Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of Arduino. * * Copyright 2014 Arduino LLC ( * * Arduino is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software * library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate * templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile * this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this * file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however * invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by * the GNU General Public License. */ package cc.arduino.contributions.packages; import cc.arduino.Constants; import cc.arduino.contributions.DownloadableContribution; import cc.arduino.contributions.SignatureVerificationFailedException; import cc.arduino.contributions.SignatureVerifier; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.mrbean.MrBeanModule; import org.apache.commons.compress.utils.IOUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import; import static; import static; import static; public class ContributionsIndexer { private final File packagesFolder; private final File stagingFolder; private final File preferencesFolder; private final File builtInHardwareFolder; private final Platform platform; private final SignatureVerifier signatureVerifier; private final ContributionsIndex index; public ContributionsIndexer(File preferencesFolder, File builtInHardwareFolder, Platform platform, SignatureVerifier signatureVerifier) { this.preferencesFolder = preferencesFolder; this.builtInHardwareFolder = builtInHardwareFolder; this.platform = platform; this.signatureVerifier = signatureVerifier; index = new EmptyContributionIndex(); packagesFolder = new File(preferencesFolder, "packages"); stagingFolder = new File(preferencesFolder, "staging" + File.separator + "packages"); } public void parseIndex() throws Exception { // Read bundled index... File bundledIndexFile = new File(builtInHardwareFolder, Constants.BUNDLED_INDEX_FILE_NAME); mergeContributions(bundledIndexFile); // ...and overlay the default index if present File defaultIndexFile = getIndexFile(Constants.DEFAULT_INDEX_FILE_NAME); if (defaultIndexFile.exists()) { // Check main index signature if (!PreferencesData.getBoolean("allow_insecure_packages") && !signatureVerifier.isSigned(defaultIndexFile)) { throw new SignatureVerificationFailedException(Constants.DEFAULT_INDEX_FILE_NAME); } mergeContributions(defaultIndexFile); } // Set main and bundled indexes as trusted index.getPackages().forEach(pack -> pack.setTrusted(true)); // Overlay 3rd party indexes File[] indexFiles = preferencesFolder.listFiles(new TestPackageIndexFilenameFilter( new PackageIndexFilenameFilter(Constants.DEFAULT_INDEX_FILE_NAME))); if (indexFiles != null) { for (File indexFile : indexFiles) { try { mergeContributions(indexFile); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { System.err.println( format(tr("Skipping contributed index file {0}, parsing error occured:"), indexFile)); System.err.println(e); } } } else { System.err .println(format(tr("Error reading package indexes folder: {0}\n(maybe a permission problem?)"), preferencesFolder)); } // Fill tools and toolsDependency cross references List<ContributedPackage> packages = index.getPackages(); Collection<ContributedPackage> packagesWithTools = .filter(input -> input.getTools() != null && !input.getTools().isEmpty()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); for (ContributedPackage pack : packages) { // Fill references to package in tools for (ContributedTool tool : pack.getTools()) { tool.setPackage(pack); } for (ContributedPlatform plat : pack.getPlatforms()) { // Set a reference to parent packages plat.setParentPackage(pack); // Resolve tools dependencies (works also as a check for file integrity) plat.resolveToolsDependencies(packagesWithTools); } } index.fillCategories(); } private void mergeContributions(File indexFile) throws IOException { if (!indexFile.exists()) return; ContributionsIndex contributionsIndex = parseIndex(indexFile); boolean signed = signatureVerifier.isSigned(indexFile); boolean trustall = PreferencesData.getBoolean(Constants.PREF_CONTRIBUTIONS_TRUST_ALL); for (ContributedPackage contributedPackage : contributionsIndex.getPackages()) { contributedPackage.setTrusted(signed || trustall); if (!contributedPackage.isTrusted()) { for (ContributedPlatform contributedPlatform : contributedPackage.getPlatforms()) { contributedPlatform.setCategory("Contributed"); } } ContributedPackage targetPackage = index.getPackage(contributedPackage.getName()); if (targetPackage == null) { index.getPackages().add(contributedPackage); } else { if (contributedPackage.isTrusted() || !isPackageNameProtected(contributedPackage)) { if (isPackageNameProtected(contributedPackage) && trustall) { System.err.println(format(tr("Warning: forced trusting untrusted contributions"))); } List<ContributedPlatform> platforms = contributedPackage.getPlatforms(); if (platforms == null) { platforms = new LinkedList<>(); } for (ContributedPlatform contributedPlatform : platforms) { ContributedPlatform plat = targetPackage.findPlatform(contributedPlatform.getArchitecture(), contributedPlatform.getVersion()); if (plat != null) { targetPackage.getPlatforms().remove(plat); } targetPackage.getPlatforms().add(contributedPlatform); } List<ContributedTool> tools = contributedPackage.getTools(); if (tools == null) { tools = new LinkedList<>(); } for (ContributedTool contributedTool : tools) { ContributedTool tool = targetPackage.findTool(contributedTool.getName(), contributedTool.getVersion()); if (tool != null) { targetPackage.getTools().remove(tool); } targetPackage.getTools().add(contributedTool); } } } } } private boolean isPackageNameProtected(ContributedPackage contributedPackage) { return Constants.PROTECTED_PACKAGE_NAMES.contains(contributedPackage.getName()); } private ContributionsIndex parseIndex(File indexFile) throws IOException { InputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = new FileInputStream(indexFile); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); mapper.registerModule(new MrBeanModule()); mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY, true); mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.EAGER_DESERIALIZER_FETCH, true); mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); return mapper.readValue(inputStream, ContributionsIndex.class); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(inputStream); } } public void syncWithFilesystem() throws IOException { syncBuiltInHardware(); syncLocalPackages(); } private void syncBuiltInHardware() throws IOException { if (index == null) { return; } for (File folder : builtInHardwareFolder.listFiles(ONLY_DIRS)) { ContributedPackage pack = index.findPackage(folder.getName()); if (pack == null) continue; syncBuiltInPackageWithFilesystem(pack, folder); File toolsFolder = new File(builtInHardwareFolder, "tools"); if (!toolsFolder.isDirectory()) continue; for (File toolFolder : toolsFolder.listFiles(ONLY_DIRS)) { // builtin_tools_versions.txt contains tools versions in the format: // "PACKAGER.TOOL_NAME=TOOL_VERSION" // for example: // "arduino.avrdude=6.0.1-arduino5" File versionsFile = new File(toolFolder, "builtin_tools_versions.txt"); if (!versionsFile.isFile()) continue; PreferencesMap toolsVersion = new PreferencesMap(versionsFile).subTree(pack.getName()); for (String name : toolsVersion.keySet()) { String version = toolsVersion.get(name); ContributedTool tool = syncToolWithFilesystem(pack, toolFolder, name, version); if (tool != null) tool.setBuiltIn(true); } } } } private void syncBuiltInPackageWithFilesystem(ContributedPackage pack, File hardwareFolder) throws IOException { // Scan all hardware folders and mark as installed all the tools found. for (File platformFolder : hardwareFolder.listFiles(ONLY_DIRS)) { File platformTxt = new File(platformFolder, "platform.txt"); String version = new PreferencesMap(platformTxt).get("version"); ContributedPlatform p = syncHardwareWithFilesystem(pack, platformFolder, platformFolder.getName(), version); if (p != null) { p.setBuiltIn(true); } } } private void syncLocalPackages() { if (!packagesFolder.isDirectory()) { return; } if (index == null) { return; } // Scan all hardware folders and mark as installed all the // platforms found. for (File folder : packagesFolder.listFiles(ONLY_DIRS)) { ContributedPackage pack = index.findPackage(folder.getName()); if (pack != null) { syncPackageWithFilesystem(pack, folder); } } } private void syncPackageWithFilesystem(ContributedPackage pack, File root) { // Scan all hardware folders and mark as installed all the tools found. File hardwareFolder = new File(root, "hardware"); if (hardwareFolder.isDirectory()) { for (File platformFolder : hardwareFolder.listFiles(ONLY_DIRS)) { for (File versionFolder : platformFolder.listFiles(ONLY_DIRS)) { syncHardwareWithFilesystem(pack, versionFolder, platformFolder.getName(), versionFolder.getName()); } } } // Scan all tools folders and mark as installed all the tools found. File toolsFolder = new File(root, "tools"); if (toolsFolder.isDirectory()) { for (File toolFolder : toolsFolder.listFiles(ONLY_DIRS)) { for (File versionFolder : toolFolder.listFiles(ONLY_DIRS)) { syncToolWithFilesystem(pack, versionFolder, toolFolder.getName(), versionFolder.getName()); } } } } private ContributedTool syncToolWithFilesystem(ContributedPackage pack, File installationFolder, String