Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Armin Tpfer * * This file is part of QuasiRecomb. * * QuasiRecomb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * QuasiRecomb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * QuasiRecomb. If not, see <>. */ package ch.ethz.bsse.quasirecomb.model; import ch.ethz.bsse.quasirecomb.distance.DistanceUtils; import ch.ethz.bsse.quasirecomb.informationholder.Globals; import ch.ethz.bsse.quasirecomb.informationholder.ModelSelectionBootstrapStorage; import ch.ethz.bsse.quasirecomb.informationholder.OptimalResult; import ch.ethz.bsse.quasirecomb.informationholder.Read; import ch.ethz.bsse.quasirecomb.model.hmm.ModelSelection; import ch.ethz.bsse.quasirecomb.modelsampling.ModelSampling; import ch.ethz.bsse.quasirecomb.utils.BitMagic; import ch.ethz.bsse.quasirecomb.utils.FastaParser; import ch.ethz.bsse.quasirecomb.utils.StatusUpdate; import ch.ethz.bsse.quasirecomb.utils.Summary; import ch.ethz.bsse.quasirecomb.utils.Utils; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.moment.Mean; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.moment.StandardDeviation; /** * Responsible for orchestrating parsing, proper read placement in alignment and * forwards parameters to ModelSelection. * * @author Armin Tpfer (armin.toepfer [at] */ public class Preprocessing { /** * Entry point. Forwards invokes of the specified workflow. * * @param input path to the fasta file * @param Kmin minimal amount of generators * @param Kmax minimal amount of generators */ public static void workflow(String input, int Kmin, int Kmax) { Utils.mkdir(Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH() + "support"); //parse file StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE().print("Parsing"); Read[] reads = Utils.parseInput(input); int L = fixAlignment(reads); if (L > 300 && Globals.getINSTANCE().getINTERPOLATE_MU() > 0) { Globals.getINSTANCE().setINTERPOLATE_MU(.5); } int[][] alignment = computeAlignment(reads, L); StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE().println("Paired reads\t" + Globals.getINSTANCE().getPAIRED_COUNT()); computeInsertDist(reads); StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE().println("Merged reads\t" + Globals.getINSTANCE().getMERGED() + "\n"); printAlignment(reads); circos(L, alignment); if (Globals.getINSTANCE().isDEBUG()) { new File(Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH() + "support/log/").mkdirs(); } int n = countChars(reads); Globals.getINSTANCE().setTAU_OMEGA(reads, L); int N = 0; for (Read r : reads) { if (r.getWatsonLength() > 0) { N += r.getCount(); } } plot(); if (Globals.getINSTANCE().isBOOTSTRAP()) { String[] truth = FastaParser.parseFarFile(Globals.getINSTANCE().getPRIOR()); Multimap<Integer, Double> bics = ArrayListMultimap.create(); List<Read> readList = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(N); int x = 0; for (Read r : reads) { int count = r.getCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { readList.add(new Read(r)); } // r.setCount(1); } // for (Read r : reads) { // Utils.appendFile(Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH() + "pi_bootstrap_original.txt", + r.getCount() + "\n"); // } Read[] readArray = readList.toArray(new Read[readList.size()]); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE().println("Bootstrap " + i + "\n"); Map<Integer, Read> hashed = new HashMap<>(); Random rnd = new Random(); for (int y = 0; y < N; y++) { Read r = readArray[rnd.nextInt(N)]; int hash = r.hashCode(); if (hashed.containsKey(hash)) { hashed.get(hash).incCount(); } else { hashed.put(r.hashCode(), r); } } // for (Read r : reads) { // Utils.appendFile(Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH() + "pi_bootstrap_" + i + ".txt", (hashed.get(r.hashCode()) == null ? 