Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 * * Licensed under the : GNU General Public License (GPL); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package CB_Core.Api; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TimeZone; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException; import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONTokener; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import CB_Core.CB_Core_Settings; import CB_Core.CacheTypes; import CB_Core.CoreSettingsForward; import CB_Core.Database; import CB_Core.LogTypes; import CB_Core.DAO.CacheDAO; import CB_Core.DAO.ImageDAO; import CB_Core.DAO.LogDAO; import CB_Core.DAO.WaypointDAO; import CB_Core.Types.Cache; import CB_Core.Types.ImageEntry; import CB_Core.Types.LogEntry; import CB_Core.Types.TbList; import CB_Core.Types.Trackable; import CB_Core.Types.Waypoint; import CB_Utils.Interfaces.ICancel; import CB_Utils.Interfaces.cancelRunnable; import CB_Utils.Lists.CB_List; import CB_Utils.Util.ByRef; import CB_Utils.http.HttpUtils; public class GroundspeakAPI { final static org.slf4j.Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GroundspeakAPI.class); public static final String GS_LIVE_URL = ""; public static final String STAGING_GS_LIVE_URL = ""; public static final int IO = 0; private static final int ERROR = -1; public static final int CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = -2; private static final int API_ERROR = -3; public static final int API_IS_UNAVAILABLE = -4; public static String LastAPIError = ""; public static boolean CacheStatusValid = false; public static int CachesLeft = -1; public static int CurrentCacheCount = -1; public static int MaxCacheCount = -1; public static boolean CacheStatusLiteValid = false; public static int CachesLeftLite = -1; public static int CurrentCacheCountLite = -1; public static int MaxCacheCountLite = -1; public static String MemberName = ""; // this will be filled by private static boolean DownloadLimit = false; /** * Read the encrypted AccessToken from the config and check whether it is correct for Android CB * * @return */ static String GetAccessToken() { return GetAccessToken(false); } /** * Read the encrypted AccessToken from the config and check wheter it is correct for Andorid CB </br> * If Url_Codiert==true so the API-Key is URL-Codiert </br> * Like replase '/' with '%2F'</br> * </br> * This is essential for PQ-List * * @param boolean * Url_Codiert * @return */ static String GetAccessToken(boolean Url_Codiert) { String act = ""; if (CB_Core_Settings.StagingAPI.getValue()) { act = CB_Core_Settings.GcAPIStaging.getValue(); } else { act = CB_Core_Settings.GcAPI.getValue(); } // Prfen, ob das AccessToken fr ACB ist!!! if (!(act.startsWith("A"))) return ""; String result = act.substring(1, act.length()); // URL encoder if (Url_Codiert) { result = result.replace("/", "%2F"); result = result.replace("\\", "%5C"); result = result.replace("+", "%2B"); result = result.replace("=", "%3D"); } return result; } // GetMembershipType /** * 0: Guest??? 1: Basic 2: Charter??? 3: Premium */ private static int membershipType = -1; /** * @param Staging * @param Staging * Config.settings.StagingAPI.getValue() * @param accessToken * @param conectionTimeout * Config.settings.conection_timeout.getValue() * @param socketTimeout * Config.settings.socket_timeout.getValue() * @return */ public static boolean IsPremiumMember() { if (membershipType < 0) membershipType = GetMembershipType(null); return membershipType == 3; } private static String GetUTCDate(Date date) { long utc = date.getTime(); // date.getTime already returns utc timestamp. Conversion to utc is not necessary!!! // TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault(); TimeZone tzp = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-8"); // int offset = tz.getOffset(utc); utc += /* offset */-tzp.getOffset(utc); return "\\/Date(" + utc + ")\\/"; } private static String ConvertNotes(String note) { String result = note.replace("\r", ""); result = result.replace("\"", "\\\""); return result.replace("\n", "\\n"); } /** * Upload FieldNotes * * @param Staging * Config.settings.StagingAPI.getValue() * @param accessToken * @param cacheCode * @param wptLogTypeId * @param dateLogged * @param note * @return */ public static int CreateFieldNoteAndPublish(String cacheCode, int wptLogTypeId, Date dateLogged, String note, boolean directLog, final ICancel icancel) { int chk = chkMembership(true); if (chk < 0) return chk; String URL = CB_Core_Settings.StagingAPI.getValue() ? STAGING_GS_LIVE_URL : GS_LIVE_URL; try { HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(URL + "CreateFieldNoteAndPublish?format=json"); String requestString = ""; requestString = "{"; requestString += "\"AccessToken\":\"" + GetAccessToken() + "\","; requestString += "\"CacheCode\":\"" + cacheCode + "\","; requestString += "\"WptLogTypeId\":" + String.valueOf(wptLogTypeId) + ","; requestString += "\"UTCDateLogged\":\"" + GetUTCDate(dateLogged) + "\","; requestString += "\"Note\":\"" + ConvertNotes(note) + "\","; if (directLog) { requestString += "\"PromoteToLog\":true,"; } else { requestString += "\"PromoteToLog\":false,"; } requestString += "\"FavoriteThisCache\":false"; requestString += "}"; httppost.