Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 John Muellerleile * * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package cc.osint.graphd.graph; import java.lang.*; import java.lang.ref.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.jgrapht.*; import org.jgrapht.ext.DOTExporter; import org.jgrapht.ext.IntegerNameProvider; import org.jgrapht.ext.StringEdgeNameProvider; import org.jgrapht.ext.StringNameProvider; import org.jgrapht.graph.ListenableDirectedGraph; import org.jgrapht.alg.*; import org.jgrapht.event.*; import org.jgrapht.*; import org.jgrapht.graph.*; import org.jgrapht.traverse.*; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.*; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.*; import org.apache.lucene.document.*; import org.apache.lucene.index.*; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.*; import*; import*; import org.apache.lucene.util.Version; import org.json.*; import org.jetlang.channels.*; import org.jetlang.core.Callback; import org.jetlang.core.Disposable; import org.jetlang.core.Filter; import org.jetlang.fibers.Fiber; import org.jetlang.fibers.PoolFiberFactory; import org.jetlang.fibers.ThreadFiber; import cc.osint.graphd.sim.*; import cc.osint.graphd.processes.*; import cc.osint.graphd.db.*; import cc.osint.graphd.script.*; public class Graph implements GraphListener<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>, VertexSetListener<JSONVertex>, TraversalListener<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Graph.class.getName()); /* graph */ final private String graphName; private ListenableDirectedWeightedGraph<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> gr; private ConnectivityInspector<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> connectivityInspector; final private ConcurrentHashMap<String, JSONVertex> vertices; /* indexing */ private IndexWriter indexWriter; private IndexReader indexReader; private IndexSearcher searcher; final private RAMDirectory luceneDirectory; final private Analyzer analyzer = new WhitespaceAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_31); /* simulation: process management */ final private ExecutorService executorService; final private PoolFiberFactory fiberFactory; final private ProcessGroup<JSONVertex, JSONObject> vertexProcesses; final private ProcessGroup<JSONEdge, JSONObject> edgeProcesses; final private ProcessGroup<EventObject, JSONObject> graphProcesses; /* endpoint channel management */ final private ProcessGroup<String, JSONObject> endpointChannelProcesses; /* simulation: udf & process registry */ private IndexWriter simIndexWriter; private IndexReader simIndexReader; private IndexSearcher simSearcher; final private RAMDirectory simLuceneDirectory; /* graph object statics */ final public static String TYPE_FIELD = "_type"; final public static String KEY_FIELD = "_key"; final public static String WEIGHT_FIELD = "_weight"; final public static String EDGE_SOURCE_FIELD = "_source"; final public static String EDGE_TARGET_FIELD = "_target"; final public static String RELATION_FIELD = "_rel"; final public static String DATA_FIELD = "_data"; final public static String GRAPH_TYPE = "g"; final public static String VERTEX_TYPE = "v"; final public static String EDGE_TYPE = "e"; final public static String PROCESS_TYPE = "p"; final public static String CHANNEL_TYPE = "c"; /* UDF/process statics */ final public static String UDF_TYPE_JS = "js"; /* graph management */ public Graph(String graphName) throws Exception { this.graphName = graphName; gr = new ListenableDirectedWeightedGraph<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>(JSONEdge.class); connectivityInspector = new ConnectivityInspector<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>(gr); vertices = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, JSONVertex>(); // event handlers gr.addVertexSetListener(this); gr.addGraphListener(this); gr.addVertexSetListener(connectivityInspector); gr.addGraphListener(connectivityInspector); // simulation components executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); fiberFactory = new PoolFiberFactory(executorService); vertexProcesses = new ProcessGroup<JSONVertex, JSONObject>(this, "vertex_processors", executorService, fiberFactory); edgeProcesses = new ProcessGroup<JSONEdge, JSONObject>(this, "edge_processors", executorService, fiberFactory); graphProcesses = new ProcessGroup<EventObject, JSONObject>(this, "graph_processors", executorService, fiberFactory); endpointChannelProcesses = new ProcessGroup<String, JSONObject>(this, "endpoint_channel_processors", executorService, fiberFactory); // graph index luceneDirectory = new RAMDirectory(); indexWriter = new IndexWriter(luceneDirectory, analyzer, IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.LIMITED); indexReader = indexWriter.getReader(); searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader); // process registry simLuceneDirectory = new RAMDirectory(); simIndexWriter = new IndexWriter(simLuceneDirectory, analyzer, IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.LIMITED); simIndexReader = simIndexWriter.getReader(); simSearcher = new IndexSearcher(simIndexReader); } private static String generateKey() throws Exception { return UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } // // UDF management // public void defineUDF(String udfKey, String udfType, String udfFn) throws Exception { JSONObject udfDef = new JSONObject(); udfDef.put("udf_type", udfType); udfDef.put("udf_fn", udfFn); indexSimObject(udfKey, "udf", udfDef); } public JSONObject getUDFDef(String udfKey) throws Exception { return querySimIndex(TYPE_FIELD + ":udf " + KEY_FIELD + ":" + udfKey).get(0); } // // process management // public String startProcess(String key, String udfKey, String processName) throws Exception { JSONObject obj = getGraphObject(key); if (obj == null || !obj.has(TYPE_FIELD)) { throw new Exception("startProcess: unknown or nonexistent graph object at " + KEY_FIELD + ":" + key); } String pid = generateKey(); String _type = obj.getString(TYPE_FIELD); JSONObject udfDef = getUDFDef(udfKey); String udfType = udfDef.getString("udf_type"); String udfFn = udfDef.getString("udf_fn"); // instanceName ties the object key (a vertex or edge) to // a specific instance of this process String instanceName = key + "-" + processName; /* * NOTE: this code is all getting torn out and * replaced with something sane. */ if (_type.equals(VERTEX_TYPE)) { JSONVertex jv = getVertex(key); // vertex-process, explicit (existing) java class if (udfType.equals("java")) {"reflecting java class: " + udfFn); throw new Exception("java reflection unimplemented"); // vertex-process, javascript engine } else if (udfType.equals("js") || udfType.equals("javascript")) {"loading javascript source: " + udfFn); GScriptEngine scriptEngine = vertexProcesses.getScriptEngine("rhino", "udfs/js/vm_init.js"); boolean udfExists = (Boolean) scriptEngine.invoke("_udf_exists", udfKey); if (!udfExists) {"loading udf: " + udfFn); scriptEngine.evalScript(udfFn); } JavascriptProcess<JSONVertex> jsProcess = new JavascriptProcess<JSONVertex>(pid, scriptEngine); scriptEngine.invoke("_udf_instance", udfKey, pid, jsProcess); vertexProcesses.start(pid, instanceName, jv, jsProcess); JSONObject simObj = new JSONObject(); simObj.put("instance_name", instanceName); simObj.put("udf_key", udfKey); simObj.put("obj_key", key); simObj.put("obj_type", VERTEX_TYPE); simObj.put("start_time", System.currentTimeMillis()); indexSimObject(pid, PROCESS_TYPE, simObj); return pid; } else { throw new Exception("unsupported vertex udf type: " + udfType); } /* } else if (_type.equals(EDGE_TYPE)) { JSONEdge je = getEdge(key); edgeProcesses.start(pid, key + "-" + processName, je, edgeProcessor); */ } else { throw new Exception("object type '" + _type + "' not implemented [" + key + "]"); } } public void emit(String key, String processName, JSONObject msg) throws Exception { emitByQuery(TYPE_FIELD + ":" + PROCESS_TYPE + " instance_name:" + key + "-" + processName, msg); } public void emitByPid(String pid, JSONObject msg) throws Exception { emitByQuery(TYPE_FIELD + ":" + PROCESS_TYPE + " pid:" + pid, msg); } public void emitByQuery(String query, JSONObject msg) throws Exception { List<JSONObject> simObjs = querySimIndex(query); for (JSONObject simObj : simObjs) { String _type = simObj.getString("obj_type"); String instanceName = simObj.getString("instance_name"); if (_type.equals(GRAPH_TYPE)) { graphProcesses.publish(instanceName, msg); } else if (_type.equals(VERTEX_TYPE)) { vertexProcesses.publish(instanceName, msg); } else if (_type.equals(EDGE_TYPE)) { edgeProcesses.publish(instanceName, msg); } else if (_type.equals(CHANNEL_TYPE)) { endpointChannelProcesses.publish(instanceName, msg); } else { throw new Exception("unknown object type " + TYPE_FIELD + ":" + _type); } } } // // endpoint channel management & broadcast // public String createEndpointChannel(String channelName) throws Exception { Channel<JSONObject> existingChannel = getEndpointChannelObject(channelName); if (null != existingChannel) { return null; } String pid = generateKey(); EndpointChannelProcess endpointProcess = new EndpointChannelProcess(channelName); endpointChannelProcesses.start(pid, channelName, channelName, endpointProcess); JSONObject simObj = new JSONObject(); simObj.put("name", channelName); simObj.put("start_time", System.currentTimeMillis()); indexSimObject(pid, CHANNEL_TYPE, simObj); return pid; } public Channel<JSONObject> getEndpointChannelObject(String channelName) throws Exception { GraphProcess<String, JSONObject> graphProcess = getEndpointChannelProcess(channelName); if (null != graphProcess) { return graphProcess.getChannel(); } else return null; } public EndpointChannelProcess getEndpointChannelProcess(String channelName) throws Exception { return (EndpointChannelProcess) endpointChannelProcesses.getProcess(channelName); } public void destroyEndpointChannelByName(String name) throws Exception { endpointChannelProcesses.kill(name); } public void publishToEndpointByName(String channelName, JSONObject msg) throws