Java tutorial
package ch.cyberduck.core; /* * Copyright (c) 2002-2010 David Kocher. All rights reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * Bug fixes, suggestions and comments should be sent to: * */ import ch.cyberduck.core.i18n.Locale; import; import ch.cyberduck.core.serializer.Serializer; import ch.cyberduck.ui.DateFormatterFactory; import ch.cyberduck.ui.growl.Growl; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; /** * @version $Id$ */ public class UploadTransfer extends Transfer { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(UploadTransfer.class); public UploadTransfer(Path root) { super(root); } public UploadTransfer(List<Path> roots) { super(roots); } public <T> UploadTransfer(T dict, Session s) { super(dict, s); } @Override public <T> T getAsDictionary() { final Serializer dict = super.getSerializer(); dict.setStringForKey(String.valueOf(KIND_UPLOAD), "Kind"); return dict.<T>getSerialized(); } @Override protected void init() { log.debug("init"); this.bandwidth = new BandwidthThrottle(Preferences.instance().getFloat("queue.upload.bandwidth.bytes")); } @Override protected void normalize() { log.debug("normalize"); final List<Path> normalized = new Collection<Path>(); for (Path upload : this.getRoots()) { if (!this.check()) { return; } this.getSession().message( MessageFormat.format(Locale.localizedString("Prepare {0}", "Status"), upload.getName())); boolean duplicate = false; for (Iterator<Path> iter = normalized.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Path n =; if (upload.getLocal().isChild(n.getLocal())) { // The selected file is a child of a directory already included duplicate = true; break; } if (n.getLocal().isChild(upload.getLocal())) { iter.remove(); } if (upload.equals(n)) { // The selected file has the same name; if uploaded as a root element // it would overwrite the earlier final String parent = upload.getParent().getAbsolute(); final String filename = upload.getName(); String proposal; int no = 0; int index = filename.lastIndexOf("."); do { no++; if (index != -1 && index != 0) { proposal = filename.substring(0, index) + "-" + no + filename.substring(index); } else { proposal = filename + "-" + no; } upload.setPath(parent, proposal); } while (false);//(upload.exists()); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Changed name to:" + upload.getName()); } } } // Prunes the list of selected files. Files which are a child of an already included directory // are removed from the returned list. if (!duplicate) { normalized.add(upload); } } this.setRoots(normalized); } /** * */ private abstract class UploadTransferFilter extends TransferFilter { public boolean accept(final Path file) { if (!file.getLocal().exists()) { return false; } if (file.getLocal().attributes().isSymbolicLink()) { if (!UploadTransfer.this.isSymlinkSupported(file)) { final AbstractPath target = file.getLocal().getSymlinkTarget(); // Do not transfer files referenced from symlinks pointing to files also included for (Path root : roots) { if (target.isChild(root.getLocal())) { return false; } } } } return true; } @Override public void prepare(Path file) { if (file.attributes().isFile()) { if (file.getLocal().attributes().isSymbolicLink()) { if (!UploadTransfer.this.isSymlinkSupported(file)) { // A server will resolve the symbolic link when the file is requested. final AbstractPath target = file.getLocal().getSymlinkTarget(); size += target.attributes().getSize(); } else { // No file size increase for symbolic link to be created on the server } } else { // Read file size size += file.getLocal().attributes().getSize(); if (file.status().isResume()) { transferred += file.attributes().getSize(); } } } if (file.attributes().isDirectory()) { if (!file.exists()) { file.cache().put(file.<Object>getReference(), new AttributedList<Path>()); } } } /** * Post process */ @Override public void complete(Path p) { ; } } private final PathFilter<Local> exclusionRegexFilter = new PathFilter<Local>() { final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(Preferences.instance().getProperty("queue.upload.skip.regex")); public boolean accept(Local child) { if (child.attributes().isDuplicate()) { return false; } try { if (Preferences.instance().getBoolean("queue.upload.skip.enable")) { if (pattern.matcher(child.getName()).matches()) { return false; } } } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { log.warn(e.getMessage()); } return true; } }; /** * File listing cache for children of the root paths not part of the session cache because * they only exist on the local file system. */ private final Cache<Path> cache = new Cache<Path>() { @Override public void clear() { super.clear(); getSession().cache().clear(); } }; @Override public Cache<Path> cache() { return cache; } @Override public AttributedList<Path> children(final Path parent) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("children:" + parent); } if (parent.getLocal().attributes().isSymbolicLink() && this.isSymlinkSupported(parent)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Do not list children for symbolic link:" + parent); } this.cache().put(parent.<Object>getReference(), AttributedList.