Java tutorial
/* * This class was created by <AdrianTodt>. It's distributed as * part of the DavidBot. Get the Source Code in github: * * * DavidBot is Open Source and distributed under the * GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1: * * * File Created @ [02/11/16 13:46] */ package cf.adriantodt.utils; import cf.adriantodt.David.commands.base.Holder; import; import; import; import org.json.XML; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static cf.adriantodt.utils.PatternCollection.compileForHTMLContents; import static cf.adriantodt.utils.PatternCollection.compileForHTMLTag; import static cf.adriantodt.utils.PatternCollection.compileReplace; public class HTML2Discord { public static final List<Function<String, String>> FUNCTION_LIST = Arrays.asList( compileReplace(compileForHTMLTag("blockquote"), ""), compileReplace(compileForHTMLTag("br"), "\n"), compileReplace(compileForHTMLTag("b"), "**"), compileReplace(compileForHTMLTag("em"), "*"), compileReplace(compileForHTMLTag("strike"), "~~"), compileReplace(compileForHTMLTag("u"), "__"), compileReplace(compileForHTMLTag("kbd"), "`"), compileReplace(compileForHTMLTag("code"), "`"), compileReplace(compileForHTMLTag("pre"), "```"), compileReplace(compileForHTMLTag("p"), "\n"), compileReplace(compileForHTMLTag("img"), MatcherUtils.replaceAll(s -> { JsonElement element = new JsonParser().parse(XML.toJSONObject(s).toString()); if (!element.isJsonObject() || !element.getAsJsonObject().get("img").isJsonObject()) return ""; JsonObject object = element.getAsJsonObject().get("img").getAsJsonObject(); if (!object.has("src")) return "(no image)"; return object.get("src").getAsString(); })), compileReplace(compileForHTMLContents("a"), MatcherUtils.replaceAll(s -> { String inside = s.substring(s.indexOf('>') + 1, s.lastIndexOf('<')); s = s.substring(0, s.indexOf('>') + 1) + "nvm" + s.substring(s.lastIndexOf('<')); JsonElement element = new JsonParser().parse(XML.toJSONObject(s).toString()); if (!element.isJsonObject() || !element.getAsJsonObject().get("a").isJsonObject()) return inside; JsonObject object = element.getAsJsonObject().get("a").getAsJsonObject(); if (!object.has("href")) return inside; return inside + " (" + object.get("href").getAsString() + ")"; })), compileReplace(Pattern.compile("````"), "```"), compileReplace(PatternCollection.HTML_TO_PLAIN, ""), compileReplace(Pattern.compile(":(?=[*_~`])"), ": "), compileReplace(Pattern.compile("[*_~`]\\s+?"), ""), compileReplace(PatternCollection.UNNECESSARY_NEWLINE_END, ""), compileReplace(PatternCollection.UNNECESSARY_NEWLINE_START, ""), compileReplace(PatternCollection.MULTIPLE_LINES, "\n")); public static String toDiscordFormat(String html) { Holder<String> h = new Holder<>(html); FUNCTION_LIST.forEach(f -> h.var = f.apply(h.var)); return h.var; } public static String toPlainText(String discordFormatMessage) { String strippedContent; //all the formatting keys to keep track of String[] keys = new String[] { "*", "_", "`", "~~" }; //find all tokens (formatting strings described above) TreeSet<FormatToken> tokens = new TreeSet<>((t1, t2) ->, t2.start)); for (String key : keys) { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(key)).matcher(discordFormatMessage); while (matcher.find()) { tokens.add(new FormatToken(key, matcher.start())); } } //iterate over all tokens, find all matching pairs, and add them to the list toRemove Stack<FormatToken> stack = new Stack<>(); List<FormatToken> toRemove = new ArrayList<>(); boolean inBlock = false; for (FormatToken token : tokens) { if (stack.empty() || !stack.peek().format.equals(token.format) || stack.peek().start + token.format.length() == token.start) { //we are at opening tag if (!inBlock) { //we are outside of block -> handle normally if (token.format.equals("`")) { //block start... invalidate all previous tags stack.clear(); inBlock = true; } stack.push(token); } else if (token.format.equals("`")) { //we are inside of a block -> handle only block tag stack.push(token); } } else if (!stack.empty()) { //we found a matching close-tag toRemove.add(stack.pop()); toRemove.add(token); if (token.format.equals("`") && stack.empty()) { //close tag closed the block inBlock = false; } } } //sort tags to remove by their start-index and iteratively build the remaining string Collections.sort(toRemove, (t1, t2) ->, t2.start)); StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); int currIndex = 0; for (FormatToken formatToken : toRemove) { if (currIndex < formatToken.start) { out.append(discordFormatMessage.substring(currIndex, formatToken.start)); } currIndex = formatToken.start + formatToken.format.length(); } if (currIndex < discordFormatMessage.length()) { out.append(discordFormatMessage.substring(currIndex)); } //return the stripped text, escape all remaining formatting characters (did not have matching open/close before or were left/right of block strippedContent = out.toString().replace("*", "\\*").replace("_", "\\_").replace("~", "\\~"); return strippedContent; } private static class FormatToken { public final String format; public final int start; public FormatToken(String format, int start) { this.format = format; this.start = start; } } }