Java tutorial
/* * EAGLE * * Copyright 2016 Operating Systems Laboratory EPFL * * Modified from Sparrow - University of California, Berkeley * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ch.epfl.eagle.daemon.nodemonitor; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import ch.epfl.eagle.daemon.util.Logging; import ch.epfl.eagle.daemon.util.Network; import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.TEnqueueTaskReservationsRequest; import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.TFullTaskId; import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.THostPort; import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.TTaskLaunchSpec; import ch.epfl.eagle.thrift.TUserGroupInfo; /** * A TaskScheduler is a buffer that holds task reservations until an application backend is * available to run the task. When a backend is ready, the TaskScheduler requests the task * from the {@link Scheduler} that submitted the reservation. * * Each scheduler will implement a different policy determining when to launch tasks. * * Schedulers are required to be thread safe, as they will be accessed concurrently from * multiple threads. */ public abstract class TaskScheduler { protected class TaskSpec { public String appId; public Boolean shortTask; public TUserGroupInfo user; public String requestId; public THostPort originalNodeMonitorAddress; public InetSocketAddress schedulerAddress; public InetSocketAddress appBackendAddress; /** * ID of the task that previously ran in the slot this task is using. Used * to track how long it takes to fill an empty slot on a slave. Empty if this task was launched * immediately, because there were empty slots available on the slave. Filled in when * the task is launched. */ public String previousRequestId; public String previousTaskId; /** Filled in after the getTask() RPC completes. */ public TTaskLaunchSpec taskSpec; public TaskSpec(TEnqueueTaskReservationsRequest request, InetSocketAddress appBackendAddress) { appId = request.getAppId(); user = request.getUser(); shortTask = request.shortTask; requestId = request.getRequestId(); originalNodeMonitorAddress = request.originalNodeMonitorAddress; schedulerAddress = new InetSocketAddress(request.getSchedulerAddress().getHost(), request.getSchedulerAddress().getPort()); this.appBackendAddress = appBackendAddress; previousRequestId = ""; previousTaskId = ""; } } private final static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TaskScheduler.class); private final static Logger AUDIT_LOG = Logging.getAuditLogger(TaskScheduler.class); private String ipAddress; protected Configuration conf; private final BlockingQueue<TaskSpec> runnableTaskQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<TaskSpec>(); /** Initialize the task scheduler, passing it the current available resources * on the machine. */ void initialize(Configuration conf, int nodeMonitorPort) { this.conf = conf; this.ipAddress = Network.getIPAddress(conf); } /** * Get the next task available for launching. This will block until a task is available. */ TaskSpec getNextTask() { TaskSpec task = null; try { task = runnableTaskQueue.take(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.fatal(e); } return task; } /** * Returns the current number of runnable tasks (for testing). */ int runnableTasks() { return runnableTaskQueue.size(); } void tasksFinished(List<TFullTaskId> finishedTasks) { for (TFullTaskId t : finishedTasks) {"task_completed", t.getRequestId(), t.getTaskId())); handleTaskFinished(t.getRequestId(), t.getTaskId()); } } void noTaskForReservation(TaskSpec taskReservation) {"node_monitor_get_task_no_task", taskReservation.requestId, taskReservation.previousRequestId, taskReservation.previousTaskId)); handleNoTaskForReservation(taskReservation); } protected void makeTaskRunnable(TaskSpec task) { try { LOG.debug("Putting reservation for request " + task.requestId + " in runnable queue"); runnableTaskQueue.put(task); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.fatal("Unable to add task to runnable queue: " + e.getMessage()); } } public synchronized void submitTaskReservations(TEnqueueTaskReservationsRequest request, InetSocketAddress appBackendAddress) { for (int i = 0; i < request.getNumTasks(); ++i) { LOG.debug("Creating reservation " + i + " for request " + request.getRequestId() + " shortTask " + request.shortTask); TaskSpec reservation = new TaskSpec(request, appBackendAddress); int queuedReservations = handleSubmitTaskReservation(reservation);"reservation_enqueued", ipAddress, request.requestId, queuedReservations)); } } abstract boolean getLongQueuedExecuting(); // TASK SCHEDULERS MUST IMPLEMENT THE FOLLOWING. /** * Handles a task reservation. Returns the number of queued reservations. */ abstract int handleSubmitTaskReservation(TaskSpec taskReservation); /* ******************************************************** *********************** HAWK STEALING ******************* ******************************************************** */ abstract List<TaskSpec> handleRequestTaskReservation(); /** * Cancels all task reservations with the given request id. Returns the number of task * reservations cancelled. */ abstract int cancelTaskReservations(String requestId); /** * Handles the completion of a task that has finished executing. */ protected abstract void handleTaskFinished(String requestId, String taskId); /** * Handles the case when the node monitor tried to launch a task for a reservation, but * the corresponding scheduler didn't return a task (typically because all of the corresponding * job's tasks have been launched). */ protected abstract void handleNoTaskForReservation(TaskSpec taskSpec); /** * Returns the maximum number of active tasks allowed (the number of slots). * * -1 signals that the scheduler does not enforce a maximum number of active tasks. */ abstract int getMaxActiveTasks(); }