Java tutorial
/****************************************************************************** Execution of trace validation tools Copyright (C) 2012 Sylvain Halle This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ******************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import*; import*; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; public class BabelTrace { /** * Build string */ public static final String BUILD_STRING = "20130619"; /** * Return codes */ public static final int ERR_OK = 0; public static final int ERR_CONVERSION = 1; public static final int ERR_PARSE = 2; public static final int ERR_IO = 3; public static final int ERR_ARGUMENTS = 4; public static final int ERR_NO_SUCH_TOOL = 5; public static final int ERR_TOOL_EXECUTION = 6; /** * Main program loop * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { String trace_type = "", tool_name = ""; String trace_in_filename = "", formula_in_filename = ""; String out_formula = "", out_trace = "", out_signature = "", output_dir = ""; File formula_in, trace_in; trace_in = null; Operator op = null; EventTrace trace = null; boolean run_tool = false, show_command = false; // Parse command line arguments Options options = setupOptions(); CommandLine c_line = setupCommandLine(args, options); assert c_line != null; if (c_line.hasOption("version")) { System.out.println("\nBabelTrace build " + BUILD_STRING); System.out.println("(C) 2012-2013 Sylvain Hall et al., Universit du Qubec Chicoutimi"); System.out.println("This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."); System.out.println("This is a free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it"); System.out.println("under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.\n"); System.exit(ERR_OK); } if (c_line.hasOption("h")) { showUsage(options); System.exit(ERR_OK); } if (c_line.hasOption("t")) trace_in_filename = c_line.getOptionValue("t"); else { showUsage(options); System.exit(ERR_ARGUMENTS); } if (c_line.hasOption("f")) formula_in_filename = c_line.getOptionValue("f"); else { showUsage(options); System.exit(ERR_ARGUMENTS); } if (c_line.hasOption("i")) trace_type = c_line.getOptionValue("i"); else { showUsage(options); System.exit(ERR_ARGUMENTS); } if (c_line.hasOption("c")) tool_name = c_line.getOptionValue("c"); else { showUsage(options); System.exit(ERR_ARGUMENTS); } if (c_line.hasOption("o")) output_dir = c_line.getOptionValue("o"); else { showUsage(options); System.exit(ERR_ARGUMENTS); } if (c_line.hasOption("b")) { run_tool = false; show_command = true; } if (c_line.hasOption("r")) { run_tool = true; show_command = false; } // Read input formula formula_in = new File(formula_in_filename); if (!formula_in.exists()) { System.err.println("Error reading " + formula_in_filename); System.exit(ERR_IO); } try { out_formula =; } catch ( e) { System.err.println("File not found: " + formula_in_filename); System.exit(ERR_IO); } catch ( e) { System.err.println("IO Exception: " + formula_in_filename); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(ERR_IO); } // Get trace file trace_in = new File(trace_in_filename); // Get execution Execution ex = getExecution(tool_name); // Get filenames for each part String base_filename = FileReadWrite.baseName(trace_in) + "." + FileReadWrite.baseName(formula_in); String trace_filename = output_dir + "/" + base_filename + "." + ex.getTraceExtension(); String formula_filename = output_dir + "/" + base_filename + "." + ex.getFormulaExtension(); String signature_filename = output_dir + "/" + base_filename + "." + ex.getSignatureExtension(); // Setup execution environment ex.setProperty(formula_filename); ex.setSignature(signature_filename); ex.setTrace(trace_filename); // Show command lines and leave if (show_command) { String[] cl = ex.getCommandLines(); for (String c : cl) { System.out.println(c); } System.exit(ERR_OK); } // Initialize the translator Translator tt = getTraceTranslator(tool_name); if (tt == null) { System.err.println("Error: unrecognized conversion format \"" + tool_name + "\""); System.exit(ERR_NO_SUCH_TOOL); } tt.setTrace(trace); // Parse the trace TraceReader t_read = getTraceReader(trace_type); try { trace = t_read.parseEventTrace(new FileInputStream(trace_in)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(ERR_IO); } // Get the formula as an operator try { op = Operator.parseFromString(out_formula); } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println("Error parsing the input formula"); System.exit(ERR_PARSE); } assert op != null; // Does the formula require flat messages and formulas? if (tt.requiresFlat()) { // Convert the first-order formula to a propositional one FlatTranslator pt = new FlatTranslator(); pt.setFormula(op); pt.setTrace(trace); // Flatten the trace String tr_trans = pt.translateTrace(); TraceReader xtr = new XmlTraceReader(); trace = xtr.parseEventTrace(new ByteArrayInputStream(tr_trans.getBytes())); // Flatten the formula