Java tutorial
/* == KOST-Simy ================================================================================= * The KOST-Simy application is used for Compare Image-Files. Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Claire * Rthlisberger (KOST-CECO) * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * KOST-Simy is a development of the KOST-CECO. All rights rest with the KOST-CECO. This application * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. This application is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the follow GNU General Public License for more details. You should * have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA or * see <>. * ============================================================================================== */ package; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** Vergleicht die beiden Bilder mit ImageMagick Compare und wertet das Resultat aus * * @author Rc Claire Rthlisberger, KOST-CECO */ public class CompareImageModuleImpl extends ComparisonModuleImpl implements CompareImageModule { public static String NEWLINE = System.getProperty("line.separator"); private ConfigurationService configurationService; public ConfigurationService getConfigurationService() { return configurationService; } public void setConfigurationService(ConfigurationService configurationService) { this.configurationService = configurationService; } @Override public boolean validate(File origDatei, File repDatei, File directoryOfLogfile) throws CompareImageException { boolean isValid = true; // boolean isValidFailed = false; boolean compResult = false; int allInt = 0; boolean allNoInt = false; String allStr = ""; String imToleranceTxt = getConfigurationService().getImTolerance(); String imTolerance = "5%"; float percentageInvalid = 99.9999f; /* Nicht vergessen in "src/main/resources/config/applicationContext-services.xml" beim * entsprechenden Modul die property anzugeben: <property name="configurationService" * ref="configurationService" /> */ /* Initialisierung ImageMagick -> berprfen der Angaben: existiert die compare.exe, * msvcp120.dll, msvcr120.dll, vcomp120.dll am vorgegebenen Ort? */ String compareExe = "compare.exe"; String msvcp120Dll = "msvcp120.dll"; String msvcr120Dll = "msvcr120.dll"; String vcomp120Dll = "vcomp120.dll"; String im = "resources" + File.separator + "ImageMagickCompare-6.9.1-Q16"; boolean imExist = true; File fCompareExe = new File(im + File.separator + compareExe); if (!fCompareExe.exists()) { // Compare.exe von ImageMagick existiert nicht, kein Vergleich --> Abbruch getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_IMCMP_MISSING, compareExe)); imExist = false; } File fMsvcp120Dll = new File(im + File.separator + msvcp120Dll); if (!fMsvcp120Dll.exists()) { // msvcp120.dll von ImageMagick existiert nicht, kein Vergleich --> Abbruch getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_IMCMP_MISSING, msvcp120Dll)); imExist = false; } File fMsvcr120Dll = new File(im + File.separator + msvcr120Dll); if (!fMsvcr120Dll.exists()) { // msvcr120.dll von ImageMagick existiert nicht, kein Vergleich --> Abbruch getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_IMCMP_MISSING, msvcr120Dll)); imExist = false; } File fVcomp120Dll = new File(im + File.separator + vcomp120Dll); if (!fVcomp120Dll.exists()) { // vcomp120.dll von ImageMagick existiert nicht, kein Vergleich --> Abbruch getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_IMCMP_MISSING, vcomp120Dll)); imExist = false; } if (!imExist) { // compare.exe/msvcp120.dll/msvcr120.dll/vcomp120.dll von ImageMagick existiert nicht --> Abbruch getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_IMCMP_MISSING, vcomp120Dll)); return false; } if (imToleranceTxt.contains("N") || imToleranceTxt.contains("n")) { // null = 0% imTolerance = "0%"; percentageInvalid = (float) 100.000000000; imToleranceTxt = "N"; } else if (imToleranceTxt.contains("S") || imToleranceTxt.contains("s")) { // small = 2% imTolerance = "2%"; percentageInvalid = (float) 99.9999; imToleranceTxt = "S"; } else if (imToleranceTxt.contains("XL") || imToleranceTxt.contains("xl")) { // xlarge = 15% imTolerance = "15%"; percentageInvalid = (float) 99.9; imToleranceTxt = "XL"; } else if (imToleranceTxt.contains("L") || imToleranceTxt.contains("l")) { // large = 10% imTolerance = "10%"; percentageInvalid = (float) 99.99; imToleranceTxt = "L"; } else { // medium = 5% imTolerance = "5%"; imToleranceTxt = "M"; percentageInvalid = (float) 99.999; } String pathToCompareExe = fCompareExe.getAbsolutePath(); File report; File reportId; String imgPx1 = "1"; StringBuffer concatenatedOutputs = new StringBuffer(); try { String pathToOutput = directoryOfLogfile.