toolName, String version) { ContributedTool tool = pack.findTool(toolName, version); if (tool == null) { tool = pack.findResolvedTool(toolName, version); } if (tool == null) { return null; } DownloadableContribution contrib = tool.getDownloadableContribution(platform); if (contrib == null) { System.err.println(tool + " seems to have no downloadable contributions for your operating system, but it is installed in\n" + installationFolder); return null; } tool.setInstalled(true); tool.setInstalledFolder(installationFolder); tool.setBuiltIn(false); return tool; } private ContributedPlatform syncHardwareWithFilesystem(ContributedPackage pack, File installationFolder, String architecture, String version) { ContributedPlatform p = pack.findPlatform(architecture, version); if (p != null) { p.setInstalled(true); p.setBuiltIn(false); p.setInstalledFolder(installationFolder); } return p; } @Override public String toString() { return index.toString(); } public List<TargetPackage> createTargetPackages() { List<TargetPackage> packages = new ArrayList<>(); if (index == null) { return packages; } for (ContributedPackage aPackage : index.getPackages()) { ContributedTargetPackage targetPackage = new ContributedTargetPackage(aPackage.getName()); List<ContributedPlatform> platforms = aPackage.getPlatforms().stream() // .filter(p -> p.isInstalled()) // .collect(Collectors.toList()); Collections.sort(platforms, ContributedPlatform.BUILTIN_AS_LAST); for (ContributedPlatform p : platforms) { String arch = p.getArchitecture(); File folder = p.getInstalledFolder(); try { TargetPlatform targetPlatform = new ContributedTargetPlatform(arch, folder, targetPackage); if (!targetPackage.hasPlatform(targetPlatform)) { targetPackage.addPlatform(targetPlatform); } } catch (TargetPlatformException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } } if (targetPackage.hasPlatforms()) { packages.add(targetPackage); } } Collections.sort(packages, (package1, package2) -> { assert package1.getId() != null && package2.getId() != null; return package1.getId().toLowerCase().compareTo(package2.getId().toLowerCase()); }); return packages; } public boolean isContributedToolUsed(ContributedPlatform platformToIgnore, ContributedTool tool) { for (ContributedPackage pack : index.getPackages()) { for (ContributedPlatform p : pack.getPlatforms()) { if (platformToIgnore.equals(p)) { continue; } if (!p.isInstalled() || p.isBuiltIn()) { continue; } for (ContributedTool requiredTool : p.getResolvedTools()) { if (requiredTool.equals(tool)) return true; } } } return false; } public Set<ContributedTool> getInstalledTools() { Set<ContributedTool> tools = new HashSet<>(); if (index == null) { return tools; } for (ContributedPackage pack : index.getPackages()) { Collection<ContributedPlatform> platforms = pack.getPlatforms().stream() // .filter(p -> p.isInstalled()) // .collect(Collectors.toList()); Map<String, List<ContributedPlatform>> platformsByName = .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(ContributedPlatform::getName)); platformsByName.forEach((platformName, platformsWithName) -> { if (platformsWithName.size() > 1) { platformsWithName = // .filter(p -> !p.isBuiltIn()) // .collect(Collectors.toList()); } for (ContributedPlatform p : platformsWithName) { tools.addAll(p.getResolvedTools()); } }); } return tools; } public ContributionsIndex getIndex() { return index; } public File getPackagesFolder() { return packagesFolder; } public File getStagingFolder() { return stagingFolder; } public File getIndexFile(String name) { return new File(preferencesFolder, name); } public List<ContributedPackage> getPackages() { if (index == null) { return new LinkedList<>(); } return index.getPackages(); } public List<String> getCategories() { if (index == null) { return new LinkedList<>(); } return index.getCategories(); } public ContributedPlatform getInstalled(String packageName, String platformArch) { if (index == null) { return null; } return index.getInstalledPlatform(packageName, platformArch); } private List<ContributedPlatform> getInstalledPlatforms() { if (index == null) { return new LinkedList<>(); } return index.getInstalledPlatforms(); } public Optional<ContributedPlatform> getPlatformByFolder(final File folder) { return getInstalledPlatforms().stream().filter(contributedPlatform -> { assert contributedPlatform.getInstalledFolder() != null; return FileUtils.isSubDirectory(contributedPlatform.getInstalledFolder(), folder); }).findFirst(); } public ContributedPlatform getContributedPlaform(TargetPlatform targetPlatform) { for (ContributedPlatform plat : getInstalledPlatforms()) { if (plat.getInstalledFolder().equals(targetPlatform.getFolder())) return plat; } return null; } }