String op_trans = pt.translateFormula(); try { op = Operator.parseFromString(op_trans); } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println("Error parsing the formula once translated to propositional"); System.exit(ERR_PARSE); } } // Is the formula first-order while the tool requires propositional? if (tt.requiresPropositional() && FirstOrderDetector.isFirstOrder(op)) { // Convert the first-order formula to a propositional one PropositionalTranslator pt = new PropositionalTranslator(); pt.setFormula(op); pt.setTrace(trace); String op_trans = pt.translateFormula(); try { op = Operator.parseFromString(op_trans); } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println("Error parsing the formula once translated to propositional"); System.exit(ERR_PARSE); } // We also convert equalities between constants produced by the translator // into Booleans ConstantConverter cc = new ConstantConverter(); op.accept(cc); op = cc.getFormula(); // And then propagate those constants UnitPropagator up = new UnitPropagator(); op.accept(up); op = up.getFormula(); } // Convert tt.setTrace(trace); tt.setFormula(op); tt.translateAll(); out_trace = tt.getTraceFile(); out_formula = tt.getFormulaFile(); out_signature = tt.getSignatureFile(); // Save conversions to files try { if (!out_trace.isEmpty()) {, out_trace); } if (!out_formula.isEmpty()) {, out_formula); } if (!out_signature.isEmpty()) {, out_signature); } } catch ( e) { System.err.println("Error writing to file"); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(ERR_IO); } // Now that all conversions have been made, run the tool if (run_tool) { try {; } catch (Execution.CommandLineException e) { System.err.println("Error running command"); System.exit(ERR_TOOL_EXECUTION); } // Print results ReturnVerdict ex_retval = ex.getReturnVerdict(); float ex_time = (float) ex.getTime() / (float) 1000000000; // We show seconds, not s float ex_memory = (float) ex.getMemory() / (float) 1024; // We show megabytes, not bytes System.out.printf("%s,%.2f,%.2f\n", ex_retval, ex_time, ex_memory); // If an error occurred, dump it if (ex_retval == ReturnVerdict.ERROR) { System.err.println("Error while executing " + tool_name); System.err.println("Command line(s):"); for (String cl : ex.getCommandLines()) { System.err.println(cl); } System.err.println("Below is the string returned by the tool\n"); System.err.println(ex.getErrorString()); System.exit(ERR_TOOL_EXECUTION); } } // Quit System.exit(ERR_OK); } /** * Get the proper instance of {@link TraceReader}, based on the * declared input format. Currently the following formats are supported: * <ul> * <li>CSV</li> * <li>SQL</li> * <li>XML</li> * </ul> * @param type The type * @return The trace reader, null if format is unrecognized */ private static TraceReader getTraceReader(String type) { TraceReader tr = null; if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("xml") == 0) tr = new XmlTraceReader(); /*else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("sql") == 0) tr = new SqlTraceReader();*/ else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("csv") == 0) tr = new CsvTraceReader(); return tr; } /** * Gets the proper instance of the {@link TraceTranslator} class, based * on a string representing the target tool. Currently the following * tools are supported: * <ul> * <li>BeepBeep (0.9 and 1.5)</li> * <li>Filter</li> * <li>ltlfo2mon</li> * <li>Maude</li> * <li>Monpoly</li> * <li>MySQL</li> * <li>NuSMV</li> * <li>PromLTL</li> * <li>Saxon</li> * <li>Spin</li> * </ul> * @param type The name of the target tool * @return The translator, null if tool is unrecognized */ private static Translator getTraceTranslator(String type) { Translator tr = null; if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("maude") == 0) tr = new MaudeTranslator(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("beepbeep") == 0) tr = new BeepBeepTranslator(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("filter") == 0) tr = new FilterTranslator(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("mysql-opt") == 0) tr = new MySQLTranslatorOptimized(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("mysql") == 0) tr = new MySQLTranslator(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("mysql-innodb") == 0) { MySQLTranslator mtr = new MySQLTranslator(); mtr.setEngine("InnoDB"); tr = mtr; } else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("mysql-memory") == 0) { MySQLTranslator mtr = new MySQLTranslator(); mtr.setEngine("MEMORY"); tr = mtr; } else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("nusmv") == 0) tr = new SmvTranslator(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("saxon") == 0) tr = new SaxonTranslator(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("spin") == 0) tr = new PromelaTranslator(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("monpoly") == 0) tr = new MonpolyTranslator(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("promltl") == 