Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2012, 2015 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package cfa.vo.iris.sed; import cfa.vo.iris.desktop.IrisWorkspace; import; import; import; import; import; import cfa.vo.iris.logging.LogEntry; import cfa.vo.iris.logging.LogEvent; import cfa.vo.iris.sed.quantities.AxisMetadata; import cfa.vo.iris.sed.quantities.SPVYQuantity; import cfa.vo.iris.sed.quantities.SPVYUnit; import cfa.vo.iris.sed.quantities.XUnit; import cfa.vo.iris.units.DefaultUnitsManager; import cfa.vo.iris.units.UnitsManager; import cfa.vo.iris.units.UnitsException; import cfa.vo.iris.utils.Default; import cfa.vo.iris.utils.UTYPE; import cfa.vo.sedlib.*; import cfa.vo.sedlib.common.SedInconsistentException; import cfa.vo.sedlib.common.SedNoDataException; import cfa.vo.sedlib.common.SedParsingException; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * * @author olaurino */ public class ExtSed extends Sed { private Map<String, Object> attachments = new TreeMap(); private String id; private boolean managed = true; private static UnitsManager uf = Default.getInstance().getUnitsManager(); public ExtSed(String id) { = id; } public ExtSed(String id, boolean managed) { this(id); this.managed = managed; } public boolean isManaged() { return this.managed; } public void setManaged(boolean managed) { this.managed = managed; } @Override public void addSegment(Segment segment) throws SedInconsistentException, SedNoDataException { super.addSegment(segment); } @Override public void addSegment(Segment segment, int offset) throws SedNoDataException, SedInconsistentException { super.addSegment(segment, offset); if (managed) { SegmentEvent.getInstance().fire(segment, new SegmentPayload(this, SedCommand.ADDED)); SedEvent.getInstance().fire(this, SedCommand.CHANGED); LogEvent.getInstance().fire(this, new LogEntry("Segment added to SED: " + id, this)); } } private void addSegmentSilently(Segment segment, int offset) throws SedNoDataException, SedInconsistentException { super.addSegment(segment, offset); } @Override public void addSegment(java.util.List<Segment> segments) throws SedInconsistentException, SedNoDataException { super.addSegment(segments); } @Override public void addSegment(java.util.List<Segment> segments, int offset) throws SedInconsistentException, SedNoDataException { for (Segment segment : segments) { addSegmentSilently(segment, offset); } if (managed) { MultipleSegmentEvent.getInstance().fire(segments, new SegmentPayload(this, SedCommand.ADDED)); SedEvent.getInstance().fire(this, SedCommand.CHANGED); LogEvent.getInstance().fire(this, new LogEntry("Segments added to SED: " + id, this)); } } @Override public void removeSegment(int i) { Segment seg = this.getSegment(i); super.removeSegment(i); if (managed) { SegmentEvent.getInstance().fire(seg, new SegmentPayload(this, SedCommand.REMOVED)); LogEvent.getInstance().fire(this, new LogEntry("Segment removed from SED: " + id, this)); } } public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public void addAttachment(String attachmentId, Object attachment) { attachments.put(attachmentId, attachment); } public Object getAttachment(String attachmentId) { if (attachments.containsKey(attachmentId)) { return attachments.get(attachmentId); } else { return null; } } public void removeAttachment(String attachmentId) { attachments.remove(attachmentId); } @Override public String toString() { return id + " (Segments: " + this.getNumberOfSegments() + ")"; } @Override public ExtSed clone() { ExtSed s = (ExtSed) super.clone(); s.attachments = new TreeMap(); return s; } public boolean remove(Segment s) { boolean resp = super.segmentList.remove(s); if (managed) { SegmentEvent.getInstance().fire(s, new SegmentPayload(this, SedCommand.REMOVED)); LogEvent.getInstance().fire(this, new LogEntry("Segments removed from SED: " + id, this)); } return resp; } public boolean remove(List<Segment> segments) { boolean resp = true; for (Segment s : segments) { resp &= super.segmentList.remove(s); } if (managed) { MultipleSegmentEvent.getInstance().fire(segments, new SegmentPayload(this, SedCommand.REMOVED)); LogEvent.getInstance().fire(this, new LogEntry("Segments removed from SED: " + id, this)); } return resp; } public int indexOf(Segment s) { return segmentList.indexOf(s); } public static ExtSed read(String filename, SedFormat format) throws SedParsingException, SedInconsistentException, IOException, SedNoDataException { return read(filename, format, true); } public static ExtSed read(String filename, SedFormat format, boolean managed) throws SedParsingException, SedInconsistentException, IOException, SedNoDataException { Sed sed =, format); String[] path = filename.split(File.separator); String id = path[path.length - 1].split("\\.")