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + origDatei.getName() + "_compare_report.txt"; String pathToOutputId = directoryOfLogfile.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + origDatei.getName() + "_identify_report.txt"; String pathToMask = directoryOfLogfile.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + origDatei.getName() + "_mask.jpg"; /* compare -fuzz 15% -metric AE -quiet -identify -verbose -highlight-color DarkRed Image_1.jpg * Image_2.jpg mask.jpg >>results_id.txt 2>results.txt */ String command = "cmd /c \"\"" + pathToCompareExe + "\" -fuzz " + imTolerance + " -metric AE -quiet -identify -verbose -highlight-color DarkRed \"" + origDatei.getAbsolutePath() + "\" \"" + repDatei.getAbsolutePath() + "\" \"" + pathToMask + "\" >>\"" + pathToOutputId + "\" 2>\"" + pathToOutput + "\""; /* Das redirect Zeichen verunmglicht eine direkte eingabe. mit dem geschachtellten Befehl * gehts: cmd /c\"urspruenlicher Befehl\" */ Process proc = null; Runtime rt = null; try { report = new File(pathToOutput); reportId = new File(pathToOutputId); // falls das File bereits existiert, z.B. von einem vorhergehenden Durchlauf, lschen // wir es if (report.exists()) { report.delete(); } if (reportId.exists()) { reportId.delete(); } Util.switchOffConsole(); rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); proc = rt.exec(command.toString().split(" ")); // .split(" ") ist notwendig wenn in einem Pfad ein Doppelleerschlag vorhanden ist! // Fehleroutput holen StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getErrorStream(), "ERROR"); // Output holen StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT"); // Threads starten errorGobbler.start(); outputGobbler.start(); // Warte, bis wget fertig ist proc.waitFor(); Util.switchOnConsole(); // Kontrolle ob die Reports existieren if (!report.exists()) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_IMCMP_NOREPORT, report.getAbsolutePath())); if (!reportId.exists()) { getMessageService().logError( getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService() .getText(ERROR_XML_IMCMP_NOREPORT, reportId.getAbsolutePath())); return false; } return false; } if (!reportId.exists()) { getMessageService().logError( getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService() .getText(ERROR_XML_IMCMP_NOREPORT, reportId.getAbsolutePath())); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_IMCMP_SERVICEFAILED, e.getMessage())); return false; } finally { if (proc != null) { closeQuietly(proc.getOutputStream()); closeQuietly(proc.getInputStream()); closeQuietly(proc.getErrorStream()); } } // Kontrolle ob die Reports existieren if (!report.exists()) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_IMCMP_NOREPORT, report.getAbsolutePath())); if (!reportId.exists()) { getMessageService().logError( getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService() .getText(ERROR_XML_IMCMP_NOREPORT, reportId.getAbsolutePath())); return false; } return false; } if (!reportId.exists()) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_IMCMP_NOREPORT, reportId.getAbsolutePath())); return false; } // Ende IMCMP direkt auszulsen // TODO: Marker: ReportId und auswerten (Grsse und der Pixel) try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(reportId)); String line; String imgSize1 = "1"; String imgSize2 = "2"; String imgPx2 = "2"; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { concatenatedOutputs.append(line); concatenatedOutputs.append(NEWLINE); /* Format: TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) Mime type: image/tiff * * Geometry: 2469x3568+0+0 * * Channel statistics: * * Pixels: 8809392 * * Geometry und Pixels scheinen immer ausgegeben zu werden * * Gemotry und Pixels mssen identisch sein */ if (line.contains(" Geometry: ")) { if (imgSize1.equals("1")) { imgSize1 = line; } else { imgSize2 = line; } } else if (line.contains(" Pixels: ")) { if (imgPx1.equals("1")) { imgPx1 = line; } else { imgPx2 = line; } } // TODO: Marker: Auswertung und Fehlerausgabe wenn nicht bestanden. } if (imgPx1.equals("1") && imgPx2.equals("2") && imgSize1.equals("1") && imgSize2.equals("2")) { // identify_report ist leer oder enthlt nicht das was er sollte isValid = false; getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_IMCMP_NOREPORTTEXT)); in.close(); return false; } if (!imgPx1.equals(imgPx2)) { // die beiden Bilder haben nicht gleich viel Pixels isValid = false; getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_CI_PIXELINVALID, imgPx1, imgPx2)); } if (!imgSize1.equals(imgSize2)) { // die beiden Bilder sind nicht gleich gross isValid = false; getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_CI_SIZEINVALID, imgSize1, imgSize2)); } if (!isValid) { // die beiden Bilder sind nicht gleich gross in.close(); return false; } in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, "identify: " + e.getMessage())); return false; } // TODO: Marker: Report auswerten (Bildvergleich) wenn grsse & PixelAnzahl identisch try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(report)); String line; boolean allNull = false; boolean allExist = false; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { concatenatedOutputs.append(line); concatenatedOutputs.append(NEWLINE); /* img1.tif[0] TIFF 2469x3568 2469x3568+0+0 8-bit Grayscale Gray 8.833MB 1.451u 0:01.774 * * img2.jp2[0] JP2 2469x3568 2469x3568+0+0 8-bit Gray 1.842MB 1.357u 0:01.378 * * all: 0 * * in den ersten zwei zeilen sind die eigenschaften der beiden Bilder enthalten * * Danach die Anzahl Pixel mit einer grsseren Abweichung aus, allg: 0= vergleichbar */ if (line.contains(" all: ")) { allExist = true; if (line.contains(" all: 0")) { allNull = true; } else { /* Invalide Px extrahieren " all: 3563" extrahieren */ String lineReportAll = line.substring(9); try { // lineReport = 3563 allInt = Integer.parseInt(lineReportAll); } catch (Exception e) { allNoInt = true; allStr = lineReportAll; } } } if (allNull) { compResult = true; } } in.close(); if (!allExist) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_IMCMP_NOALL)); return false; } if (!compResult) { // Bildvergleich nicht bestanden if (allNoInt) { /* Bilder mit vielen Pixels die Abweichen (Potenz -> String): Vereinfachte Fehlerausgabe */ /* Invalide [allStr] und total px z2 aus imgPx1 " Pixels: 8809392" extrahieren */ String lineReport = imgPx1.substring(12); // lineReport = 8809392 isValid = false; getMessageService().logError( getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService() .getText(ERROR_XML_CI_CIINVALIDSTR, lineReport, imToleranceTxt, allStr)); } else { /* Bilder mit einer Abweichung (Int): Prozent ermitteln und mit percentageInvalid * abgleichen */ double z1 = 0; double z2 = 0; float percentageCalc = (float) 0.0; float percentageCalcInv = (float) 0.0; /* Invalide z1 [allInt] und total px z2 aus imgPx1 " Pixels: 8809392" extrahieren */ String lineReport = imgPx1.substring(12); // lineReport = 8809392 z2 = Double.parseDouble(lineReport); z1 = allInt; percentageCalc = (float) (100 - (100 / z2 * z1)); percentageCalcInv = 100 - percentageCalc; // Prozentzahlen vergleichen if (percentageInvalid > percentageCalc) { // Bilder mit einer grsseren Abweichung isValid = false; getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_CI_CIINVALID, percentageCalcInv, z2, imToleranceTxt, z1)); } } } } catch (Exception e) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, "compare: " + e.getMessage())); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { getMessageService().logError(getTextResourceService().getText(MESSAGE_XML_MODUL_CI) + getTextResourceService().getText(ERROR_XML_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage())); return false; } // reports lschen if (report.exists()) { report.delete(); } if (reportId.exists()) { reportId.delete(); } return isValid; } }