Java tutorial
/* * @author: 5ia13paguenthard * * Licensed under the GNU GPL v3 * NO WARRANTY */ package ch.bbw.cms.database; import ch.bbw.cms.bean.SettingsBean; import ch.bbw.cms.database.hibernate.*; import ch.bbw.cms.enums.*; import ch.bbw.cms.helper.*; import ch.bbw.cms.inf.*; import ch.bbw.cms.mock.DefaultLog; import ch.bbw.cms.models.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.hibernate.*; /** * * This Class is used to connect to the database in the Internet. it provides methods which can be called from the application. * * <b>This class mustn't be directly included into the viewer files (i.e. xhtml files) because of security reasons</b> */ public class HibernateDatabase implements DatabaseControlInf { private SessionFactory factory; private HibernateUtil util; private Log logger = SettingsBean.logger(); private final SessionData sessiondata; private final Analyzer analyze; /** * Cache Posts, Pinwall and User lists. The lists get refreshed after {@link:#Const.REFRESH_TIME Const.REFRESH_TIME} */ private ArrayList<Post> postCache; private Date lastCachedPosts = new Date(); private ArrayList<User> userCache; private Date lastCachedUsers = new Date(); private HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Post>> pinwallCache; private Date lastCachedPinwall = new Date(); private HashMap<String, Integer> pinwallIdCache; private Date lastPinwallIdCache = new Date(); private boolean loadPinsFromDb = false; private HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Comment>> commentCache = new HashMap<>(); private Date lastCacheComment = new Date(); public HibernateDatabase() { sessiondata = new SessionData(); if ((util = sessiondata.getDBUtil()) == null) { util = new HibernateUtil(); sessiondata.setDBUtil(util); } factory = util.getSessionFactory(); analyze = new Analyzer("hibernateDb"); analyze.count("init db"); } private Session initSession() { try { return factory.getCurrentSession(); } catch (HibernateException ex) { return factory.openSession(); } } @Override public ArrayList<Post> getPosts(User user) { analyze.count("getPostsFromUserClass"); return getPosts(user.getUserId()); } @Override public ArrayList<Post> getPosts() { analyze.count("getPostsAll"); if (postCache == null || (new Date().getTime() - lastCachedPosts.getTime()) > Const.REFRESH_TIME) { postCache = getPostList(null); lastCachedPosts = new Date(); } return postCache; } @Override public ArrayList<Post> getPosts(int userId) { ArrayList<Post> retPosts = new ArrayList<>(); for (Post tmpPostFromList : postCache) { if (tmpPostFromList.getUserId() == userId) { retPosts.add(tmpPostFromList); } } if (retPosts.size() > 0) { return retPosts; } else { return getPostList(userId); } } @Override public ArrayList<Post> getPosts(String searchterm) { analyze.count("getPostFromSearchTerm"); return getPostListBase(searchterm); } @Override public Post getPost(int id) { analyze.count("getPostClassFromId"); for (Post pst : getPostListBase(null)) { if (pst.getPostId() == id) { return pst; } } return null; } @Override public ArrayList<Post> getPostList(Integer userId) { analyze.count("getPostFromUserId"); return getPostListBase((Integer) userId); } public ArrayList<Post> getPostListBase(Object userIdOrSearchTerm) { analyze.count("getPosts"); if (postCache == null) { postCache = new ArrayList<>(); } else if (postCache.size() > 0 && new Date().getTime() - lastCachedPosts.getTime() > Const.REFRESH_TIME) { return postCache; } ArrayList<Post> posts = new ArrayList<Post>(); String query; if (userIdOrSearchTerm == null) { query = "from cms_post"; } else { if (userIdOrSearchTerm instanceof String) { query = "from cms_post where post_content LIKE '%" + (String) userIdOrSearchTerm + "%'" + "or post_title LIKE '%" + (String) userIdOrSearchTerm + "%' AND post_user_id = user_id"; } else { query = "from cms_post where post_user_id = user_id AND post_user_id = " + (Integer) userIdOrSearchTerm; } } analyze.count("getPostsDb"); Session session = initSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); List lposts = session.createQuery(query).list(); for (Iterator iterator = lposts.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { cms_post post = (cms_post); Post p = new Post(post.getId(), post.getTitle(), post.getContent(), getUser(post.getUserId()), post.getPost_date()); posts.add(p); postCache.add(p); lastCachedPosts = new Date(); } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { session.close(); } return posts; } @Override public ArrayList<User> getUserList() { analyze.count("getUser"); if (userCache != null && new Date().getTime() - lastCachedUsers.getTime() < Const.REFRESH_TIME) { return userCache; } analyze.count("getUserDb"); ArrayList<User> users = new ArrayList<>(); String query = "from cms_user"; Session session = initSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); List lusers = session.createQuery(query).list(); for (Iterator iterator = lusers.