Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package cellularautomata; import java.awt.Font; import java.util.Random; import org.lwjgl.LWJGLException; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display; import org.lwjgl.opengl.DisplayMode; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import org.newdawn.slick.Color; import org.newdawn.slick.TrueTypeFont; /** * * @author carson */ public class CellularAutomata { public static int pixel = 1; public static int borderSize = 0; public static int currentRound; public static int brushRadius = 1; public static final int rounds = 50; public static int[][][] state; public static int[][][] neighbourhood = new int[7][7][6]; public static int[][] path = new int[6][10]; public static int screenState = 0, menuState = 6; public static Random newRandom = new Random(); public static int black, white, red, blue, green, purple; public static boolean leftClick, rightClick; public static boolean vsync = true; public static void main(String[] args) { for (int yi = 0; yi < 6; yi++) { for (int xi = 0; xi < 10; xi++) { path[yi][xi] = 1; } } resetState(); renderGL(); Font titleFont = new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 40); TrueTypeFont trueTypeTitleFont = new TrueTypeFont(titleFont, false); Font dimensionsFont = new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 20); TrueTypeFont trueTypeDimensionsFont = new TrueTypeFont(dimensionsFont, false); Font paintBrushFont = new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD, 30); TrueTypeFont trueTypePaintBrushFont = new TrueTypeFont(paintBrushFont, false); gameLoop(trueTypeTitleFont, trueTypeDimensionsFont, trueTypePaintBrushFont); } public static void gameLoop(TrueTypeFont trueTypeTitleFont, TrueTypeFont trueTypeDimensionsFont, TrueTypeFont trueTypePaintBrushFont) { while (!Display.isCloseRequested()) { GL11.glClear(GL11.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL11.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); int indexX = (int) Math.ceil((Mouse.getX() - 90) / 62); int indexY = 5 - ((int) Math.ceil(Mouse.getY() / 86)); if (menuState == 6 && screenState == 1) { int dwheel = Mouse.getDWheel(); if (dwheel < 0 && indexY < 6 && indexY >= 0 && indexX < 10 && indexX >= 0) { if (path[indexY][indexX] < 6) { path[indexY][indexX]++; } } else if (dwheel > 0 && indexY < 6 && indexY >= 0 && indexX < 10 && indexX >= 0) { if (path[indexY][indexX] > 1) { path[indexY][indexX]--; } } } if (screenState == 2) { int dwheel = Mouse.getDWheel(); if (dwheel < 0 && currentRound > 0) { currentRound--; } else if (dwheel > 0) { updateAlive(); } } input(trueTypeTitleFont); if (screenState == 0) { drawTitle(trueTypeTitleFont, trueTypePaintBrushFont, trueTypeDimensionsFont); } if (screenState == 1) { drawMenuLoop(trueTypeTitleFont, trueTypeDimensionsFont, trueTypePaintBrushFont); } if (screenState == 2) { drawBoard(); } Display.update(); Display.sync(60); } Display.destroy(); } public static void renderGL() { try { //Trys to create a game window size 500x700. Display.setDisplayMode(new org.lwjgl.opengl.DisplayMode(800, 600)); Display.create(); } catch (LWJGLException e) { //Catches exception if game window is not created. e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); GL11.glShadeModel(GL11.GL_SMOOTH); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); GL11.glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); //Sets colour to white. GL11.glClearDepth(1); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND); GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); GL11.glViewport(0, 