[0]; ExtSed s = new ExtSed(id, managed); for (int i = 0; i < sed.getNumberOfSegments(); i++) { s.addSegment(sed.getSegment(i)); } return s; } public void checkChar() { for (int i = 0; i < this.getNumberOfSegments(); i++) { Segment segment = this.getSegment(i); List<Double> spectral; try { spectral = Arrays.asList(ArrayUtils.toObject(segment.getSpectralAxisValues())); double min = Collections.min(spectral); double max = Collections.max(spectral); segment.createChar().createSpectralAxis().createCoverage().createBounds().createRange().createMin() .setValue(min); segment.createChar().createSpectralAxis().createCoverage().createBounds().createRange().createMax() .setValue(max); segment.createChar().createSpectralAxis().createCoverage().createBounds().createExtent() .setValue(max - min); } catch (SedNoDataException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ExtSed.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } public static ExtSed flatten(ExtSed sed, String xunit, String yunit) throws cfa.vo.sedlib.common.SedException, UnitsException { if (sed.getNumberOfSegments() == 0) { throw new SedNoDataException(); } double xvalues[] = {}; double yvalues[] = {}; double staterr[] = {}; Target target = new Target(); for (int i = 0; i < sed.getNumberOfSegments(); i++) { Segment oldSegment = sed.getSegment(i); if (oldSegment.isSetTarget()) { Target t = oldSegment.getTarget(); if (t.isSetName() && !t.getName().getValue().equals("UNKNOWN")) { target.setName((TextParam) t.getName().clone()); if (t.isSetPos()) { target.setPos((PositionParam) t.getPos().clone()); } } } double[] xoldvalues = oldSegment.getSpectralAxisValues(); double[] yoldvalues = oldSegment.getFluxAxisValues(); double[] erroldvalues = (double[]) oldSegment.getDataValues(UTYPE.FLUX_STAT_ERROR); String xoldunits = oldSegment.getSpectralAxisUnits(); String yoldunits = oldSegment.getFluxAxisUnits(); double[] ynewvalues = convertYValues(yoldvalues, xoldvalues, yoldunits, xoldunits, yunit); yvalues = concat(yvalues, ynewvalues); if (erroldvalues != null) { double[] errnewvalues = uf.convertErrors(erroldvalues, yoldvalues, xoldvalues, uf.newYUnits(yoldunits), uf.newXUnits(xoldunits), uf.newYUnits(yunit)); // double[] errnewvalues = convertYValues(erroldvalues, xoldvalues, yoldunits, xoldunits, yunit); staterr = concat(staterr, errnewvalues); } double[] xnewvalues = convertXValues(xoldvalues, xoldunits, xunit); xvalues = concat(xvalues, xnewvalues); } Segment segment = new Segment(); segment.setSpectralAxisValues(xvalues); segment.setFluxAxisValues(yvalues); segment.setDataValues(staterr, UTYPE.FLUX_STAT_ERROR); segment.setTarget(target); segment.setSpectralAxisUnits(xunit); segment.setFluxAxisUnits(yunit); String xucd = null; for (XUnit u : XUnit.values()) { if (u.getString().contains(xunit)) { xucd = u.getUCD(); } } segment.createChar().createSpectralAxis().setUcd(xucd); String yucd = null; for (SPVYUnit u : SPVYUnit.values()) { if (u.getString().equals(yunit)) { for (SPVYQuantity q : SPVYQuantity.values()) { if (q.getPossibleUnits().contains(u)) { yucd = (new AxisMetadata(q, u)).getUCD(); } } } } segment.createChar().createFluxAxis().setUcd(yucd); ExtSed newSed = new ExtSed("Exported", false); newSed.addSegment(segment); newSed.checkChar(); return newSed; } private static double[] concat(double[] a, double[] b) { int aLen = a.length; int bLen = b.length; double[] c = new double[aLen + bLen]; System.arraycopy(a, 0, c, 0, aLen); System.arraycopy(b, 0, c, aLen, bLen); return c; } private static double[] convertXValues(double[] values, String fromUnits, String toUnits) throws UnitsException { return uf.convertX(values, uf.newXUnits(fromUnits), uf.newXUnits(toUnits)); } private static double[] convertYValues(double[] yvalues, double[] xvalues, String fromYUnits, String fromXUnits, String toUnits) throws UnitsException { return uf.convertY(yvalues, xvalues, uf.newYUnits(fromYUnits), uf.newXUnits(fromXUnits), uf.newYUnits(toUnits)); } }