Java tutorial
/** * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is University Health Network. Copyright (C) * 2001. All Rights Reserved. * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the * GNU General Public License (the "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are * applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this * file only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use your version * of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above * and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL License. * If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of * this file under either the MPL or the GPL. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.HL7Exception; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.AbstractGroup; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Composite; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Group; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Message; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Primitive; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Segment; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Structure; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Type; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Varies; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.EncodingCharacters; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.PipeParser; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.testpanel.ex.UnexpectedTestFailureException; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.testpanel.util.Pair; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.validation.impl.ValidationContextImpl; public class Hl7V2MessageCompare { // ~ Instance fields // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private Message myActualMessage; private GroupComparison myComparison; private EncodingCharacters myEncodingCharacters = new EncodingCharacters('|', null); private PipeParser myEncodingParser; private Message myExpectedMessage; private Set<String> myFieldsToIgnore; private String myExpectedDesc = BulkHl7V2Comparison.EXPECTED_DESC; private String myActualDesc = BulkHl7V2Comparison.ACTUAL_DESC; /** * Constructor */ public Hl7V2MessageCompare() { myEncodingParser = new PipeParser(); myEncodingParser.setValidationContext(new ValidationContextImpl()); } /** * Constructor */ public Hl7V2MessageCompare(PipeParser theParser) { myEncodingParser = theParser; } // ~ Constructors // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void addRemainingStructures(Group theStructure, int theStartingNameIndex, int theAfterEndingIndex, List<StructureComparison> theStructureComparisons, boolean theIsMessage1) throws HL7Exception { String[] names = theStructure.getNames(); for (int i = theStartingNameIndex; i < theAfterEndingIndex; i++) { Structure[] reps = theStructure.getAll(names[i]); for (Structure structure : reps) { if (structure instanceof Group) { theStructureComparisons.add(new ExtraGroup((Group) structure, theIsMessage1)); } else { if (theIsMessage1) { theStructureComparisons .add(new SegmentComparison(structure.getName(), (Segment) structure, null)); } else { theStructureComparisons .add(new SegmentComparison(structure.getName(), null, (Segment) structure)); } } } } } // ~ Methods // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void clearComponentIndex(Type[] theFieldReps, int theComponentIndex) throws HL7Exception { for (Type type : theFieldReps) { int extraComponentIndex = -1; if (type instanceof Primitive) { Primitive p = (Primitive) type; if (theComponentIndex < 2) { p.setValue(""); } else { extraComponentIndex = theComponentIndex - 1; } } else { Composite c = (Composite) type; if (theComponentIndex <= c.getComponents().length) { c.getComponents()[theComponentIndex - 1].parse(""); } else { extraComponentIndex = theComponentIndex - c.getComponents().length; } } if (extraComponentIndex != -1) { if (type.getExtraComponents().numComponents() >= (theComponentIndex)) { type.getExtraComponents().getComponent(extraComponentIndex).parse(""); } } } } /** * {@inheritDoc } */ public void compare(Message theExpectMessage, Message theActualMessage) throws UnexpectedTestFailureException { try { myExpectedMessage = theExpectMessage; myActualMessage = theActualMessage; myExpectedMessage = myEncodingParser.parse(theExpectMessage.encode()); myActualMessage = myEncodingParser.parse(theActualMessage.encode()); stripEmptyStructures(theExpectMessage); stripEmptyStructures(theActualMessage); myComparison = compareGroups(theExpectMessage, theActualMessage); } catch (HL7Exception ex) { throw new UnexpectedTestFailureException(ex); } } private FieldComparison compareFields(Segment theSegment1, Segment theSegment2, int theI) throws HL7Exception { String fieldDescriptor = theSegment1.getName() + "-" + (theI + 1); // Check for fields boolean ignore = (myFieldsToIgnore != null) && (myFieldsToIgnore.contains(fieldDescriptor)); Type[] reps1 = theSegment1.getField(theI + 1); Type[] reps2 = theSegment2.getField(theI + 1); // Check for components (e.g. PID-3-2) if (myFieldsToIgnore != null) { for (String fieldsToIgnore : myFieldsToIgnore) { if (fieldsToIgnore.length() > fieldDescriptor.length() + 