<Path>emptyList()); } else if (!this.cache().containsKey(parent.<Object>getReference())) { if (!parent.getLocal().exists()) { // Cannot fetch file listing of non existant file this.cache().put(parent.<Object>getReference(), AttributedList.<Path>emptyList()); } else { final AttributedList<Path> children = new AttributedList<Path>(); for (AbstractPath child : parent.getLocal().children(exclusionRegexFilter)) { final Local local = LocalFactory.createLocal(child.getAbsolute()); Path upload = PathFactory.createPath(getSession(), parent.getAbsolute(), local); if (upload.exists()) { upload = this.getSession().cache().lookup(upload.getReference()); upload.setLocal(local); } children.add(upload); } this.cache().put(parent.<Object>getReference(), children); } } return this.cache().get(parent.<Object>getReference()); } @Override public boolean isResumable() { return this.getSession().isUploadResumable(); } private final TransferFilter OVERWRITE_FILTER = new UploadTransferFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(final Path file) { if (file.attributes().isDirectory()) { // Do not attempt to create a directory that already exists if (file.exists()) { return false; } } return super.accept(file); } @Override public void prepare(final Path file) { if (file.attributes().isFile()) { file.status().setResume(false); } super.prepare(file); } }; /** * Append to existing file. */ private final TransferFilter RESUME_FILTER = new UploadTransferFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(final Path file) { if (file.attributes().isDirectory()) { if (file.exists()) { return false; } } if (file.status().isComplete() || file.getLocal().attributes().getSize() == file.attributes().getSize()) { // No need to resume completed transfers file.status().setComplete(true); return false; } return super.accept(file); } @Override public void prepare(final Path file) { if (file.exists()) { if (file.attributes().getSize() == -1) { file.readSize(); } } if (file.attributes().isFile()) { boolean resume = file.isUploadResumable(); file.status().setResume(resume); if (resume) { if (file.attributes().getSize() == -1) { log.warn("Unknown remote size for:" + file.getAbsolute()); } else { file.status().setCurrent(file.attributes().getSize()); } } } super.prepare(file); } }; private final TransferFilter RENAME_FILTER = new UploadTransferFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(final Path p) { // Rename every file return super.accept(p); } @Override public void prepare(final Path file) { if (file.exists()) { final String parent = file.getParent().getAbsolute(); final String filename = file.getName(); int no = 0; while (file.exists()) { no++; String proposal = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(filename) + "-" + no; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(FilenameUtils.getExtension(filename))) { proposal += "." + FilenameUtils.getExtension(filename); } file.setPath(parent, proposal); } if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Changed local name to:" + file.getName()); } } if (file.attributes().isFile()) { file.status().setResume(false); } super.prepare(file); } }; /** * Rename existing file on server if there is a conflict. */ private final TransferFilter RENAME_EXISTING_FILTER = new UploadTransferFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(final Path p) { if (p.getSession().isRenameSupported(p)) { return super.accept(p); } return false; } @Override public void prepare(final Path file) { Path renamed = file; while (renamed.exists()) { String proposal = MessageFormat.format( Preferences.instance().getProperty("queue.upload.file.rename.format"), FilenameUtils.getBaseName(file.getName()), DateFormatterFactory.instance().getLongFormat(System.currentTimeMillis(), false) .replace(Path.DELIMITER, ':'), StringUtils.isNotEmpty(file.getExtension()) ? "." + file.getExtension() : ""); renamed = PathFactory.createPath(file.getSession(), renamed.getParent().getAbsolute(), proposal, file.attributes().getType()); } if (!renamed.equals(file)) { file.rename(renamed); } if (file.attributes().isFile()) { file.status().setResume(false); } super.prepare(file); } }; /** * Skip files that already exist on the server. */ private final TransferFilter SKIP_FILTER = new UploadTransferFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(final Path file) { if (file.exists()) { // Set completion status for skipped files file.status().setComplete(true); return false; } return super.accept(file); } }; @Override public TransferFilter filter(final TransferAction action) { log.debug("filter:" + action); if (action.equals(TransferAction.ACTION_OVERWRITE)) { return OVERWRITE_FILTER; } if (action.equals(TransferAction.ACTION_RESUME)) { return RESUME_FILTER; } if (action.equals(TransferAction.ACTION_RENAME)) { return RENAME_FILTER; } if (action.equals(TransferAction.ACTION_RENAME_EXISTING)) { return RENAME_EXISTING_FILTER; } if (action.equals(TransferAction.ACTION_SKIP)) { return SKIP_FILTER; } if (action.equals(TransferAction.ACTION_CALLBACK)) { for (Path upload : this.getRoots()) { if (!this.check()) { return null; } if (upload.exists()) { if (upload.getLocal().attributes().isDirectory()) { if (0 == this.children(upload).size()) { // Do