0, 800, 600); GL11.glMatrixMode(GL11.GL_MODELVIEW); GL11.glMatrixMode(GL11.GL_PROJECTION); GL11.glLoadIdentity(); GL11.glOrtho(0, 800, 600, 0, 1, -1); GL11.glMatrixMode(GL11.GL_MODELVIEW); Display.setVSyncEnabled(vsync); } public static void setDisplayMode(int width, int height, boolean fullscreen) { // return if requested DisplayMode is already set if ((Display.getDisplayMode().getWidth() == width) && (Display.getDisplayMode().getHeight() == height) && (Display.isFullscreen() == fullscreen)) { return; } try { DisplayMode targetDisplayMode = null; if (fullscreen) { DisplayMode[] modes = Display.getAvailableDisplayModes(); int freq = 0; for (int i = 0; i < modes.length; i++) { DisplayMode current = modes[i]; if ((current.getWidth() == width) && (current.getHeight() == height)) { if ((targetDisplayMode == null) || (current.getFrequency() >= freq)) { if ((targetDisplayMode == null) || (current.getBitsPerPixel() > targetDisplayMode.getBitsPerPixel())) { targetDisplayMode = current; freq = targetDisplayMode.getFrequency(); } } // if we've found a match for bpp and frequence against the // original display mode then it's probably best to go for this one // since it's most likely compatible with the monitor if ((current.getBitsPerPixel() == Display.getDesktopDisplayMode().getBitsPerPixel()) && (current.getFrequency() == Display.getDesktopDisplayMode().getFrequency())) { targetDisplayMode = current; break; } } } } else { targetDisplayMode = new DisplayMode(width, height); } if (targetDisplayMode == null) { System.out.println("Failed to find value mode: " + width + "x" + height + " fs=" + fullscreen); return; } Display.setDisplayMode(targetDisplayMode); Display.setFullscreen(fullscreen); } catch (LWJGLException e) { System.out.println("Unable to setup mode " + width + "x" + height + " fullscreen=" + fullscreen + e); } } public static void input(TrueTypeFont trueTypeTitleFont) { int squareX = (int) Math.ceil(Mouse.getX() / 89); int squareY = (int) Math.ceil(Mouse.getY() / 86); while ( { if (Keyboard.getEventKeyState()) { if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_F) { setDisplayMode(800, 600, !Display.isFullscreen()); } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_V) { vsync = !vsync; Display.setVSyncEnabled(vsync); } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_SPACE) { if (screenState == 0) { screenState = 1; } else if (screenState == 1) { screenState = 2; } else if (screenState == 2) { screenState = 1; } } if (screenState == 1 && menuState != 6 && menuState != 7 && squareX - 1 >= 0 && squareX - 1 < 7) { if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_0) { neighbourhood[6 - squareY][squareX - 1][menuState] = 0; } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_1) { neighbourhood[6 - squareY][squareX - 1][menuState] = 1; } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_2) { neighbourhood[6 - squareY][squareX - 1][menuState] = 2; } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_3) { neighbourhood[6 - squareY][squareX - 1][menuState] = 3; } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_4) { neighbourhood[6 - squareY][squareX - 1][menuState] = 4; } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_5) { neighbourhood[6 - squareY][squareX - 1][menuState] = 5; } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_6) { neighbourhood[6 - squareY][squareX - 1][menuState] = 6; } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_7) { neighbourhood[6 - squareY][squareX - 1][menuState] = 7; } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_8) { neighbourhood[6 - squareY][squareX - 1][menuState] = 8; } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_9) { neighbourhood[6 - squareY][squareX - 1][menuState] = 9; } } if (screenState == 2) { if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_LEFT) { for (int yi = 0; yi < 600 / pixel; yi++) { for (int xi = 0; xi < 800 / pixel; xi++) { int switchColour = 0; while (switchColour == 0 && (black == 1 || white == 1 || red == 1 || blue == 1 || green == 1 || purple == 1)) { currentRound = 0; state[xi][yi][currentRound] = (int) (newRandom.nextDouble() * 6) + 1; if ((black == 1 && state[xi][yi][currentRound] == 1) || (white == 1 && state[xi][yi][currentRound] == 2) || (red == 1 && state[xi][yi][currentRound] == 3) || (blue == 1 && state[xi][yi][currentRound] == 4) || (green == 1 && state[xi][yi][currentRound] == 5) || (purple == 1 && state[xi][yi][currentRound] == 6)) { switchColour = 1; } } } } } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_RIGHT) { for (int yi = 0; yi < 600 / pixel; yi++) { for (int xi = 0; xi < 800 / pixel; xi++) { int switchColour = 0; while (switchColour == 0 && (black == 2 || white == 2 || red == 2 || blue == 2 || green == 2 || purple == 2)) { currentRound = 0; state[xi][yi][currentRound] = (int) (newRandom.nextDouble() * 6) + 1; if ((black == 2 && state[xi][yi][currentRound] == 1) || (white == 2 && state[xi][yi][currentRound] == 2) || (red == 2 && state[xi][yi][currentRound] == 3) || (blue == 2 && state[xi][yi][currentRound] == 4) || (green == 2 && state[xi][yi][currentRound] == 5) || (purple == 2 && state[xi][yi][currentRound] == 6)) { switchColour = 1; } } } } } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_BACK) { resetState(); } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_G) { if (pixel >= 10) { if (borderSize == 0) { borderSize = 1; } else { borderSize = 0; } } } } } } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_UP) && screenState == 2) { updateAlive(); } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_DOWN) && screenState == 2 && currentRound > 0) { currentRound--; } try { Mouse.setGrabbed(false); Mouse.create(); } catch (LWJGLException e) { //Catches exception if game window is not created. e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } if (Mouse.isButtonDown(0) && !leftClick) { if (squareX == 0 && screenState == 1) { if (squareY == 0) { menuState = 0; } else if (squareY == 1) { menuState = 1; } else if (squareY == 2) { menuState = 2; } else if (squareY == 3) { menuState = 3; } else if (squareY == 4) { menuState = 4; } else if (squareY == 5) { menuState = 5; } else if (squareY == 6) { menuState = 6; } } else if (squareX == 8 && screenState == 1) { if (squareY == 0) { if (menuState == 6) { pixel = 100; resetState(); } else if (purple >= 0) { if (purple == 0 || purple == 2) purple = 1; else if (purple == 1) purple = 0; } } else if (squareY == 1) { if (menuState == 6) { pixel = 50; resetState(); } else if (green >= 0) { if (green == 0 || green == 2) green = 1; else if (green == 1) green = 0; } } else if (squareY == 2) { if (menuState == 6) { pixel = 25; resetState(); } else if (blue >= 0) { if (blue == 0 || blue == 2) blue = 1; else if (blue == 1) blue = 0; } } else if (squareY == 3) { if (menuState == 6) { pixel = 10; resetState(); } else if (red >= 0) { if (red == 0 || red == 2) red = 1; else if (red == 1) red = 0; } } else if (squareY == 4) { if (menuState == 6) { pixel = 4; resetState(); } else if (white >= 0) { if (white == 0 || white == 2) white = 1; else if (white == 1) white = 0; } } else if (squareY == 5) { if (menuState == 6) { pixel = 2; resetState(); } else if (black >= 0) { if (black == 0 || black == 2) black = 1; else if (black == 1) black = 0; } } else if (squareY == 6) { if (menuState == 6) { pixel = 1; resetState(); } } } leftClick = true; } if (Mouse.isButtonDown(1) && !rightClick) { if (squareX == 8 && screenState == 1 && menuState != 6) { if (squareY == 0) { if (purple == 0 || purple == 1) purple = 2; else if (purple == 2) purple = 0; } else if (squareY == 1) { if (green == 0 || green == 1) green = 2; else if (green == 2) green = 0; } else if (squareY == 2) { if (blue == 0 || blue == 1) blue = 2; else if (blue == 2) blue = 0; } else if (squareY == 3) { if (red == 0 || red == 1) red = 2; else if (red == 2) red = 0; } else if (squareY == 4) { if (white == 0 || white == 1) white = 2; else if (white == 2) white = 0; } else if (squareY == 5) { if (black == 0 || black == 1) black = 2; else if (black == 2) black = 0; } } rightClick = true; } if (squareY == 6 && squareX == 8 && screenState == 1 && menuState != 6) { if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_1)) { brushRadius = 1; } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_2)) { brushRadius = 2; } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_3)) { brushRadius = 3; } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_4)) { brushRadius = 4; } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_5)) { brushRadius = 5; } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_6)) { brushRadius = 6; } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_7)) { brushRadius = 7; } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_8)) { brushRadius = 8; } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_9)) { brushRadius = 9; } } if (!Mouse.isButtonDown(0)) { leftClick = false; } if (!Mouse.isButtonDown(1)) { rightClick = false; } int coordinateX = Mouse.getX(); int coordinateY = 600 - (Mouse.getY()); if (coordinateX < 800 && coordinateY < 600) { if (screenState == 2) { paintBucket(coordinateX, coordinateY); } } } public static void drawTitle(TrueTypeFont trueTypeTitleFont, TrueTypeFont trueTypePaintBrushFont, TrueTypeFont trueTypeDimensionsFont) { GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); //Enables textures. trueTypeTitleFont.drawString((800 - trueTypeTitleFont.getWidth("Cellular Automata")) / 2, (600 - trueTypeTitleFont.getHeight("Cellular Automata")) / 2, "Cellular Automata", Color.white); trueTypeDimensionsFont.drawString(650, 570, "By Carson Craig", Color.white); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); //Disables textures. } public static void drawMenuLoop(TrueTypeFont trueTypeTitleFont, TrueTypeFont trueTypeDimensionsFont, TrueTypeFont trueTypePaintBrushFont) { if (menuState == 0) { drawWeight(7, 6, trueTypeTitleFont, trueTypePaintBrushFont); } else if (menuState == 1) { drawWeight(7, 5, trueTypeTitleFont, trueTypePaintBrushFont); } else if (menuState == 2) { drawWeight(7, 4, trueTypeTitleFont, trueTypePaintBrushFont); } else if (menuState == 3) { drawWeight(7, 3, trueTypeTitleFont, trueTypePaintBrushFont); } else if (menuState == 4) { drawWeight(7, 2, trueTypeTitleFont, trueTypePaintBrushFont); } else if (menuState == 5) { drawWeight(0, 1, trueTypeTitleFont, trueTypePaintBrushFont); } else if (menuState == 6) { drawPath(trueTypeTitleFont, trueTypeDimensionsFont); } } public static void drawPath(TrueTypeFont trueTypeTitleFont, TrueTypeFont trueTypeDimensionsFont) { updateColour(7); GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_QUADS); GL11.glVertex2f(0, 0); GL11.glVertex2f(712, 