Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2014 Berner Fachhochschule, Switzerland.
 * Bern University of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Information Technology,
 * Research Institute for Security in the Information Society, E-Voting Group,
 * Biel, Switzerland.
 * Project UniCert.
 * Distributable under GPL license.
 * See terms of license at
package ch.bfh.unicert.certimport;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

 * Class representing a certificate. Beside PEM structure, additional, redundant
 * information is added to ease processing.
 * @author Eric Dubuis <>
 * @author Philmon von Bergen <>
public class Certificate {

    private final String commonName;
    private final String uniqueIdentifier;
    private final String organisation;
    private final String organisationUnit;
    private final String countryName;
    private final String state;
    private final String locality;
    private final String surname;
    private final String givenName;

    private final String issuer;
    private final BigInteger serialNumber;
    private final Date validFrom;
    private final Date validUntil;
    private final Map<String, String> extension;
    private String pem;

    private final X509Certificate cert;
    private final String applicationIdentifier;
    private final String[] roles;
    private final String identityProvider;

     * Create an object representing a X509 certificate with redundant information
     * @param cert the X509 certificate to store in the object
     * @param commonName the common name appearing in the given certificate
     * @param uniqueId the unique identifier appearing in the given certificate
     * @param organisation the organisation appearing in the given certificate
     * @param organisationUnit the organisation unit appearing in the given certificate
     * @param countryName the country appearing in the given certificate
     * @param state the state appearing in the given certificate
     * @param locality the locality appearing in the given certificate
     * @param surname the surname appearing in the given certificate
     * @param givenName the given name appearing in the given certificate
     * @param applicationIdentifier the identifier of the application the certificate is issued for
     * @param role the role the certificate is issued certificate
     * @param identityProvider the identity provider used to authenticate the requester of the certificate
     * @param extension the extension appearing in the given certificate
     * If some information does not appear in the certificate, null can be passed
    public Certificate(X509Certificate cert, String commonName, String uniqueId, String organisation,
            String organisationUnit, String countryName, String state, String locality, String surname,
            String givenName, String applicationIdentifier, String[] roles, String identityProvider,
            Map extension) {

        this.commonName = commonName;
        this.uniqueIdentifier = uniqueId;
        this.organisation = organisation;
        this.organisationUnit = organisationUnit;
        this.countryName = countryName;
        this.state = state;
        this.locality = locality;
        this.surname = surname;
        this.givenName = givenName;

        this.issuer = cert.getIssuerDN().getName();
        this.serialNumber = cert.getSerialNumber();
        this.validFrom = cert.getNotBefore();
        this.validUntil = cert.getNotAfter();
        this.applicationIdentifier = applicationIdentifier;
        this.roles = roles;
        this.identityProvider = identityProvider;
        this.extension = extension;
        try {
            this.pem = CertificateHelper.x509ToBase64PEMString(cert);
        } catch (IOException ex) {

            Logger.getLogger(Certificate.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        this.cert = cert;

     * Get the common name appearing in the given certificate
     * @return the common name as string
    public String getCommonName() {
        return commonName;

     * Get the unique identifier appearing in the given certificate
     * @return the unique identifier
    public String getUniqueIdentifier() {
        return uniqueIdentifier;

     * Get the organisation appearing in the given certificate
     * @return the organisation name
    public String getOrganisation() {
        return organisation;

     * Get the organisation unit appearing in the given certificate
     * @return the organisation unit
    public String getOrganisationUnit() {
        return organisationUnit;

     * Get the country appearing in the given certificate
     * @return the country name
    public String getCountryName() {
        return countryName;

     * Get the state appearing in the given certificate
     * @return the state name
    public String getState() {
        return state;

     * Get the locality appearing in the given certificate
     * @return the locality name
    public String getLocality() {
        return locality;

     * Get the surname appearing in the given certificate
     * @return the surname
    public String getSurname() {
        return surname;

     * Get the given name appearing in the given certificate
     * @return the given name
    public String getGivenName() {
        return givenName;

