Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Berner Fachhochschule, Switzerland. * * Project Smart Reservation System. * * Distributable under GPL license. See terms of license at */ package; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import; import com.vaadin.navigator.Navigator; import com.vaadin.navigator.View; import com.vaadin.navigator.ViewChangeListener.ViewChangeEvent; import com.vaadin.server.Page; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.Grid; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import; import; import; /** * After selecting a timeframe, this view will show all the available rooms for * this timeframe * * @author SRS-Team * */ public class ReservationBySelectedTimeView extends VerticalLayout implements View { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Navigator navigator; private Controller controller; // Constants private static final String RESERVATION_SUCCESS = "You have successfully made a reservation."; private static final String RESERVATION_NULL_VALUE_ERROR = "One or more Values were NULL, no reservation was made!"; private static final String LOGIN_ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN = "You got redirected to the homepage, since no user was logged in."; // Layouts which contain components private final HorizontalLayout navBtnHL = new HorizontalLayout(); private final HorizontalLayout resHL = new HorizontalLayout(); private final VerticalLayout dateVL = new VerticalLayout(); // Labels and Components // TODO Field never used. private String dates = new String(); private Date startDate; private Date endDate; private final Label heading = new Label(); private final Label startDateLabel = new Label(); private final Label endDateLabel = new Label(); private final Grid grid = new Grid(); private final TextField restitle = new TextField(); private Notification notif = new Notification("", Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE); private List<Space> spaces; private boolean gridLock = false; private boolean titleLock = false; private Person currentPerson; // Buttons private final Button reservationBtn = new Button("Make reservation"); private final Button logoutBtn = new Button("Logout"); private final Button backBtn = new Button("Back"); public ReservationBySelectedTimeView(Controller contr) { controller = contr; for (Component c : new Component[] { heading, grid, resHL, navBtnHL }) this.addComponent(c); notif.setDelayMsec(4000); configureUI(); configureButtons(); makeReservationBtnDisabled(); } /** * configure all the settings for the different UI components here */ private void configureUI() { this.setSpacing(true); heading.setValue("Available rooms for the selected timeframe:"); restitle.setValue(""); restitle.setInputPrompt("Enter title"); resHL.addComponents(restitle, reservationBtn, dateVL); resHL.setSpacing(true); dateVL.addComponents(startDateLabel, endDateLabel); configureGrid(); } /** * configurations of the grid are done here */ private void configureGrid() { grid.setWidth("300px"); grid.setHeight("400px"); } /** * loads free rooms from the db and refreshes the grid */ private void refreshGrid() { spaces = controller.getSpaceOnTime(startDate, endDate); grid.setContainerDataSource(new BeanItemContainer<>(Space.class, spaces)); } /** * configure handlers and settings for the buttons here */ private void configureButtons() { reservationBtn.addClickListener(e -> { Person p = (Person) getSession().getAttribute("user"); Space spc = (Space) grid.getSelectedRow(); String t = restitle.getValue(); if (t != null && p != null && startDate != null && endDate != null && spc != null) { controller.createReservation(t, p, startDate, endDate, spc); notif.setCaption(RESERVATION_SUCCESS + " " + restitle.getValue());; refreshGrid(); } else { notif.setCaption(RESERVATION_NULL_VALUE_ERROR);; } }); logoutBtn.addClickListener(e -> { navigator.navigateTo("home"); }); backBtn.addClickListener(e -> { navigator.navigateTo("availableSpaces"); }); navBtnHL.addComponents(backBtn, logoutBtn); navBtnHL.setSpacing(true); } /** * this method provides the function to disable the "reservationBtn" if no * title is written in the "title" TextField or no selection is made in the * grid */ private void makeReservationBtnDisabled() { grid.addSelectionListener(ge -> { if (ge.getSelected().isEmpty()) { reservationBtn.setEnabled(false); gridLock = false; } else { gridLock = true; if (gridLock && titleLock) { reservationBtn.setEnabled(true); } } }); restitle.addTextChangeListener(te -> { if (te.getText().equals("") || te.getText().equals(null)) { reservationBtn.setEnabled(false); titleLock = false; } else { titleLock = true; if (gridLock && titleLock) { reservationBtn.setEnabled(true); } } }); } /** * checks if a user is logged in returns true if someone is logged in * returns false if no one is logged in */ private boolean isLoggedIn() { currentPerson = (Person) getSession().getAttribute("user"); System.out.println(currentPerson); if (currentPerson == null) { notif.setCaption(LOGIN_ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN);; navigator.navigateTo("home"); return false; } return true; } /** * called upon entering the view */ @Override public void enter(ViewChangeEvent event) { navigator = event.getNavigator(); if (isLoggedIn()) { startDate = (Date) getSession().getAttribute("startDate"); endDate = (Date) getSession().getAttribute("endDate"); refreshGrid(); if (grid.getColumn("reservations") != null) { grid.removeColumn("reservations"); } if (grid.getColumn("spaceNumber") != null) { grid.removeColumn("spaceNumber"); } grid.deselectAll(); reservationBtn.setEnabled(false); startDateLabel.setValue("From: " + startDate); endDateLabel.setValue("To: " + endDate); } } }