Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 John Muellerleile * * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package cc.osint.graphd.server; import java.lang.*; import java.lang.ref.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.json.*; import; import org.jgrapht.traverse.*; import cc.osint.graphd.graph.*; import cc.osint.graphd.processes.InboundChannelProcess; public class GraphCommandExecutor implements Runnable { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(GraphCommandExecutor.class.getName()); final private String graphName; final private WeakReference<Graph> graphRef; final LinkedBlockingQueue<GraphCommand> graphCommandQueue; public GraphCommandExecutor(String graphName, WeakReference<Graph> graphRef) { this.graphName = graphName; this.graphRef = graphRef; graphCommandQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<GraphCommand>();"start: GraphCommandExecutor(" + this.graphName + ")"); } public void queue(GraphCommand cmd) throws Exception { graphCommandQueue.put(cmd); } public void run() { while (true) { GraphCommand graphCommand = null; String response; try { graphCommand = graphCommandQueue.take(); if (graphCommand.poisonPill) { + ": detected poison pill: terminator processor"); return; } long requestTimeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); response = execute(graphCommand.responseChannel, graphCommand.clientId, graphCommand.clientState, graphCommand.inboundChannelProcess, graphCommand.request, graphCommand.cmd, graphCommand.args); long requestTimeElapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - requestTimeStart; if (requestTimeElapsed > 100) {"[" + requestTimeElapsed + "ms]: " + graphCommand.request); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); response = GraphServerProtocol.R_ERR + GraphServerProtocol.SPACE + ex.getMessage(); } (graphCommand.responseChannel).write(response.trim() + GraphServerProtocol.NL); } } protected String execute(Channel responseChannel, String clientId, ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> clientState, InboundChannelProcess inboundChannelProcess, String request, String cmd, String[] args) throws Exception { StringBuffer rsb = new StringBuffer(); // all operations require a db to be selected (via GraphServerProtocol.CMD_USE) if (null == clientState.get(GraphServerHandler.ST_DB)) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_ERR); rsb.append(" REQUIRE_USE_DB"); return rsb.toString(); } Graph gr = graphRef.get(); if (null == gr) { GraphCommand killCmd = new GraphCommand(); killCmd.poisonPill = true; graphCommandQueue.clear(); graphCommandQueue.put(killCmd); return GraphServerProtocol.R_ERR + GraphServerProtocol.SPACE + " GRAPH_NO_LONGER_EXISTS :queue cleared & poison pill sent"; } /* * handle dynamic <<query>> expansion, replacement & execution, e.g. * * [...] <<_type:v _key:m*>> [...] * * TODO: take the responseChannel direct-send hack out of this and think about * how to either queue the commands (& add an "echo-batch-ok" or equiv to the tail to * signify end of the batched command execution) or move this up to the thread loop? * */ if (request.indexOf("<<") != -1 && request.indexOf(">>") != -1) { String query = request.substring(request.indexOf("<<") + 2, request.indexOf(">>")); String prefix = request.substring(0, request.indexOf("<<")).trim(); String suffix = request.substring(request.indexOf(">>") + 2).trim();"executing selector: [" + prefix + "] " + query + " [" + suffix + "]:"); List<JSONObject> selectorResults = gr.queryGraphIndex(query); for (JSONObject selectorResult : selectorResults) { String batchRequestKey = selectorResult.getString(Graph.KEY_FIELD); String batchRequest = prefix + " " + batchRequestKey + " " + suffix; String batchCmd; String[] batchArgs; if (batchRequest.indexOf(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE) != -1) { batchCmd = batchRequest.substring(0, batchRequest.indexOf(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE)).trim() .toLowerCase(); batchArgs = batchRequest.substring(batchRequest.indexOf(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE)).trim() .split(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE); } else { batchCmd = batchRequest.trim().toLowerCase(); batchArgs = new String[0]; }"batchRequest: " + batchRequest); String batchCmdResponse = execute(responseChannel, clientId, clientState, inboundChannelProcess, batchRequest, batchCmd, batchArgs); String responseParts[] = batchCmdResponse.split(GraphServerProtocol.NL); for (String responsePart : responseParts) { if (responsePart.charAt(0) != '-') { responseChannel.write(responsePart.trim() + GraphServerProtocol.NL); } } } return GraphServerProtocol.R_BATCH_OK; } /* * graph commands * */ // CREATE VERTEX: cvert <key> <json> if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_CVERT)) { String key = args[0]; String json = request.substring(request.indexOf(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE + key) + (key.length() + 1)) .trim(); // remainder of line JSONObject jo = null; try { jo = new JSONObject(json); gr.addVertex(key, jo); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } catch (org.json.JSONException jsonEx) { jsonEx.printStackTrace(); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_ERR); rsb.append(" BAD_JSON "); rsb.append(jsonEx.getMessage()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_ERR); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE); rsb.append(ex.getMessage()); } // CREATE EDGE: cedge <key> <vFromKey> <vToKey> <rel> <json> // OR: cedge <key> <vFromKey> <vToKey> <rel> <weight> <json> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_CEDGE)) { String key = args[0]; String vFromKey = args[1]; String vToKey = args[2]; String rel = args[3]; double weight = 1.0; String json; if (args[4].charAt(0) == '{') { json = request.substring(request.indexOf(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE + rel) + (rel.length() + 1)) .trim(); // remainder of line } else { weight = Double.parseDouble(args[4]); json = request .substring(request.indexOf(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE + args[4]) + (args[4].length() + 1)) .trim(); // remainder of line } JSONObject jo = null; try { jo = new JSONObject(json); jo.put(Graph.EDGE_SOURCE_FIELD, vFromKey); jo.put(Graph.EDGE_TARGET_FIELD, vToKey); jo.put(Graph.WEIGHT_FIELD, weight); jo.put(Graph.RELATION_FIELD, rel); gr.addEdge(key, jo, vFromKey, vToKey, rel, weight); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } catch (org.json.JSONException jsonEx) { jsonEx.printStackTrace(); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_ERR); rsb.append(" BAD_JSON "); rsb.append(jsonEx.getMessage()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_ERR); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE); rsb.append(ex.getMessage()); } // DELETE OBJECT: del <key> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_DEL)) { String key = args[0]; JSONObject obj = gr.getGraphObject(key); if (null == obj) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_FOUND); } else { String _type = obj.getString(Graph.TYPE_FIELD); if (_type.equals(Graph.VERTEX_TYPE)) { JSONVertex jv = gr.getVertex(key); gr.removeVertex(jv); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } else if (_type.equals(Graph.EDGE_TYPE)) { JSONEdge je = gr.getEdge(key); gr.removeEdge(je); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } else { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_ERR); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE); } } // OBJECT EXISTS: exists <key> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_EXISTS)) { String key = args[0]; JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(); jo.put("key", key); jo.put("exists", gr.exists(key)); rsb.append(jo); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); // GET OBJECT: get <key> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_GET)) { String key = args[0]; JSONObject jo = gr.getGraphObject(key); if (jo == null) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_FOUND); } else { rsb.append(jo); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } // QUERY GRAPH OBJECTS: q <query> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_Q)) { String q = request.substring(request.indexOf(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE)).trim(); // remainder of line past "q " List<JSONObject> results = gr.queryGraphIndex(q); JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(); for (JSONObject jo : results) { ja.put(jo); } JSONObject res = new JSONObject(); res.put("results", ja); rsb.append(res); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); // DEPRECATED // QUERY PROCESSES: qp <query> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_QP)) { String q = request.substring(request.indexOf(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE)).trim(); // remainder of line past "qp " /* List<JSONObject> results = gr.queryProcessIndex(q); JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(); for(JSONObject jo: results) { ja.put(jo); } JSONObject res = new JSONObject(); res.put("results", ja); rsb.append(res); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); */ // DIJKSTRA SHORTEST PATH: spath <from> <to> <radius> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_SPATH)) { String vFromKey = args[0]; String vToKey = args[1]; double radius = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; if (args.length == 3) { radius = Double.parseDouble(args[2]); } JSONObject result = gr.getShortestPath(vFromKey, vToKey, radius); if (null == result) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_EXIST); } else { rsb.append(result); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } // SET VERTEX/EDGE ATTRIBUTE: set <key> <attr> <value> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_SET)) { String