Java tutorial
package ch.cyberduck.core.b2; /* * Copyright (c) 2002-2016 iterate GmbH. All rights reserved. * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ import ch.cyberduck.core.AbstractPath; import ch.cyberduck.core.Acl; import ch.cyberduck.core.DefaultIOExceptionMappingService; import ch.cyberduck.core.DisabledConnectionCallback; import ch.cyberduck.core.MimeTypeService; import ch.cyberduck.core.Path; import ch.cyberduck.core.PathAttributes; import ch.cyberduck.core.PathContainerService; import ch.cyberduck.core.exception.BackgroundException; import ch.cyberduck.core.features.Directory; import ch.cyberduck.core.features.Write; import; import; import ch.cyberduck.core.preferences.PreferencesFactory; import ch.cyberduck.core.transfer.TransferStatus; import; import; import java.util.EnumSet; import synapticloop.b2.BucketType; import synapticloop.b2.exception.B2ApiException; import synapticloop.b2.response.B2BucketResponse; import synapticloop.b2.response.BaseB2Response; public class B2DirectoryFeature implements Directory<BaseB2Response> { private final PathContainerService containerService = new B2PathContainerService(); private final B2Session session; private Write<BaseB2Response> writer; public B2DirectoryFeature(final B2Session session) { this(session, new B2WriteFeature(session)); } public B2DirectoryFeature(final B2Session session, final B2WriteFeature writer) { this.session = session; this.writer = writer; } @Override public Path mkdir(final Path folder, final String region, final TransferStatus status) throws BackgroundException { try { if (containerService.isContainer(folder)) { final B2BucketResponse response = session.getClient().createBucket( containerService.getContainer(folder).getName(), null == region ? BucketType.valueOf(PreferencesFactory.get().getProperty("b2.bucket.acl.default")) : BucketType.valueOf(region)); switch (response.getBucketType()) { case allPublic: folder.attributes().setAcl( new Acl(new Acl.GroupUser(Acl.GroupUser.EVERYONE, false), new Acl.Role(Acl.Role.READ))); } return new Path(folder.getParent(), folder.getName(), folder.getType(), new PathAttributes(folder.attributes())); } else { if (Checksum.NONE == status.getChecksum()) { status.setChecksum(writer.checksum(folder).compute(new NullInputStream(0L), status)); } status.setMime(MimeTypeService.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE); new DefaultStreamCloser().close(writer.write(folder, status, new DisabledConnectionCallback())); final EnumSet<AbstractPath.Type> type = EnumSet.copyOf(folder.getType()); type.add(Path.Type.placeholder); return new Path(folder.getParent(), folder.getName(), type, new PathAttributes(folder.attributes())); } } catch (B2ApiException e) { throw new B2ExceptionMappingService().map("Cannot create folder {0}", e, folder); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DefaultIOExceptionMappingService().map(e); } } @Override public boolean isSupported(final Path workdir) { return true; } @Override public B2DirectoryFeature withWriter(final Write<BaseB2Response> writer) { this.writer = writer; return this; } }