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(requestString.getBytes("UTF8"))); // set time outs HttpUtils.conectionTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.conection_timeout.getValue(); HttpUtils.socketTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.socket_timeout.getValue(); // Execute HTTP Post Request String result = HttpUtils.Execute(httppost, icancel); if (result.contains("The service is unavailable")) { return API_IS_UNAVAILABLE; } // Parse JSON Result try { JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(result); JSONObject json = (JSONObject) tokener.nextValue(); JSONObject status = json.getJSONObject("Status"); if (status.getInt("StatusCode") == 0) { result = ""; LastAPIError = ""; } else { result = "StatusCode = " + status.getInt("StatusCode") + "\n"; result += status.getString("StatusMessage") + "\n"; result += status.getString("ExceptionDetails"); LastAPIError = result; return ERROR; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("UploadFieldNotesAPI", e); LastAPIError = e.getMessage(); return ERROR; } } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { logger.error("UploadFieldNotesAPI ConnectTimeoutException", e); return CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("UploadFieldNotesAPI UnsupportedEncodingException", e); return ERROR; } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { logger.error("UploadFieldNotesAPI ClientProtocolException", e); return ERROR; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("UploadFieldNotesAPI IOException", e); return ERROR; } LastAPIError = ""; return IO; } /** * Load Number of founds form * * @param Staging * Config.settings.StagingAPI.getValue() * @param accessToken * @param conectionTimeout * Config.settings.conection_timeout.getValue() * @param socketTimeout * Config.settings.socket_timeout.getValue() * @return */ public static int GetCachesFound(final ICancel icancel) { int chk = chkMembership(false); if (chk < 0) return chk; String URL = CB_Core_Settings.StagingAPI.getValue() ? STAGING_GS_LIVE_URL : GS_LIVE_URL; try { HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(URL + "GetYourUserProfile?format=json"); String requestString = ""; requestString = "{"; requestString += "\"AccessToken\":\"" + GetAccessToken() + "\","; requestString += "\"ProfileOptions\":{"; requestString += "}" + ","; requestString += getDeviceInfoRequestString(); requestString += "}"; httppost.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(requestString.getBytes("UTF8"))); // set time outs HttpUtils.conectionTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.conection_timeout.getValue(); HttpUtils.socketTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.socket_timeout.getValue(); // Execute HTTP Post Request String result = HttpUtils.Execute(httppost, icancel); if (result.contains("The service is unavailable")) { return API_IS_UNAVAILABLE; } try // Parse JSON Result { JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(result); JSONObject json = (JSONObject) tokener.nextValue(); JSONObject status = json.getJSONObject("Status"); if (status.getInt("StatusCode") == 0) { result = ""; JSONObject profile = json.getJSONObject("Profile"); JSONObject user = profile.getJSONObject("User"); return user.getInt("FindCount"); } else { result = "StatusCode = " + status.getInt("StatusCode") + "\n"; result += status.getString("StatusMessage") + "\n"; result += status.getString("ExceptionDetails"); return ERROR; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { logger.error("GetCachesFound ConnectTimeoutException", e); return CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("GetCachesFound UnsupportedEncodingException", e); return ERROR; } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { logger.error("GetCachesFound ClientProtocolException", e); return ERROR; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("GetCachesFound", e); return ERROR; } return (ERROR); } /** * Loads the Membership type -1: Error 0: Guest??? 1: Basic 2: Charter??? 3: Premium * * @param Staging * Config.settings.StagingAPI.getValue() * @param accessToken * @param conectionTimeout * Config.settings.conection_timeout.getValue() * @param socketTimeout * Config.settings.socket_timeout.getValue() * @return */ public static int GetMembershipType(final ICancel icancel) { if (API_isCheked) return membershipType; String URL = CB_Core_Settings.StagingAPI.getValue() ? STAGING_GS_LIVE_URL : GS_LIVE_URL; try { HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(URL + "GetYourUserProfile?format=json"); String requestString = ""; requestString = "{"; requestString += "\"AccessToken\":\"" + GetAccessToken() + "\","; requestString += "\"ProfileOptions\":{"; requestString += "}" + ","; requestString += getDeviceInfoRequestString(); requestString += "}"; httppost.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(requestString.getBytes("UTF8"))); // set time outs HttpUtils.conectionTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.conection_timeout.getValue(); HttpUtils.socketTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.socket_timeout.getValue(); // Execute HTTP Post Request String result = HttpUtils.Execute(httppost, icancel); if (result.contains("The service is unavailable")) { return API_IS_UNAVAILABLE; } try // Parse JSON Result { JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(result); JSONObject json = (JSONObject) tokener.nextValue(); int status = getApiStatus(result); if (status == 0) { result = ""; JSONObject profile = json.getJSONObject("Profile"); JSONObject user = profile.getJSONObject("User"); JSONObject memberType = user.getJSONObject("MemberType"); int memberTypeId = memberType.getInt("MemberTypeId"); MemberName = user.getString("UserName"); membershipType = memberTypeId; API_isCheked = true; // Zurcksetzen, falls ein anderer User gewhlt wurde return memberTypeId; } else if (status == 2 || status == 3 || status == 141) { API_isCheked = false; return API_ERROR; } else { logger.warn("GetMembershipType API-Error: " + result); API_isCheked = false; return API_ERROR; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("GetMembershipType JSONException", e); API_isCheked = false; return API_ERROR; } } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { logger.error("GetMembershipType ConnectTimeoutException", e); API_isCheked = false; return CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("GetMembershipType UnsupportedEncodingException", e); API_isCheked = false; return ERROR; } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { logger.error("GetMembershipType