Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 * * Licensed under the : GNU General Public License (GPL); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package CB_Core.Api; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException; import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONTokener; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import CB_Core.Attributes; import CB_Core.CB_Core_Settings; import CB_Core.CacheSizes; import CB_Core.CacheTypes; import CB_Core.Database; import CB_Core.LogTypes; import CB_Core.DAO.CacheDAO; import CB_Core.DAO.ImageDAO; import CB_Core.DAO.LogDAO; import CB_Core.DAO.WaypointDAO; import CB_Core.Import.DescriptionImageGrabber; import CB_Core.Types.Cache; import CB_Core.Types.DLong; import CB_Core.Types.ImageEntry; import CB_Core.Types.LogEntry; import CB_Core.Types.Waypoint; import CB_Locator.CoordinateGPS; import CB_Utils.Interfaces.ICancel; import CB_Utils.Lists.CB_List; import CB_Utils.Log.Log; import CB_Utils.Util.FileIO; import CB_Utils.http.HttpUtils; import de.cb.sqlite.CoreCursor; public class SearchForGeocaches_Core { final static org.slf4j.Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PocketQuery.class); private Boolean LoadBooleanValueFromDB(String sql) // Found-Status aus Datenbank auslesen { CoreCursor reader = Database.Data.rawQuery(sql, null); try { reader.moveToFirst(); while (!reader.isAfterLast()) { if (reader.getInt(0) != 0) { // gefunden. Suche abbrechen return true; } reader.moveToNext(); } } finally { reader.close(); } return false; } public String SearchForGeocachesJSON(Search search, CB_List<Cache> cacheList, ArrayList<LogEntry> logList, ArrayList<ImageEntry> imageList, long gpxFilenameId, ICancel icancel) { String result = ""; int startIndex = 0; int searchNumber = search.number <= 50 ? search.number : 50; byte apiStatus = 0; boolean isLite = true; if (GroundspeakAPI.IsPremiumMember()) { isLite = false; apiStatus = 2; } else { isLite = true; apiStatus = 1; } if (!isLite) { // Check if search a lite request isLite = search.isLite; } String URL = CB_Core_Settings.StagingAPI.getValue() ? GroundspeakAPI.STAGING_GS_LIVE_URL : GroundspeakAPI.GS_LIVE_URL; HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(URL + "SearchForGeocaches?format=json"); String requestString = ""; if (search instanceof SearchGC) { isLite = false; SearchGC searchGC = (SearchGC) search; JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); try { request.put("AccessToken", GroundspeakAPI.GetAccessToken()); request.put("IsLight", false); request.put("StartIndex", startIndex); request.put("MaxPerPage", 1); request.put("GeocacheLogCount", 10); request.put("TrackableLogCount", 10); JSONObject requestcc = new JSONObject(); JSONArray requesta = new JSONArray(); for (String gcCode : searchGC.gcCodes) { requesta.put(gcCode); } requestcc.put("CacheCodes", requesta); request.put("CacheCode", requestcc); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.err(log, "SearchForGeocaches:JSONException", e); } // ein einzelner Cache wird voll geladen apiStatus = 2; requestString = request.toString(); } else if (search instanceof SearchGCName) { SearchGCName searchC = (SearchGCName) search; requestString = "{"; requestString += "\"AccessToken\":\"" + GroundspeakAPI.GetAccessToken() + "\","; if (isLite) requestString += "\"IsLite\":true,"; // only lite else requestString += "\"IsLite\":false,"; // full for Premium requestString += "\"StartIndex\":" + startIndex + ","; requestString += "\"MaxPerPage\":" + String.valueOf(searchNumber) + ","; requestString += "\"GeocacheName\":{"; requestString += "\"GeocacheName\":\"" + searchC.gcName + "\"},"; requestString += "\"PointRadius\":{"; requestString += "\"DistanceInMeters\":" + "5000000" + ","; requestString += "\"Point\":{"; requestString += "\"Latitude\":" + String.valueOf(searchC.pos.getLatitude()) + ","; requestString += "\"Longitude\":" + String.valueOf(searchC.pos.getLongitude()); requestString += "},"; requestString = writeExclusions(requestString, searchC); requestString += "}"; } else if (search instanceof SearchGCOwner) { SearchGCOwner searchC = (SearchGCOwner) search; requestString = "{"; requestString += "\"AccessToken\":\"" + GroundspeakAPI.GetAccessToken() + "\","; requestString += "\"HiddenByUsers\":{"; requestString += "\"UserNames\":[\"" + searchC.OwnerName + "\"]},"; if (isLite) requestString += "\"IsLite\":true,"; // only lite else requestString += "\"IsLite\":false,"; // full for Premium requestString += "\"StartIndex\":" + startIndex + ","; requestString += "\"MaxPerPage\":" + String.valueOf(searchNumber) + ","; requestString += "\"GeocacheLogCount\":3,"; requestString += "\"TrackableLogCount\":2,"; requestString += "\"PointRadius\":{"; requestString += "\"DistanceInMeters\":" + "5000000" + ","; requestString += "\"Point\":{"; requestString += "\"Latitude\":" + String.valueOf(searchC.pos.getLatitude()) + ","; requestString += "\"Longitude\":" + String.valueOf(searchC.pos.getLongitude()); requestString += "},"; requestString = writeExclusions(requestString, searchC); requestString += "}"; } else if (search instanceof SearchCoordinate) { SearchCoordinate searchC = (SearchCoordinate) search; requestString = "{"; requestString += "\"AccessToken\":\"" + GroundspeakAPI.GetAccessToken() + "\","; if (isLite) requestString += "\"IsLite\":true,"; // only lite else requestString += "\"IsLite\":false,"; // full for Premium requestString += "\"StartIndex\":" + startIndex + ","; requestString += "\"MaxPerPage\":" + String.valueOf(searchNumber) + ","; requestString += "\"PointRadius\":{"; requestString += "\"DistanceInMeters\":" + String.valueOf((int) searchC.distanceInMeters) + ","; requestString += "\"Point\":{"; requestString += "\"Latitude\":" + String.valueOf(searchC.pos.getLatitude()) + ","; requestString += "\"Longitude\":" + String.valueOf(searchC.pos.getLongitude()); requestString += "}"; requestString += "},"; if (searchC.excludeHides) { requestString += "\"NotHiddenByUsers\":{"; requestString += "\"UserNames\":[\"" + CB_Core_Settings.GcLogin.getValue() + "\"]"; requestString += "},"; } if (searchC.excludeFounds) { requestString += "\"NotFoundByUsers\":{"; requestString += "\"UserNames\":[\"" + CB_Core_Settings.GcLogin.getValue() + "\"]"; requestString += "},"; } requestString = writeExclusions(requestString, searchC); requestString += "}"; } try { httppost.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(requestString.getBytes("UTF8"))); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e3) { Log.err(log, "SearchForGeocaches:UnsupportedEncodingException", e3); } httppost.setHeader("Accept", "application/json"); httppost.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); // Execute HTTP Post Request try { result = HttpUtils.Execute(httppost, icancel); } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { Log.err(log, "SearchForGeocaches:ConnectTimeoutException", e); showToastConnectionError(); return ""; } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { Log.err(log, "SearchForGeocaches:ClientProtocolException", e); showToastConnectionError(); return ""; } catch (IOException e) { Log.err(log, "SearchForGeocaches:IOException", e); showToastConnectionError(); return ""; } // chk api result if (GroundspeakAPI.getApiStatus(result) != 0) return ""; if (result.contains("The service is unavailable")) return "The service is unavailable"; if (result.contains("server error")) return "The service is unavailable"; if (result.contains("Cache download limit has been exceeded")) return "download limit"; if (result.length() == 0) { showToastConnectionError(); return "The service is unavailable"; } // save result, if this a Live-Request if (search instanceof SearchLiveMap) { SearchLiveMap mSearchLiveMap = (SearchLiveMap) search; Writer writer = null; try { String Path = mSearchLiveMap.descriptor.getLocalCachePath(LiveMapQue.LIVE_CACHE_NAME) + LiveMapQue.LIVE_CACHE_EXTENTION; if (FileIO.createDirectory(Path)) { writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(Path), "utf-8")); writer.write(result); } } catch (IOException ex) { // report } finally { try { writer.