     * Returns the issuer name.
     * @return a name
    public String getIssuer() {
        return issuer;

     * Returns the serial number.
     * @return a number
    public BigInteger getSerialNumber() {
        return serialNumber;

     * Returns the valid-from date.
     * @return a date
    public Date getValidFrom() {
        return validFrom;

     * Returns the valid-until date.
     * @return a date
    public Date getValidUntil() {
        return validUntil;

     * Return the identifier of the application the certificate was issued for
     * @return the base 64 encoded SHA256 hash of the name of the application
    public String getApplicationIdentifier() {
        return applicationIdentifier;

     * The role the certificate can be used for
     * @return the integer representing the role
    public String[] getRoles() {
        return roles;

     * The identity provider used to authenticate the requeste of the certificate
     * @return the name of the identity provider
    public String getIdentityProvider() {
        return identityProvider;

     * Returns the extension including application identifier, role and identity
     * provider
     * @return the extension
    public Map getExtension() {
        return extension;

     * Returns the certificate as a PEM structure.
     * @return a string containing PEM encoded certificate
    public String getPem() {
        return pem;

     * Get the X.509 Certificate
     * @return the X.509 Certificate
    public X509Certificate getX509Certificate() {
        return cert;

     * Convert the object to a JSON structure
     * @return a JSON string representing the certificate
    public String toJSON() {
        String json = "{ ";

        if (this.commonName != null) {
            json += "\"commonName\": \"" + this.commonName + "\", ";
        if (this.uniqueIdentifier != null) {
            json += "\"uniqueIdentifier\": \"" + this.uniqueIdentifier + "\", ";
        if (this.organisation != null) {
            json += "\"organisation\": \"" + this.organisation + "\", ";
        if (this.organisationUnit != null) {
            json += "\"organisationUnit\": \"" + this.organisationUnit + "\", ";
        if (this.countryName != null) {
            json += "\"countryName\": \"" + this.countryName + "\", ";
        if (this.state != null) {
            json += "\"state\": \"" + this.state + "\", ";
        if (this.locality != null) {
            json += "\"locality\": \"" + this.locality + "\", ";
        if (this.surname != null) {
            json += "\"surname\": \"" + this.surname + "\", ";
        if (this.givenName != null) {
            json += "\"givenName\": \"" + this.givenName + "\", ";
        if (this.issuer != null) {
            json += "\"issuer\": \"" + this.issuer + "\", ";
        if (this.serialNumber != null) {
            json += "\"serialNumber\": \"" + this.serialNumber + "\", ";
        if (this.validFrom != null) {
            json += "\"validFrom\": " + formatDate(this.validFrom) + ", ";
        if (this.validUntil != null) {
            json += "\"validUntil\": " + formatDate(this.validUntil) + ", ";
        if (this.applicationIdentifier != null) {
            json += "\"applicationIdentifier\": \"" + this.applicationIdentifier + "\", ";
        if (this.roles != null) {
            json += "\"roles\": [";
            for (int i = 0; i < this.roles.length; i++) {
                json += "\"" + this.roles[i] + "\", ";
            json = json.substring(0, json.length() - 2);
            json += "], ";
        if (this.identityProvider != null) {
            json += "\"identityProvider\": \"" + this.identityProvider + "\", ";
        if (this.extension != null) {
            for (Entry<String, String> e : this.extension.entrySet()) {
                json += "\"" + e.getKey() + "\": \"" + e.getValue() + "\", ";
        json += "\"pem\": \"" + this.pem.replace("\n", "\\n") + "\"}";
        return json;

     * Helper method allowing to convert a Date in ISO format string
     * @param date the date to convert
     * @return the string representing the date in ISO format
    private String formatDate(Date date) {
        try {
            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
            mapper.configure(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, false);
            return mapper.writeValueAsString(date);
        } catch (JsonProcessingException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(Certificate.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to JSONize date", ex);
            return "\"\"";