Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package cc.alcina.framework.entity.util; import java.beans.Introspector; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import cc.alcina.framework.common.client.util.CommonUtils; import cc.alcina.framework.entity.projection.GraphProjection.GraphProjectionContext; /** * * @author Nick Reddel */ public class AsLiteralSerializer { public static void main(String[] args) { } private ClassSourceFileComposerFactory composerFactory; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private final String className; private int methodLengthCounter; private int callCounter = 0; private IdentityHashMap<Object, OutputInstantiation> reached = new IdentityHashMap<Object, OutputInstantiation>(); private List<OutputAssignment> assignments = new ArrayList<OutputAssignment>(); private Map<OutputInstantiation, List<OutputInstantiation>> addToCollnMap = new HashMap<OutputInstantiation, List<OutputInstantiation>>(); private Map<OutputInstantiation, List<OutputInstantiation>> addToMapMap = new HashMap<OutputInstantiation, List<OutputInstantiation>>(); private Set<Class> reachedClasses = new LinkedHashSet<Class>(); private int idCounter = 1; Map<Class, PropertyDescriptor[]> propertyDescriptorsPerClass = new HashMap<Class, PropertyDescriptor[]>(); public AsLiteralSerializer(String packageName, String className) { this.className = className; composerFactory = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory(packageName, className); } public String generate(Object source) throws Exception { // traverse traverse(source, null); reachedClasses.remove(null); for (Class c : reachedClasses) { if (isEnumSubClass(c)) { continue; } composerFactory.addImport(c.getName().replace("$", ".")); } StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); SourceWriter sw = composerFactory.createSourceWriter(new PrintWriter(stringWriter)); sw.indent(); ArrayList<OutputInstantiation> insts = new ArrayList<OutputInstantiation>(reached.values()); Collections.sort(insts); for (OutputInstantiation inst : insts) { Class<? extends Object> valueClass = inst.value.getClass(); String className = getClassName(valueClass); if (isEnumExt(valueClass) || inst.value instanceof Class) { sw.println(String.format("%s %s;", className, getObjLitRef(inst), getLiteralValue(inst.value))); } else { sw.println(String.format("%s %s;", className, getObjLitRef(inst), className, getLiteralValue(inst.value))); } } StringBuffer mainCall = new StringBuffer(); newCall(mainCall, sw, false); for (OutputInstantiation inst : insts) { Class<? extends Object> valueClass = inst.value.getClass(); String className = getClassName(valueClass); String add = null; if (isEnumExt(valueClass) || inst.value instanceof Class) { add = (String.format(" %s= %s;", getObjLitRef(inst), getLiteralValue(inst.value))); } else { add = (String.format(" %s= new %s (%s);", getObjLitRef(inst), className, getLiteralValue(inst.value))); } sw.println(add); methodLengthCounter += add.length() + 1; if (methodLengthCounter > 20000) { newCall(mainCall, sw, true); } } for (OutputAssignment assign : assignments) { String assignLit = String.format("%s.%s(%s);", getObjLitRef(assign.src), assign.pd.getWriteMethod().getName(), getObjLitRef(; sw.println(assignLit); methodLengthCounter += assignLit.length() + 1; if (methodLengthCounter > 20000) { newCall(mainCall, sw, true); } } for (OutputInstantiation inst : addToCollnMap.keySet()) { List<OutputInstantiation> elts = addToCollnMap.get(inst); for (OutputInstantiation elt : elts) { String add = String.format("%s.add(%s);", getObjLitRef(inst), getObjLitRef(elt)); sw.println(add); methodLengthCounter += add.length() + 1; if (methodLengthCounter > 20000) { newCall(mainCall, sw, true); } } } for (OutputInstantiation inst : addToMapMap.keySet()) { List<OutputInstantiation> elts = addToMapMap.get(inst); Iterator<OutputInstantiation> itr = elts.iterator(); for (; itr.hasNext();) { OutputInstantiation key =; OutputInstantiation value =; String add = String.format("%s.put(%s,%s);", getObjLitRef(inst), getObjLitRef(key), getObjLitRef(value)); sw.println(add); methodLengthCounter += add.length() + 1; if (methodLengthCounter > 20000) { newCall(mainCall, sw, true); } } } sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); sw.println(String.format("public %s generate() {", source.getClass().getSimpleName())); sw.indent(); sw.println(mainCall.toString()); sw.println("return obj_1;"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); return stringWriter.toString(); } public OutputInstantiation traverse(Object source, GraphProjectionContext context) throws Exception { if (source == null) { return null; } if (reached.containsKey(source)) { return reached.get(source); } OutputInstantiation instance = new OutputInstantiation(idCounter++, source); reached.put(source, instance); Class