not prompt for existing empty directories continue; } } // Prompt user to choose a filter TransferAction result = prompt.prompt(); return this.filter(result); //break out of loop } } // No files exist yet therefore it is most straightforward to use the overwrite action return this.filter(TransferAction.ACTION_OVERWRITE); } return super.filter(action); } @Override public TransferAction action(final boolean resumeRequested, final boolean reloadRequested) { log.debug("action:" + resumeRequested + "," + reloadRequested); if (resumeRequested) { // Force resume return TransferAction.ACTION_RESUME; } if (reloadRequested) { return TransferAction.forName(Preferences.instance().getProperty("queue.upload.reload.fileExists")); } // Use default return TransferAction.forName(Preferences.instance().getProperty("queue.upload.fileExists")); } private boolean isSymlinkSupported(Path file) { if (Preferences.instance().getBoolean("local.symboliclink.resolve")) { // Resolve links instead return false; } // Create symbolic link only if supported by the host if (this.getSession().isCreateSymlinkSupported()) { final AbstractPath target = file.getLocal().getSymlinkTarget(); // Only create symbolic link if target is included in the upload for (Path root : roots) { if (target.isChild(root.getLocal())) { return true; } } } return false; } @Override protected void transfer(Path file) { log.debug("transfer:" + file); Permission perm = Permission.EMPTY; if (file.getLocal().attributes().isSymbolicLink() && this.isSymlinkSupported(file)) { // Make relative symbolic link final String target = StringUtils.substringAfter(file.getLocal().getSymlinkTarget().getAbsolute(), file.getLocal().getParent().getAbsolute() + Path.DELIMITER); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Symlink " + file + ":" + target); } file.symlink(target); file.status().setComplete(true); } else if (file.attributes().isFile()) { if (this.getSession().isUnixPermissionsSupported()) { if (Preferences.instance().getBoolean("queue.upload.changePermissions")) { if (file.exists()) { // Do not overwrite permissions for existing file. if (file.attributes().getPermission().equals(Permission.EMPTY)) { file.readUnixPermission(); } perm = file.attributes().getPermission(); } } } String original = file.getName(); if (Preferences.instance().getBoolean("queue.upload.file.temporary") && file.getSession().isRenameSupported(file)) { String temporary = MessageFormat.format( Preferences.instance().getProperty("queue.upload.file.temporary.format"), file.getName(), UUID.randomUUID().toString()); file.setPath(file.getParent(), temporary); } // Transfer file.upload(bandwidth, new AbstractStreamListener() { @Override public void bytesSent(long bytes) { transferred += bytes; } }); if (file.status().isComplete()) { if (Preferences.instance().getBoolean("queue.upload.file.temporary") && file.getSession().isRenameSupported(file)) { file.rename(PathFactory.createPath(file.getSession(), file.getParent().getAbsolute(), original, file.attributes().getType())); file.setPath(file.getParent(), original); } } } else if (file.attributes().isDirectory()) { if (file.getSession().isCreateFolderSupported(file)) { file.mkdir(); } } if (!file.status().isCanceled() && file.status().isComplete()) { if (this.getSession().isAclSupported()) { ; // Currently handled in S3 only. } if (this.getSession().isUnixPermissionsSupported()) { if (Preferences.instance().getBoolean("queue.upload.changePermissions")) { if (perm.equals(Permission.EMPTY)) { if (Preferences.instance().getBoolean("queue.upload.permissions.useDefault")) { if (file.attributes().isFile()) { perm = new Permission( Preferences.instance().getInteger("queue.upload.permissions.file.default")); } else if (file.attributes().isDirectory()) { perm = new Permission(Preferences.instance() .getInteger("queue.upload.permissions.folder.default")); } } else { if (file.getLocal().exists()) { // Read permissions from local file perm = file.getLocal().attributes().getPermission(); } } } if (perm.equals(Permission.EMPTY)) { log.debug("Skip writing empty permissions for:" + this.toString()); } else { file.writeUnixPermission(perm, false); } } } if (file.attributes().isFile() && file.getSession().isTimestampSupported()) { if (Preferences.instance().getBoolean("queue.upload.preserveDate")) { // Read timestamps from local file file.writeTimestamp(file.getLocal().attributes().getCreationDate(), file.getLocal().attributes().getModificationDate(), file.getLocal().attributes().getAccessedDate()); } } } } @Override protected void fireDidTransferPath(Path file) { if (file.attributes().isDirectory() && file.getSession().isTimestampSupported()) { if (Preferences.instance().getBoolean("queue.upload.preserveDate")) { // Read timestamps from local file file.writeTimestamp(file.getLocal().attributes().getCreationDate(), file.getLocal().attributes().getModificationDate(), file.getLocal().attributes().getAccessedDate()); } } super.fireDidTransferPath(file); } @Override protected void fireTransferDidEnd() { if (this.isReset() && this.isComplete() && !this.isCanceled() && !(this.getTransferred() == 0)) { Growl.instance().notify("Upload complete", getName()); } super.fireTransferDidEnd(); } }