Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2016 AXON IVY AG * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ch.ivyteam.ivy.maven; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import ch.ivyteam.ivy.maven.engine.deploy.DeploymentMarkerFiles; public class TestIarDeployMojo { @Test public void deployPackedIar() throws Exception { IarDeployMojo mojo = rule.getMojo(); File deployedIar = getTarget(mojo.deployIarFile, mojo); File deployMarkerFile = new DeploymentMarkerFiles(deployedIar).doDeploy(); assertThat(deployedIar).doesNotExist(); assertThat(deployMarkerFile).doesNotExist(); DelayedOperation mockEngineDeployThread = new DelayedOperation(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); Callable<Void> engineOperation = () -> { assertThat(deployMarkerFile).as("deployment must be initialized").exists(); deployMarkerFile.delete(); //deployment finished return null; }; mockEngineDeployThread.execute(engineOperation); mojo.execute(); mockEngineDeployThread.failOnExecption(); assertThat(deployedIar).as("IAR must exist in engine deploy directory").exists(); } @Test public void failOnEngineDeployError() throws Exception { IarDeployMojo mojo = rule.getMojo(); DeploymentMarkerFiles markers = new DeploymentMarkerFiles(getTarget(mojo.deployIarFile, mojo)); DelayedOperation mockEngineDeployThread = new DelayedOperation(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); Callable<Void> engineOperation = () -> { assertThat(markers.doDeploy()).as("deployment must be initialized").exists(); FileUtils.write(markers.errorLog(), "validation errors"); markers.doDeploy().delete(); //deployment finished return null; }; mockEngineDeployThread.execute(engineOperation); try { mojo.execute(); failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown(MojoExecutionException.class); } catch (MojoExecutionException ex) { assertThat(ex).hasMessageContaining("failed!"); } finally { mockEngineDeployThread.failOnExecption(); } } private static File getTarget(File iar, IarDeployMojo mojo) { File deploy = new File(mojo.deployEngineDirectory, mojo.deployDirectory); File app = new File(deploy, mojo.deployToEngineApplication); File deployedIar = new File(app, iar.getName()); return deployedIar; } @Rule public ProjectMojoRule<IarDeployMojo> rule = new ProjectMojoRule<IarDeployMojo>( new File("src/test/resources/base"), IarDeployMojo.GOAL) { @Override protected void before() throws Throwable { super.before(); getMojo().deployEngineDirectory = createEngineDir(); try { getMojo().deployIarFile.getParentFile().mkdir(); getMojo().deployIarFile.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("Failed to create IAR @ " + getMojo().deployIarFile.getAbsolutePath()); throw ex; } } private File createEngineDir() { File engine = new File("target/myTestIvyEngine"); File deploy = new File(engine, "deploy"); deploy.mkdirs(); return engine.getAbsoluteFile(); } @Override protected void after() { super.after(); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(getMojo().deployEngineDirectory); } }; private static class DelayedOperation { private final long delayMillis; private Exception ex; private Thread thread; public DelayedOperation(long delay, TimeUnit unit) { delayMillis = unit.toMillis(delay); } public void execute(Callable<Void> delayedFunction) { thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(delayMillis);; } catch (Exception functionEx) { DelayedOperation.this.ex = functionEx; } } }; thread.start(); } public void failOnExecption() throws Exception { assertThat(thread).as("Delayed operation thread has never been started.").isNotNull(); while (thread.isAlive()) { Thread.sleep(10); // wait for result } if (ex != null) { throw ex; } } } }