key = args[0]; String attr = args[1]; String val; if (args.length == 2) { // clear value val = null; } else { val = request .substring(request.indexOf(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE + args[1]) + (args[1].length() + 1)) .trim(); // remainder of line } if (attr.startsWith("_") && !attr.equals(Graph.WEIGHT_FIELD)) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_ERR); rsb.append(" CANNOT_SET_RESERVED_PROPERTY"); } else { JSONObject obj = gr.getGraphObject(key); if (null == obj) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_FOUND); } else { String _type = obj.getString(Graph.TYPE_FIELD); if (_type.equals(Graph.VERTEX_TYPE)) { JSONVertex jv = gr.getVertex(key); if (null != val) { jv.put(attr, val); } else { jv.remove(attr); } gr.indexObject(key, _type, jv); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } else if (_type.equals(Graph.EDGE_TYPE)) { JSONEdge je = gr.getEdge(key); if (null != val) { je.put(attr, val); } else { je.remove(attr); } if (attr.equals(Graph.WEIGHT_FIELD)) { gr.setEdgeWeight(je, Double.parseDouble(val)); } gr.indexObject(key, _type, je.asJSONObject().getJSONObject(Graph.DATA_FIELD)); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } else { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_ERR); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE); } } } // INCREASE EDGE WEIGHT: incw <edge_key> <amount> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_INCW)) { String key = args[0]; double w_amt = Double.parseDouble(args[1]); JSONEdge je = gr.getEdge(key); if (null == je) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_FOUND); } else { double weight = gr.getEdgeWeight(je); weight += w_amt; gr.setEdgeWeight(je, weight); je.put(Graph.WEIGHT_FIELD, "" + weight); gr.indexObject(key, Graph.EDGE_TYPE, je.asJSONObject().getJSONObject(Graph.DATA_FIELD)); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } // DUMP INTERNAL REPRESENTATION OF VERTEX/EDGE: spy <key> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_SPY)) { String key = args[0]; JSONObject obj = gr.getGraphObject(key); if (null == obj) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_FOUND); } else { String _type = obj.getString(Graph.TYPE_FIELD); if (_type.equals(Graph.EDGE_TYPE)) { JSONEdge je = gr.getEdge(key); if (null == je) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_FOUND); } else { rsb.append(je.asClientJSONObject().toString() + GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } } else if (_type.equals(Graph.VERTEX_TYPE)) { JSONVertex jv = gr.getVertex(key); if (null == jv) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_FOUND); } else { rsb.append(jv.toString() + GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } } else { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_ERR); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE); } } // K-SHORTEST-PATHS: kspath <from> <to> <k> <optional:maxHops> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_KSPATH)) { String vFromKey = args[0]; String vToKey = args[1]; int k = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); int maxHops = 0; if (args.length > 3) { maxHops = Integer.parseInt(args[3]); } JSONObject result = gr.getKShortestPaths(vFromKey, vToKey, k, maxHops); rsb.append(result); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); // HAMILTONIAN CYCLE: hc } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_HC)) { List<JSONVertex> results = gr.getHamiltonianCycle(); if (null == results) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_EXIST); } else { JSONObject res = new JSONObject(); JSONArray cycle = new JSONArray(); for (JSONVertex jo : results) { cycle.put(jo); } res.put("cycle", cycle); rsb.append(res); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } // EULERIAN CIRCUIT: ec } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_EC)) { List<JSONVertex> results = gr.getEulerianCircuit(); if (null == results) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_EXIST); } else { JSONObject res = new JSONObject(); JSONArray circuit = new JSONArray(); for (JSONVertex jo : results) { circuit.put(jo); } res.put("circuit", circuit); rsb.append(res); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } // EDWARDS KARP MAXIMUM FLOW: ekmf <from> <to> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_EKMF)) { String vSourceKey = args[0]; String vSinkKey = args[1]; JSONObject flowResult = gr.getEKMF(vSourceKey, vSinkKey); if (null == flowResult) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_EXIST); } else { rsb.append(flowResult.toString()); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } // CHROMATIC NUMBER: cn } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_CN)) { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); result.put("chromatic_number", gr.getChromaticNumber()); rsb.append(result.toString()); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); // KRUSKAL'S