0); GL11.glVertex2f(712, 600); GL11.glVertex2f(0, 600); GL11.glEnd(); for (int yi = 0; yi < 7; yi++) { updateColour(7); GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_QUADS); GL11.glVertex2f(712, yi * 86); GL11.glVertex2f(800, yi * 86); GL11.glVertex2f(800, yi * 86 + 85); GL11.glVertex2f(712, yi * 86 + 85); GL11.glEnd(); } for (int yi = 0; yi < 7; yi++) { for (int xi = 0; xi < 10; xi++) { if (yi == 0) { updateColour(0); } else { updateColour(path[yi - 1][xi]); } GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_QUADS); GL11.glVertex2f(xi * 62 + 90, yi * 86); GL11.glVertex2f(xi * 62 + 61 + 90, yi * 86); GL11.glVertex2f(xi * 62 + 61 + 90, yi * 86 + 85); GL11.glVertex2f(xi * 62 + 90, yi * 86 + 85); GL11.glEnd(); } } for (int yi = 0; yi < 7; yi++) { for (int xi = 0; xi < 9; xi = xi + 8) { updateColour(yi); if (xi == 0) { GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_QUADS); GL11.glVertex2f(0, yi * 86); GL11.glVertex2f(89, yi * 86); GL11.glVertex2f(89, yi * 86 + 85); GL11.glVertex2f(0, yi * 86 + 85); GL11.glEnd(); } } } GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); //Enables textures. for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { trueTypeTitleFont.drawString(110 + 62 * i, 20, i + 1 + "",; } trueTypeTitleFont.drawString(668, 20, "0",; String dimensions = ""; boolean dimensionsSelected = false; for (int yi = 0; yi < 7; yi++) { if (yi == 0) { dimensions = "800 x 600"; if (pixel == 1) { dimensionsSelected = true; borderSize = 0; } else { dimensionsSelected = false; } } if (yi == 1) { dimensions = "400 x 300"; if (pixel == 2) { dimensionsSelected = true; borderSize = 0; } else { dimensionsSelected = false; } } if (yi == 2) { dimensions = "200 x 150"; if (pixel == 4) { dimensionsSelected = true; borderSize = 0; } else { dimensionsSelected = false; } } if (yi == 3) { dimensions = " 80 x 60"; if (pixel == 10) { dimensionsSelected = true; } else { dimensionsSelected = false; } } if (yi == 4) { dimensions = " 32 x 24"; if (pixel == 25) { dimensionsSelected = true; } else { dimensionsSelected = false; } } if (yi == 5) { dimensions = " 16 x 12"; if (pixel == 50) { dimensionsSelected = true; } else { dimensionsSelected = false; } } if (yi == 6) { dimensions = " 8 x 6"; if (pixel == 100) { dimensionsSelected = true; } else { dimensionsSelected = false; } } if (dimensionsSelected) { trueTypeDimensionsFont.drawString(713, 28 + 86 * yi, dimensions, Color.yellow); } else { trueTypeDimensionsFont.drawString(713, 28 + 86 * yi, dimensions, Color.white); } } GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); } public static void drawWeight(int background, int squares, TrueTypeFont trueTypeTitleFont, TrueTypeFont trueTypePaintBrushFont) { updateColour(background); GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_QUADS); GL11.glVertex2f(0, 0); GL11.glVertex2f(711, 0); GL11.glVertex2f(711, 600); GL11.glVertex2f(0, 600); GL11.glEnd();; for (int yi = 0; yi < 7; yi++) { for (int xi = 0; xi < 9; xi++) { updateColour(squares); if (xi == 0) { updateColour(yi); } if (xi == 8) { updateColour(0); } GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_QUADS); GL11.glVertex2f(xi * 89, yi * 86); GL11.glVertex2f(xi * 89 + 88, yi * 86); GL11.glVertex2f(xi * 89 + 88, yi * 86 + 85); GL11.glVertex2f(xi * 89, yi * 86 + 85); GL11.glEnd(); } } GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); //Enables textures. for (int yi = 0; yi < 7; yi++) { for (int xi = 0; xi < 7; xi++) { if (xi != 3 || yi != 3) { if (squares == 1 || squares == 6) { trueTypeTitleFont.drawString(120 + 89 * xi, 20 + 86 * yi, neighbourhood[yi][xi][menuState] + "", Color.white); } else { trueTypeTitleFont.drawString(120 + 89 * xi, 20 + 86 * yi, neighbourhood[yi][xi][menuState] + "",; } } } } String stateString = ""; for (int yi = 1; yi < 7; yi++) { if (yi == 1) { if (black == 1) { stateString = " Left"; } else if (black == 2) stateString = "Right"; else { stateString = " Off"; } trueTypePaintBrushFont.drawString(720, 25 + 86 * yi, stateString,; } if (yi == 2) { if (white == 1) { stateString = " Left"; } else if (white == 2) stateString = "Right"; else { stateString = " Off"; } trueTypePaintBrushFont.drawString(720, 25 + 86 * yi, stateString, Color.white); } if (yi == 3) { if (red == 1) { stateString = " Left"; } else if (red == 2) stateString = "Right"; else { stateString = " Off"; } trueTypePaintBrushFont.drawString(720, 25 + 86 * yi, stateString,; } if (yi == 4) { if (blue == 1) { stateString = " Left"; } else if (blue == 2) stateString = "Right"; else { stateString = " Off"; } trueTypePaintBrushFont.drawString(720, 25 + 86 * yi, stateString,; } if (yi == 5) { if (green == 1) { stateString = " Left"; } else if (green == 2) stateString = "Right"; else { stateString = " Off"; } trueTypePaintBrushFont.drawString(720, 25 + 86 * yi, stateString,; } if (yi == 6) { if (purple == 1) { stateString = " Left"; } else if (purple == 2) stateString = "Right"; else { stateString = " Off"; } trueTypePaintBrushFont.drawString(720, 20 + 86 * yi, stateString, Color.magenta.darker(.7f)); } } if (screenState == 1 && menuState != 6) { trueTypeTitleFont.drawString(745, 20, brushRadius + "",; } GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); } public static void drawBoard() { updateColour(0); GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_QUADS); GL11.glVertex2f(0, 0); GL11.glVertex2f(800, 0); GL11.glVertex2f(800, 600); GL11.glVertex2f(0, 600); GL11.glEnd(); for (int yi = 0; yi < 600 / pixel; yi++) { for (int xi = 0; xi < 800 / pixel; xi++) { updateColour(state[xi][yi][currentRound]); GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_QUADS); GL11.glVertex2f(xi * pixel + borderSize, yi * pixel + borderSize); GL11.glVertex2f(xi * pixel + pixel - borderSize, yi * pixel + borderSize); GL11.glVertex2f(xi * pixel + pixel - borderSize, yi * pixel + pixel - borderSize); GL11.glVertex2f(xi * pixel + borderSize, yi * pixel + pixel - borderSize); GL11.glEnd(); } } } public static void updateAlive() { if (currentRound >= rounds * pixel * pixel - 1) { for (int yi = 0; yi < 600 / pixel; yi++) { for (int xi = 0; xi < 800 / pixel; xi++) { state[xi][yi][0] = state[xi][yi][currentRound]; } } currentRound = 0; } for (int yi = 0; yi < 600 / pixel; yi++) { for (int xi = 0; xi < 800 / pixel; xi++) { int alive = 0; for (int yi2 = -3; yi2 <= 3; yi2++) { for (int xi2 = -3; xi2 <= 3; xi2++) { if (xi + xi2 >= 0 && yi + yi2 >= 0 && xi + xi2 < 800 / pixel && yi + yi2 < 600 / pixel) { alive = alive + neighbourhood[yi2 + 3][xi2 + 3][6 - state[xi + xi2][yi + yi2][currentRound]]; } } } if (alive % 10 == 0) { state[xi][yi][currentRound + 1] = path[state[xi][yi][currentRound] - 1][9]; } else { state[xi][yi][currentRound + 1] = path[state[xi][yi][currentRound] - 1][(alive % 10) - 1]; } } } currentRound++; } public static void updateColour(int index) { if (index == 0) { Color.gray.bind(); } else if (index == 1) {; } else if (index == 2) { Color.white.bind(); } else if (index == 3) {; } else if (index == 4) {; } else if (index == 5) {; } else if (index == 6) { Color.magenta.darker(.7f).bind(); } else if (index == 7) { Color.darkGray.darker(.7f).bind(); } } public static