1) { if (fieldsToIgnore.startsWith(fieldDescriptor)) { String componentIndexStr = fieldsToIgnore.substring(fieldDescriptor.length() + 1); int componentIndex = Integer.parseInt(componentIndexStr); clearComponentIndex(reps1, componentIndex); clearComponentIndex(reps2, componentIndex); } } } } int maxReps = (reps1.length > reps2.length) ? reps1.length : reps2.length; List<Type> sameFields = new ArrayList<Type>(); List<Type> diffFields1 = new ArrayList<Type>(); List<Type> diffFields2 = new ArrayList<Type>(); if (!ignore) { for (int i = 0; i < maxReps; i++) { if (i >= reps1.length) { if (reps2[i] == null || reps2[i].encode() == null || reps2[i].encode().isEmpty()) { sameFields.add(reps2[i]); diffFields1.add(null); diffFields2.add(null); } else { sameFields.add(null); diffFields1.add(null); diffFields2.add(reps2[i]); } } else if (i >= reps2.length) { Type type = reps1[i]; if (type == null || type.encode() == null || type.encode().isEmpty()) { sameFields.add(reps1[i]); diffFields1.add(null); diffFields2.add(null); } else { sameFields.add(null); diffFields1.add(reps1[i]); diffFields2.add(null); } } else { if (compareTypes(reps1[i], reps2[i])) { sameFields.add(reps1[i]); diffFields1.add(null); diffFields2.add(null); } else { sameFields.add(null); diffFields1.add(reps1[i]); diffFields2.add(reps2[i]); } } } } return new FieldComparison(theSegment1.getNames()[theI], sameFields, diffFields1, diffFields2); } private GroupComparison compareGroups(Group theStructure1, Group theStructure2) throws HL7Exception { List<String> originalNames1 = Arrays.asList(theStructure1.getNames()); ArrayList<String> names1 = new ArrayList<String>(originalNames1); for (Iterator<String> iter = names1.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String nextName =; if (theStructure1.getAll(nextName).length == 0) { iter.remove(); } } List<String> originalNames2 = Arrays.asList(theStructure2.getNames()); ArrayList<String> names2 = new ArrayList<String>(originalNames2); for (Iterator<String> iter = names2.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String nextName =; if (theStructure2.getAll(nextName).length == 0) { iter.remove(); } } List<StructureComparison> structureComparisons = new ArrayList<StructureComparison>(); int nameIdx1 = 0; int nameIdx2 = 0; while ((nameIdx1 < names1.size()) || (nameIdx2 < names2.size())) { Pair<Integer> nextSameIdx = findNextSameIndex(names1, names2, nameIdx1, nameIdx2); // If we're at the end of the matching segments if (nextSameIdx == null) { addRemainingStructures(theStructure1, nameIdx1, names1.size(), structureComparisons, true); addRemainingStructures(theStructure2, nameIdx2, names2.size(), structureComparisons, false); break; } addRemainingStructures(theStructure1, nameIdx1, nextSameIdx.getValue1(), structureComparisons, true); addRemainingStructures(theStructure2, nameIdx2, nextSameIdx.getValue2(), structureComparisons, false); Structure[] children1 = theStructure1.getAll(names1.get(nextSameIdx.getValue1())); Structure[] children2 = theStructure2.getAll(names2.get(nextSameIdx.getValue2())); int lowerCommonIndex = (children1.length < children2.length) ? children1.length : children2.length; for (int i = 0; i < lowerCommonIndex; i++) { Structure child1 = children1[i]; Structure child2 = children2[i]; if (child1 instanceof Segment) { structureComparisons.add(compareSegments((Segment) child1, (Segment) child2)); } else { structureComparisons.add(compareGroups((Group) child1, (Group) child2)); } } for (int i = lowerCommonIndex; i < children1.length; i++) { if (children1[i] instanceof Segment) { structureComparisons .add(new SegmentComparison(children1[i].getName(), (Segment) children1[i], null)); } else { structureComparisons.add(new GroupComparison((Group) children1[i], null)); } } for (int i = lowerCommonIndex; i < children2.length; i++) { if (children2[i] instanceof Segment) { structureComparisons .add(new SegmentComparison(children2[i].getName(), null, (Segment) children2[i])); } else { structureComparisons.add(new GroupComparison(null, (Group) children2[i])); } } nameIdx1 = nextSameIdx.getValue1() + 1; nameIdx2 = nextSameIdx.getValue2() + 1; } return new GroupComparison(structureComparisons); } private SegmentComparison compareSegments(Segment theSegment1, Segment theSegment2) throws HL7Exception { assert theSegment1.getName().equals(theSegment2.getName()); List<FieldComparison> fieldComparisons = new ArrayList<FieldComparison>(); for (int i = 0; i < theSegment1.numFields(); i++) { FieldComparison nextFieldComparison = compareFields(theSegment1, theSegment2, i); fieldComparisons.add(nextFieldComparison); } return new SegmentComparison(theSegment1.getName(), fieldComparisons); } private boolean compareTypes(Type theType1, Type theType2) { if (theType1 instanceof Primitive && theType2 instanceof Primitive) { Primitive type1 = (Primitive) theType1; Primitive type2 = (Primitive) theType2; return StringUtils.equals(type1.getValue(), type2.getValue()); } else if (theType1 instanceof Varies && theType2 instanceof Varies) { Varies type1 = (Varies) theType1; Varies type2 = (Varies) theType2; return compareTypes(type1.getData(), type2.getData()); } else if (theType1 instanceof Composite && theType2 instanceof