MINIMUM SPANNING TREE: kmst } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_KMST)) { JSONObject result = gr.getKMST(); if (null == result) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_EXIST); } else { rsb.append(result.toString()); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } // VERTEX COVER: GREEDY: vcg } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_VCG)) { JSONObject result = gr.getGreedyVertexCover(); if (null == result) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_EXIST); } else { rsb.append(result.toString()); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } // VERTEX COVER: 2-APPROXIMATION: vc2a } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_VC2A)) { JSONObject result = gr.get2ApproximationVertexCover(); if (null == result) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_EXIST); } else { rsb.append(result.toString()); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } // MAXIMALLY CONNECTED SET BY VERTEX: csetv <key> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_CSETV)) { String key = args[0]; JSONVertex v = gr.getVertex(key); if (null == v) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_FOUND); } else { JSONObject result = gr.getConnectedSetByVertex(v); rsb.append(result.toString()); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } // ALL MAXIMALLY CONNECTED SETS: csets } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_CSETS)) { JSONObject result = gr.getConnectedSets(); if (null == result) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_EXIST); } else { rsb.append(result.toString()); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } // CONNECTEDNESS TEST: iscon } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_ISCON)) { rsb.append("" + gr.isConnected()); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); // UNDIRECTED PATH EXISTENCE TEST: upathex <from> <to> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_UPATHEX)) { JSONVertex vFrom = gr.getVertex(args[0]); JSONVertex vTo = gr.getVertex(args[1]); if (null == vFrom || null == vTo) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_FOUND); } else { rsb.append("" + gr.pathExists(vFrom, vTo)); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } // FIND ALL MAXIMAL CLIQUES: Bron Kerosch Clique Finder } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_FAMC)) { JSONObject result = gr.getAllMaximalCliques(); if (null == result) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_EXIST); } else { rsb.append(result.toString()); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } // FIND BIGGEST MAXIMAL CLIQUES: Bron Kerosch Clique Finder } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_FBMC)) { JSONObject result = gr.getBiggestMaximalCliques(); if (null == result) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_EXIST); } else { rsb.append(result.toString()); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_ASPV)) { JSONObject result = gr.getAllShortestPathsFrom(gr.getVertex(args[0])); if (null == result) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_EXIST); } else { rsb.append(result.toString()); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_GCYC)) { JSONObject result = gr.getGraphCycles(); if (null == result) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_EXIST); } else { rsb.append(result.toString()); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_VCYC)) { JSONObject result = gr.getGraphCyclesContainingVertex(gr.getVertex(args[0])); if (null == result) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_NOT_EXIST); } else { rsb.append(result.toString()); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } /* * TRAVERSAL */ // custom traversal code // TRAV <start_vertex> <traversal_type> ( - | <udf_key> ) [channel] // // <traversal_type> values: // breadth_first depth_first closest_first topological // // the following <traversal_type> may be specified with a suffix // denoting a maximum radius from <start_vertex>: // closest_first[:radius] // // if parameter 3 is "-", events will be sent to argument 4 [channel] // if parameter 3 is not "-", it will be interpreted as a server-side udf // that implements TraversalEvent functions // // NOTE: topological <traversal_type> ignores the value of <start_vertex> // but some value must be specified // } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_TRAV)) { String startVertex = args[0]; String traversalType = args[1]; String udfKey = args[2]; String channel = null; JSONArray pipelineEventPassList = null; boolean isPipelined = false; if (udfKey.equals("-")) { isPipelined = true; channel = args[3]; if (args.length == 5) { String peplStr = request.substring( request.lastIndexOf(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE + channel) + (channel.length() + 1)) .trim(); // remainder of line pipelineEventPassList = new