OsciPrimeApplication mApplication; private static final int NOTIFICATION_ID = 1337; protected static final int RUNNING = 0; protected static final int IDLE = 1; protected static final int TERMINATING = 2; protected static final int REGISTER = 1; protected static final int START = 2; protected static final int STOP = 3; protected static final int RESAMPLE = 4; protected static final int ATTENUATION_CHANGED = 5; protected static final int CALIBRATE = 6; protected static final int START_SINK = 7; protected static final int STOP_SINK = 8; private static Notification sNotification = new Notification(); private int mStartId; private int mState = IDLE; private AtomicBoolean mCalibrateNextTime = new AtomicBoolean(false); private Messenger mActivityMessenger; private final Messenger mServiceMessenger = new Messenger(new Handler() { public void handleMessage(android.os.Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case REGISTER: mActivityMessenger = msg.replyTo; status(); break; case START: if (mState != RUNNING) { mState = RUNNING; } else { L.e("start called while already running, abort..."); return; } L.d("allocating some memory"); //this is for a later update //Logger.allocate(); status(); start(); attenuationChanged(); break; case STOP: if (mState == TERMINATING) return; mState = TERMINATING; stop(); break; case RESAMPLE: if (msg.arg1 == -1) resample(); else { resample(msg.arg1);//trigger index in msg.arg1 } break; case ATTENUATION_CHANGED: attenuationChanged(); if (mCurrentSource != null) { mCurrentSource.attenuationChanged(mApplication); } resample(); break; case CALIBRATE: mCalibrateNextTime.set(true); if (mNetworkSink != null) mNetworkSink.calibrate(); break; case START_SINK: L.d("starting nw sink"); mApplication.pNetworkSinkSate = OsciPrimeApplication.NETWORK_SINK_DISCONNECTED; if (mNetworkSink == null) { mNetworkSink = new NetworkSink(mApplication, OsciPrimeService.this); } break; case STOP_SINK: L.d("stopping nw sink"); if (mNetworkSink != null && mApplication.pNetworkSinkSate != OsciPrimeApplication.NETWORK_SINK_DISABLED) { mNetworkSink.stop(); mNetworkSink = null; mApplication.pNetworkSinkSate = OsciPrimeApplication.NETWORK_SINK_DISABLED; } break; default: break; } }; }); private void status() { try { mActivityMessenger.send(Message.obtain(null, OsciPrimeICSActivity.STATUS, mState, -1)); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private NetworkSink mNetworkSink; public void onCreate() { mApplication = (OsciPrimeApplication) getApplicationContext(); }; private float[] CH1_CALIBRATION = new float[4]; private float[] CH2_CALIBRATION = new float[4]; private int mLastSettingWhileRunningCh1 = 0; private int mLastSettingWhileRunningCh2 = 0; /** * IMPORTANT!!! The attenuation is only saved to preferences if the source * is running. Maybe also deny the user access to the calibration bars while * the scope is idle.. * * So this method deals with changing the attenuation (setting the voltage * divisions accordingly as well ass the attenuation values). Now if the USB * scope is idle, hardware attenuation will not take place. This is why a * correction factor for the attenuation has to be accounted for, depending * on the attenuation on measurement and the currently active attenuation * setting. * * the factor is : f = l * dl/dc * * l = attenuation of setting of measurement, dl = voltage division of * measured setting dc = voltage division of current setting * */ @Override public void attenuationChanged() { if (mCurrentSource != null) { mApplication.pVoltageDivCh1 = mCurrentSource.getVoltageDivsion(OsciPrimeApplication.CH1, mApplication.pAttenuationSettingCh1); mApplication.pVoltageDivCh2 = mCurrentSource.getVoltageDivsion(OsciPrimeApplication.CH1, mApplication.pAttenuationSettingCh2); /** load attenuation values **/ if (mState == RUNNING) { mLastSettingWhileRunningCh1 = mApplication.pAttenuationSettingCh1; mLastSettingWhileRunningCh2 = mApplication.pAttenuationSettingCh2; mApplication.pRunningAttenuationCh1 = mApplication.pAttenuationSettingCh1; mApplication.pRunningAttenuationCh2 = mApplication.pAttenuationSettingCh2; } else { int ch = OsciPrimeApplication.CH1; float l = mApplication.getActiveCalibration() .getCh1AttenuationValues()[mLastSettingWhileRunningCh1]; float dl = mCurrentSource.getVoltageDivsion(ch, mLastSettingWhileRunningCh1); float dc = mCurrentSource.getVoltageDivsion(ch, mApplication.pAttenuationSettingCh1); L.d(String.format("lcal %f, ldiv %f, cdiv %f", l, dl, dc)); float fact = l * dl / dc; mApplication.getActiveCalibration() .getCh1AttenuationValues()[mApplication.pAttenuationSettingCh1] = fact; ch = OsciPrimeApplication.CH2; l = mApplication.getActiveCalibration().getCh2AttenuationValues()[mLastSettingWhileRunningCh2]; dl = mCurrentSource.getVoltageDivsion(ch, mLastSettingWhileRunningCh2); dc = mCurrentSource.getVoltageDivsion(ch, mApplication.pAttenuationSettingCh2); fact = l * dl / dc; mApplication.getActiveCalibration() .getCh2AttenuationValues()[mApplication.pAttenuationSettingCh2] = fact; } } } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return mServiceMessenger.getBinder(); } protected void stop() { // by setting mState to IDLE the source will get that it should // terminate and inform the activity on // the next chance //recycle preview cache if (mState != IDLE) BufferPreview.recycle(); mCurrentSource.forceStop(); if (mCurrentSource != null) { mApplication.saveCurrentCalibration(); } } private Source mCurrentSource; protected void start() { if (mCurrentSource != null) {//don't save if no source was active, will override stuff we don't want to mApplication.saveCurrentCalibration(); } if (mApplication.pActiveSource == SourceType.AUDIO) { mCurrentSource = new OsciAudioSource(this, mApplication); notifyService(); } else if (mApplication.pActiveSource == SourceType.USB) { try { notifyService(); mCurrentSource = new OsciUsbSource(this, mApplication); } catch (VerifyError e) { Toast.makeText(this, "unable to initialize USB source", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); mCurrentSource = null; terminateAndClean(); } } else if (mApplication.pActiveSource == SourceType.NETWORK) { if (sNetworkSource == null) { sNetworkSource = new NetworkSource(mApplication, this); } mCurrentSource = sNetworkSource; sNetworkSource.start(); } if (mCurrentSource != null) { mApplication.sourceChanged(mCurrentSource); mApplication.pResolutionInBits = mCurrentSource.getResolutionInBits(); } } private static NetworkSource sNetworkSource; private void notifyService() { NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); Intent ni = new Intent(this, OsciPrimeICSActivity.class); ni.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, ni, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); // Bitmap tmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), // R.drawable.notification); // sNotification.contentIntent = pi; // sNotification.flags = Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT; // sNotification.icon = R.drawable.notification; // sNotification.setLatestEventInfo(this, "OsciPrime", // "Collecting Data", // pi); NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this); builder.setContentIntent(pi).setSmallIcon(R.drawable.notification).setTicker("Collecting Data") .setOngoing(true).setWhen(System.currentTimeMillis()).setAutoCancel(false) .setContentTitle("OsciPrime").setContentText("Collecting Data"); sNotification = builder.getNotification(); nm.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, sNotification); } @Override public boolean onUnbind(Intent intent) { if (mState == RUNNING || mState == TERMINATING) { return true; } if (mApplication.pKillService) stopSelf(mStartId); return true; } public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { this.mStartId = startId; startForeground(NOTIFICATION_ID, sNotification); return START_STICKY;// run even after unbind if necessary } private Thread mExportThread; private void resample() { if (mCurrentSource != null) { // boolean retrigger = // mApplication.pTriggerAdjusted.compareAndSet(true, false); mCurrentSource.resample(true); } } private void resample(int index) { if (mCurrentSource != null) { mCurrentSource.resample(true, index); } } /** CALLED BY THE SOURCE **/ int dbgcnt = 0; private boolean mWasSingleShot = false; @Override public void onSourceSamples(int[] ch1, int[] ch2, int[] previewCh1, int[] previewCh2, int len, int found, float offch1, float offch2) { if (mCalibrateNextTime.get()) { L.d("calibrating"); mApplication.getActiveCalibration().getCh1Offsets()[mApplication.pAttenuationSettingCh1] = offch1; mApplication.getActiveCalibration().getCh2Offsets()[mApplication.pAttenuationSettingCh2] = offch2; } mCalibrateNextTime.set(false); mApplication.copyData(ch1, ch2, previewCh1, previewCh2, found); if (mNetworkSink != null) { mNetworkSink.onSamples(ch1, ch2, found); } if (mApplication.pMode == OsciPrimeApplication.MODE_SINGLESHOT && found >= 0) { if (mState == RUNNING)// resample? mState = TERMINATING;// like when STOP message is received by // the // messenger stop(); } if (mActivityMessenger != null) { try { mActivityMessenger.send(Message.obtain(null, OsciPrimeICSActivity.SAMPLES)); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Stats.stat(mApplication); } @Override public void onError() { terminateAndClean(); } @Override public OsciPrimeApplication getContext() { return this.mApplication; } @Override public boolean stopNow() { // called from the source when it is ready to quit ... so here we // quit... if (mState == TERMINATING || mState == IDLE) { L.d("stopNow called, source should be stoping ..."); terminateAndClean(); return true; } else return false; } @Override public boolean isRunning() { return mState == RUNNING; } /** switch state to idle **/ private void terminateAndClean() { NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); sNotification = new Notification(); nm.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, sNotification); mState = IDLE; status(); } public static native int nativeTrigger(int[] arr, int len, int tr, boolean edge, int singleshot); public static native int nativeTriggerBuffer(ByteBuffer arr, int len, int tr, boolean edge); public static native void nativeInterleave(int[] arr, int buflen, int destlen, int trigger, int nthVal, int[] intBuffer, int[] bufferPreview, int previewLen); public static native void nativeInterleaveBuffer(ByteBuffer arr, int buflen, int[] dest, int destlen, int trigger, int nthVal); static { System.loadLibrary("trigger"); } @Override public void startSampling() { try { mServiceMessenger.send(Message.obtain(null, START)); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void stopSampling() { try { mServiceMessenger.send(Message.obtain(null, STOP)); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void calibrateNextTime() { mCalibrateNextTime.set(true); } public void doResample() { resample(); } @Override public void sinkTerminated() { mApplication.pNetworkSinkSate = OsciPrimeApplication.NETWORK_SINK_DISABLED; } @Override public void clientConnected() { mApplication.pNetworkSinkSate = OsciPrimeApplication.NETWORK_SINK_CONNECTED; status(); } @Override public void clientDisconnected() { mApplication.pNetworkSinkSate = OsciPrimeApplication.NETWORK_SINK_DISCONNECTED; status(); } }