c = source.getClass(); reachedClasses.add(c); reachedClasses.add(getEnumExt(c)); if (source instanceof Class) { reachedClasses.add((Class) source); reachedClasses.add(getEnumExt((Class) source)); } if (isSimple(source)) { return instance; } PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = getPropertyDescriptorsForClassProperties(source); Object template = source.getClass().newInstance(); for (PropertyDescriptor pd : propertyDescriptors) { Object tgt = pd.getReadMethod().invoke(source, CommonUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY); Object templateTgt = pd.getReadMethod().invoke(template, CommonUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY); if (tgt != templateTgt) { assignments.add(new OutputAssignment(instance, pd, traverse(tgt, null))); } } if (source instanceof Collection) { Collection colln = (Collection) source; ArrayList<OutputInstantiation> elts = new ArrayList<OutputInstantiation>(); addToCollnMap.put(instance, elts); for (Object object : colln) { elts.add(traverse(object, null)); } } if (source instanceof Map) { Map map = (Map) source; ArrayList<OutputInstantiation> elts = new ArrayList<OutputInstantiation>(); addToMapMap.put(instance, elts); for (Object object : map.keySet()) { elts.add(traverse(object, null)); elts.add(traverse(map.get(object), null)); } } return instance; } private String getClassName(Class<? extends Object> clazz) { if (isEnumSubClass(clazz)) { clazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); } return clazz.getSimpleName(); } private Class getEnumExt(Class c) { if (c.getSuperclass() != null && c.getSuperclass().getSuperclass() == java.lang.Enum.class) { return c.getSuperclass(); } return null; } private Object getLiteralValue(Object value) { if (value == null || !isSimple(value)) { return ""; } if (value instanceof Enum) { return getClassName(value.getClass()) + "." + value; } if (value instanceof Date) { Date d = (Date) value; return d.getTime() + "L"; } if (value instanceof String) { return "\"" + ((String) value).replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\"", "\\\"").replace("\n", "\\n") .replace("\r", "\\r").replace("\t", "\\t") + "\""; } if (value instanceof Character) { return "'" + value + "'"; } if (value instanceof Class) { return ((Class) value).getSimpleName() + "." + "class"; } if (value instanceof Long || value.getClass() == long.class) { return value + "L"; } return value; } private String getObjLitRef(OutputInstantiation inst) { if (inst == null) { return "null"; } return "obj_" +; } private PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptorsForClassProperties(Object cloned) throws Exception { Class<? extends Object> clazz = cloned.getClass(); if (!propertyDescriptorsPerClass.containsKey(clazz)) { List<PropertyDescriptor> allPropertyDescriptors = new ArrayList<PropertyDescriptor>(); PropertyDescriptor[] pds = Introspector.getBeanInfo(clazz).getPropertyDescriptors(); for (PropertyDescriptor pd : pds) { if (pd.getReadMethod() != null && pd.getWriteMethod() != null) { allPropertyDescriptors.add(pd); } } propertyDescriptorsPerClass.put(clazz, (PropertyDescriptor[]) allPropertyDescriptors .toArray(new PropertyDescriptor[allPropertyDescriptors.size()])); } return propertyDescriptorsPerClass.get(clazz); } private boolean isEnumExt(Class c) { return c.getSuperclass() == java.lang.Enum.class || (c.getSuperclass() != null && c.getSuperclass().getSuperclass() == java.lang.Enum.class); } private boolean isEnumSubClass(Class c) { return (c.getSuperclass() != null && !c.isEnum() && c.getSuperclass().getSuperclass() == java.lang.Enum.class); } private boolean isSimple(Object source) { Class c = source.getClass(); return (c.isPrimitive() || c == String.class || c == Boolean.class || c == Character.class || isEnumExt(c) || c == Class.class || (source instanceof Number) || (source instanceof Date)); } private void newCall(StringBuffer mainCall, SourceWriter sw, boolean close) { if (close) { sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); } sw.println(String.format("private class Generate_%s {", ++callCounter)); sw.indent(); sw.println("private void run() {"); sw.indent(); mainCall.append(String.format("new Generate_%s().run();", callCounter)); methodLengthCounter = 0; } private static class OutputAssignment { OutputInstantiation src; PropertyDescriptor pd; OutputInstantiation target; public OutputAssignment(OutputInstantiation src, PropertyDescriptor setPropertyDescriptor, OutputInstantiation target) { super(); this.src = src; this.pd = setPropertyDescriptor; = target; } } static class OutputInstantiation implements Comparable<OutputInstantiation> { Integer id; Object value; public OutputInstantiation(Integer id, Object value) { super(); = id; this.value = value; } public int compareTo(OutputInstantiation o) { return id.compareTo(; } } }