Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * CVS information: * $RCSfile$ * $Source$ * $Date: 2005-12-26 21:46:18 +0100 (Mo, 26 Dez 2005) $ * $Author: troggan $ * $Revision: 1764 $ */ package calendarexportplugin.exporter; import java.awt.Window; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.TimeZone; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import util.exc.ErrorHandler; import; import util.paramhandler.ParamParser; import util.program.AbstractPluginProgramFormating; import util.ui.Localizer; import util.ui.login.LoginDialog; import calendarexportplugin.CalendarExportPlugin; import calendarexportplugin.CalendarExportSettings; import calendarexportplugin.utils.CalendarToolbox; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import devplugin.Program; /** * Exporter for Google Calendar API * * @author bodum */ public class GoogleExporter extends AbstractExporter { /** * Translator */ private static final Localizer mLocalizer = Localizer.getLocalizerFor(GoogleExporter.class); protected static final String USERNAME = "Google_Username"; private static final String PASSWORD = "Google_Password"; protected static final String STORE_PASSWORD = "Google_StorePassword"; protected static final String STORE_SETTINGS = "Google_StoreSettgins"; protected static final String SELECTED_CALENDAR = "Google_SelectedCalendar"; protected static final String REMINDER = "Google_Reminder"; protected static final String REMINDER_MINUTES = "Google_ReminderMinutes"; protected static final String REMINDER_SMS = "Google_ReminderSMS"; protected static final String REMINDER_EMAIL = "Google_ReminderEMAIL"; protected static final String REMINDER_ALERT = "Google_ReminderAlert"; private String mPassword = ""; public String getName() { return mLocalizer.msg("name", "Google Calendar"); } public boolean exportPrograms(Program[] programs, CalendarExportSettings settings, AbstractPluginProgramFormating formatting) { try { boolean uploadedItems = false; mPassword = IOUtilities.xorDecode(settings.getExporterProperty(PASSWORD), 345903).trim(); if (!settings.getExporterProperty(STORE_PASSWORD, false)) { if (!showLoginDialog(settings)) { return false; } } if (!settings.getExporterProperty(STORE_SETTINGS, false)) { if (!showCalendarSettings(settings)) { return false; } } GoogleService myService = new GoogleService("cl", "tvbrowser-tvbrowsercalenderplugin-" + CalendarExportPlugin.getInstance().getInfo().getVersion().toString()); myService.setUserCredentials(settings.getExporterProperty(USERNAME).trim(), mPassword); URL postUrl = new URL("" + settings.getExporterProperty(SELECTED_CALENDAR) + "/private/full"); SimpleDateFormat formatDay = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); formatDay.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); SimpleDateFormat formatTime = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); formatTime.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); ParamParser parser = new ParamParser(); for (Program program : programs) { final String title = parser.analyse(formatting.getTitleValue(), program); // First step: search for event in calendar boolean createEvent = true; CalendarEventEntry entry = findEntryForProgram(myService, postUrl, title, program); if (entry != null) { int ret = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, mLocalizer.msg("alreadyAvailable", "already available", program.getTitle()), mLocalizer.msg("title", "Add event?"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (ret != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { createEvent = false; } } // add event to calendar if (createEvent) { EventEntry myEntry = new EventEntry(); myEntry.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct(title)); String desc = parser.analyse(formatting.getContentValue(), program); myEntry.setContent(new PlainTextConstruct(desc)); Calendar c = CalendarToolbox.getStartAsCalendar(program); DateTime startTime = new DateTime(c.getTime(), c.getTimeZone()); c = CalendarToolbox.getEndAsCalendar(program); DateTime endTime = new DateTime(c.getTime(), c.getTimeZone()); When eventTimes = new When(); eventTimes.setStartTime(startTime); eventTimes.setEndTime(endTime); myEntry.addTime(eventTimes); if (settings.getExporterProperty(REMINDER, false)) { int reminderMinutes = 0; try { reminderMinutes = settings.getExporterProperty(REMINDER_MINUTES, 0); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (settings.getExporterProperty(REMINDER_ALERT, false)) { addReminder(myEntry, reminderMinutes, Reminder.Method.ALERT); } if (settings.getExporterProperty(REMINDER_EMAIL, false)) { addReminder(myEntry, reminderMinutes, Reminder.Method.EMAIL); } if (settings.getExporterProperty(REMINDER_SMS, false)) { addReminder(myEntry, reminderMinutes, Reminder.Method.SMS); } } if (settings.isShowBusy()) { myEntry.setTransparency(BaseEventEntry.Transparency.OPAQUE); } else { myEntry.setTransparency(BaseEventEntry.Transparency.TRANSPARENT); } // Send the request and receive the response: myService.insert(postUrl, myEntry); uploadedItems = true; } } if (uploadedItems) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(CalendarExportPlugin.getInstance().getBestParentFrame(), mLocalizer.msg("exportDone", "Google Export done."), mLocalizer.msg("export", "Export"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } return true; } catch (AuthenticationException e) { ErrorHandler.handle(mLocalizer.msg("loginFailure", "Problems during login to Service.\nMaybe bad username or password?"), e); settings.setExporterProperty(STORE_PASSWORD, false); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorHandler.handle(mLocalizer.msg("commError", "Error while communicating with Google!"), e); } return false; } private CalendarEventEntry findEntryForProgram(GoogleService myService, URL postUrl, String title, Program program) throws IOException, ServiceException { Calendar c = CalendarToolbox.getStartAsCalendar(program); DateTime startTime = new DateTime(c.getTime(), c.getTimeZone()); Query myQuery = new Query(postUrl); myQuery.setFullTextQuery(title); CalendarEventFeed myResultsFeed = myService.query(myQuery, CalendarEventFeed.class); for (CalendarEventEntry entry : myResultsFeed.getEntries()) { if ((entry.getTimes().size() > 0) && (entry.getTimes().get(0).getStartTime().getValue() == startTime.getValue())) { return entry; } } return null; } /** * Create new Reminder * * @param myEntry add Reminder to this Entry * @param reminderMinutes Remind x Minutes before event * @param method what method to use */ private void addReminder(EventEntry myEntry, int reminderMinutes, Reminder.Method method) { Reminder reminder = new Reminder(); reminder.setMinutes(reminderMinutes); reminder.setMethod(method); myEntry.getReminder().add(reminder); } /** * Show the Settings Dialog for the exporter * * @param settings Settings * @return true, if ok was pressed * @throws IOException Exception during connection * @throws ServiceException Problems with the google service */ private boolean showCalendarSettings(CalendarExportSettings settings) throws IOException, ServiceException { GoogleSettingsDialog settingsDialog; Window wnd = CalendarExportPlugin.getInstance().getBestParentFrame(); settingsDialog = new GoogleSettingsDialog(wnd, settings, mPassword); return settingsDialog.showDialog() == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION; } /** * Show the Login-Dialog * * @param settings * Settings to use for this Dialog * @return true, if successful */ private boolean showLoginDialog(CalendarExportSettings settings) { LoginDialog login; Window parent = CalendarExportPlugin.getInstance().getBestParentFrame(); login = new LoginDialog(parent, settings.getExporterProperty(USERNAME), IOUtilities.xorDecode(settings.getExporterProperty(PASSWORD), 345903), settings.getExporterProperty(STORE_PASSWORD, false)); if (login.askLogin() != JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { return false; } if ((StringUtils.isBlank(login.getUsername()) || (StringUtils.isBlank(login.getPassword())))) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(parent, mLocalizer.msg("noUserOrPassword", "No Username or Password entered!"), Localizer.getLocalization(Localizer.I18N_ERROR), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return false; } settings.setExporterProperty(USERNAME, login.getUsername().trim()); if (login.storePasswords()) { settings.setExporterProperty(PASSWORD, IOUtilities.xorEncode(login.getPassword().trim(), 345903)); settings.setExporterProperty(STORE_PASSWORD, true); } else { settings.setExporterProperty(PASSWORD, ""); settings.setExporterProperty(STORE_PASSWORD, false); } mPassword = login.getPassword().trim(); return true; } @Override public boolean hasSettingsDialog() { return true; } @Override public void showSettingsDialog(CalendarExportSettings settings) { if (showLoginDialog(settings)) { try { showCalendarSettings(settings); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { ErrorHandler.handle(mLocalizer.msg("loginFailure", "Problems while Login to Service.\nMaybee bad Username/Password ?"), e); settings.setExporterProperty(STORE_PASSWORD, false); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorHandler.handle(mLocalizer.msg("commError", "Error while communicating with Google!"), e); } } } public String getIconName() { return "google.png"; } }