Exception { endpointChannelProcesses.publish(channelName, msg); } public void publishToEndpointByQuery(String query, JSONObject msg) throws Exception { emitByQuery(query, msg); } public void publishToEndpointByPid(String pid, JSONObject msg) throws Exception { emitByQuery(TYPE_FIELD + ":" + CHANNEL_TYPE + " pid:" + pid, msg); } public void subscribeToEndpointByName(String channelName, Channel<JSONObject> inboundChannel) throws Exception { if (null == getEndpointChannelProcess(channelName)) { throw new Exception("channel " + channelName + " does not exist"); } if (getEndpointChannelProcess(channelName).isSubscribed(inboundChannel)) { throw new Exception("already subscribed to channel " + channelName); } getEndpointChannelProcess(channelName).addSubscriber(inboundChannel); } public void unsubscribeToEndpointByName(String channelName, Channel<JSONObject> inboundChannel) throws Exception { if (!getEndpointChannelProcess(channelName).isSubscribed(inboundChannel)) { throw new Exception("not subscribed to channel " + channelName); } getEndpointChannelProcess(channelName).removeSubscriber(inboundChannel); } // // graph manipulation // public String addVertex(JSONObject jo) throws Exception { return addVertex(generateKey(), jo); } public String addVertex(String key, JSONObject jo) throws Exception { JSONVertex jv = new JSONVertex(key, jo); gr.addVertex(jv); vertices.put(key, jv); indexObject(key, VERTEX_TYPE, jo); return key; } public String addEdge(JSONObject jo, String vKeyFrom, String vKeyTo, String rel, double weight) throws Exception { return addEdge(generateKey(), jo, vKeyFrom, vKeyTo, rel, weight); } public String addEdge(String key, JSONObject jo, String vKeyFrom, String vKeyTo, String rel, double weight) throws Exception { JSONVertex fromVertex = getVertex(vKeyFrom); JSONVertex toVertex = getVertex(vKeyTo); JSONEdge<JSONVertex> je = new JSONEdge<JSONVertex>(fromVertex, toVertex, rel); je.put(KEY_FIELD, key); je.inherit(jo); gr.addEdge(fromVertex, toVertex, je); gr.setEdgeWeight(je, weight); indexObject(key, EDGE_TYPE, jo); return key; } public void indexObject(String key, String type, JSONObject jo) throws Exception { Document doc = new Document(); doc.add(new Field(TYPE_FIELD, type, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); doc.add(new Field(KEY_FIELD, key, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); if (null != jo && null != JSONObject.getNames(jo)) { for (String k : JSONObject.getNames(jo)) { doc.add(new Field(k, jo.getString(k), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); } } indexWriter.updateDocument(new Term(KEY_FIELD, key), doc); refreshGraphIndex(); } public void indexSimObject(String key, String type, JSONObject jo) throws Exception { Document doc = new Document(); doc.add(new Field(TYPE_FIELD, type, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); doc.add(new Field(KEY_FIELD, key, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); if (null != jo && null != JSONObject.getNames(jo)) { for (String k : JSONObject.getNames(jo)) { doc.add(new Field(k, jo.getString(k), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); } } simIndexWriter.updateDocument(new Term(KEY_FIELD, key), doc); refreshSimIndex(); } public void deleteSimObject(String key, String type) throws Exception { deleteSimObjectsByQuery(KEY_FIELD + ":" + key + " " + TYPE_FIELD + ": " + type); } public void deleteSimObjectsByQuery(String queryStr) throws Exception { QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_31, KEY_FIELD, analyzer); qp.setDefaultOperator(org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser.Operator.AND); qp.setAllowLeadingWildcard(true); Query query = qp.parse(queryStr); simIndexWriter.deleteDocuments(query); refreshSimIndex(); } private void refreshGraphIndex() throws Exception { long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); indexWriter.commit(); IndexReader newReader = indexReader.reopen(); if (newReader != indexReader) { searcher.close(); indexReader.close(); indexReader = newReader; searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader); } long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - t0; //"refreshGraphIndex: " + elapsed + "ms"); } private void refreshSimIndex() throws Exception { long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); simIndexWriter.commit(); IndexReader newReader = simIndexReader.reopen(); if (newReader != simIndexReader) { simSearcher.close(); simIndexReader.close(); simIndexReader = newReader; simSearcher = new IndexSearcher(simIndexReader); } long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - t0; //"refreshSimIndex: " + elapsed + "ms"); } public List<JSONObject> queryGraphIndex(String queryStr) throws Exception { return query(searcher, queryStr); } public List<JSONObject> querySimIndex(String queryStr) throws Exception { return query(simSearcher, queryStr); } public List<JSONObject> query(IndexSearcher indexSearcher, String queryStr) throws Exception { long start_t = System.currentTimeMillis(); final List<JSONObject> results = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_31, KEY_FIELD, analyzer); qp.setDefaultOperator(org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser.Operator.AND); qp.setAllowLeadingWildcard(true); Query query = qp.parse(queryStr); filter = new new QueryWrapperFilter(query)); MatchAllDocsQuery(), filter, new Collector() { private int docBase; IndexReader reader; // ignore scoring public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) { } // accept docs out of order public boolean acceptsDocsOutOfOrder() { return true; } public void collect(int doc) { try { Document d = reader.document(doc); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); for (Fieldable f : d.getFields()) { result.put(, d.get(; } results.add(result); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase) { this.reader = reader; this.docBase = docBase; } }); long end_t = System.currentTimeMillis(); //"query: hits.scoreDocs.length = " + results.size() + " (" + (end_t-start_t) + "ms)"); return results; } public JSONObject getShortestPath(String vFromKey, String vToKey, double radius) throws Exception { JSONVertex vFrom = getVertex(vFromKey); JSONVertex vTo = getVertex(vToKey); List<JSONObject> results = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); DijkstraShortestPath dsp = new DijkstraShortestPath(gr, vFrom, vTo, radius); GraphPath<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> path = dsp.getPath(); if (null == path) { return null; } else { if (path.getEdgeList().size() == 0) return null; JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); List<String> edges = new ArrayList<String>(); for (JSONEdge edge : path.getEdgeList()) { edges.add(edge.get(KEY_FIELD)); } result.put("weight", path.getWeight()); result.put("edges", edges); result.put("start_vertex", path.getStartVertex().getString(KEY_FIELD)); result.put("end_vertex", path.getEndVertex().getString(KEY_FIELD)); if (radius != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { result.put("radius", radius); } return result; } } public boolean exists(String key) throws Exception { List<JSONObject> ar = queryGraphIndex(KEY_FIELD + ":\"" + key + "\""); return ar.size() > 0; } public JSONObject getGraphObject(String key) throws Exception { List<JSONObject> ar = queryGraphIndex(KEY_FIELD + ":\"" + key + "\""); if (ar.size() == 0) return null; return ar.get(0); } public JSONVertex getVertex(String key) throws Exception { return vertices.get(key); } // outgoing edges of public Set<JSONEdge> getOutgoingEdgesOf(String key) throws Exception { return getOutgoingEdgesOf(getVertex(key)); } public Set<JSONEdge> getOutgoingEdgesOf(JSONVertex vertex) throws Exception { return gr.outgoingEdgesOf(vertex); } // outgoing neighbors of public Set<JSONVertex> getOutgoingNeighborsOf(JSONVertex vertex) throws Exception { Set<String> rels = null; return getOutgoingNeighborsOf(vertex, rels); } public Set<JSONVertex> getOutgoingNeighborsOf(JSONVertex vertex, String rel) throws Exception { Set<String> rels = new HashSet<String>(); rels.add(rel); return getOutgoingNeighborsOf(vertex, rels); } public Set<JSONVertex> getOutgoingNeighborsOf(JSONVertex vertex, Set<String> rels) throws Exception { Set<JSONEdge> edges = getOutgoingEdgesOf(vertex); Set<JSONVertex> neighbors = new HashSet<JSONVertex>(); for (JSONEdge edge : edges) { if (rels != null) { String edgeRel = edge.get(RELATION_FIELD); if (rels.contains(edgeRel)) { neighbors.add(edge.getTarget()); } } else { neighbors.add(edge.getTarget()); } } return neighbors; } // incoming edges of public Set<JSONEdge> getIncomingEdgesOf(JSONVertex vertex) throws Exception { return gr.incomingEdgesOf(vertex); } // incoming neighbors of public Set<JSONVertex> getIncomingNeighborsOf(JSONVertex vertex) throws Exception { Set<String> rels = null; return getIncomingNeighborsOf(vertex, rels); } public Set<JSONVertex> getIncomingNeighborsOf(JSONVertex vertex, String rel) throws Exception { Set<String> rels = new HashSet<String>(); rels.add(rel); return getIncomingNeighborsOf(vertex, rels); } public Set<JSONVertex> getIncomingNeighborsOf(JSONVertex vertex, Set<String> rels) throws Exception { Set<JSONEdge> edges = getIncomingEdgesOf(vertex); Set<JSONVertex> neighbors = new HashSet<JSONVertex>(); for (JSONEdge edge : edges) { if (rels != null) { String edgeRel = edge.get(RELATION_FIELD); if (rels.contains(edgeRel)) { neighbors.add(edge.getTarget()); } } else { neighbors.add(edge.getTarget()); } } return neighbors; } public JSONEdge getEdge(String key) throws Exception { JSONObject jsonEdge = getGraphObject(key); JSONVertex fromVertex = getVertex(jsonEdge.getString(EDGE_SOURCE_FIELD)); JSONVertex toVertex = getVertex(jsonEdge.getString(EDGE_TARGET_FIELD)); return gr.getEdge(fromVertex, toVertex); } public boolean removeEdge(JSONEdge je) throws Exception { if (gr.removeEdge(je)) { return true; } return false; } public boolean removeVertex(JSONVertex jv) throws Exception { if (gr.removeVertex(jv)) { vertices.remove(jv.getString(KEY_FIELD)); indexWriter.deleteDocuments(new Term(KEY_FIELD, jv.getString(KEY_FIELD))); refreshGraphIndex(); jv = null; return true; } return false; } public void setEdgeWeight(JSONEdge je, double weight) throws Exception { gr.setEdgeWeight(je, weight); } public double getEdgeWeight(JSONEdge je) throws Exception { return gr.getEdgeWeight(je); } public JSONObject getKShortestPaths(String vFromKey, String vToKey, int k, int maxHops) throws Exception { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); result.put("k", k); KShortestPaths ksp; if (maxHops > 0) { ksp = new KShortestPaths(gr, getVertex(vFromKey), k, maxHops); result.put("max_hops", maxHops); } else { ksp = new KShortestPaths(gr, getVertex(vFromKey), k); } List<JSONObject> results = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); List<GraphPath<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>> paths = ksp.getPaths(getVertex(vToKey)); for (GraphPath<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> gp : paths) { JSONObject resultObj = new JSONObject(); JSONArray resultPath = new JSONArray(); double pathWeight = gp.getWeight(); resultObj.put("weight", pathWeight); List<JSONEdge> path = gp.getEdgeList(); for (JSONEdge edge : path) { resultPath.put(edge.get(KEY_FIELD)); } resultObj.put("path", resultPath); results.add(resultObj); } result.put("start_vertex", vFromKey); result.put("end_vertex", vToKey); result.put("paths", results); return result; } // TODO: efficiency. right now this copies the entire graph into a new one. // which sucks and is not realistic. i'd hate to punt on hc/ec though. // private SimpleWeightedGraph<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> getSimpleWeightedGraph() throws Exception { SimpleWeightedGraph<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> swgr = new SimpleWeightedGraph<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>( JSONEdge.class); for (String vKey : vertices.keySet()) { swgr.addVertex(getVertex(vKey)); } for (JSONEdge je : gr.edgeSet()) { double weight = gr.getEdgeWeight(je); swgr.addEdge((JSONVertex) je.getSource(), (JSONVertex) je.getTarget(), je); swgr.setEdgeWeight(je, weight); } return swgr; } public List<JSONVertex> getHamiltonianCycle() throws Exception { return HamiltonianCycle.getApproximateOptimalForCompleteGraph(getSimpleWeightedGraph()); } public List<JSONVertex> getEulerianCircuit() throws Exception { return EulerianCircuit.getEulerianCircuitVertices(getSimpleWeightedGraph()); } public JSONObject getEKMF(String vSourceKey, String vSinkKey) throws Exception { JSONVertex source = getVertex(vSourceKey); JSONVertex sink = getVertex(vSinkKey); EdmondsKarpMaximumFlow<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> ekmf = new EdmondsKarpMaximumFlow<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>(gr); ekmf.calculateMaximumFlow(source, sink); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); JSONObject flowResult = new JSONObject(); Map<JSONEdge, Double> flowMap = ekmf.getMaximumFlow(); for (JSONEdge edge : flowMap.keySet()) { double flowValue = (double) flowMap.get(edge); if (flowValue == 0) continue; String edgeKey = edge.get(KEY_FIELD); flowResult.put(edgeKey, flowValue); } result.put("flow", flowResult); result.put("maximum_flow_value", ekmf.getMaximumFlowValue()); return result; } public int getChromaticNumber() throws Exception { return ChromaticNumber.findGreedyChromaticNumber(getSimpleWeightedGraph()); } public JSONObject getKMST() throws Exception { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); KruskalMinimumSpanningTree<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> kmst = new KruskalMinimumSpanningTree<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>( gr); if (null == kmst.getEdgeSet()) { return null; } else { List<String> edges = new ArrayList<String>(); for (JSONEdge edge : kmst.getEdgeSet()) { edges.add(edge.get(KEY_FIELD)); } result.put("edge_set", edges); result.put("spanning_tree_cost", kmst.getSpanningTreeCost()); return result; } } public JSONObject getGreedyVertexCover() throws Exception { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); Set<JSONVertex> verts = VertexCovers.findGreedyCover(Graphs.undirectedGraph(gr)); if (null == verts) { return null; } else { JSONArray vertKeys = new JSONArray(); for (JSONVertex v : verts) { vertKeys.put(v.getKey()); } result.put("cover_set", vertKeys); return result; } } public JSONObject get2ApproximationVertexCover() throws Exception { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); Set<JSONVertex> verts = VertexCovers.find2ApproximationCover(gr); if (null == verts) { return null; } else { JSONArray vertKeys = new JSONArray(); for (JSONVertex v : verts) { vertKeys.put(v.getKey()); } result.put("cover_set", vertKeys); return result; } } public JSONObject getConnectedSetByVertex(JSONVertex v) throws Exception { Set<JSONVertex> cset = connectivityInspector.connectedSetOf(v); if (null == cset) return null; JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); List<String> csetKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); for (JSONVertex vert : cset) { csetKeys.add(vert.getKey()); } result.put("connected_set", csetKeys); return