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } result = ParseJsonResult(search, cacheList, logList, imageList, gpxFilenameId, result, apiStatus, isLite); if (searchNumber > 1 && cacheList.size() == searchNumber) { startIndex++; int lastCacheListSize; do { lastCacheListSize = cacheList.size(); startIndex += searchNumber; requestString = "{"; requestString += "\"AccessToken\":\"" + GroundspeakAPI.GetAccessToken() + "\","; if (isLite) requestString += "\"IsLite\":true,"; // only lite else requestString += "\"IsLite\":false,"; // full for Premium requestString += "\"StartIndex\":" + startIndex + ","; requestString += "\"MaxPerPage\":" + String.valueOf(50) + ","; requestString += "\"GeocacheLogCount\":3,"; requestString += "\"TrackableLogCount\":2"; requestString += "}"; httppost = new HttpPost(URL + "GetMoreGeocaches?format=json"); try { httppost.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(requestString.getBytes("UTF8"))); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e3) { Log.err(log, "SearchForGeocaches:UnsupportedEncodingException", e3); } httppost.setHeader("Accept", "application/json"); httppost.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); // Execute HTTP Post Request try { result = HttpUtils.Execute(httppost, icancel); if (result.contains("The service is unavailable")) { Log.err(log, "SearchForGeocaches:The service is unavailable: " + result); return "The service is unavailable"; } } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { Log.err(log, "SearchForGeocaches:ConnectTimeoutException", e); showToastConnectionError(); return ""; } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { Log.err(log, "SearchForGeocaches:ClientProtocolException", e); showToastConnectionError(); return ""; } catch (IOException e) { Log.err(log, "SearchForGeocaches:IOException", e); showToastConnectionError(); return ""; } if (result.length() == 0) { showToastConnectionError(); return "The service is unavailable"; } result = ParseJsonResult(search, cacheList, logList, imageList, gpxFilenameId, result, apiStatus, isLite); } while ((startIndex + searchNumber <= search.number) && (cacheList.size() - lastCacheListSize >= searchNumber) && (lastCacheListSize != cacheList.size() || startIndex + searchNumber > cacheList.size())); } return result; } String ParseJsonResult(Search search, CB_List<Cache> cacheList, ArrayList<LogEntry> logList, ArrayList<ImageEntry> imageList, long gpxFilenameId, String result, byte apiStatus, boolean isLite) { // Parse JSON Result try { JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(result); JSONObject json = (JSONObject) tokener.nextValue(); JSONObject status = json.getJSONObject("Status"); if (status.getInt("StatusCode") == 0) { result = ""; JSONArray caches = json.getJSONArray("Geocaches"); // Log.debug(log, "got " + caches.length() + " Caches from gc"); for (int i = 0; i < caches.length(); i++) { JSONObject jCache = (JSONObject) caches.get(i); String gcCode = jCache.getString("Code"); // Log.debug(log, "handling " + gcCode); String name = jCache.getString("Name"); result += gcCode + " - " + name + "\n"; Boolean CacheERROR = false; Cache cache = new Cache(true); cache.setArchived(jCache.getBoolean("Archived")); cache.setAttributesPositive(new DLong(0, 0)); cache.setAttributesNegative(new DLong(0, 0)); JSONArray jAttributes = jCache.getJSONArray("Attributes"); for (int j = 0; j < jAttributes.length(); j++) { JSONObject jAttribute = jAttributes.getJSONObject(j); int AttributeTypeId = jAttribute.getInt("AttributeTypeID"); Boolean isOn = jAttribute.getBoolean("IsOn"); Attributes att = Attributes.getAttributeEnumByGcComId(AttributeTypeId); if (isOn) { cache.addAttributePositive(att); } else { cache.addAttributeNegative(att); } } cache.setAvailable(jCache.getBoolean("Available")); cache.setDateHidden(new Date()); try { String dateCreated = jCache.getString("DateCreated"); int date1 = dateCreated.indexOf("/Date("); int date2 = dateCreated.lastIndexOf("-"); String date = (String) dateCreated.subSequence(date1 + 6, date2); cache.setDateHidden(new Date(Long.valueOf(date))); } catch (Exception exc) { Log.err(log, "SearchForGeocaches_ParseDate", exc); } cache.setDifficulty((float) jCache.getDouble("Difficulty")); // Ein evtl. in der Datenbank vorhandenen "Found" nicht berschreiben Boolean Favorite = LoadBooleanValueFromDB( "select Favorit from Caches where GcCode = \"" + gcCode + "\""); cache.setFavorite(Favorite); // Ein evtl. in der Datenbank vorhandenen "Found" nicht berschreiben Boolean Found = LoadBooleanValueFromDB( "select found from Caches where GcCode = \"" + gcCode + "\""); if (!Found) { cache.setFound(jCache.getBoolean("HasbeenFoundbyUser")); } else { cache.setFound(true); } cache.setGcCode(jCache.getString("Code")); try { cache.setGcId(jCache.getString("ID")); } catch (Exception e) { // CacheERROR = true; gibt bei jedem Cache ein // Fehler ??? } cache.setGPXFilename_ID(gpxFilenameId); // Ein evtl. in der Datenbank vorhandenen "Found" nicht berschreiben Boolean userData = LoadBooleanValueFromDB( "select HasUserData from Caches where GcCode = \"" + gcCode + "\""); cache.setHasUserData(userData); if (!isLite) { try { cache.setHint(jCache.getString("EncodedHints")); } catch (Exception e1) { cache.setHint(""); } } cache.Id = Cache.GenerateCacheId(cache.getGcCode()); cache.setListingChanged(false); if (!isLite) { try { cache.setLongDescription(jCache.getString("LongDescription")); } catch (Exception e1) { Log.err(log, "SearchForGeocaches_LongDescription:" + cache.getGcCode(), e1); cache.setLongDescription(""); } if (!jCache.getBoolean("LongDescriptionIsHtml")) { cache.setLongDescription( cache.getLongDescription().replaceAll("(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)", "<br />")); } } cache.setName(jCache.getString("Name")); cache.setTourName(""); cache.setNoteChecksum(0); cache.NumTravelbugs = jCache.getInt("TrackableCount"); JSONObject jOwner = jCache.getJSONObject("Owner"); cache.setOwner(jOwner.getString("UserName")); cache.setPlacedBy(cache.getOwner()); try { cache.Pos = new CoordinateGPS(jCache.getDouble("Latitude"), jCache.getDouble("Longitude")); } catch (Exception e) { } cache.Rating = 0; if (!isLite) { try { cache.setShortDescription(jCache.getString("ShortDescription")); } catch (Exception e) { Log.err(log, "SearchForGeocaches_shortDescription:" + cache.getGcCode(), e); cache.setShortDescription(""); } if (!jCache.getBoolean("ShortDescriptionIsHtml")) { cache.setShortDescription( cache.getShortDescription().replaceAll("(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)", "<br />")); } } JSONObject jContainer = jCache.getJSONObject("ContainerType"); int jSize = jContainer.getInt("ContainerTypeId"); cache.Size = CacheSizes.parseInt(GroundspeakAPI.getCacheSize(jSize)); cache.setSolverChecksum(0); cache.setTerrain((float) jCache.getDouble("Terrain")); cache.Type = CacheTypes.Traditional; try { JSONObject jCacheType = jCache.getJSONObject("CacheType"); cache.Type = GroundspeakAPI.getCacheType(jCacheType.getInt("GeocacheTypeId")); } catch (Exception e) { if (gcCode.equals("GC4K089")) { cache.Type = CacheTypes.Giga; } else { cache.Type = CacheTypes.Undefined; } } cache.setUrl(jCache.getString("Url")); cache.setApiStatus(apiStatus); // Ein evtl. in der Datenbank vorhandenen "Favorit" nicht berschreiben Boolean fav = LoadBooleanValueFromDB( "select favorit from Caches where GcCode = \"" + gcCode + "\""); cache.setFavorite(fav); // Chk if Own or Found Boolean exclude = false; if (search.excludeFounds && cache.isFound()) exclude = true; if (search.excludeHides && cache.getOwner().equalsIgnoreCase(CB_Core_Settings.GcLogin.getValue())) exclude = true; if (search.available && (cache.isArchived() || !cache.isAvailable())) exclude = true; if (!CacheERROR && !exclude) { cacheList.add(cache); // insert Logs JSONArray logs = jCache.getJSONArray("GeocacheLogs"); for (int j = 0; j < logs.length(); j++) { JSONObject jLogs = (JSONObject) logs.get(j); JSONObject jFinder = (JSONObject) jLogs.get("Finder"); JSONObject jLogType = (JSONObject) jLogs.get("LogType"); LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry(); logEntry.CacheId = cache.Id; logEntry.Comment = jLogs.getString("LogText"); logEntry.Finder = jFinder.getString("UserName"); logEntry.Id = jLogs.getInt("ID"); logEntry.Timestamp = new Date(); try { String dateCreated = jLogs.getString("VisitDate"); int date1 = dateCreated.indexOf("/Date("); int date2 = dateCreated.indexOf("-"); String date = (String) dateCreated.subSequence(date1 + 6, date2); logEntry.Timestamp = new Date(Long.valueOf(date)); } catch (Exception exc) { Log.err(log, "API", "SearchForGeocaches_ParseLogDate", exc); } logEntry.Type = LogTypes.GC2CB_LogType(jLogType.getInt("WptLogTypeId")); logList.add(logEntry); } // insert Images int imageListSizeOrg = imageList.size(); JSONArray images = jCache.getJSONArray("Images"); for (int j = 0; j < images.length(); j++) { JSONObject jImage = (JSONObject) images.get(j); ImageEntry image = new ImageEntry(); image.CacheId = cache.Id; image.GcCode = cache.getGcCode(); image.Name = jImage.getString("Name"); image.Description = jImage.getString("Description"); image.ImageUrl = jImage.getString("Url").replace("", ""); // remove "/gc" to match the url used in the description image.IsCacheImage = true; imageList.add(image); } int imageListSizeGC = images.length(); // insert images from Cache description LinkedList<String> allImages = null; if (!search.isLite) allImages = DescriptionImageGrabber.GetAllImages(cache); int imageListSizeGrabbed = 0; if (allImages != null && allImages.size() > 0) { imageListSizeGrabbed = allImages.size(); } while (allImages != null && allImages.size() > 0) { String url; url = allImages.poll(); boolean found = false; for (ImageEntry im : imageList) { if (im.ImageUrl.equalsIgnoreCase(url)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { ImageEntry image = new ImageEntry(); image.CacheId = cache.Id; image.GcCode = cache.getGcCode(); image.Name = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); image.Description = ""; image.ImageUrl = url; image.IsCacheImage = true; imageList.add(image); } } log.debug("Merged imageList has " + imageList.size() + " Entrys (" + imageListSizeOrg + "/" + imageListSizeGC + "/" + imageListSizeGrabbed + ")"); // insert Waypoints JSONArray waypoints = jCache.getJSONArray("AdditionalWaypoints"); for (int j = 0; j < waypoints.length(); j++) { JSONObject jWaypoints = (JSONObject) waypoints.get(j); Waypoint waypoint = new Waypoint(true); waypoint.CacheId = cache.Id; try { waypoint.Pos = new CoordinateGPS(jWaypoints.getDouble("Latitude"), jWaypoints.getDouble("Longitude")); } catch (Exception ex) { // no Coordinates -> Lat/Lon = 0/0 waypoint.Pos = new CoordinateGPS(0, 0); } waypoint.setTitle(jWaypoints.getString("Description")); waypoint.setDescription(jWaypoints.getString("Comment")); waypoint.Type = GroundspeakAPI.getCacheType(jWaypoints.getInt("WptTypeID")); waypoint.setGcCode(jWaypoints.getString("Code")); cache.waypoints.add(waypoint); } // User Waypoints - Corrected Coordinates of the Website JSONArray userWaypoints = jCache.getJSONArray("UserWaypoints"); for (int j = 0; j < userWaypoints.length(); j++) { JSONObject jUserWaypoint = (JSONObject) userWaypoints.get(j); if (!jUserWaypoint.getString("Description").equals("Coordinate Override")) { continue; // only corrected Coordinate } Waypoint waypoint = new Waypoint(true); waypoint.CacheId = cache.Id; try { waypoint.Pos = new CoordinateGPS(jUserWaypoint.getDouble("Latitude"), jUserWaypoint.getDouble("Longitude")); } catch (Exception