Java tutorial
// // This file is part of the Styx Application. // // Styx is a derivative work, containing both original code, included // code and modified // code that was published under the GNU General Public License. Copyrights // for modified and included code are below. // // Original code base Copyright 2005 Cai Mao (Swingler). All rights reserved. // // Modifications: // // 2007 Nov 12 - Replaced syslog object with log4j entries and added descriptive // log entries. // 2007 Dec 2 - Removed ResourceBundle objects used for configuration, and replaced // with Apache Commons Configuration object for flexibilty and ease. // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // For more information contact: // Aaron Paxson <> // package cai.flow.collector; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import cai.flow.collector.interpretator.IpSegmentManager; import cai.flow.packets.FlowPacket; import cai.flow.packets.V1_Packet; import cai.flow.packets.V5_Packet; import cai.flow.packets.V7_Packet; import cai.flow.packets.V8_Packet; import cai.flow.packets.V9_Packet; import cai.utils.DoneException; import cai.utils.Params; import cai.utils.Resources; import cai.utils.ServiceThread; import cai.utils.SuperString; import cai.utils.Syslog; import cai.utils.Util; import com.javaforge.styx.utils.AppConfiguration; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") class Collector { static Configuration config = AppConfiguration.getConfig(); static Resources resources; static InetAddress localHost; static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Collector.class.getName()); static int localPort; static int receiveBufferSize; static boolean[] isVersionEnabled; static int max_queue_length; static int collector_thread; static final int MAX_VERION = 9; static Hashtable routers; static { IpSegmentManager.getInstance(); receiveBufferSize = config.getInt("net.receive.buffer.size"); localPort = config.getInt("net.bind.port"); String local = config.getString(""); Params.v9TemplateOverwrite = config.getBoolean("flow.collector.V9.template.overwrite"); Params.template_refreshFromHD = config.getBoolean("flow.collector.template.refreshFromHD"); Params.ip2ipsConvert = config.getBoolean("flow.ip2ipsConvert"); String[] ipSrcEx = config.getStringArray("ip.source.excludes"); String[] ipSrcIn = config.getStringArray("ip.source.includes"); int idxOfEx = 0; Params.ipSrcExcludes = new long[ipSrcEx.length]; Params.ipSrcIncludes = new long[ipSrcIn.length]; // TODO - Cosmetic - Rather than create an index of array to store and // track ipSrcExcludes ourselves, create a List/Hashtable-type object to "add" or "remove" // values. Something like ipSrcExcludes.add(tmpl) for (String excludeIp : ipSrcEx) { long tmpl = Util.convertIPS2Long(excludeIp); Params.ipSrcExcludes[idxOfEx++] = tmpl; } int idxOfIn = 0; // TODO - Cosmetic - Rather than create an index of array to store and // track ipSrcIncludes ourselves, create a List/Hashtable-type object to "add" or "remove" // values. Something like ipSrcIncludes.add(tmpl) for (String includeIp : ipSrcIn) { long tmpl = Util.convertIPS2Long(includeIp); Params.ipSrcIncludes[idxOfIn++] = tmpl; } String[] ipDstEx = config.getStringArray("ip.dst.excludes"); String[] ipDstIn = config.getStringArray("ip.dst.includes"); Params.ipDstExcludes = new long[ipDstEx.length]; idxOfEx = 0; // TODO - Cosmetic - Rather than create an index of array to store and // track ipSrcIncludes ourselves, create a List/Hashtable-type object to "add" or "remove" // values. Something like ipDstExcludes.add(tmpl) for (String excludeIp : ipDstEx) { long tmpl = Util.convertIPS2Long(excludeIp); Params.ipDstExcludes[idxOfEx++] = tmpl; } Params.ipDstIncludes = new long[ipDstIn.length]; idxOfIn = 0; // TODO - Cosmetic - Rather than create an index of array to store and // track ipSrcIncludes ourselves, create a List/Hash-type object to "add" or "remove" // values. Something like ipDstIncludes.add(tmpl) for (String includeIp : ipDstIn) { long tmpl = Util.convertIPS2Long(includeIp); Params.ipDstIncludes[idxOfIn++] = tmpl; } if (local.equals("any")) localHost = null; else { try { localHost = InetAddress.getByName(local); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { localHost = null; } if (localHost == null) resources.error("unknown host `" + local + "'"); } isVersionEnabled = new