0 : hashed.get(r.hashCode()).getCount()) + "\n"); // } Read[] rs = hashed.values().toArray(new Read[hashed.size()]); ModelSelection ms = new ModelSelection(rs, Kmin, Kmax, L, n); OptimalResult or = ms.getOptimalResult(); double[] pi = new double[or.getPi()[0].length]; double piSum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < or.getPi().length; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < or.getPi()[j].length; k++) { pi[k] += or.getPi()[j][k]; piSum += or.getPi()[j][k]; } } StringBuilder piSB = new StringBuilder(); piSB.append(pi[0] / piSum); for (int k = 1; k < pi.length; k++) { piSB.append("\t"); piSB.append(pi[k] / piSum); } new File(Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH() + i).mkdirs(); ModelSampling modelSampling = new ModelSampling(or, Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH() + i + File.separator);; Map<String, Double> quasispecies = FastaParser.parseQuasispeciesFile( Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH() + i + File.separator + "quasispecies.fasta"); double[] frequencies = new double[truth.length]; for (Map.Entry<String, Double> e : quasispecies.entrySet()) { int distance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int index = -1; for (int t = 0; t < truth.length; t++) { int hamming = DistanceUtils.calcHamming(e.getKey(), truth[t]); if (hamming < distance) { index = t; distance = hamming; } } frequencies[index] += e.getValue(); } StringBuilder fSB = new StringBuilder(); fSB.append(frequencies[0]); for (int f = 1; f < frequencies.length; f++) { fSB.append("\t"); fSB.append(frequencies[f]); } Utils.appendFile(Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH() + "bootstrap.txt", fSB.toString() + "\n"); Utils.appendFile(Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH() + "pi_bootstrap.txt", piSB.toString() + "\n"); bics.putAll(ms.getMsTemp().getMaxBICs()); } System.exit(0); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int bootstraps = bics.asMap().values().iterator().next().size(); Set<Integer> keySet = bics.keySet(); for (int i : keySet) { sb.append(i).append("\t"); } sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); sb.append("\n"); for (int l = 0; l < bootstraps; l++) { for (int i : keySet) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(bics.get(i)); if (l < arrayList.size()) { sb.append(arrayList.get(l)); } sb.append("\t"); } sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); sb.append("\n"); } Utils.saveFile(Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH() + "support" + File.separator + "bics.txt", sb.toString()); StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE().println(""); ModelSelectionBootstrapStorage msbt = new ModelSelectionBootstrapStorage(bics); Kmin = msbt.getBestK(); Kmax = Kmin; Globals.getINSTANCE().setBOOTSTRAP(false); } ModelSelection ms = null; // if (Globals.getINSTANCE().isSUBSAMPLE()) { // shuffleArray(reads); // List<Read> subsample = new LinkedList<>(); // Map<String, Integer> generators = new HashMap<>(); // Globals.getINSTANCE().setDESIRED_REPEATS(0); // for (int i = 0; i < reads.length; i++) { // if (subsample.size() < reads.length / 10 || i + reads.length / 10 > reads.length) { // subsample.add(reads[i]); // } else { // Read[] readsSubsample = subsample.toArray(new Read[subsample.size()]); // ModelSelection msSubsample = new ModelSelection(readsSubsample, Kmin, Kmax, L, n); // subsample.clear(); // saveSubSample(msSubsample.getOptimalResult().getMu(), generators, L); // } // } // for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : generators.entrySet()) { // System.out.println(e.getValue() + "\t" + e.getKey()); // } // } else { ms = new ModelSelection(reads, Kmin, Kmax, L, n); if (!Globals.getINSTANCE().isNOSAMPLE()) { ModelSampling modelSampling = new ModelSampling(ms.getOptimalResult(), Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH());; System.out .println("\nQuasispecies saved: " + Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH() + "quasispecies.fasta"); } if (!Globals.getINSTANCE().isDEBUG()) { deleteDirectory( new File(Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH() + "support" + File.separator + "snapshots")); } // } // errorCorrection(ms, reads); } static public boolean deleteDirectory(File path) { if (path.exists()) { File[] files = path.