ClientProtocolException", e); API_isCheked = false; return ERROR; } catch (IOException e) { if (e.toString().contains("UnknownHostException")) { logger.error("GetMembershipType ConnectTimeoutException", e); API_isCheked = false; return CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; } logger.error("GetMembershipType IOException", e); API_isCheked = false; return ERROR; } } public static int getApiStatus(String result) { try { JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(result); JSONObject json = (JSONObject) tokener.nextValue(); JSONObject jsonStatus = json.getJSONObject("Status"); int status = jsonStatus.getInt("StatusCode"); String statusMessage = jsonStatus.getString("StatusMessage"); String exceptionDetails = jsonStatus.getString("ExceptionDetails"); String logString = "StatusCode = " + status + "\n" + statusMessage + "\n" + exceptionDetails; if (status == 0) return status; if (status == 2) { // Not authorized API_ErrorEventHandlerList.callInvalidApiKey(API_ErrorEventHandlerList.API_ERROR.INVALID); logger.warn("API-Error: " + logString); return status; } if (status == 3) { // API Key expired API_ErrorEventHandlerList.callInvalidApiKey(API_ErrorEventHandlerList.API_ERROR.EXPIRED); logger.warn("API-Error: " + logString); return status; } if (status == 141) { // / {"Status":{"StatusCode":141,"StatusMessage":"The AccessToken provided is not valid" API_ErrorEventHandlerList.callInvalidApiKey(API_ErrorEventHandlerList.API_ERROR.INVALID); logger.warn("API-Error: " + logString); return status; } // unknown API_ErrorEventHandlerList.callInvalidApiKey(API_ErrorEventHandlerList.API_ERROR.INVALID); logger.warn("API-Error: " + logString); return status; } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return -1; } /** * Gets the Status for the given Caches * * Staging * Config.settings.StagingAPI.getValue() * accessToken * conectionTimeout * Config.settings.conection_timeout.getValue() * socketTimeout * Config.settings.socket_timeout.getValue() * @param caches is also for return * @return */ public static int GetGeocacheStatus(ArrayList<Cache> caches, final ICancel icancel) { int chk = chkMembership(false); if (chk < 0) return chk; try { Thread.sleep(2500); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } String URL = CB_Core_Settings.StagingAPI.getValue() ? STAGING_GS_LIVE_URL : GS_LIVE_URL; try { HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(URL + "GetGeocacheStatus?format=json"); String requestString = ""; requestString = "{"; requestString += "\"AccessToken\":\"" + GetAccessToken() + "\","; requestString += "\"CacheCodes\":["; int i = 0; for (Cache cache : caches) { requestString += "\"" + cache.getGcCode() + "\""; if (i < caches.size() - 1) requestString += ","; i++; } requestString += "]"; requestString += "}"; httppost.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(requestString.getBytes("UTF8"))); // set time outs HttpUtils.conectionTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.conection_timeout.getValue(); HttpUtils.socketTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.socket_timeout.getValue(); // Execute HTTP Post Request String result = HttpUtils.Execute(httppost, icancel); if (result.contains("The service is unavailable")) { return API_IS_UNAVAILABLE; } try // Parse JSON Result { JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(result); JSONObject json = (JSONObject) tokener.nextValue(); JSONObject status = json.getJSONObject("Status"); if (status.getInt("StatusCode") == 0) { result = ""; JSONArray geocacheStatuses = json.getJSONArray("GeocacheStatuses"); for (int ii = 0; ii < geocacheStatuses.length(); ii++) { JSONObject jCache = (JSONObject) geocacheStatuses.get(ii); Iterator<Cache> iterator = caches.iterator(); do { Cache tmp =; if (jCache.getString("CacheCode").equals(tmp.getGcCode())) { tmp.setArchived(jCache.getBoolean("Archived")); tmp.setAvailable(jCache.getBoolean("Available")); tmp.NumTravelbugs = jCache.getInt("TrackableCount"); // weitere Infos in diesem Json record // CacheName (getString) // CacheType (getDouble / getLong ?) // Premium (getBoolean) break; } } while (iterator.hasNext()); } return 0; } else { result = "StatusCode = " + status.getInt("StatusCode") + "\n"; result += status.getString("StatusMessage") + "\n"; result += status.getString("ExceptionDetails"); LastAPIError = result; return (-1); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { logger.error("GetGeocacheStatus ConnectTimeoutException", e); return CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("GetGeocacheStatus UnsupportedEncodingException", e); return ERROR; } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { logger.error("GetGeocacheStatus ClientProtocolException", e); return ERROR; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("GetGeocacheStatus IOException", e); return ERROR; } return (-1); } /** * Gets the Logs for the given Cache * * @param Staging * Config.settings.StagingAPI.getValue() * @param accessToken * @param conectionTimeout * Config.settings.conection_timeout.getValue() * @param socketTimeout * Config.settings.socket_timeout.getValue() * @param cache * @return */ public static int GetGeocacheLogsByCache(Cache cache, ArrayList<LogEntry> logList, boolean all, cancelRunnable cancelRun) { String finders = CB_Core_Settings.Friends.getValue(); String[] finder = finders.split("\\|"); ArrayList<String> finderList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String f : finder) { finderList.add(f); } if (cache == null) return -3; int chk = chkMembership(false); if (chk < 0) return chk; try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } int start = 1; int count = 30; String URL = CB_Core_Settings.StagingAPI.getValue() ? STAGING_GS_LIVE_URL : GS_LIVE_URL; while (!cancelRun.cancel() && (finderList.size() > 0 || all)) // Schleife, solange bis entweder keine Logs mehr geladen werden oder bis alle Logs aller Finder geladen sind. { try { String requestString = ""; requestString += "&AccessToken=" + GetAccessToken(); requestString += "&CacheCode=" + cache.getGcCode(); requestString += "&StartIndex=" + start; requestString += "&MaxPerPage=" + count; HttpGet httppost = new HttpGet(URL + "GetGeocacheLogsByCacheCode?format=json" + requestString); // set time outs HttpUtils.conectionTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.conection_timeout.getValue(); HttpUtils.socketTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.socket_timeout.getValue(); // Execute HTTP Post Request String result = HttpUtils.Execute(httppost, cancelRun); if (result.contains("The service is unavailable")) { return API_IS_UNAVAILABLE; } try // Parse JSON Result { JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(result); JSONObject json = (JSONObject) tokener.nextValue(); JSONObject status = json.getJSONObject("Status"); if (status.getInt("StatusCode") == 0) { result = ""; JSONArray geocacheLogs = json.getJSONArray("Logs"); for (int ii = 0; ii < geocacheLogs.length(); ii++) { JSONObject jLogs = (JSONObject) geocacheLogs.get(ii); JSONObject jFinder = (JSONObject) jLogs.get("Finder"); JSONObject jLogType = (JSONObject) jLogs.get("LogType"); LogEntry log = new LogEntry(); log.CacheId = cache.Id; log.Comment = jLogs.getString("LogText"); log.Finder = jFinder.getString("UserName"); if (!finderList.contains(log.Finder)) { continue; } finderList.remove(log.Finder); log.Id = jLogs.getInt("ID"); log.Timestamp = new Date(); try { String dateCreated = jLogs.getString("VisitDate"); int date1 = dateCreated.indexOf("/Date("); int date2 = dateCreated.indexOf("-"); String date = (String) dateCreated.subSequence(date1 + 6, date2); log.Timestamp = new Date(Long.valueOf(date)); } catch (Exception exc) { logger.error("SearchForGeocaches_ParseLogDate", exc); } log.Type = LogTypes.GC2CB_LogType(jLogType.getInt("WptLogTypeId")); logList.add(log); } if ((geocacheLogs.length() < count) || (finderList.size() == 0)) { return 0; // alle Logs des Caches geladen oder alle gesuchten Finder gefunden } } else { result = "StatusCode = " + status.getInt("StatusCode") + "\n"; result += status.getString("StatusMessage") + "\n"; result += status.getString("ExceptionDetails"); LastAPIError = result; return (-1); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { logger.error("GetGeocacheLogsByCache ConnectTimeoutException", e); return CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("GetGeocacheLogsByCache UnsupportedEncodingException", e); return ERROR; } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { logger.error("GetGeocacheLogsByCache ClientProtocolException", e); return ERROR; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("GetGeocacheLogsByCache IOException", e); return ERROR; } // die nchsten Logs laden start += count; } return (-1); } /** * returns Status Code (0 -> OK) * * @param Staging * Config.settings.StagingAPI.getValue() * @param accessToken * @param conectionTimeout * Config.settings.conection_timeout.getValue() * @param socketTimeout * Config.settings.socket_timeout.getValue() * @return */ public static int GetCacheLimits(ICancel icancel) { if (CachesLeft > -1) return 0; int chk = chkMembership(false); if (chk < 0) return chk; String URL = CB_Core_Settings.StagingAPI.getValue() ? STAGING_GS_LIVE_URL : GS_LIVE_URL; LastAPIError = ""; // zum Abfragen der CacheLimits einfach nach einem Cache suchen, der // nicht existiert. // dadurch wird der Zhler nicht erhht, die Limits aber zurckgegeben. try { HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(URL + "SearchForGeocaches?format=json"); try { JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put("AccessToken", GetAccessToken()); request.put("IsLight", false); request.put("StartIndex", 0); request.put("MaxPerPage", 1); request.put("GeocacheLogCount", 0); request.put("TrackableLogCount", 0); JSONObject requestcc = new JSONObject(); JSONArray requesta = new JSONArray(); requesta.put("GCZZZZZ"); requestcc.put("CacheCodes", requesta); request.put("CacheCode", requestcc); String requestString = request.toString(); httppost.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(requestString.getBytes("UTF8"))); // set time outs HttpUtils.conectionTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.conection_timeout.getValue(); HttpUtils.socketTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.socket_timeout.getValue(); // Execute HTTP Post Request String result = HttpUtils.Execute(httppost, icancel); if (result.contains("The service is unavailable")) { return API_IS_UNAVAILABLE; } // Parse JSON Result JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(result); JSONObject json = (JSONObject) tokener.nextValue(); int status = checkCacheStatus(json, false); // hier keine berprfung des Status, da dieser z.B. 118 // (berschreitung des Limits) sein kann, aber der CacheStatus // aber trotzdem drin ist. return status; } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); LastAPIError = "API Error: " + e.getMessage(); return -2; } } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { logger.error("GetGeocacheStatus ConnectTimeoutException", e); return CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("GetGeocacheStatus UnsupportedEncodingException", e); return ERROR; } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { logger.error("GetGeocacheStatus ClientProtocolException", e); return ERROR; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("GetGeocacheStatus IOException", e); return ERROR; } } // liest den CacheStatus aus dem gegebenen json Object aus. // darin ist gespeichert, wie viele Full Caches schon geladen wurden und wie // viele noch frei sind static int checkCacheStatus(JSONObject json, boolean isLite) { LastAPIError = ""; try { JSONObject cacheLimits = json.getJSONObject("CacheLimits"); if (isLite) { CachesLeftLite = cacheLimits.getInt("CachesLeft"); CurrentCacheCountLite = cacheLimits.getInt("CurrentCacheCount"); MaxCacheCountLite = cacheLimits.getInt("MaxCacheCount"); CacheStatusLiteValid = true; } else { CachesLeft = cacheLimits.getInt("CachesLeft"); CurrentCacheCount = cacheLimits.getInt("CurrentCacheCount"); MaxCacheCount = cacheLimits.getInt("MaxCacheCount"); CacheStatusValid = true; } return 0; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); LastAPIError = "API Error: " + e.getMessage(); return -4; } } static int getCacheSize(int containerTypeId) { switch (containerTypeId) { case 1: return 0; // Unknown case 2: return 1; // Micro case 3: return 3; // Regular case 4: return 4; // Large case 5: return 5; // Virtual case 6: return 0; // Other case 8: return 2; default: return 0; } } static CacheTypes getCacheType(int apiTyp) { switch (apiTyp) { case 2: return CacheTypes.Traditional; case 3: return CacheTypes.Multi; case 4: return CacheTypes.Virtual; case 5: return CacheTypes.Letterbox; case 6: return CacheTypes.Event; case 8: return CacheTypes.Mystery; case 9: return CacheTypes.Cache; // Project APE Cache??? case 11: return CacheTypes.Camera; case 12: return CacheTypes.Cache; // Locationless (Reverse) Cache case 13: return CacheTypes.CITO; // Cache In Trash Out Event case 137: return CacheTypes.Earth; case 453: return CacheTypes.MegaEvent; case 452: return CacheTypes.ReferencePoint; case 1304: return CacheTypes.Cache; // GPS Adventures Exhibit case 1858: return CacheTypes.Wherigo; case 217: return CacheTypes.ParkingArea; case 220: return CacheTypes.Final; case 219: return CacheTypes.MultiStage; case 221: return CacheTypes.Trailhead; case 218: return CacheTypes.MultiQuestion; case 7005: return CacheTypes.Giga; default: return CacheTypes.Undefined; } } /** * Ruft die Liste der TBs ab, die im Besitz des Users sind * * @param Staging * Config.settings.StagingAPI.getValue() * @param String * accessToken * @param conectionTimeout * Config.settings.conection_timeout.getValue() * @param socketTimeout * Config.settings.socket_timeout.getValue() * @param TbList * list * @return */ public static int getMyTbList(TbList list, ICancel icancel) { int chk = chkMembership(false); if (chk < 0) return chk; String URL = CB_Core_Settings.StagingAPI.getValue() ? STAGING_GS_LIVE_URL : GS_LIVE_URL; try { HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(URL + "GetUsersTrackables?format=json"); try { /* "AccessToken":"String content", "StartIndex":2147483647, "MaxPerPage":2147483647, "TrackableLogsCount":2147483647, "CollectionOnly":true */ JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put("AccessToken", GetAccessToken()); request.put("MaxPerPage", 30); String requestString = request.toString(); httppost.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(requestString.getBytes("UTF8"))); // set time outs HttpUtils.conectionTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.conection_timeout.getValue(); HttpUtils.socketTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.socket_timeout.getValue(); // Execute HTTP Post Request String result = HttpUtils.Execute(httppost, icancel); if (result.contains("The service is unavailable")) { return API_IS_UNAVAILABLE; } // Parse JSON Result JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(result); JSONObject json = (JSONObject) tokener.nextValue(); JSONObject status = json.getJSONObject("Status"); if (status.getInt("StatusCode") == 0) { LastAPIError = ""; JSONArray jTrackables = json.getJSONArray("Trackables"); for (int ii = 0; ii < jTrackables.length(); ii++) { JSONObject jTrackable = (JSONObject) jTrackables.get(ii); boolean InCollection = false; try { InCollection = jTrackable.getBoolean("InCollection"); } catch (JSONException e) { } if (!InCollection) list.add(new Trackable(jTrackable)); } return 0; } else { LastAPIError = ""; LastAPIError = "StatusCode = " + status.getInt("StatusCode") + "\n"; LastAPIError += status.getString("StatusMessage") + "\n"; LastAPIError += status.getString("ExceptionDetails"); return (-1); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { logger.error("GetGeocacheStatus ConnectTimeoutException", e); return CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("GetGeocacheStatus UnsupportedEncodingException", e); return ERROR; } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { logger.error("GetGeocacheStatus ClientProtocolException", e); return ERROR; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("GetGeocacheStatus IOException", e); return ERROR; } return (-1); } /** * @param Staging * Config.settings.StagingAPI.getValue() * @param accessToken * @param TrackingCode * @param TB * @param conectionTimeout * Config.settings.conection_timeout.getValue() * @param socketTimeout * Config.settings.socket_timeout.getValue() * @return */ public static int getTBbyTreckNumber(String TrackingCode, ByRef<Trackable> TB, ICancel icancel) { int chk = chkMembership(false); if (chk < 0) return chk; String URL = CB_Core_Settings.StagingAPI.getValue() ? STAGING_GS_LIVE_URL : GS_LIVE_URL; try { HttpGet httppost = new HttpGet(URL + "GetTrackablesByTrackingNumber?AccessToken=" + GetAccessToken(true) + "&trackingNumber=" + TrackingCode + "&format=json"); // set time outs HttpUtils.conectionTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.conection_timeout.getValue(); HttpUtils.socketTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.socket_timeout.getValue(); // Execute HTTP Post Request String result = HttpUtils.Execute(httppost, icancel); if (result.contains("The service is unavailable")) { return API_IS_UNAVAILABLE; } try // Parse JSON Result { JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(result); JSONObject json = (JSONObject) tokener.nextValue(); JSONObject status = json.getJSONObject("Status"); if (status.getInt("StatusCode") == 0) { LastAPIError = ""; JSONArray jTrackables = json.getJSONArray("Trackables"); for (int i = 0; i < jTrackables.length();) { JSONObject jTrackable = (JSONObject) jTrackables.get(i); TB.set(new