Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Christopher Eby <> * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Adrian Ulrich <> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import android.util.Log; import junit.framework.Assert; import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.os.Environment; import android.provider.MediaStore; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.database.MatrixCursor; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.Toast; /** * Provides some static Song/MediaStore-related utility functions. */ public class MediaUtils { /** * A special invalid media type. */ public static final int TYPE_INVALID = -1; /** * Type indicating an id represents an artist. */ public static final int TYPE_ARTIST = 0; /** * Type indicating an id represents an album. */ public static final int TYPE_ALBUM = 1; /** * Type indicating an id represents a song. */ public static final int TYPE_SONG = 2; /** * Type indicating an id represents a playlist. */ public static final int TYPE_PLAYLIST = 3; /** * Type indicating ids represent genres. */ public static final int TYPE_GENRE = 4; /** * Type indicating an id represents an albumartist */ public static final int TYPE_ALBARTIST = 5; /** * Type indicating an id represents a composer */ public static final int TYPE_COMPOSER = 6; /** * Special type for files and folders. Most methods do not accept this type * since files have no MediaStore id and require special handling. */ public static final int TYPE_FILE = 7; /** * The number of different valid media types. */ public static final int TYPE_COUNT = 8; /** * The default sort order for media queries. First artist, then album, then * song number. */ private static final String DEFAULT_SORT = "artist_sort,album_sort,disc_num,song_num"; /** * The default sort order for albums. First the album, then songnumber */ private static final String ALBUM_SORT = "album_sort,disc_num,song_num"; /** * The default sort order for files. Simply use the path */ private static final String FILE_SORT = "path"; /** * Cached random instance. */ private static Random sRandom; /** * Shuffled list of all songs in the library. */ private static ArrayList<Song> sAllSongs = new ArrayList<Song>(); /** * True if sAllSongs was shuffled by album. */ private static boolean sAllSongsAS; /** * Total number of songs in the music library, or -1 for uninitialized. */ private static int sSongCount = -1; /** * Returns a cached random instanced, creating it if necessary. */ public static Random getRandom() { if (sRandom == null) sRandom = new Random(); return sRandom; } /** * Builds a query that will return all the songs represented by the given * parameters. * * @param type MediaUtils.TYPE_ARTIST, TYPE_ALBUM, or TYPE_SONG. * @param id The MediaStore id of the song, artist, or album. * @param projection The columns to query. * @param select An extra selection to pass to the query, or null. * @return The initialized query. */ private static QueryTask buildMediaQuery(int type, long id, String[] projection, String select) { StringBuilder selection = new StringBuilder(); String sort = DEFAULT_SORT; if (select != null) { selection.append(select); selection.append(" AND "); } switch (type) { case TYPE_SONG: selection.append(MediaLibrary.SongColumns._ID); break; case TYPE_ARTIST: selection.append(MediaLibrary.ContributorColumns.ARTIST_ID); break; case TYPE_ALBARTIST: selection.append(MediaLibrary.ContributorColumns.ALBUMARTIST_ID); break; case TYPE_COMPOSER: selection.append(MediaLibrary.ContributorColumns.COMPOSER_ID); break; case TYPE_ALBUM: selection.append(MediaLibrary.SongColumns.ALBUM_ID); sort = ALBUM_SORT; break; case TYPE_GENRE: selection.append(MediaLibrary.GenreSongColumns._GENRE_ID); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid type specified: " + type); } selection.append('='); selection.append(id); QueryTask result = new QueryTask(MediaLibrary.VIEW_SONGS_ALBUMS_ARTISTS, projection, selection.toString(), null, sort); result.type = type; return result; } /** * Builds a query that will return all the songs in the playlist with the * given id. * * @param id The id of the playlist in MediaStore.Audio.Playlists. * @param projection The columns to query. * @return The initialized query. */ public static QueryTask buildPlaylistQuery(long id, String[] projection) { String sort = MediaLibrary.PlaylistSongColumns.POSITION; String selection = MediaLibrary.PlaylistSongColumns.PLAYLIST_ID + "=" + id; QueryTask result = new QueryTask(MediaLibrary.VIEW_PLAYLIST_SONGS, projection, selection, null, sort); result.type = TYPE_PLAYLIST; return result; } /** * Builds a query with the given information. * * @param type Type the id represents. Must be one of the Song.TYPE_* * constants. * @param id The id of the element in the MediaStore content provider for * the given type. * @param selection An extra selection to be passed to the query. May be * null. Must not be used with type == TYPE_SONG or type == TYPE_PLAYLIST */ public static QueryTask buildQuery(int type, long id, String[] projection, String selection) { switch (type) { case TYPE_ARTIST: case TYPE_ALBARTIST: case TYPE_COMPOSER: case TYPE_ALBUM: case TYPE_SONG: case TYPE_GENRE: return buildMediaQuery(type, id, projection, selection); case TYPE_PLAYLIST: return buildPlaylistQuery(id, projection); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Specified type not valid: " + type); } } /** * Query the MediaStore to determine the id of the genre the song belongs * to. * * @param context The context to use * @param id The id of the song to query the genre for. */ public static long queryGenreForSong(Context context, long id) { String[] projection = { MediaLibrary.GenreSongColumns._GENRE_ID }; String query = MediaLibrary.GenreSongColumns.SONG_ID + "=?"; String[] queryArgs = new String[] { Long.toString(id) }; Cursor cursor = MediaLibrary.queryLibrary(context, MediaLibrary.TABLE_GENRES_SONGS, projection, query, queryArgs, null); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.moveToNext()) return cursor.getLong(0); cursor.close(); } return 0; } /** * Shuffle a Song list using Collections.shuffle(). * * @param albumShuffle If true, preserve the order of songs inside albums. */ public static void shuffle(List<Song> list, boolean albumShuffle) { int size = list.size(); if (size < 2) return; Random random = getRandom(); if (albumShuffle) { List<Song> tempList = new ArrayList<Song>(list); Collections.sort(tempList); // Build map of albumId to start index in sorted list Map<Long, Integer> albumStartIndices = new HashMap<Long, Integer>(); int index = 0; for (Song song : tempList) { if (!albumStartIndices.containsKey(song.albumId)) { albumStartIndices.put(song.albumId, index); } index++; } //Extract album list and shuffle List<Long> shuffledAlbums = new ArrayList<Long>(albumStartIndices.keySet()); Collections.shuffle(shuffledAlbums, random); //Build Song list from album list list.clear(); for (Long albumId : shuffledAlbums) { int songIndex = albumStartIndices.get(albumId); Song song = tempList.get(songIndex); do { list.add(song); songIndex++; if (songIndex < size) { song = tempList.get(songIndex); } else { break; } } while (albumId == song.albumId); } } else { Collections.shuffle(list, random); } } /** * Determine if any songs are available from the library. * * @param context The Context to use * @return True if it's possible to retrieve any songs, false otherwise. For * example, false could be returned if there are no songs in the library. */ public static boolean isSongAvailable(Context context) { if (sSongCount == -1) { sSongCount = MediaLibrary.getLibrarySize(context); } return sSongCount != 0; } /** * Returns a list containing all the songs found on the * device's library. * * @param context The Context to use */ private static ArrayList<Song> getAllSongs(Context context) { QueryTask query = new QueryTask(MediaLibrary.VIEW_SONGS_ALBUMS_ARTISTS, Song.FILLED_PROJECTION, null, null, null); Cursor cursor = query.runQuery(context); ArrayList<Song> list = new ArrayList<Song>(); if (cursor == null) return list; while (cursor.moveToNext()) { Song song = new Song(-1); song.populate(cursor); list.add(song); } cursor.close(); return list; } /** * Called if we detected a medium change * This flushes some cached data */ public static void onMediaChange() { sSongCount = -1; sAllSongs.clear(); } /** * Creates and sends a share intent across the system. * @param ctx context to execute resolving on. * @param song the song to share. */ public static void shareMedia(Context ctx, Song song) { if (song == null || song.path == null) return; Uri uri = null; try { uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(ctx, ctx.getApplicationContext().getPackageName() + ".fileprovider", new File(song.path)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Toast.makeText(ctx, R.string.share_failed, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } if (uri == null) return; // Fileprovider failed, we can not continue. Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.setType("audio/*"); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri); try { ctx.startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, ctx.getString(R.string.sendto))); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { Toast.makeText(ctx, R.string.no_receiving_apps, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } /** * Returns the first matching song (or NULL) of given type + id combination * * @param context A Context to use. * @param type The MediaTye to query * @param id The id of given type to query */ public static Song getSongByTypeId(Context context, int type, long id) { Song song = new Song(-1); QueryTask query = buildQuery(type, id, Song.FILLED_PROJECTION, null); Cursor cursor = query.runQuery(context); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { cursor.moveToPosition(0); song.populate(cursor); } cursor.close(); } return song.isFilled() ? song : null; } /** * Returns a list of songs randomly selected from all the songs in the Android * MediaStore. When albumShuffle is specified, the returned list may contain all the songs * for that album, in order. Otherwise, only one song will be returned. If no songs are * available, the list will be empty. * * @param context The Context to use * @param albumShuffle Whether or not we should shuffle by album */ public static List<Song> getRandomSongs(Context context, boolean albumShuffle) { ArrayList<Song> songs = sAllSongs; if (songs.size() == 0 || sAllSongsAS != albumShuffle) { sAllSongs = getAllSongs(context); sAllSongsAS = albumShuffle; shuffle(sAllSongs, albumShuffle); songs = sAllSongs; // We don't need it but know the value, we can fill the cache for free. sSongCount = songs.size(); } final List<Song> results = new ArrayList<>(); if (songs.size() > 0) { long firstAlbumId = songs.get(0).albumId; // if we're in album shuffle mode, we'll want to add in the entire album in one go, // so loop through the upcoming songs and add all those that have the same