JSONArray(peplStr); } } double radius = 0.0; if (traversalType.indexOf(":") != -1) { radius = Double.parseDouble(traversalType.substring(traversalType.indexOf(":") + 1)); traversalType = traversalType.substring(0, traversalType.indexOf(":")); } JSONVertex v = gr.getVertex(startVertex); if (null == v) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_ERR); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE); rsb.append("startVertex does not exist"); } else { if (isPipelined) { gr.pipelinedTraversal(traversalType, v, channel, radius, pipelineEventPassList); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } else { gr.scriptedTraversal(traversalType, v, udfKey, radius); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } } /* * USER-DEFINED FUNCTIONS */ // DEFINE A UDF } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_DEFINE_UDF)) { String udfKey = args[0]; String udfType = args[1]; String udfURL = args[2]; gr.defineUDF(udfKey, udfType, udfURL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); /* * ANONYMOUS BLOCKS */ // block_begin <block_key> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_BLOCK_BEGIN)) { throw new Exception("not implemented"); // block_end <block_key> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_BLOCK_END)) { throw new Exception("not implemented"); // block_get <block_key> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_BLOCK_GET)) { throw new Exception("not implemented"); // block_remove <block_key> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_BLOCK_REMOVE)) { throw new Exception("not implemented"); /* * SIMULATION */ // query simulation index: qsim <query> e.g., _type:udf udf_name:test* } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_QSIM)) { String q = request.substring(request.indexOf(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE)).trim(); // remainder of line past "q " List<JSONObject> results = gr.querySimIndex(q); JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(); for (JSONObject jo : results) { ja.put(jo); } JSONObject res = new JSONObject(); res.put("results", ja); rsb.append(res); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); // START A UDF-BACKED PROCESS } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_SPROC)) { String objKey = args[0]; String udfKey = args[1]; String processName; if (args.length == 3) { processName = args[2]; } else { processName = objKey + "-" + udfKey; } gr.startProcess(objKey, udfKey, processName); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); // EMIT A MESSAGE TO A RUNNING SIMULATION PROCESS: emit <key> <process_name> <json_msg> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_EMIT)) { String key = args[0]; String processName = args[1]; String json = request .substring( request.indexOf(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE + processName) + (processName.length() + 1)) .trim(); // remainder of line JSONObject jo = null; jo = new JSONObject(json); gr.emit(key, processName, jo); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); /* * CHANNEL MESSAGING */ // create a channel: cchan <channel_name> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_CCHAN)) { String channelName = args[0]; String pid = gr.createEndpointChannel(channelName); if (null == pid) { rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_ALREADY_EXIST); } else { rsb.append(pid); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.NL); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } // publish a message to a channel: publish <channel_name> <json_msg> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_PUBLISH)) { String channelName = args[0]; String json = request .substring( request.indexOf(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE + channelName) + (channelName.length() + 1)) .trim(); // remainder of line gr.publishToEndpointByName(channelName, new JSONObject(json)); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); // subscribe to a channel: subscribe <channel_name> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_SUBSCRIBE)) { String channelName = args[0]; /*"channelName = " + channelName);"inboundChannelProcess = " + inboundChannelProcess);"inboundChannelProcess = " + inboundChannelProcess);"inboundChannelProcess.getChannel() = " + inboundChannelProcess.getChannel()); */ gr.subscribeToEndpointByName(channelName, inboundChannelProcess.getChannel()); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); // unsubscribe from a channel: unsubscribe <channel_name> } else if (cmd.equals(GraphServerProtocol.CMD_UNSUBSCRIBE)) { String channelName = args[0]; gr.unsubscribeToEndpointByName(channelName, inboundChannelProcess.getChannel()); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_OK); } else {"GraphServerProtocol.R_UNK: " + cmd); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.R_UNK); rsb.append(GraphServerProtocol.SPACE); rsb.append(cmd); } return rsb.toString(); } }