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].isDirectory()) { deleteDirectory(files[i]); } else { files[i].delete(); } } } return (path.delete()); } private static int countChars(Read[] rs) { Map<Byte, Boolean> map = new HashMap<>(); for (Read r : rs) { if (r.isPaired()) { for (int i = 0; i < r.getLength(); i++) { if (r.isHit(i)) { map.put(r.getBase(i), Boolean.TRUE); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < r.getWatsonLength(); i++) { map.put(r.getBase(i), Boolean.TRUE); } } } return map.keySet().size(); } // private static void saveUnique(Read[] reads) { // if (Globals.getINSTANCE().isDEBUG()) { // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // for (Read r : reads) { // sb.append(r.getCount()).append("\t"); // if (r.getCount() < 1000) { // sb.append("\t"); // } // for (int i = 0; i < r.getBegin(); i++) { // sb.append(" "); // } // sb.append(Utils.reverse(r.getSequence())).append("\n"); // } // Utils.saveFile(Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH() + File.separator + "in.fasta", sb.toString()); // } // } public static int[][] countPos(Read[] reads, int L) { int[][] alignment = new int[L][5]; for (Read r : reads) { int begin = r.getWatsonBegin(); for (int i = 0; i < r.getWatsonLength(); i++) { try { alignment[i + begin][BitMagic.getPosition(r.getSequence(), i)] += r.getCount(); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.out.println(e); } } if (r.isPaired()) { begin = r.getCrickBegin(); for (int i = 0; i < r.getCrickLength(); i++) { alignment[i + begin][BitMagic.getPosition(r.getCrickSequence(), i)] += r.getCount(); } } } return alignment; } public static double[][] countPosWeighted(Read[] reads, int L) { double[][] alignment = new double[L][5]; for (Read r : reads) { int begin = r.getWatsonBegin(); for (int i = 0; i < r.getWatsonLength(); i++) { try { if (r.getWatsonQuality() == null || r.getWatsonQuality().length > 0) { alignment[i + begin][BitMagic.getPosition(r.getSequence(), i)] += r.getCount(); } else { alignment[i + begin][BitMagic.getPosition(r.getSequence(), i)] += r.getCount() * r.getWatsonQuality()[i]; } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.out.println(e); } } if (r.isPaired()) { begin = r.getCrickBegin(); for (int i = 0; i < r.getCrickLength(); i++) { if (r.getCrickQuality() == null || r.getCrickQuality().length > 0) { alignment[i + begin][BitMagic.getPosition(r.getCrickSequence(), i)] += r.getCount(); } else { alignment[i + begin][BitMagic.getPosition(r.getCrickSequence(), i)] += r.getCount() * r.getCrickQuality()[i]; } } } } return alignment; } private static int fixAlignment(Read[] reads) { //fix alignment to position 0 int N = 0; for (Read r : reads) { if (r.isPaired()) { Globals.getINSTANCE().setPAIRED(true); } Globals.getINSTANCE() .setALIGNMENT_BEGIN(Math.min(r.getBegin(), Globals.getINSTANCE().getALIGNMENT_BEGIN())); Globals.getINSTANCE().setALIGNMENT_END(Math.max(r.getEnd(), Globals.getINSTANCE().getALIGNMENT_END())); N += r.getCount(); } Globals.getINSTANCE().setNREAL(N); int L = Globals.getINSTANCE().getALIGNMENT_END() - Globals.getINSTANCE().getALIGNMENT_BEGIN(); Globals.getINSTANCE().setALIGNMENT_END(L); StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE().println("Modifying reads\t"); double shrinkCounter = 0; for (Read r : reads) { r.shrink(); StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE() .print("Modifying reads\t" + (Math.round((shrinkCounter++ / reads.length) * 100)) + "%"); } StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE().print("Modifying reads\t100%"); return L; } private static void computeAllelFrequencies(int L, int[][] alignment, double[][] alignmentWeighted) { StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE().println("Allel frequencies\t"); double allelCounter = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbw = new StringBuilder(); char[] alphabet = new char[] { 'A', 'C', 'G', 'T', '-' }; sb.append("#Offset: ").append(Globals.getINSTANCE().getALIGNMENT_BEGIN()).append("\n"); sbw.append("#Offset: ").append(Globals.getINSTANCE().getALIGNMENT_BEGIN()).append("\n"); sb.append("Pos"); sbw.append("Pos"); for (int i = 0; i < alignment[0].length; i++) { sb.append("\t").append(alphabet[i]); sbw.append("\t").append(alphabet[i]); } sb.append("\n"); sbw.append("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < L; i++) { int