boolean[MAX_VERION]; isVersionEnabled[0] = config.getBoolean("flow.collector.V1.enabled"); isVersionEnabled[1] = false; isVersionEnabled[2] = false; isVersionEnabled[3] = false; isVersionEnabled[4] = config.getBoolean("flow.collector.V5.enabled"); isVersionEnabled[5] = false; isVersionEnabled[6] = config.getBoolean("flow.collector.V7.enabled"); isVersionEnabled[7] = config.getBoolean("flow.collector.V8.enabled"); isVersionEnabled[8] = config.getBoolean("flow.collector.V9.enabled"); max_queue_length = config.getInt("flow.collector.max_queue_length"); collector_thread = config.getInt("flow.collector.collector.thread"); if (collector_thread < 1) resources.error("key `" + collector_thread + "' bust be great one"); // Determine and build the router groups routers = new Hashtable(); int groupNum = config.getList("[@address]").size(); logger.debug("Found " + groupNum + " router groups defined"); // Iterate over each router group for (int i = 0; i < groupNum; i++) { InetAddress router_group = null; boolean putted = false; try { router_group = InetAddress.getByName(config.getString("" + i + ")[@address]")); } catch (UnknownHostException e1) { logger.error("Unknown host:" + config.getString("" + i + ")[@address]")); } int routerNum = config.getList("" + i + ").router").size(); logger.debug("Found " + routerNum + " routers defined in all groups"); // Iterate over each router inside the router group for (int j = 0; j < routerNum; j++) { InetAddress router = null; try { router = InetAddress.getByName(config.getString("" + i + ").router(" + j + ")")); } catch (UnknownHostException e2) { logger.error("Unknown host:" + config.getString("" + i + ").router(" + j + ")")); } // Place the router in the group logger.debug("Adding router: " + router.toString() + " to the group: " + router_group.toString()); routers.put(router, router_group); putted = true; } if (!putted) { logger.warn("No routers in the group: " + router_group.toString()); } } /* ResourceBundle bundle = resources.getResourceBundle(); String prefix = ""; int prefix_len = prefix.length(); for (Enumeration e = bundle.getKeys(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String entry = (String) e.nextElement(); if (!entry.startsWith(prefix)) continue; InetAddress router_group = null; boolean putted = false; try { router_group = InetAddress.getByName(entry .substring(prefix_len)); } catch (UnknownHostException e1) { resources.error("unknown host `" + entry.substring(prefix_len) + "' in `" + entry + "'"); } String the_routers = bundle.getString(entry); for (StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(the_routers); st .hasMoreElements();) { String router_name = st.nextToken(); InetAddress router = null; try { router = InetAddress.getByName(router_name); } catch (UnknownHostException e2) { resources.error("unknown host `" + router_name + "' in `" + entry + "'"); } routers.put(router, router_group); putted = true; } if (!putted) resources.error("key `" + the_routers + "' -- no routers in group"); } */ } //Syslog syslog; LinkedList data_queue; Aggregate aggregator; long queued = 0, processed = 0; int sampleRate = 1; int stat_interval; public Collector() { sampleRate = config.getInt("sample.rate"); if (sampleRate == 0) { sampleRate = 1; } stat_interval = Util.getInterval(config.getString("flow.collector.statistics.interval")); //syslog = new Syslog("NetFlow", logOptions, logFacility); //syslog.setlogmask(Syslog.LOG_UPTO(logLevel)); //syslog.syslog(Syslog.LOG_DEBUG, "Syslog created: " + syslog.toString()); aggregator = new Aggregate(resources);// SQL data_queue = new LinkedList(); } /** * * */ void go() { ServiceThread rdr = new ServiceThread(this, "Reader at " + (localHost == null ? "any" : "" + localHost) + ":" + localPort, "REader") { public void exec() throws Throwable { ((Collector) o).reader_loop(); } }; rdr.setName(rdr.getName() + "-Reader"); rdr.