album id // as the song we initially got boolean addMore; do { final Song song = songs.remove(0); // when in album shuffle mode, we don't want to flag any of the added songs // as random, since manually enqueuing or changing random mode will remove every album track. if (!albumShuffle) { song.flags |= Song.FLAG_RANDOM; } results.add(song); addMore = albumShuffle && songs.size() > 0 && songs.get(0).albumId == firstAlbumId; } while (addMore); } return results; } /** * Delete the given file or directory recursively. * * @return True if successful; false otherwise. */ public static boolean deleteFile(File file) { File[] children = file.listFiles(); if (children != null) { for (File child : children) { deleteFile(child); } } return file.delete(); } /** * This is an ugly hack: The tries to 'guess' if given path * is also accessible using a fuse mount */ private static String sanitizeMediaPath(String path) { String exPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); File exStorage = new File(exPath + "/Android"); long exLastmod = exStorage.lastModified(); if (exLastmod > 0 && path != null) { String pfx = path; while (true) { if ((new File(pfx + "/Android")).lastModified() == exLastmod) { String guessPath = exPath + path.substring(pfx.length()); if ((new File(guessPath)).exists()) { path = guessPath; break; } } pfx = (new File(pfx)).getParent(); if (pfx == null) break; /* hit root */ } } return path; } /** * Adds a final slash if the path points to an existing directory */ private static String addDirEndSlash(String path) { if (path.length() > 0 && path.charAt(path.length() - 1) != '/') { if ((new File(path)).isDirectory()) { path += "/"; } } return path; } /** * Build a query that will contain all the media under the given path. * * @param path The path, e.g. /mnt/sdcard/music/ * @param projection The columns to query * @return The initialized query. */ public static QueryTask buildFileQuery(String path, String[] projection) { /* make sure that the path is: -> fixed-up to point to the real mountpoint if user browsed to the mediadir symlink -> terminated with a / if it is a directory -> ended with a % for the LIKE query */ path = addDirEndSlash(sanitizeMediaPath(path)) + "%"; final String query = MediaLibrary.SongColumns.PATH + " LIKE ?"; String[] qargs = { path }; QueryTask result = new QueryTask(MediaLibrary.VIEW_SONGS_ALBUMS_ARTISTS, projection, query, qargs, FILE_SORT); result.type = TYPE_FILE; return result; } /** * Returns a (possibly empty) Cursor for given file path * @param path The path to the file to be queried * @return A new Cursor object * */ public static Cursor getCursorForFileQuery(String path) { MatrixCursor matrixCursor = new MatrixCursor(Song.FILLED_PROJECTION); MediaMetadataExtractor tags = new MediaMetadataExtractor(path); String title = tags.getFirst(MediaMetadataExtractor.TITLE); String album = tags.getFirst(MediaMetadataExtractor.ALBUM); String artist = tags.getFirst(MediaMetadataExtractor.ARTIST); String duration = tags.getFirst(MediaMetadataExtractor.DURATION); if (duration != null) { // looks like we will be able to play this file // Vanilla requires each file to be identified by its unique id in the media database. // However: This file is not in the database, so we are going to roll our own // using the negative crc32 sum of the path value. While this is not perfect // (the same file may be accessed using various paths) it's the fastest method // and far good enough. long songId = MediaLibrary.hash63(path) * -1; if (songId > -2) songId = -2; // must be less than -1 (-1 defines an empty song object) // Build minimal fake-database entry for this file Object[] objData = new Object[] { songId, path, "", "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; if (title != null) objData[2] = title; if (album != null) objData[3] = album; if (artist != null) objData[4] = artist; if (duration != null) objData[7] = Long.parseLong(duration, 10); matrixCursor.addRow(objData); } return matrixCursor; } /** * Returns the id's used by Androids native media database for given song * * @param context the context to use * @param song the song to query * @return long { song_id, album_id, artist_id } - all set to -1 on error */ public static long[] getAndroidMediaIds(Context context, Song song) { long[] result = { -1, -1, -1 }; String[] projection = new String[] { MediaStore.Audio.Media._ID, MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM_ID, MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST_ID }; try { Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, projection, MediaStore.Audio.Media.DATA + "=?", new String[] { song.path }, null); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) result[i] = cursor.getLong(i); } cursor.close(); } } catch (SecurityException e) { Log.e("VanillaMusic", "Wowies: No permission to read EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI for song " + song.path + ": " + e); } return result; } /** * Retrieve ID of specified media type for requested song. This works only for * media-oriented types: {@link #TYPE_ARTIST}, {@link #TYPE_ALBUM}, {@link #TYPE_SONG} * @param song requested song * @param mType media type e.g. {@link #TYPE_ARTIST} * @return ID of media type, {@link #TYPE_INVALID} if unsupported */ public static long getCurrentIdForType(Song song, int mType) { if (song == null) return TYPE_INVALID; switch (mType) { case TYPE_ARTIST: return song.artistId; case TYPE_ALBUM: return song.albumId; case TYPE_SONG: return; default: return TYPE_INVALID; } } }