ex) { // no Coordinates -> Lat/Lon = 0/0 waypoint.Pos = new CoordinateGPS(0, 0); } waypoint.setTitle(jUserWaypoint.getString("Description")); waypoint.setDescription(jUserWaypoint.getString("Description")); waypoint.Type = CacheTypes.Final; waypoint.setGcCode("CO" + cache.getGcCode().substring(2, cache.getGcCode().length())); cache.waypoints.add(waypoint); } // Spoiler aktualisieren actualizeSpoilerOfActualCache(cache); } // Notes Object note = jCache.get("GeocacheNote"); if ((note != null) && (note instanceof String)) { String s = (String) note; System.out.println(s); cache.setTmpNote(s); } } GroundspeakAPI.checkCacheStatus(json, isLite); } else { result = "StatusCode = " + status.getInt("StatusCode") + "\n"; result += status.getString("StatusMessage") + "\n"; result += status.getString("ExceptionDetails"); } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.err(log, "SearchForGeocaches:ParserException: " + result, e); } catch (ClassCastException e) { Log.err(log, "SearchForGeocaches:ParserException: " + result, e); } return result; } protected void showToastConnectionError() { // hier im Core nichts machen da hier keine UI vorhanden ist } protected void actualizeSpoilerOfActualCache(Cache cache) { // hier im Core nichts machen da hier keine UI vorhanden ist } private String writeExclusions(String requestString, SearchCoordinate searchC) { if (searchC.available) { requestString += "\"GeocacheExclusions\":{"; requestString += "\"Archived\":false,"; requestString += "\"Available\":true"; requestString += "},"; } /* "BookmarksExclude":{ "BookmarkListIDs":[2147483647], "ExcludeIgnoreList":true }, */ requestString += "\"BookmarksExclude\":{"; requestString += "\"ExcludeIgnoreList\":true"; requestString += "},"; return requestString; } /** * @param aktCache * @param accessToken * Config.GetAccessToken(); * @return */ public Cache LoadApiDetails(Cache aktCache, ICancel icancel) { Cache newCache = null; try { SearchGC search = new SearchGC(aktCache.getGcCode()); CB_List<Cache> apiCaches = new CB_List<Cache>(); ArrayList<LogEntry> apiLogs = new ArrayList<LogEntry>(); ArrayList<ImageEntry> apiImages = new ArrayList<ImageEntry>(); SearchForGeocachesJSON(search, apiCaches, apiLogs, apiImages, aktCache.getGPXFilename_ID(), icancel); synchronized (Database.Data.Query) { if (apiCaches.size() == 1) { Database.Data.beginTransaction(); newCache = apiCaches.get(0); Database.Data.Query.remove(aktCache); Database.Data.Query.add(newCache); // newCache.MapX = 256.0 * Descriptor.LongitudeToTileX(Cache.MapZoomLevel, newCache.Longitude()); // newCache.MapY = 256.0 * Descriptor.LatitudeToTileY(Cache.MapZoomLevel, newCache.Latitude()); new CacheDAO().UpdateDatabase(newCache); // Delete LongDescription from this Cache! LongDescription is Loading by showing DescriptionView direct from DB newCache.setLongDescription(""); LogDAO logDAO = new LogDAO(); for (LogEntry apiLog : apiLogs) { if (apiLog.CacheId != newCache.Id) continue; // Write Log to database logDAO.WriteToDatabase(apiLog); } WaypointDAO waypointDAO = new WaypointDAO(); for (int i = 0, n = newCache.waypoints.size(); i < n; i++) { Waypoint waypoint = newCache.waypoints.get(i); boolean update = true; // dont refresh wp if aktCache.wp is user changed for (int j = 0, m = aktCache.waypoints.size(); j < m; j++) { Waypoint wp = aktCache.waypoints.get(j); if (wp.getGcCode().equalsIgnoreCase(waypoint.getGcCode())) { if (wp.IsUserWaypoint) update = false; break; } } if (update) waypointDAO.WriteToDatabase(waypoint, false); } ImageDAO imageDAO = new ImageDAO(); for (ImageEntry image : apiImages) { if (image.CacheId != newCache.Id) continue; // Write Image to database imageDAO.WriteToDatabase(image, false); } Database.Data.setTransactionSuccessful(); Database.Data.endTransaction(); Database.Data.GPXFilenameUpdateCacheCount(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.err(log, "Load CacheInfo by API", ex); return null; } return newCache; } }