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); rdr.setDaemon(true); rdr.start(); ServiceThread statistics; /** */ if (stat_interval != 0) { statistics = new ServiceThread(this, "Statistics over " + Util.toInterval(stat_interval), "Statistics") { public void exec() throws Throwable { ((Collector) o).statistics_loop(); } }; statistics.setName(statistics.getName() + "-Statistics"); statistics.setDaemon(true); statistics.start(); } ServiceThread[] cols = new ServiceThread[collector_thread]; for (int i = 0; i < collector_thread; i++) { String title = new String("Collector" + (i + 1)); ServiceThread col = new ServiceThread(this, title, title) { public void exec() { ((Collector) o).collector_loop(); } }; cols[i] = col; col.setName(col.getName() + "-" + title); col.start(); } try { for (int i = 0; i < collector_thread; i++) cols[i].join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.fatal("Collector - InterruptedException in main thread, exit"); logger.debug(e.getMessage()); } } /** * * * @throws Throwable */ public void statistics_loop() throws Throwable { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (true) { try { Thread.sleep(stat_interval * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } long u = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; String s = "" + ((float) queued * 1000 / u); int i = s.indexOf('.') + 3; if (i < s.length()) s = s.substring(0, i); "Pkts " + queued + "/" + processed + ", " + s + " pkts/sec, " + Util.uptime_short(u / 1000)); } } SampleManager sampler = null; { sampler = new SampleManager(sampleRate); } /** * * @throws Throwable */ public void reader_loop() throws Throwable { DatagramSocket socket; try { try { socket = new DatagramSocket(localPort, localHost); socket.setReceiveBufferSize(receiveBufferSize); } catch (IOException exc) { logger.fatal("Reader - socket create error: " + localHost + ":" + localPort); logger.debug(exc); throw exc; } while (true) { byte[] buf = new byte[2048];// DatagramPacket p = null; if (p == null) { p = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length); try { socket.receive(p); } catch (IOException exc) { logger.error("Reader - socket read error: " + exc.getMessage()); logger.debug(exc); put_to_queue(null);// notifyAll break; } } if (this.sampler.shouldDue()) { put_to_queue(p); } p = null; } } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("Exception trying to abort collector"); put_to_queue(null); throw e; } } /** * UDP * * @param p */ void put_to_queue(final DatagramPacket p) { InetAddress router = p.getAddress(); InetAddress group = (InetAddress) routers.get(router); if (group == null) { logger.warn("A packet from an unauthorized device is ignored. Device: " + router); return; } logger.debug("Packet from device " + router + " is moved to group " + group); p.setAddress(group);// routergroup if (data_queue.size() > max_queue_length) { logger.warn("Reader - the queue is bigger than max_queue_length: " + data_queue.size() + "/" + max_queue_length); } synchronized (data_queue) { data_queue.addLast(p); queued++; if (p == null) data_queue.notifyAll();// else data_queue.notify();// } } /** * */ void collector_loop() { boolean no_data = true; while (true) { Object p = null; synchronized (data_queue) { try { if (data_queue.getFirst() != null) p = data_queue.removeFirst();// UDP no_data = false; } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) { } } if (no_data) { synchronized (data_queue) { try { data_queue.wait();// reader_loop notify } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } else { no_data = true; if (p == null) break; processPacket((DatagramPacket) p); } } } /** * * @param p */ private synchronized void processPacket(final DatagramPacket p) { final byte[] buf = p.getData(); int len = p.getLength(); String addr = p.getAddress().getHostAddress().trim(); synchronized (data_queue) { processed++; } logger.debug(addr + "(" + p.getAddress().getHostName() + ") " + len + " bytes"); try { if (len < 2) throw new DoneException(" * too short packet *"); short version = (short) Util.to_number(buf, 0, 2); if (version > MAX_VERION || version <= 0) throw new DoneException(" * unsupported version *"); if (!isVersionEnabled[version - 1]) throw new DoneException(" * version " + version + " disabled *"); logger.debug(" version: " + version); FlowPacket packet; switch (version) { case 1: packet = (FlowPacket) new V1_Packet(addr, buf, len); break; case 5: packet = (FlowPacket) new V5_Packet(addr, buf, len); break; // Temporarily removing NetFlow Version 7 until Resources fully removed /* case 7: packet = (FlowPacket) new V7_Packet(addr, resources, buf, len); break; */ case 8: packet = (FlowPacket) new V8_Packet(addr, buf, len); break; case 9: packet = (FlowPacket) new V9_Packet(addr, buf, len); break; default: logger.error("Collector - Version problem. Version = " + version); return; } aggregator.process(packet); } catch (DoneException e) { e.printStackTrace();; } } }