Trackable(jTrackable)); TB.get().setTrackingCode(TrackingCode); return IO; } } else { LastAPIError = ""; LastAPIError = "StatusCode = " + status.getInt("StatusCode") + "\n"; LastAPIError += status.getString("StatusMessage") + "\n"; LastAPIError += status.getString("ExceptionDetails"); TB = null; return ERROR; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { logger.error("getTBbyTreckNumber ConnectTimeoutException", e); TB = null; return CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("getTBbyTreckNumber UnsupportedEncodingException", e); TB = null; return ERROR; } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { logger.error("getTBbyTreckNumber ClientProtocolException", e); TB = null; return ERROR; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("getTBbyTreckNumber IOException", e); TB = null; return ERROR; } TB = null; return ERROR; } /** * @param Staging * Config.settings.StagingAPI.getValue() * @param accessToken * @param TrackingNumber * @param TB * @param conectionTimeout * Config.settings.conection_timeout.getValue() * @param socketTimeout * Config.settings.socket_timeout.getValue() * @return */ public static int getTBbyTbCode(String TrackingNumber, ByRef<Trackable> TB, ICancel icancel) { int chk = chkMembership(false); if (chk < 0) return chk; String URL = CB_Core_Settings.StagingAPI.getValue() ? STAGING_GS_LIVE_URL : GS_LIVE_URL; try { HttpGet httppost = new HttpGet(URL + "GetTrackablesByTBCode?AccessToken=" + GetAccessToken(true) + "&tbCode=" + TrackingNumber + "&format=json"); // set time outs HttpUtils.conectionTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.conection_timeout.getValue(); HttpUtils.socketTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.socket_timeout.getValue(); // Execute HTTP Post Request String result = HttpUtils.Execute(httppost, icancel); if (result.contains("The service is unavailable")) { return API_IS_UNAVAILABLE; } try // Parse JSON Result { JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(result); JSONObject json = (JSONObject) tokener.nextValue(); JSONObject status = json.getJSONObject("Status"); if (status.getInt("StatusCode") == 0) { LastAPIError = ""; JSONArray jTrackables = json.getJSONArray("Trackables"); for (int ii = 0; ii < jTrackables.length();) { JSONObject jTrackable = (JSONObject) jTrackables.get(ii); TB.set(new Trackable(jTrackable)); return IO; } } else { LastAPIError = ""; LastAPIError = "StatusCode = " + status.getInt("StatusCode") + "\n"; LastAPIError += status.getString("StatusMessage") + "\n"; LastAPIError += status.getString("ExceptionDetails"); return ERROR; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { logger.error("getTBbyTbCode ConnectTimeoutException", e); TB = null; return CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("getTBbyTbCode UnsupportedEncodingException", e); TB = null; return ERROR; } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { logger.error("getTBbyTbCode ClientProtocolException", e); TB = null; return ERROR; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("getTBbyTbCode IOException", e); TB = null; return ERROR; } TB = null; return ERROR; } /** * Ruft die Liste der Bilder ab, die in einem Cache sind * * @param Staging * Config.settings.StagingAPI.getValue() * @param String * accessToken * @param TbList * list * @return */ public static int getImagesForGeocache(String cacheCode, ArrayList<String> images, ICancel icancel) { int chk = chkMembership(false); if (chk < 0) return chk; String URL = CB_Core_Settings.StagingAPI.getValue() ? STAGING_GS_LIVE_URL : GS_LIVE_URL; try { HttpGet httppost = new HttpGet(URL + "GetImagesForGeocache?AccessToken=" + GetAccessToken() + "&CacheCode=" + cacheCode + "&format=json"); // set time outs HttpUtils.conectionTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.conection_timeout.getValue(); HttpUtils.socketTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.socket_timeout.getValue(); // Execute HTTP Post Request String result = HttpUtils.Execute(httppost, icancel); if (result.contains("The service is unavailable")) { return API_IS_UNAVAILABLE; } try // Parse JSON Result { JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(result); JSONObject json = (JSONObject) tokener.nextValue(); JSONObject status = json.getJSONObject("Status"); if (status.getInt("StatusCode") == 0) { LastAPIError = ""; JSONArray jImages = json.getJSONArray("Images"); for (int ii = 0; ii < jImages.length(); ii++) { JSONObject jImage = (JSONObject) jImages.get(ii); images.add(jImage.getString("Url")); } return 0; } else { LastAPIError = ""; LastAPIError = "StatusCode = " + status.getInt("StatusCode") + "\n"; LastAPIError += status.getString("StatusMessage") + "\n"; LastAPIError += status.getString("ExceptionDetails"); return (-1); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { logger.error("getImagesForGeocache ConnectTimeoutException", e); return CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("getImagesForGeocache UnsupportedEncodingException", e); return ERROR; } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { logger.error("getImagesForGeocache ClientProtocolException", e); return ERROR; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("getImagesForGeocache IOException", e); return ERROR; } return (-1); } /** * @param Staging * Config.settings.StagingAPI.getValue() * @param accessToken * @param cacheCode * @param list * @param conectionTimeout * Config.settings.conection_timeout.getValue() * @param socketTimeout * Config.settings.socket_timeout.getValue() * @return */ public static int GetAllImageLinks(String cacheCode, HashMap<String, URI> list, ICancel icancel) { int chk = chkMembership(false); if (chk < 0) return chk; String URL = CB_Core_Settings.StagingAPI.getValue() ? STAGING_GS_LIVE_URL : GS_LIVE_URL; if (list == null) list = new HashMap<String, URI>(); try { HttpGet httppost = new HttpGet(URL + "GetImagesForGeocache?AccessToken=" + GetAccessToken(true) + "&CacheCode=" + cacheCode + "&format=json"); // set time outs HttpUtils.conectionTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.conection_timeout.getValue(); HttpUtils.socketTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.socket_timeout.getValue(); // Execute HTTP Post Request String result = HttpUtils.Execute(httppost, icancel); if (result.contains("The service is unavailable")) { return API_IS_UNAVAILABLE; } try // Parse JSON Result { JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(result); JSONObject json = (JSONObject) tokener.nextValue(); JSONObject status = json.getJSONObject("Status"); if (status.getInt("StatusCode") == 0) { LastAPIError = ""; JSONArray jImages = json.getJSONArray("Images"); for (int ii = 0; ii < jImages.length(); ii++) { JSONObject jImage = (JSONObject) jImages.get(ii); String name = jImage.getString("Name"); String uri = jImage.getString("Url"); // ignore log images if (uri.contains("/cache/log")) continue; // LOG-Image // Check for duplicate name if (list.containsKey(name)) { for (int nr = 1; nr < 10; nr++) { if (list.containsKey(name + "_" + nr)) { continue; // Name already exists } name += "_" + nr; break; } } list.put(name, new URI(uri)); } return IO; } else if (status.getInt("StatusCode") == 140) { return 140; // API-Limit berschritten -> nach etwas Verzgerung wiederholen! } else { LastAPIError = ""; LastAPIError = "StatusCode = " + status.getInt("StatusCode") + "\n"; LastAPIError += status.getString("StatusMessage") + "\n"; LastAPIError += status.getString("ExceptionDetails"); list = null; return ERROR; } } catch (JSONException e) { logger.error("getTBbyTbCode JSONException", e); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { logger.error("getTBbyTbCode URISyntaxException", e); } catch (java.lang.ClassCastException e) { logger.error("getTBbyTbCode URISyntaxException", e); } } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { logger.error("getTBbyTbCode ConnectTimeoutException", e); list = null; return CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("getTBbyTbCode UnsupportedEncodingException", e); list = null; return ERROR; } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { logger.error("getTBbyTbCode ClientProtocolException", e); list = null; return ERROR; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("getTBbyTbCode IOException", e); list = null; return ERROR; } list = null; return ERROR; } public static void WriteCachesLogsImages_toDB(CB_List<Cache> apiCaches, ArrayList<LogEntry> apiLogs, ArrayList<ImageEntry> apiImages) throws InterruptedException { // Auf eventuellen Thread Abbruch reagieren Thread.sleep(2); Database.Data.beginTransaction(); CacheDAO cacheDAO = new CacheDAO(); LogDAO logDAO = new LogDAO(); ImageDAO imageDAO = new ImageDAO(); WaypointDAO waypointDAO = new WaypointDAO(); for (int c = 0; c < apiCaches.size(); c++) { Cache cache = apiCaches.get(c); Cache aktCache = Database.Data.Query.GetCacheById(cache.Id); if (aktCache != null && aktCache.isLive()) aktCache = null; if (aktCache == null) { aktCache = cacheDAO.getFromDbByCacheId(cache.Id); } // Read Detail Info of Cache if not available if ((aktCache != null) && (aktCache.detail == null)) { aktCache.loadDetail(); } // If Cache into DB, extract saved rating if (aktCache != null) { cache.Rating = aktCache.Rating; } // Falls das Update nicht klappt (Cache noch nicht in der DB) Insert machen if (!cacheDAO.UpdateDatabase(cache)) { cacheDAO.WriteToDatabase(cache); } // Notes von Groundspeak berprfen und evtl. in die DB an die vorhandenen Notes anhngen if (cache.getTmpNote() != null) { String oldNote = Database.GetNote(cache); String newNote = ""; if (oldNote == null) { oldNote = ""; } String begin = "<Import from>"; String end = "</Import from>"; int iBegin = oldNote.indexOf(begin); int iEnd = oldNote.indexOf(end); if ((iBegin >= 0) && (iEnd > iBegin)) { // Note from Groundspeak already in Database // -> Replace only this part in whole Note newNote = oldNote.substring(0, iBegin - 1) + System.getProperty("line.separator"); // Copy the old part of Note before // the beginning of the groundspeak // block newNote += begin + System.getProperty("line.separator"); newNote += cache.getTmpNote(); newNote += System.getProperty("line.separator") + end; newNote += oldNote.substring(iEnd + end.length(), oldNote.length()); } else { newNote = oldNote + System.getProperty("line.separator"); newNote += begin + System.getProperty("line.separator"); newNote += cache.getTmpNote(); newNote += System.getProperty("line.separator") + end; } cache.setTmpNote(newNote); Database.SetNote(cache, cache.getTmpNote()); } // Delete LongDescription from this Cache! LongDescription is Loading by showing DescriptionView direct from DB cache.setLongDescription(""); for (LogEntry log : apiLogs) { if (log.CacheId != cache.Id) continue; // Write Log to database logDAO.WriteToDatabase(log); } for (ImageEntry image : apiImages) { if (image.CacheId != cache.Id) continue; // Write Image to database imageDAO.WriteToDatabase(image, false); } for (int i = 0, n = cache.waypoints.size(); i < n; i++) { // must Cast to Full Waypoint. If Waypoint, is wrong createt! Waypoint waypoint = cache.waypoints.get(i); boolean update = true; // dont refresh wp if aktCache.wp is user changed if (aktCache != null) { if (aktCache.waypoints != null) { for (int j = 0, m = aktCache.waypoints.size(); j < m; j++) { Waypoint wp = aktCache.waypoints.get(j); if (wp.getGcCode().equalsIgnoreCase(waypoint.getGcCode())) { if (wp.IsUserWaypoint) update = false; break; } } } } if (update) { // do not store replication information when importing caches with GC api if (!waypointDAO.UpdateDatabase(waypoint, false)) { waypointDAO.WriteToDatabase(waypoint, false); // do not store replication information here } } } if (aktCache == null) { Database.Data.Query.add(cache); // cacheDAO.WriteToDatabase(cache); } else { // 2012-11-17: do not remove old instance from Query because of problems with cacheList and MapView // Database.Data.Query.remove(Database.Data.Query.GetCacheById(cache.Id)); // Database.Data.Query.add(cache); aktCache.copyFrom(cache); // cacheDAO.UpdateDatabase(cache); } } Database.Data.setTransactionSuccessful(); Database.Data.endTransaction(); Database.Data.GPXFilenameUpdateCacheCount(); } private static String getDeviceInfoRequestString() { String string = "\"DeviceInfo\":{"; string += "\"ApplicationCurrentMemoryUsage\":\"" + String.valueOf(2147483647) + "\","; string += "\"ApplicationPeakMemoryUsage\":\"" + String.valueOf(2147483647) + "\","; string += "\"ApplicationSoftwareVersion\":\"" + CoreSettingsForward.VersionString + "\","; string += "\"DeviceManufacturer\":\"" + "?