hits = 0; sb.append(i); sbw.append(i); for (int v = 0; v < alignment[i].length; v++) { sb.append("\t").append(alignment[i][v]); sbw.append("\t").append(Summary.shorten(alignmentWeighted[i][v])); if (alignment[i][v] != 0) { hits++; } } sb.append("\n"); sbw.append("\n"); if (hits == 0) { System.out.println("Position " + i + " is not covered."); } StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE() .print("Allel frequencies\t" + (Math.round((allelCounter++ / L) * 100)) + "%"); } Utils.saveFile(Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH() + "support" + File.separator + "allel_distribution.txt", sb.toString()); Utils.saveFile(Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH() + "support" + File.separator + "allel_distribution_phred_weighted.txt", sbw.toString()); sb.setLength(0); sb = null; } private static int[][] computeAlignment(Read[] reads, int L) { StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE().println("Computing entropy\t"); double entropyCounter = 0; int[][] alignment = countPos(reads, L); double[][] alignmentWeighted = countPosWeighted(reads, L); double alignmentEntropy = 0; Globals.getINSTANCE().setENTROPY(new double[L]); StringBuilder sbE = new StringBuilder(); sbE.append("#Offset: ").append(Globals.getINSTANCE().getALIGNMENT_BEGIN()).append("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < L; i++) { double sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { sum += alignmentWeighted[i][j]; } double shannonEntropy_pos = 0d; for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { alignmentWeighted[i][j] /= sum; if (alignmentWeighted[i][j] > 0) { shannonEntropy_pos -= alignmentWeighted[i][j] * Math.log(alignmentWeighted[i][j]) / Math.log(5); } } Globals.getINSTANCE().getENTROPY()[i] = shannonEntropy_pos; sbE.append(i).append("\t").append(shannonEntropy_pos).append("\n"); alignmentEntropy += shannonEntropy_pos; StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE() .print("Computing entropy\t" + (Math.round((entropyCounter++ / L) * 100)) + "%"); } StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE().print("Computing entropy\t100%"); alignmentEntropy /= L; computeAllelFrequencies(L, alignment, alignmentWeighted); StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE().print("Allel frequencies\t100%"); StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE().println("Alignment entropy\t" + Math.round(alignmentEntropy * 1000) / 1000d); Utils.saveFile( Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH() + "support" + File.separator + "entropy_distribution.txt", sbE.toString()); return alignment; } private static void computeInsertDist(Read[] reads) { List<Integer> l = new LinkedList<>(); StringBuilder insertSB = new StringBuilder(); int x = 0; for (Read r : reads) { if (r.isPaired()) { l.add(r.getCrickBegin() - r.getWatsonEnd()); // inserts[x++] = ; Globals.getINSTANCE().incPAIRED(); } else if (r.isMerged()) { Globals.getINSTANCE().incMERGED(); } for (int i = 0; i < r.getCount(); i++) { insertSB.append(r.getInsertion()).append("\n"); } } double[] inserts = new double[Globals.getINSTANCE().getPAIRED_COUNT()]; for (Integer i : l) { inserts[x++] = i; } StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE().println("Insert size\t" + Math.round((new Mean().evaluate(inserts)) * 10) / 10 + " (" + Math.round(new StandardDeviation().evaluate(inserts) * 10) / 10 + ")"); Utils.saveFile(Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH() + "support" + File.separator + "insertSize.txt", insertSB.toString()); } private static void plot() { StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE().println("Compute coverage\t"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int[] coverage = Globals.getINSTANCE().getTAU_OMEGA().getCoverage(); { int start = Globals.getINSTANCE().getALIGNMENT_BEGIN(); for (int i = 0; i < coverage.length; i++) { sb.append(String.valueOf(start++)).append("\t").append(coverage[i]).append("\n"); } } int start = Globals.getINSTANCE().getALIGNMENT_BEGIN(); int begin_H = -1; int end_H = -1; int begin_FH = -1; int end_FH = -1; int begin_T = -1; int end_T = -1; int begin_TT = -1; int end_TT = -1; for (int i = 0; i < coverage.length; i++) { if (begin_H == -1 && coverage[i] >= 100) { begin_H = start + i; } if (begin_FH == -1 && coverage[i] >= 500) { begin_FH = start + i; } if (begin_T == -1 && coverage[i] >= 1000) { begin_T = start + i; } if (begin_TT == -1 && coverage[i] >= 10000) { begin_TT = start + i; } } if (begin_H >= 0) { for (int i = coverage.length - 1; i >= begin_H - start; i--) { if (end_H == -1 && coverage[i] >= 100) { end_H = start + i; } if (end_FH == -1 && coverage[i] >= 500) { end_FH = start + i; } if (end_T == -1 && coverage[i] >= 1000) { end_T = start + i; } if (end_TT == -1 && coverage[i] >= 10000) { end_TT = start + i; } } } Utils.saveFile(Globals.getINSTANCE().getSAVEPATH() + "support" + File.separator + "coverage.txt", sb.toString()); Utils.saveCoveragePlot(); if (Globals.getINSTANCE().isCOVERAGE()) { StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE() .println("To create a coverage plot, please execute: R CMD BATCH support/coverage.R"); if (begin_H == -1 || end_H == -1) { StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE().println("There is no region with a sufficient coverage of >100x"); } else { StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE().println("A coverage >100x is in region " + begin_H + "-" + end_H + ""); if (begin_FH == -1 || end_FH == -1) { StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE().println("There is no region with a sufficient coverage of >500x"); } else { StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE() .println("A coverage >500x is in region " + begin_FH + "-" + end_FH + ""); if (begin_T == -1 || end_T == -1) { StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE() .println("There is no region with a sufficient coverage of >1000x"); } else { StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE() .println("A coverage >1000x is in region " + begin_T + "-" + end_T + ""); if (begin_TT == -1 || end_TT == -1) { StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE() .println("There is no region with a sufficient coverage of >10000x"); } else { StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE() .println("A coverage >10000x is in region " + begin_TT + "-" + end_TT + ""); } } } } System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Exiting."); System.exit(9); } } private static void printAlignment(Read[] reads) { if (Globals.getINSTANCE().isPRINT_ALIGNMENT()) { StatusUpdate.getINSTANCE().println("Saving alignment\t"); new Summary().printAlignment(reads); } } private static void circos(int L, int[][] alignment) { if (Globals.getINSTANCE().isCIRCOS()) { new Summary().circos(L, alignment); System.exit(0); } } // private static void errorCorrection(ModelSelection ms, Read[] reads) { // //Error correction // double[][][] mu = ms.getOptimalResult().getMu(); // double[][][] rho = ms.getOptimalResult().getRho(); // int K = ms.getOptimalResult().getK(); // double[] pi = ms.getOptimalResult().getPi(); // // for (Read r : reads) { // int begin = r.getBegin(); // int length = r.getLength(); // double[][] u = new double[length][K]; // double[][] q = new double[length][K]; // for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { // final boolean hit = r.isHit(j); // byte b = -1; // if (hit) { // b = r.getBase(j); // } // int jGlobal = j + begin; // if (j == 0) { // for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) { // u[0][k] = Math.log(pi[k]) + Math.log(mu[jGlobal][k][b]); // q[0][k] = k; // } // } else { // for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) { // double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // int prevK = 0; // for (int l = 0; l < K; l++) { // double tmp = Math.log(rho[jGlobal - 1][l][k]) + Math.log(mu[jGlobal][k][b]) + u[j - 1][l]; // if (tmp > max) { // max = tmp; // prevK = l; // } // } // u[j][k] = max; // q[j][k] = prevK; // } // } // System.out.println(Arrays.toString(u[j])); // } // // for (int j = length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { // } // } // } }