Java tutorial
/** * CanReg5 - a tool to input, store, check and analyse cancer registry data. * Copyright (C) 2008-2015 International Agency for Research on Cancer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * @author Morten Johannes Ervik, CSU/IARC, */ package canreg.client.analysis; import canreg.client.CanRegClientApp; import canreg.client.LocalSettings; import canreg.client.analysis.TableBuilderInterface.FileTypes; import canreg.client.analysis.Tools.KeyCancerGroupsEnum; import canreg.common.Globals; import canreg.common.Globals.StandardVariableNames; import canreg.common.database.IncompatiblePopulationDataSetException; import canreg.common.database.PopulationDataset; import canreg.common.database.PopulationDatasetsEntry; import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartTheme; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.StandardChartTheme; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PiePlot; /** * * @author ervikm */ public class TopNChartTableBuilder implements TableBuilderInterface, JChartTableBuilderInterface { // private static int YEAR_COLUMN = 0; private static final int SEX_COLUMN = 1; private static final int ICD10_COLUMN = 2; private static final int MORPHOLOGY_COLUMN = 3; // private static int BEHAVIOUR_COLUMN = 4; private static final int AGE_COLUMN = 5; private static final int CASES_COLUMN = 6; private static final Globals.StandardVariableNames[] variablesNeeded = { Globals.StandardVariableNames.Sex, Globals.StandardVariableNames.ICD10, Globals.StandardVariableNames.Morphology, Globals.StandardVariableNames.Behaviour, Globals.StandardVariableNames.Age }; private static final FileTypes[] fileTypesGenerated = { FileTypes.png, FileTypes.pdf, FileTypes.svg, FileTypes.jchart, FileTypes.csv }; private boolean legendOn = false; private boolean useR = true; //change this to false... private LocalSettings localSettings; private String rpath; private LinkedList[] cancerGroupsLocal; private final JFreeChart[] charts = new JFreeChart[2]; private String[] icdLabel; private String[] icd10GroupDescriptions; private int numberOfCancerGroups; private final int numberOfSexes = 3; private final int DONT_COUNT = -999; private EnumMap<KeyCancerGroupsEnum, Integer> keyGroupsMap; private int otherCancerGroupsIndex; private Integer skinCancerGroupIndex; private int allCancerGroupsIndex; private int allCancerGroupsButSkinIndex; private final int topNLimit = 10; private ChartType chartType; private PopulationDataset periodPop; private CountType countType = CountType.CASES; private boolean includeOther = false; private int unknownAgeCode = Globals.DEFAULT_UNKNOWN_AGE_CODE; public TopNChartTableBuilder() { ChartTheme chartTheme = new StandardChartTheme("sansserif"); ChartFactory.setChartTheme(chartTheme); } @Override public StandardVariableNames[] getVariablesNeeded() { return variablesNeeded; } @Override public FileTypes[] getFileTypesGenerated() { return fileTypesGenerated; } @Override public LinkedList<String> buildTable(String tableHeader, String reportFileName, int startYear, int endYear, Object[][] incidenceData, PopulationDataset[] populations, // can be null PopulationDataset[] standardPopulations, LinkedList<ConfigFields> configList, String[] engineParameters, FileTypes fileType) throws NotCompatibleDataException { String footerString = java.util.ResourceBundle .getBundle("canreg/client/analysis/resources/AgeSpecificCasesPerHundredThousandTableBuilder") .getString("TABLE BUILT ") + new Date() + java.util.ResourceBundle .getBundle( "canreg/client/analysis/resources/AgeSpecificCasesPerHundredThousandTableBuilder") .getString(" BY CANREG5."); LinkedList<String> generatedFiles = new LinkedList<String>(); if (Arrays.asList(engineParameters).contains("barchart")) { chartType = ChartType.BAR; } else { chartType = ChartType.PIE; includeOther = true; } if (Arrays.asList(engineParameters).contains("legend")) { legendOn = true; } if (Arrays.asList(engineParameters).contains("r")) { useR = true; } if (Arrays.asList(engineParameters).contains("asr")) { countType = CountType.ASR; } else if (Arrays.asList(engineParameters).contains("cum64")) { countType = CountType.CUM64; } else if (Arrays.asList(engineParameters).contains("cum74")) { countType = CountType.CUM74; } else if (Arrays.asList(engineParameters).contains("per100000")) { countType = CountType.PER_HUNDRED_THOUSAND; } else { // default to cases countType = CountType.CASES; } localSettings = CanRegClientApp.getApplication().getLocalSettings(); rpath = localSettings.getProperty(LocalSettings.R_PATH); // does R exist? if (rpath == null || rpath.isEmpty() || !new File(rpath).exists()) { useR = false; // force false if R is not installed } icdLabel = ConfigFieldsReader.findConfig("ICD_groups_labels", configList); icd10GroupDescriptions = ConfigFieldsReader.findConfig("ICD10_groups", configList); cancerGroupsLocal = EditorialTableTools.generateICD10Groups(icd10GroupDescriptions); // indexes keyGroupsMap = new EnumMap<KeyCancerGroupsEnum, Integer>(KeyCancerGroupsEnum.class); keyGroupsMap.put(KeyCancerGroupsEnum.allCancerGroupsIndex, EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("ALL", icd10GroupDescriptions)); keyGroupsMap.put(KeyCancerGroupsEnum.leukemiaNOSCancerGroupIndex, EditorialTableTools.getICD10index(950, cancerGroupsLocal)); keyGroupsMap.put(KeyCancerGroupsEnum.skinCancerGroupIndex, EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("C44", icd10GroupDescriptions)); keyGroupsMap.put(KeyCancerGroupsEnum.bladderCancerGroupIndex, EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("C67", icd10GroupDescriptions)); keyGroupsMap.put(KeyCancerGroupsEnum.mesotheliomaCancerGroupIndex, EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("C45", icd10GroupDescriptions)); keyGroupsMap.put(KeyCancerGroupsEnum.kaposiSarkomaCancerGroupIndex, EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("C46", icd10GroupDescriptions)); keyGroupsMap.put(KeyCancerGroupsEnum.myeloproliferativeDisordersCancerGroupIndex, EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("MPD", icd10GroupDescriptions)); keyGroupsMap.put(KeyCancerGroupsEnum.myelodysplasticSyndromesCancerGroupIndex, EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("MDS", icd10GroupDescriptions)); keyGroupsMap.put(KeyCancerGroupsEnum.allCancerGroupsButSkinIndex, EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("ALLbC44", icd10GroupDescriptions)); keyGroupsMap.put(KeyCancerGroupsEnum.brainAndCentralNervousSystemCancerGroupIndex, EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("C70-72", icd10GroupDescriptions)); keyGroupsMap.put(KeyCancerGroupsEnum.ovaryCancerGroupIndex, EditorialTableTools.getICD10index(569, cancerGroupsLocal)); keyGroupsMap.put(KeyCancerGroupsEnum.otherCancerGroupsIndex, EditorialTableTools.getICD10index("O&U", icd10GroupDescriptions)); otherCancerGroupsIndex = keyGroupsMap.get(KeyCancerGroupsEnum.otherCancerGroupsIndex); skinCancerGroupIndex = keyGroupsMap.get(KeyCancerGroupsEnum.skinCancerGroupIndex); allCancerGroupsIndex = keyGroupsMap.get(KeyCancerGroupsEnum.allCancerGroupsIndex); allCancerGroupsButSkinIndex = keyGroupsMap.get(KeyCancerGroupsEnum.allCancerGroupsButSkinIndex); numberOfCancerGroups = cancerGroupsLocal.length; double[] countsRow; if (populations != null && populations.length > 0) { if (populations[0].getPopulationDatasetID() < 0) { countType = CountType.CASES; } else { // calculate period pop periodPop = new PopulationDataset(); periodPop.setAgeGroupStructure(populations[0].getAgeGroupStructure()); periodPop.setReferencePopulation(populations[0].getReferencePopulation()); for (PopulationDatasetsEntry pde : populations[0].getAgeGroups()) { int count = 0; for (PopulationDataset pds : populations) { count += pds.getAgeGroupCount(pde.getSex(), pde.getAgeGroup()); } periodPop.addAgeGroup(new PopulationDatasetsEntry(pde.getAgeGroup(), pde.getSex(), count)); } } } if (incidenceData != null) { String sexString, icdString, morphologyString; double countArray[][] = new double[numberOfCancerGroups][numberOfSexes]; int sex, icdIndex, numberOfCases, age; double adjustedCases; List<Integer> dontCount = new LinkedList<Integer>(); // all sites but skin? if (Arrays.asList(engineParameters).contains("noC44")) { dontCount.add(skinCancerGroupIndex); tableHeader += ", excluding C44"; } for (Object[] dataLine : incidenceData) { // Set default adjustedCases = 0.0; // Extract data sexString = (String) dataLine[SEX_COLUMN]; sex = Integer.parseInt(sexString.trim()); // sex = 3 is unknown sex if (sex > 2) { sex = 3; } morphologyString = (String) dataLine[MORPHOLOGY_COLUMN]; icdString = (String) dataLine[ICD10_COLUMN]; icdIndex = Tools.assignICDGroupIndex(keyGroupsMap, icdString, morphologyString, cancerGroupsLocal); age = (Integer) dataLine[AGE_COLUMN]; if (!dontCount.contains(icdIndex) && icdIndex != DONT_COUNT) { // Extract cases numberOfCases = (Integer) dataLine[CASES_COLUMN]; if (countType == CountType.PER_HUNDRED_THOUSAND) { adjustedCases = (100000.0 * numberOfCases) / periodPop.getAgeGroupCount(sex, periodPop.getAgeGroupIndex(age)); } else if (countType == CountType.ASR) { try { adjustedCases = 100.0 * (periodPop.getReferencePopulationForAgeGroupIndex(sex, periodPop.getAgeGroupIndex(age)) * numberOfCases) / periodPop.getAgeGroupCount(sex, periodPop.getAgeGroupIndex(age)); } catch (IncompatiblePopulationDataSetException ex) { Logger.getLogger(TopNChartTableBuilder.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else if (countType == CountType.CUM64) { if (age < 65) { adjustedCases = (100000.0 * numberOfCases) / periodPop.getAgeGroupCount(sex, periodPop.getAgeGroupIndex(age)) * 5.0 / 1000.0; } } else if (countType == CountType.CUM74) { if (age < 75) { adjustedCases = (100000.0 * numberOfCases) / periodPop.getAgeGroupCount(sex, periodPop.getAgeGroupIndex(age)) * 5.0 / 1000.0; } } else { adjustedCases = numberOfCases; } if (sex <= numberOfSexes && icdIndex >= 0 && icdIndex <= cancerGroupsLocal.length) { countArray[icdIndex][sex - 1] += adjustedCases; } else { if (otherCancerGroupsIndex >= 0) { countArray[otherCancerGroupsIndex][sex - 1] += adjustedCases; } } if (allCancerGroupsIndex >= 0) { countArray[allCancerGroupsIndex][sex - 1] += adjustedCases; } if (allCancerGroupsButSkinIndex >= 0 && skinCancerGroupIndex >= 0 && icdIndex != skinCancerGroupIndex) { countArray[allCancerGroupsButSkinIndex][sex - 1] += adjustedCases; } } } // separate top 10 and the rest TreeSet<CancerCasesCount> topNMale = new TreeSet<CancerCasesCount>(new Comparator<CancerCasesCount>() { @Override public int compare(CancerCasesCount o1, CancerCasesCount o2) { if (o1.getCount().equals(o2.getCount())) { return -o1.toString().compareTo(o2.toString()); } else { return -(o1.getCount().compareTo(o2.getCount())); } } }); LinkedList<CancerCasesCount> theRestMale = new LinkedList<CancerCasesCount>(); TreeSet<CancerCasesCount> topNFemale = new