result; } public JSONObject getConnectedSets() throws Exception { List<Set<JSONVertex>> csets = connectivityInspector.connectedSets(); if (null == csets) return null; List<Set<String>> csetsKeys = new ArrayList<Set<String>>(); for (Set<JSONVertex> cset : csets) { Set<String> csetKeys = new HashSet<String>(); for (JSONVertex vert : cset) { csetKeys.add(vert.getKey()); } csetsKeys.add(csetKeys); } JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); result.put("connected_sets", csetsKeys); return result; } public boolean isConnected() throws Exception { return connectivityInspector.isGraphConnected(); } public boolean pathExists(JSONVertex vFrom, JSONVertex vTo) throws Exception { return connectivityInspector.pathExists(vFrom, vTo); } public JSONObject getAllMaximalCliques() throws Exception { BronKerboschCliqueFinder<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> cf = new BronKerboschCliqueFinder<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>(gr); Collection<Set<JSONVertex>> cliques = cf.getAllMaximalCliques(); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); JSONArray cliqueList = new JSONArray(); for (Set<JSONVertex> cliqueListSet : cliques) { JSONArray cliqueSet = new JSONArray(); for (JSONVertex v : cliqueListSet) { cliqueSet.put(v.get(KEY_FIELD)); } cliqueList.put(cliqueSet); } result.put("cliques", cliqueList); return result; } public JSONObject getBiggestMaximalCliques() throws Exception { BronKerboschCliqueFinder<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> cf = new BronKerboschCliqueFinder<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>(gr); Collection<Set<JSONVertex>> cliques = cf.getBiggestMaximalCliques(); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); JSONArray cliqueList = new JSONArray(); for (Set<JSONVertex> cliqueListSet : cliques) { JSONArray cliqueSet = new JSONArray(); for (JSONVertex v : cliqueListSet) { cliqueSet.put(v.get(KEY_FIELD)); } cliqueList.put(cliqueSet); } result.put("cliques", cliqueList); return result; } public JSONObject getAllShortestPathsFrom(JSONVertex vFrom) throws Exception { FloydWarshallShortestPaths<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> fwsp = new FloydWarshallShortestPaths<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>( gr); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); result.put("diameter", fwsp.getDiameter()); result.put("shortest_path_count", fwsp.getShortestPathsCount()); if (vFrom == null) return result; result.put("source_vertex", vFrom.getKey()); List<JSONObject> resultPaths = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); List<GraphPath<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>> paths = fwsp.getShortestPaths(vFrom); for (GraphPath<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> path : paths) { JSONObject resultPath = new JSONObject(); List<String> edges = new ArrayList<String>(); for (JSONEdge edge : path.getEdgeList()) { edges.add(edge.get(KEY_FIELD)); } resultPath.put("weight", path.getWeight()); resultPath.put("edges", edges); resultPath.put("start_vertex", path.getStartVertex().getString(KEY_FIELD)); resultPath.put("end_vertex", path.getEndVertex().getString(KEY_FIELD)); resultPaths.add(resultPath); } result.put("paths", resultPaths); return result; } public JSONObject getGraphCycles() throws Exception { CycleDetector<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> cd = new CycleDetector<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>(gr); Set<JSONVertex> cycles = cd.findCycles(); if (null == cycles) { return null; } else { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); List<String> resultCycles = new ArrayList<String>(); for (JSONVertex v : cycles) { resultCycles.add(v.getKey()); } result.put("cycles", resultCycles); return result; } } public JSONObject getGraphCyclesContainingVertex(JSONVertex v) throws Exception { CycleDetector<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> cd = new CycleDetector<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>(gr); Set<JSONVertex> cycles = cd.findCyclesContainingVertex(v); if (null == cycles) { return null; } else { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); result.put("vertex", v.getKey()); List<String> resultCycles = new ArrayList<String>(); for (JSONVertex vert : cycles) { resultCycles.add(vert.getKey()); } result.put("cycles", resultCycles); return result; } } /* * STATS */ public int numVertices() throws Exception { return vertices.size(); } public int numEdges() throws Exception { return gr.edgeSet().size(); } /* * TRAVERSALS */ public void scriptedTraversal(String traversalType, JSONVertex startVertex, String udfKey, double radius) throws Exception { // TODO: proper abstraction / refactor / consolidation of "udf" // & "script engine" code; support for other vm types // String pid = generateKey(); JSONObject udfDef = getUDFDef(udfKey); String udfType = udfDef.getString("udf_type"); String udfFn = udfDef.getString("udf_fn"); final GScriptEngine scriptEngine = new GScriptEngine(pid + "-" + udfType, udfType); scriptEngine.put("_udf_script_engine_", scriptEngine); scriptEngine.evalScript("udfs/js/vm_init.js"); scriptEngine.evalScript(udfFn); JSONObject startState = new JSONObject(); startState.put("traversalType", traversalType); startState.put("startVertex", startVertex.getKey()); startState.put("udfKey", udfKey); startState.put("radius", radius); startState.put("startTimeMillis", System.currentTimeMillis()); Object msgObj = scriptEngine.invoke("_JSONstring_to_js", startState.toString()); scriptEngine.put("traversalStartState", msgObj); scriptEngine.eval("var handler = new " + udfKey + "(traversalStartState);"); final Object handlerInstance = scriptEngine.get("handler");"scriptedTraversal: " + pid + ": vm initialized: " + scriptEngine.toString() + ": handlerInstance: " + handlerInstance.toString()); traverse(getGraphIterator(traversalType, startVertex, radius), getScriptedTraversalListener(handlerInstance, scriptEngine)); } public void pipelinedTraversal(String traversalType, JSONVertex startVertex, final String returnChannel, double radius, JSONArray eventList) throws Exception { final Set<String> eventSet = new HashSet<String>(); if (eventList == null) { eventSet.add("connectedComponentStarted"); eventSet.add("connectedComponentFinished"); eventSet.add("edgeTraversed"); eventSet.add("vertexFinished"); eventSet.add("vertexTraversed"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < eventList.length(); i++) { eventSet.add(eventList.getString(i)); } } traverse(getGraphIterator(traversalType, startVertex, radius), getPipelinedTraversalListener(returnChannel, eventSet)); } private void traverse(AbstractGraphIterator<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> graphIterator, final TraversalListener<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> traversalListener) throws Exception { graphIterator.addTraversalListener(traversalListener); while (graphIterator.hasNext()) {; } } private AbstractGraphIterator<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> getGraphIterator(String traversalType, JSONVertex startVertex, double radius) throws Exception { AbstractGraphIterator<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> graphIterator; if (traversalType.equals("breadth_first")) { graphIterator = new BreadthFirstIterator<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>(gr, startVertex); } else if (traversalType.equals("depth_first")) { graphIterator = new DepthFirstIterator<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>(gr, startVertex); } else if (traversalType.equals("closest_first")) { if (radius > 0.0) { graphIterator = new ClosestFirstIterator<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>(gr, startVertex, radius); } else { graphIterator = new ClosestFirstIterator<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>(gr, startVertex); } } else if (traversalType.equals("topological")) { graphIterator = new TopologicalOrderIterator<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>(gr); } else { throw new Exception("unknown traversal type '" + traversalType + "' (try breadth_first, depth_first, closest_first, topological)"); } return graphIterator; } private TraversalListener<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> getScriptedTraversalListener(final Object handlerInstance, final GScriptEngine scriptEngine) throws Exception { return new TraversalListener<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>() { public void connectedComponentStarted(ConnectedComponentTraversalEvent e) { try { JSONObject msg = new JSONObject(); msg.put("event", "ConnectedComponentTraversal"); msg.put("eventType", "ConnectedComponentStarted"); scriptEngine.invokeMethod(handlerInstance, "connectedComponentStarted", msg); } catch (Exception ex) {; } } public void connectedComponentFinished(ConnectedComponentTraversalEvent e) { try { JSONObject msg = new JSONObject(); msg.put("event", "ConnectedComponentTraversal"); msg.put("eventType", "ConnectedComponentFinished"); scriptEngine.invokeMethod(handlerInstance, "connectedComponentFinished", msg); } catch (Exception ex) {; } } public void edgeTraversed(EdgeTraversalEvent<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> e) { try { JSONObject msg = new JSONObject(); msg.put("event", "EdgeTraversal"); msg.put("eventType", "EdgeTraversed"); msg.put(KEY_FIELD, e.getEdge().getKey()); scriptEngine.invokeMethod(handlerInstance, "edgeTraversed", msg); } catch (Exception ex) {; } } public void vertexFinished(VertexTraversalEvent<JSONVertex> e) { try { JSONObject msg = new JSONObject(); msg.put("event", "VertexTraversal"); msg.put("eventType", "VertexFinished"); msg.put(KEY_FIELD, e.getVertex().getKey()); scriptEngine.invokeMethod(handlerInstance, "vertexFinished", msg); } catch (Exception ex) {; } } public void vertexTraversed(VertexTraversalEvent<JSONVertex> e) { try { JSONObject msg = new JSONObject(); msg.put("event", "VertexTraversal"); msg.put("eventType", "VertexTraversed"); msg.put(KEY_FIELD, e.getVertex().getKey()); scriptEngine.invokeMethod(handlerInstance, "vertexTraversed", msg); } catch (Exception ex) {; } } }; } private TraversalListener<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> getPipelinedTraversalListener(final String returnChannel, final Set<String> eventSet) throws Exception { return new TraversalListener<JSONVertex, JSONEdge>() { public void connectedComponentStarted(ConnectedComponentTraversalEvent e) { if (!eventSet.contains("connectedComponentStarted")) return; try { JSONObject msg = new JSONObject(); msg.put("event", "ConnectedComponentTraversal"); msg.put("eventType", "ConnectedComponentStarted"); msg.put("source", e.getSource()); publishToEndpointByName(returnChannel, msg); } catch (Exception ex) {; } } public void connectedComponentFinished(ConnectedComponentTraversalEvent e) { if (!eventSet.contains("connectedComponentFinished")) return; try { JSONObject msg = new JSONObject(); msg.put("event", "ConnectedComponentTraversal"); msg.put("eventType", "ConnectedComponentFinished"); msg.put("source", e.getSource()); publishToEndpointByName(returnChannel, msg); } catch (Exception ex) {; } } public void edgeTraversed(EdgeTraversalEvent<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> e) { if (!eventSet.contains("edgeTraversed")) return; try { JSONObject msg = new JSONObject(); msg.put("event", "EdgeTraversal"); msg.put("eventType", "EdgeTraversed"); msg.put(KEY_FIELD, e.getEdge().getKey()); publishToEndpointByName(returnChannel, msg); } catch (Exception ex) {; } } public void vertexFinished(VertexTraversalEvent<JSONVertex> e) { if (!eventSet.contains("vertexFinished")) return; try { JSONObject msg = new JSONObject(); msg.put("event", "VertexTraversal"); msg.put("eventType", "VertexFinished"); msg.put(KEY_FIELD, e.getVertex().getKey()); publishToEndpointByName(returnChannel, msg); } catch (Exception ex) {; } } public void vertexTraversed(VertexTraversalEvent<JSONVertex> e) { if (!eventSet.contains("vertexTraversed")) return; try { JSONObject msg = new JSONObject(); msg.put("event", "VertexTraversal"); msg.put("eventType", "VertexTraversed"); msg.put(KEY_FIELD, e.getVertex().getKey()); publishToEndpointByName(returnChannel, msg); } catch (Exception ex) {; } } }; } /* * * EVENT LISTENERS * * */ // VERTEX SET LISTENER public void vertexAdded(GraphVertexChangeEvent<JSONVertex> e) { try { // TODO: pub client-event message(s) //"[event] vertexAdded: " + e.getVertex().get(KEY_FIELD)); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void vertexRemoved(GraphVertexChangeEvent<JSONVertex> e) { try { if (e.getType() == GraphVertexChangeEvent.VERTEX_REMOVED) { JSONVertex jv = e.getVertex(); vertices.remove(jv.getString(KEY_FIELD)); indexWriter.deleteDocuments(new Term(KEY_FIELD, jv.getString(KEY_FIELD))); refreshGraphIndex(); // TODO: terminate & de-index process objects for this object"[event] vertexRemoved: " + jv.get(KEY_FIELD)); } else { final String eventType; if (e.getType() == GraphVertexChangeEvent.BEFORE_VERTEX_REMOVED) eventType = "before_vertex_removed"; else if (e.getType() == GraphVertexChangeEvent.VERTEX_REMOVED) eventType = "vertex_removed"; else eventType = "vertex:unknown_event_type:" + e.getType();"[event] vertexRemoved: " + e.getVertex().get(KEY_FIELD) + " -> " + eventType); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // TODO: pub client-event message(s) } // EDGE SET LISTENER public void edgeAdded(GraphEdgeChangeEvent<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> e) { try { // TODO: pub client-event message(s) //"[event] edgeAdded: " + e.getEdge().get(KEY_FIELD)); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void edgeRemoved(GraphEdgeChangeEvent<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> e) { // try { // handle implicit deletions as a result of side-effects (e.g., removeVertex, etc.) if (e.getType() == GraphEdgeChangeEvent.EDGE_REMOVED) { JSONEdge je = e.getEdge(); indexWriter.deleteDocuments(new Term(KEY_FIELD, je.get(KEY_FIELD))); refreshGraphIndex(); // TODO: terminate & de-index process objects for this object"[event] edgeRemoved: " + je.get(KEY_FIELD)); } else { final String eventType; if (e.getType() == GraphEdgeChangeEvent.BEFORE_EDGE_REMOVED) eventType = "before_edge_removed"; else if (e.getType() == GraphEdgeChangeEvent.EDGE_REMOVED) eventType = "edge_removed"; else eventType = "edge:unknown_event_type:" + e.getType();"[event] edgeRemoved: " + e.getEdge().get(KEY_FIELD) + " -> " + eventType); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // TODO: pub client-event message(s) } // TRAVERSAL LISTENER public void connectedComponentFinished(ConnectedComponentTraversalEvent e) {"connectedComponentFinished: " + e.toString()); } public void connectedComponentStarted(ConnectedComponentTraversalEvent e) {"connectedComponentStarted: " + e.toString()); } public void edgeTraversed(EdgeTraversalEvent<JSONVertex, JSONEdge> e) {"edgeTraversed: " + e.toString()); } public void vertexFinished(VertexTraversalEvent<JSONVertex> e) {"vertexFinished: " + e.toString()); } public void vertexTraversed(VertexTraversalEvent<JSONVertex> e) {"vertexTraversed: " + e.toString()); } }