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { cms_user user = (cms_user); users.add(new User(user.getId(), user.getName(), user.getPassword(), user.getEmail(), user.getGender(), user.getType())); } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { session.close(); } userCache = users; lastCachedUsers = new Date(); return users; } @Override public int checkUser(String username, String password) { analyze.count("checkUser"); for (User tmp : getUserList()) { if (tmp.getName().equals(username) || tmp.getEmail().equals(username)) { if (tmp.getPassword().equals(password)) { return tmp.getUserId(); } } } return -1; } @Override public boolean createUser(String username, String password, String email, UserGender gender, UserType type) { return execute( "INSERT INTO cms_user (user_name, user_password, user_email, user_gender, user_type) values(" + " '" + username + "'" + ",'" + password + "'" + ",'" + email + "'" + ",'" + gender.getGenderName() + "'" + ",'" + type.getType() + "')"); } @Override public boolean createUser(User user) { return createUser(user.getName(), user.getPassword(), user.getEmail(), user.getGender(), user.getType()); } @Override public boolean createPost(Post post) { return createPost(post.getTitle(), post.getContent(), post.getUserId(), post.getDate()); } @Override public boolean createPost(String title, String content, int userid, Date date) { return execute( "INSERT INTO cms_post (post_title, post_content, post_user_id, post_likes, post_date) values(" + "'" + title + "'" + ",'" + content + "'" + ", " + userid + "" + ", 0" + ", '" + new java.sql.Date(date.getTime()).toString() + "' )"); } @Override public boolean deletePost(int id) { if (Const.LOG_DEBUG) { logger.debug("Delete post " + id); } return execute("DELETE FROM cms_post WHERE post_id=" + id); } @Override public boolean deletePost(Post post) { return deletePost(post.getPostId()); } @Override public boolean updatePost(int postid, String title, String content) { return execute("UPDATE cms_post SET " + "post_title='" + title + "'" + ", post_content='" + content + "'" + " WHERE post_id=" + postid + ";"); } @Override public boolean changeUserPassword(int userId, String newPw) { return execute("UPDATE cms_user SET user_password =\"" + newPw + "\" WHERE user_id = " + userId); } @Override public boolean changeUserBio(int userId, String bio) { return execute("UPDATE cms_user SET user_bio =\"" + bio + "\" WHERE user_id = " + userId); } @Override public boolean changeUserType(int userId, UserType type) { return execute("UPDATE cms_user SET user_type =\"" + type.getType() + "\" WHERE user_id = " + userId); } @Override public int getUserId(String nameOrEmail) { analyze.count("getUserId"); for (User usr : getUserList()) { if (usr.getName().equals(nameOrEmail) || usr.getEmail().equals(nameOrEmail)) { return usr.getUserId(); } } return -1; } @Override public User getUser(int id) { analyze.count("getUserClassById"); for (User usr : getUserList()) { if (usr.getUserId() == id) { return usr; } } return null; } @Override public boolean deleteUser(int userId) { return execute("DELETE FROM cms_user WHERE user_id=" + userId); } @Override public boolean deleteUser(User usr) { return deleteUser(usr.getUserId()); } @Override public ArrayList<Post> getPinwall(User user) { analyze.count("getPinwall"); if (loadPinsFromDb == false && pinwallCache != null && new Date().getTime() - lastCachedPinwall.getTime() < Const.REFRESH_TIME) { if (pinwallCache.containsKey(user.getUserId())) { if (Const.LOG_DEBUG) { logger.debug("Pinwall Chache access" + user.getUserId()); } return pinwallCache.get(user.getUserId()); } } else if (pinwallCache == null) { pinwallCache = new HashMap<>(); } if (Const.LOG_DEBUG) { logger.debug("Pinwall Database access" + user.getUserId()); } analyze.count("getPinwallDb"); ArrayList<Post> posts = new ArrayList<>(); String query = "from cms_pinwall where pin_user_id = " + user.getUserId(); Session session = initSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); Query q = session.createQuery(query); List lposts = q.list(); for (Iterator iterator = lposts.