0) tr = new XesTranslator(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("ltlfo2mon") == 0) tr = new Ltlfo2monTranslator(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("newbeepbeep") == 0) tr = new NewBeepBeepTranslator(); return tr; } /** * Gets the proper instance of the {@link Execution} class, based * on a string representing the target tool. Currently the following * tools are supported: * <ul> * <li>BeepBeep</li> * <li>Filter</li> * <li>ltlfo2mon</li> * <li>Maude</li> * <li>Monpoly</li> * <li>MySQL</li> * <li>NuSMV</li> * <li>PromLTL</li> * <li>Saxon</li> * <li>Spin</li> * </ul> * @param type The name of the tool to execute * @return The Execution, null if tool is unrecognized */ private static Execution getExecution(String type) { Execution tr = null; if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("maude") == 0) tr = new MaudeExecution(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("beepbeep") == 0) tr = new BeepBeepExecution(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("filter") == 0) tr = new FilterExecution(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("mysql") == 0) tr = new MySQLExecution(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("mysql-innodb") == 0) tr = new MySQLExecution(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("mysql-memory") == 0) tr = new MySQLExecution(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("mysql-opt") == 0) tr = new MySQLExecution(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("nusmv") == 0) tr = new NuSmvExecution(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("saxon") == 0) tr = new SaxonExecution(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("spin") == 0) tr = new SpinExecution(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("monpoly") == 0) tr = new MonpolyExecution(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("promltl") == 0) tr = new PromLTLExecution(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("ltlfo2mon") == 0) tr = new Ltlfo2monExecution(); else if (type.compareToIgnoreCase("newbeepbeep") == 0) tr = new NewBeepBeepExecution(); return tr; } /** * Sets up the command line parser * @param args The command line arguments passed to the class' {@link main} * method * @param options The command line options to be used by the parser * @return The object that parsed the command line parameters */ private static CommandLine setupCommandLine(String[] args, Options options) { CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); CommandLine c_line = null; try { // parse the command line arguments c_line = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException exp) { // oops, something went wrong System.err.println("ERROR: " + exp.getMessage() + "\n"); //HelpFormatter hf = new HelpFormatter(); //hf.printHelp(t_gen.getAppName() + " [options]", options); System.exit(ERR_ARGUMENTS); } return c_line; } /** * Sets up the options for the command line parser * @return The options */ @SuppressWarnings("static-access") private static Options setupOptions() { Options options = new Options(); Option opt; opt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("run") .withDescription("Run the selected tool after conversion (default: no)").create("r"); options.addOption(opt); opt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("help").withDescription("Display command line usage").create("h"); options.addOption(opt); opt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("batch") .withDescription("Don't run the tool, but output the command line that would be used").create("b"); options.addOption(opt); opt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("trace").withArgName("filename").hasArg() .withDescription("Read trace from filename").create("t"); options.addOption(opt); opt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("formula").withArgName("filename").hasArg() .withDescription("Read formula from filename").create("f"); options.addOption(opt); opt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("convert").withArgName("toolname").hasArg() .withDescription("Convert to format of toolname").create("c"); options.addOption(opt); opt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("version").withDescription("Show version of BabelTrace").create(); options.addOption(opt); opt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("input-type").withArgName("type").hasArg() .withDescription("Trace input type").create("i"); options.addOption(opt); opt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("output-dir").withArgName("dir").hasArg() .withDescription("Write output files to dir").create("o"); options.addOption(opt); return options; } /** * Show the benchmark's usage * @param options The options created for the command line parser */ private static void showUsage(Options options) { HelpFormatter hf = new HelpFormatter(); hf.printHelp("BabelTrace [options]", options); } }