\"" + ","; string += "\"DeviceName\":\"" + "?\"" + ","; string += "\"DeviceOperatingSystem\":\"ANDROID\"" + ","; string += "\"DeviceTotalMemoryInMB\":\"" + String.valueOf(1.26743233E+15) + "\","; string += "\"DeviceUniqueId\":\"" + "?\"" + ","; string += "\"MobileHardwareVersion\":\"" + "?\"" + ","; string += "\"WebBrowserVersion\":\"" + "?\""; string += "}"; return string; } private static boolean API_isCheked = false; /** * Returns True if the APY-Key INVALID * * @param Staging * Config.settings.StagingAPI.getValue() * @param accessToken * @param conectionTimeout * Config.settings.conection_timeout.getValue() * @param socketTimeout * Config.settings.socket_timeout.getValue() * @return 0=false 1=true */ public static int chkMembership(boolean withoutMsg) { boolean isValid = false; if (API_isCheked) { isValid = membershipType > 0; return isValid ? 0 : 1; } int ret = 0; if (GetAccessToken().length() > 0) { if (!isValid) { ret = GetMembershipType(null); isValid = membershipType > 0; if (ret < 0) return ret; } isValid = membershipType > 0; } if (!isValid && ret != CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) { if (!withoutMsg) API_ErrorEventHandlerList.callInvalidApiKey(API_ErrorEventHandlerList.API_ERROR.INVALID); } if (ret != CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) API_isCheked = true; else return CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; return ret; } public static int isValidAPI_Key(boolean withoutMsg) { if (API_isCheked) return membershipType; return chkMembership(withoutMsg); } /** * @param Staging * Config.settings.StagingAPI.getValue() * @param accessToken * @param TB * @param cacheCode * @param LogTypeId * @param dateLogged * @param note * @param conectionTimeout * Config.settings.conection_timeout.getValue() * @param socketTimeout * Config.settings.socket_timeout.getValue() * @return */ public static int createTrackableLog(Trackable TB, String cacheCode, int LogTypeId, Date dateLogged, String note, ICancel icancel) { return createTrackableLog(TB.getGcCode(), TB.getTrackingNumber(), cacheCode, LogTypeId, dateLogged, note, icancel); } /** * @param Staging * Config.settings.StagingAPI.getValue() * @param accessToken * @param TbCode * @param TrackingNummer * @param cacheCode * @param LogTypeId * @param dateLogged * @param note * @param conectionTimeout * Config.settings.conection_timeout.getValue() * @param socketTimeout * Config.settings.socket_timeout.getValue() * @return */ public static int createTrackableLog(String TbCode, String TrackingNummer, String cacheCode, int LogTypeId, Date dateLogged, String note, ICancel icancel) { int chk = chkMembership(false); if (chk < 0) return chk; String URL = CB_Core_Settings.StagingAPI.getValue() ? STAGING_GS_LIVE_URL : GS_LIVE_URL; if (cacheCode == null) cacheCode = ""; try { HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(URL + "CreateTrackableLog?format=json"); String requestString = ""; requestString = "{"; requestString += "\"AccessToken\":\"" + GetAccessToken() + "\","; requestString += "\"CacheCode\":\"" + cacheCode + "\","; requestString += "\"LogType\":" + String.valueOf(LogTypeId) + ","; requestString += "\"UTCDateLogged\":\"" + GetUTCDate(dateLogged) + "\","; requestString += "\"Note\":\"" + ConvertNotes(note) + "\","; requestString += "\"TravelBugCode\":\"" + String.valueOf(TbCode) + "\","; requestString += "\"TrackingNumber\":\"" + String.valueOf(TrackingNummer) + "\""; requestString += "}"; httppost.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(requestString.getBytes("UTF8"))); // set time outs HttpUtils.conectionTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.conection_timeout.getValue(); HttpUtils.socketTimeout = CB_Core_Settings.socket_timeout.getValue(); // Execute HTTP Post Request String result = HttpUtils.Execute(httppost, icancel); if (result.contains("The service is unavailable")) { return API_IS_UNAVAILABLE; } // Parse JSON Result try { JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(result); JSONObject json = (JSONObject) tokener.nextValue(); JSONObject status = json.getJSONObject("Status"); if (status.getInt("StatusCode") == 0) { result = ""; LastAPIError = ""; } else { result = "StatusCode = " + status.getInt("StatusCode") + "\n"; result += status.getString("StatusMessage") + "\n"; result += status.getString("ExceptionDetails"); LastAPIError = result; return -1; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("UploadFieldNotesAPI JSON-Error", e); LastAPIError = e.getMessage(); return -1; } } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) { logger.error("createTrackableLog ConnectTimeoutException", e); return CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error("createTrackableLog UnsupportedEncodingException", e); return ERROR; } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { logger.error("createTrackableLog ClientProtocolException", e); return ERROR; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("createTrackableLog IOException", e); return ERROR; } LastAPIError = ""; return 0; } public static boolean mAPI_isChecked() { return API_isCheked; } public static boolean ApiLimit() { return DownloadLimit; } public static void setDownloadLimit() { DownloadLimit = true; } }