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { cms_pinwall pin = (cms_pinwall); posts.add(getPost(pin.getPostId())); } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { session.close(); } pinwallCache.put(user.getUserId(), posts); lastCachedPinwall = new Date(); loadPinsFromDb = false; return posts; } @Override public boolean addPostToPinwall(User user, Post post) { if (Const.LOG_DEBUG) { new DefaultLog().debug(user.getName()); } return execute("INSERT INTO cms_pinwall (pin_user_id, pin_post_id) VALUES('" + user.getUserId() + "', '" + post.getPostId() + "')"); } @Override public boolean addPostToPinwall(int userid, int postid) { return execute( "INSERT INTO cms_pinwall (pin_user_id, pin_post_id) VALUES('" + userid + "', '" + postid + "')"); } @Override public boolean deletePostFromPinwall(int pinid) { if (Const.LOG_DEBUG) { logger.debug("delete pin " + pinid); } loadPinsFromDb = true; return execute("DELETE FROM cms_pinwall WHERE pin_id=" + pinid); } @Override public int getPinId(int userid, int postid) { analyze.count("getPinId"); if (pinwallIdCache != null && new Date().getTime() - lastPinwallIdCache.getTime() > Const.REFRESH_TIME / 4) { Set<String> keys = pinwallIdCache.keySet(); for (Iterator<String> it = keys.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String currentKey =; String[] strKeys = currentKey.split(":"); if (Integer.parseInt(strKeys[0]) == userid && Integer.parseInt(strKeys[1]) == postid) { if (Const.LOG_DEBUG) { logger.debug("pin id from cache: " + pinwallIdCache.get(currentKey)); } return pinwallIdCache.get(currentKey); } } } else if (pinwallIdCache == null) { pinwallIdCache = new HashMap<>(); } analyze.count("getPinIdDb"); //ArrayList<Post> posts = new ArrayList<>(); int pinId = -1; String query = "from cms_pinwall where pin_user_id=" + userid + " AND pin_post_id=" + postid; Session session = initSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); Query q = session.createQuery(query); List lposts = q.list(); for (Iterator iterator = lposts.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { cms_pinwall pin = (cms_pinwall); pinId = pin.getId(); if (Const.LOG_DEBUG) { logger.debug("pin id from db " + pinId); } pinwallIdCache.put(userid + ":" + postid, pinId); lastPinwallIdCache = new Date(); } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { session.close(); } return pinId; } @Override public ArrayList<Comment> getComments(int postid) { analyze.count("getComments"); if (commentCache != null && !commentCache.isEmpty() && commentCache.get(postid) != null && !commentCache.get(postid).isEmpty() && new Date().getTime() - lastCacheComment.getTime() > Const.REFRESH_TIME) { if (Const.LOG_DEBUG) { logger.debug("load comments from cache: " + postid); } return commentCache.get(postid); } else { if (Const.LOG_DEBUG) { logger.debug("load comments from db: " + postid); } } analyze.count("getCommentsDb"); ArrayList<Comment> comments = new ArrayList<>(); String query = "from cms_comment where comment_post_id=" + postid + "order by comment_date desc"; Session session = initSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); List lcomments = session.createQuery(query).list(); for (Iterator iterator = lcomments.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { cms_comment comment = (cms_comment); comments.add(new Comment(comment.getId(), comment.getContent(), comment.getPostId(), getUser(comment.getUserId()), comment.getDate())); } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { session.close(); } commentCache.put(postid, comments); lastCacheComment = new Date(); return comments; } @Override public boolean addComment(Comment comment) { return execute( "INSERT INTO cms_comment (comment_user_id, comment_content, comment_post_id, comment_date) values(" + "" + comment.getUserId() + "" + ", '" + comment.getContent() + "'" + ", " + comment.getPostId() + "" + ", '" + new java.sql.Date(comment.getDate().getTime()).toString() + "' );"); } @Override public boolean deleteComment(int commentid) { return execute("DELETE FROM cms_comment WHERE comment_id=" + commentid); } @Override public boolean deleteComment(Comment comment) { return deleteComment(comment.getContentId()); } private boolean execute(String mysqlQuery) { analyze.count("execute"); if (Const.LOG_DEBUG) { logger.debug("MySQL Query: " + mysqlQuery); } boolean worked = true; Session session = initSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = session.beginTransaction(); session.createSQLQuery(mysqlQuery).executeUpdate(); tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); worked = false; e.printStackTrace(); } finally { session.close(); } return worked; } }