Java tutorial
/* LTL trace validation using MapReduce Copyright (C) 2012 Sylvain Hall This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package ca.uqac.dim.mapreduce.ltl; import java.util.Set; import ca.uqac.dim.mapreduce.*; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import; import; import; /** * Main program for LTL trace validation using MapReduce. * @author sylvain * */ public class LTLValidation { private static final String app_string = "Event trace validator using MapReduce\n(C) 2012 Sylvain Hall\n"; private static final String app_name = "ltlmapreduce [options]"; private static final String app_version = "1.0"; public static final int ERR_ARGUMENTS = 4; private static int m_verbosity = 0; /** * Program entry point. * @param args Command-line arguments */ @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public static void main(String[] args) { // Define and process command line arguments Options options = new Options(); HelpFormatter help_formatter = new HelpFormatter(); Option opt; options.addOption("h", "help", false, "Show help"); opt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("property").hasArg() .withDescription("Property to verify, enclosed in double quotes").create("p"); options.addOption(opt); opt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("filename").hasArg().withDescription("Input filename").create("i"); options.addOption(opt); opt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("x").hasArg() .withDescription("Set verbosity level to x (default: 0 = quiet)").create("v"); options.addOption(opt); opt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("ParserType").hasArg().withDescription("Parser type (Dom or Sax)") .create("t"); options.addOption(opt); opt = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("redirection").withArgName("x").hasArg() .withDescription("Set the redirection file for the System.out").create("r"); options.addOption(opt); CommandLine c_line = parseCommandLine(options, args); String redirectionFile = ""; //Contains a redirection file for the output if (c_line.hasOption("redirection")) { try { redirectionFile = c_line.getOptionValue("redirection"); PrintStream ps; ps = new PrintStream(redirectionFile); System.setOut(ps); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Redirection error !!!"); e.printStackTrace(); } } if (!c_line.hasOption("p") || !c_line.hasOption("i") | c_line.hasOption("h")) { help_formatter.printHelp(app_name, options); System.exit(1); } assert c_line.hasOption("p"); assert c_line.hasOption("i"); String trace_filename = c_line.getOptionValue("i"); String trace_format = getExtension(trace_filename); String property_str = c_line.getOptionValue("p"); String ParserType = ""; if (c_line.hasOption("t")) { ParserType = c_line.getOptionValue("t"); } else { System.err.println("No Parser Type in Arguments"); System.exit(ERR_ARGUMENTS); } if (c_line.hasOption("v")) m_verbosity = Integer.parseInt(c_line.getOptionValue("v")); // Obtain the property to verify and break into subformulas Operator property = null; try { int preset = Integer.parseInt(property_str); property = new Edoc2012Presets().property(preset); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { try { property = Operator.parseFromString(property_str); } catch (Operator.ParseException pe) { System.err.println("ERROR: parsing"); System.exit(1); } } Set<Operator> subformulas = property.getSubformulas(); // Initialize first collector depending on input file format int max_loops = property.getDepth(); int max_tuples_total = 0, total_tuples_total = 0; long time_begin = System.nanoTime(); TraceCollector initial_collector = null; { File in_file = new File(trace_filename); if (trace_format.compareToIgnoreCase(".txt") == 0) { initial_collector = new CharacterTraceCollector(in_file, subformulas); } else if (trace_format.compareToIgnoreCase(".xml") == 0) { if (ParserType.equals("Dom")) { initial_collector = new XmlDomTraceCollector(in_file, subformulas); } else if (ParserType.equals("Sax")) { initial_collector = new XmlSaxTraceCollector(in_file, subformulas); } else { initial_collector = new XmlSaxTraceCollector(in_file, subformulas); } } } if (initial_collector == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: unrecognized input format"); System.exit(1); } // Start workflow int trace_len = initial_collector.getTraceLength(); InCollector<Operator, LTLTupleValue> loop_collector = initial_collector; print(System.out, property.toString(), 2); print(System.out, loop_collector.toString(), 3); for (int i = 0; i < max_loops; i++) { print(System.out, "Loop " + i, 2); LTLSequentialWorkflow w = new LTLSequentialWorkflow(new LTLMapper(subformulas), new LTLReducer(subformulas, trace_len), loop_collector); loop_collector =; max_tuples_total += w.getMaxTuples(); total_tuples_total += w.getTotalTuples(); if (m_verbosity >= 3) { print(System.out, loop_collector.toString(), 3); } } boolean result = getVerdict(loop_collector, property); long time_end = System.nanoTime(); if (result) print(System.out, "Formula is true", 1); else print(System.out, "Formula is false", 1); long time_total = (time_end - time_begin) / 1000000; System.out.println(trace_len + "," + max_tuples_total + "," + total_tuples_total + "," + time_total); } /** * Checks whether the output collector contains a tuple of the form * ⟨φ,(∅,0,<i>x</i>)⟩, where φ is the top-level formula * to verify. This indicates that the formula φ is true on the first * message of the trace. * @param c * @param formula * @return */ private static boolean getVerdict(InCollector<Operator, LTLTupleValue> c, Operator formula) { c.rewind(); while (c.hasNext()) { Tuple<Operator, LTLTupleValue> t =; Operator k = t.getKey(); if (k.equals(formula)) { LTLTupleValue v = t.getValue(); if (v.getOperator() == null && v.getStateNumber() == 0) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Computes the extension of a filename * @param filename * @return The extension (without its preceding period) */ private static String getExtension(String filename) { int dotPos = filename.lastIndexOf("."); return filename.substring(dotPos); } /** * Parses the command-line array * passed as argument * @param args * @return The parsed command line */ private static CommandLine parseCommandLine(Options options, String[] args) { // Parse arguments CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine c_line = null; try { // parse the command line arguments c_line = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (ParseException exp) { // oops, something went wrong System.err.println(app_string + " " + app_version); System.err.println("ERROR: " + exp.getMessage() + "\n"); HelpFormatter hf = new HelpFormatter(); hf.printHelp(app_name, options); System.exit(1); } return c_line; } private static void print(PrintStream out, String s, int verb) { if (verb <= m_verbosity) out.println(s); } }