Composite) { Composite type1 = (Composite) theType1; Composite type2 = (Composite) theType2; Type[] components1 = type1.getComponents(); Type[] components2 = type2.getComponents(); if (components1.length != components2.length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < components1.length; i++) { if (!compareTypes(components1[i], components2[i])) { return false; } } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * {@inheritDoc } */ public String describeDifference() { StringBuilder retVal = new StringBuilder(); for (SegmentComparison nextSegment : myComparison.flattenMessage()) { if (nextSegment.getExpectSegment() != null) { retVal.append(myExpectedDesc).append(": ") .append(PipeParser.encode(nextSegment.getExpectSegment(), myEncodingCharacters)) .append("\r\n"); } if (nextSegment.getActualSegment() != null) { retVal.append(myActualDesc).append(": ") .append(PipeParser.encode(nextSegment.getActualSegment(), myEncodingCharacters)) .append("\r\n"); } if (!nextSegment.isSame() && (nextSegment.getFieldComparisons() != null)) { int fieldIndex = 0; for (FieldComparison next : nextSegment.getFieldComparisons()) { fieldIndex++; for (int rep = 1; rep <= next.getDiffFieldsActual().size(); rep++) { if (next.getSameFields().get(rep - 1) == null) { retVal.append(nextSegment.getName()); retVal.append("-"); retVal.append(fieldIndex); retVal.append("("); retVal.append(rep); retVal.append(") - "); retVal.append(next.getFieldName()); retVal.append(":\r\n"); Type expectedType = next.getDiffFieldsExpected().get(rep - 1); retVal.append(" ").append(myExpectedDesc).append(": ").append(encode(expectedType)) .append("\r\n"); Type actualType = next.getDiffFieldsActual().get(rep - 1); retVal.append(" ").append(myActualDesc).append(": ").append(encode(actualType)); retVal.append("\r\n"); } } } } } return retVal.toString(); } private String encode(Type theType) { if (theType == null) { return ""; } return PipeParser.encode(theType, myEncodingCharacters); } /** * @return the actualMessage */ public Message getActualMessage() { return myActualMessage; } /** * @return the expectedMessage */ public Message getExpectedMessage() { return myExpectedMessage; } public GroupComparison getMessageComparison() { return myComparison; } private boolean hasData(Structure theStructure) throws HL7Exception { if (theStructure instanceof Group) { Group g = (Group) theStructure; for (int nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < g.getNames().length; nameIndex++) { String nextName = g.getNames()[nameIndex]; Structure[] nextReps = g.getAll(nextName); for (int repIndex = 0; repIndex < nextReps.length; repIndex++) { Structure nextRep = nextReps[repIndex]; if (hasData(nextRep)) { return true; } } } } else { Segment s = (Segment) theStructure; for (int nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < s.getNames().length; nameIndex++) { Type[] nextReps = s.getField(nameIndex + 1); for (int repIndex = 0; repIndex < nextReps.length; repIndex++) { Type nextRep = nextReps[repIndex]; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(nextRep.encode())) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc } */ public boolean isSame() { return myComparison.isSame(); } public void setFieldsToIgnore(Set<String> theFieldsToIgnore) { myFieldsToIgnore = theFieldsToIgnore; } private void stripEmptyStructures(Group theMessage) throws HL7Exception { for (String nextName : theMessage.getNames()) { for (int i = 0; i < theMessage.getAll(nextName).length; i++) { Structure structure = theMessage.get(nextName, i); if (structure instanceof Group) { stripEmptyStructures((Group) structure); } if (!hasData(structure) && !theMessage.isRequired(nextName)) { ((AbstractGroup) theMessage).removeRepetition(nextName, i); } } } } public static Pair<Integer> findNextSameIndex(ArrayList<String> theNames1, ArrayList<String> theNames2, int theStartingIndex1, int theStartingIndex2) { Pair<Integer> found1 = null; BOTH: for (int i1 = theStartingIndex1; i1 < theNames1.size(); i1++) { for (int i2 = theStartingIndex2; i2 < theNames2.size(); i2++) { if (nameIsEqual(theNames1, theNames2, i1, i2)) { found1 = new Pair<Integer>(i1, i2); break BOTH; } } } Pair<Integer> found2 = null; BOTH: for (int i2 = theStartingIndex2; i2 < theNames2.size(); i2++) { for (int i1 = theStartingIndex1; i1 < theNames1.size(); i1++) { if (nameIsEqual(theNames1, theNames2, i1, i2)) { found2 = new Pair<Integer>(i1, i2); break BOTH; } } } if (found1 == null) { return found2; } else if (found2 == null) { return found1; } else if (found1.getValue1() < found2.getValue1()) { return found1; } else { return found2; } } private static boolean nameIsEqual(ArrayList<String> theNames1, ArrayList<String> theNames2, int i1, int i2) { String name1 = theNames1.get(i1); if (!name1.contains("_") && name1.length() > 3) { name1 = name1.substring(0, 3); } String name2 = theNames2.get(i2); if (!name2.contains("_") && name2.length() > 3) { name2 = name2.substring(0, 3); } return StringUtils.equals(name1, name2); } /** * @see BulkHl7V2Comparison#setActualAndExpectedDescription(String, String) */ public void setExpectedAndActualDescription(String theExpectedDesc, String theActualDesc) { myExpectedDesc = theExpectedDesc; myActualDesc = theActualDesc; } }