TreeSet<CancerCasesCount>( new Comparator<CancerCasesCount>() { @Override public int compare(CancerCasesCount o1, CancerCasesCount o2) { if (o1.getCount().equals(o2.getCount())) { return -o1.toString().compareTo(o2.toString()); } else { return -(o1.getCount().compareTo(o2.getCount())); } } }); LinkedList<CancerCasesCount> theRestFemale = new LinkedList<CancerCasesCount>(); CancerCasesCount otherElement; CancerCasesCount thisElement; TreeSet<CancerCasesCount> topN; LinkedList<CancerCasesCount> theRest; for (int icdGroupNumber = 0; icdGroupNumber < countArray.length; icdGroupNumber++) { countsRow = countArray[icdGroupNumber]; for (int sexNumber = 0; sexNumber < 2; sexNumber++) { if (sexNumber == 0) { topN = topNMale; theRest = theRestMale; } else { topN = topNFemale; theRest = theRestFemale; } if (countsRow[sexNumber] > 0) { thisElement = new CancerCasesCount(icd10GroupDescriptions[icdGroupNumber], icdLabel[icdGroupNumber].substring(3), countsRow[sexNumber], icdGroupNumber); // if this is the "other" group - add it immediately to "the rest" if (icdGroupNumber == otherCancerGroupsIndex) { theRest.add(thisElement); // if not we check if this is one of the collection groups } else if (icdGroupNumber != allCancerGroupsButSkinIndex && icdGroupNumber != allCancerGroupsIndex) { // if it is less than N cancers in top N - add it if (topN.size() < topNLimit) { topN.add(thisElement); } else { // otherwise we need to compare it to the last element in the top 10 otherElement = topN.last(); if (thisElement.compareTo(otherElement) < 0) { topN.remove(otherElement); theRest.add(otherElement); topN.add(thisElement); } else { theRest.add(thisElement); } } } } } } for (int sexNumber : new int[] { 0, 1 }) { String fileName = reportFileName + "-" + sexLabel[sexNumber] + "." + fileType.toString(); File file = new File(fileName); TreeSet<CancerCasesCount> casesCounts; Double restCount = Tools.sumUpTheRest(theRestMale, dontCount); if (sexNumber == 0) { casesCounts = topNMale; } else { casesCounts = topNFemale; } if (useR && !fileType.equals(FileTypes.jchart) && !fileType.equals(FileTypes.csv)) { String header = "Top 10 by " + countType + ", \n" + tableHeader + ", " + TableBuilderInterface.sexLabel[sexNumber]; generatedFiles.addAll(Tools.generateRChart(casesCounts, fileName, header, fileType, chartType, includeOther, restCount, rpath, true, "Site")); } else { double allCount = countArray[allCancerGroupsIndex][sexNumber]; Color color; if (sexNumber == 0) { color = Color.BLUE; } else { color = Color.RED; } String header = "Top 10 by " + countType + ", " + tableHeader + ", " + TableBuilderInterface.sexLabel[sexNumber]; charts[sexNumber] = Tools.generateJChart(casesCounts, fileName, header, fileType, chartType, includeOther, legendOn, restCount, allCount, color, "Site"); try { generatedFiles.add(Tools.writeJChartToFile(charts[sexNumber], file, fileType)); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(TopNChartTableBuilder.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (DocumentException ex) { Logger.getLogger(TopNChartTableBuilder.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } } return generatedFiles; } @Override public boolean areThesePopulationDatasetsCompatible(PopulationDataset[] populations) { return true; } @Override public JFreeChart[] getCharts() { // set the plots circular before returning them if we have a pie chart if (chartType == ChartType.PIE) { for (JFreeChart chart : charts) { PiePlot plot = (PiePlot) chart.getPlot(); plot.setCircular(true); } } return charts; } @Override public void setUnknownAgeCode(int unknownAgeCode) { this.unknownAgeCode = unknownAgeCode; } }