void paintBucket(int coordinateX, int coordinateY) { int switchColour; if (Mouse.isButtonDown(0)) { for (int yi = 0; yi < 600 / pixel; yi++) { for (int xi = 0; xi < 800 / pixel; xi++) { state[xi][yi][0] = state[xi][yi][currentRound]; } } currentRound = 0; for (int yi = -(brushRadius - 1); yi <= (brushRadius - 1); yi++) { for (int xi = -(brushRadius - 1); xi <= (brushRadius - 1); xi++) { switchColour = 0; if ((int) Math.ceil(coordinateX / pixel) + xi >= 0 && (int) Math.ceil(coordinateY / pixel) + yi >= 0 && (int) Math.ceil(coordinateX / pixel) + xi < 800 / pixel && (int) Math.ceil(coordinateY / pixel) + yi < 600 / pixel) { while (switchColour == 0 && (black == 1 || white == 1 || red == 1 || blue == 1 || green == 1 || purple == 1)) { state[(int) Math.ceil(coordinateX / pixel) + xi][(int) Math.ceil(coordinateY / pixel) + yi][currentRound] = (int) (newRandom.nextDouble() * 6) + 1; if ((black == 1 && state[(int) Math.ceil(coordinateX / pixel) + xi][(int) Math.ceil(coordinateY / pixel) + yi][currentRound] == 1) || (white == 1 && state[(int) Math.ceil(coordinateX / pixel) + xi][(int) Math.ceil(coordinateY / pixel) + yi][currentRound] == 2) || (red == 1 && state[(int) Math.ceil(coordinateX / pixel) + xi][(int) Math.ceil(coordinateY / pixel) + yi][currentRound] == 3) || (blue == 1 && state[(int) Math.ceil(coordinateX / pixel) + xi][(int) Math.ceil(coordinateY / pixel) + yi][currentRound] == 4) || (green == 1 && state[(int) Math.ceil(coordinateX / pixel) + xi][(int) Math.ceil(coordinateY / pixel) + yi][currentRound] == 5) || (purple == 1 && state[(int) Math.ceil(coordinateX / pixel) + xi][(int) Math.ceil(coordinateY / pixel) + yi][currentRound] == 6)) { switchColour = 1; } } } } } } if (Mouse.isButtonDown(1)) { for (int yi = 0; yi < 600 / pixel; yi++) { for (int xi = 0; xi < 800 / pixel; xi++) { state[xi][yi][0] = state[xi][yi][currentRound]; } } currentRound = 0; for (int yi = -(brushRadius - 1); yi <= (brushRadius - 1); yi++) { for (int xi = -(brushRadius - 1); xi <= (brushRadius - 1); xi++) { switchColour = 0; if ((int) Math.ceil(coordinateX / pixel) + xi >= 0 && (int) Math.ceil(coordinateY / pixel) + yi >= 0 && (int) Math.ceil(coordinateX / pixel) + xi < 800 / pixel && (int) Math.ceil(coordinateY / pixel) + yi < 600 / pixel) { while (switchColour == 0 && (black == 2 || white == 2 || red == 2 || blue == 2 || green == 2 || purple == 2)) { state[(int) Math.ceil(coordinateX / pixel) + xi][(int) Math.ceil(coordinateY / pixel) + yi][currentRound] = (int) (newRandom.nextDouble() * 6) + 1; if ((black == 2 && state[(int) Math.ceil(coordinateX / pixel) + xi][(int) Math.ceil(coordinateY / pixel) + yi][currentRound] == 1) || (white == 2 && state[(int) Math.ceil(coordinateX / pixel) + xi][(int) Math.ceil(coordinateY / pixel) + yi][currentRound] == 2) || (red == 2 && state[(int) Math.ceil(coordinateX / pixel) + xi][(int) Math.ceil(coordinateY / pixel) + yi][currentRound] == 3) || (blue == 2 && state[(int) Math.ceil(coordinateX / pixel) + xi][(int) Math.ceil(coordinateY / pixel) + yi][currentRound] == 4) || (green == 2 && state[(int) Math.ceil(coordinateX / pixel) + xi][(int) Math.ceil(coordinateY / pixel) + yi][currentRound] == 5) || (purple == 2 && state[(int) Math.ceil(coordinateX / pixel) + xi][(int) Math.ceil(coordinateY / pixel) + yi][currentRound] == 6)) { switchColour = 1; } } } } } } } public static void resetState() { state = new int[800 / pixel][600 / pixel][rounds * pixel * pixel]; currentRound = 0; for (int yi = 0; yi < 600 / pixel; yi++) { for (int xi = 0; xi < 800 / pixel; xi++) { state[xi][yi][0] = 1; } } } }