Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package celepsa.rrcc.da; import; import celepsa.rrcc.web.util.HibernateUtil; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; /** * * @author pmedina */ public class ClimaDA { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ClimaDA.class); Session session = null; public ClimaDA() { this.session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); } private Integer SumCri; private Integer SumInf; private Integer SumInfxDoc; private Integer SumPerDoc; public int CriticidadZona(Tmzona objSistema) throws Exception { logger.debug("eliminarAgrupacion id=" + objSistema.getId()); String sQuery = " SELECT as zona_id, tmZona.Descripcion," + " SUm( tmTipoDocumento.Criticidad_id) as sumCri " + "FROM tmDocumento, tmTipoDocumento, tmStakePersona, tmZona " + "where tmDocumento.eliminado = 0 and " + "tmDocumento.tmEstado_id = 1 and tmDocumento.tmTipoDocumento_id <>0 " + "and tmDocumento.tmTipoDocumento_id = " + "and tmDocumento.tmStakePersona_id = " + "and tmStakePersona.tmZona_id " + "and'" + objSistema.getId() + "'"; try { org.hibernate.Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sQuery); Integer res = (Integer) query.uniqueResult(); if (res != null) { setSumCri(res); } else { setSumCri(0); } tx.commit(); return getSumCri(); } catch (NumberFormatException | HibernateException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); throw e; } } public int InfluenciaPersonas(Tmzona objSistema) throws Exception { logger.debug("eliminarAgrupacion id=" + objSistema.getId()); String sQuery = "select tmStakePersona.tmZona_id, SUM(tmStakePersona.tmNivelInfluencia_id) as SumNin " + "from tmStakePersona,tmNivelInfluencia " + "where tmStakePersona.tmZona_id='" + objSistema.getId() + "' and " + " "; try { org.hibernate.Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sQuery); Integer res = (Integer) query.uniqueResult(); if (res != null) { setSumInf(res); } else { setSumInf(0); } tx.commit(); return getSumInf(); } catch (NumberFormatException | HibernateException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); throw e; } } public int InfluenciaPersonasDocumento(Tmzona objSistema) throws Exception { String sQuery = "Select as DocID " + "from tmDocumento, tmStakePersona " + "where " + " and " + "tmStakePersona.tmZona_id='" + objSistema.getId() + "'"; try { org.hibernate.Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sQuery); Integer res = (Integer) query.uniqueResult(); SumInfxDoc = SumInfxDoc + this.PersonasDocumento(res + ""); tx.commit(); return getSumInfxDoc(); } catch (NumberFormatException | HibernateException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); throw e; } } public int PersonasDocumento(String IdDOC) throws Exception { String sQuery = "Select " + " Sum(tmStakePersona.tmNivelInfluencia_id) as Ninf, as nrodoc " + "from PersonaDocumento, tmStakePersona, tmDocumento " + "where " + " and " + " and " + "PersonaDocumento.tmDocumento_id='" + IdDOC + "'"; try { org.hibernate.Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sQuery); Integer res = (Integer) query.uniqueResult(); SumPerDoc = SumPerDoc + ((Integer) Integer.parseInt(res + "")); tx.commit(); return getSumPerDoc(); } catch (NumberFormatException | HibernateException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); throw e; } } /** * @return the SumCri */ public Integer getSumCri() { return SumCri; } /** * @param SumCri the SumCri to set */ public void setSumCri(Integer SumCri) { this.SumCri = SumCri; } /** * @return the SumInf */ public Integer getSumInf() { return SumInf; } /** * @param SumInf the SumInf to set */ public void setSumInf(Integer SumInf) { this.SumInf = SumInf; } /** * @return the SumInfxDoc */ public Integer getSumInfxDoc() { return SumInfxDoc; } /** * @param SumInfxDoc the SumInfxDoc to set */ public void setSumInfxDoc(Integer SumInfxDoc) { this.SumInfxDoc = SumInfxDoc; } /** * @return the SumPerDoc */ public Integer getSumPerDoc() { return SumPerDoc; } /** * @param SumPerDoc the SumPerDoc to set */ public void setSumPerDoc(Integer SumPerDoc) { this.SumPerDoc = SumPerDoc; } }