Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is "" Description: * "" * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is University Health Network. Copyright (C) * 2001. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the * GNU General Public License (the "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are * applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this * file only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use your version * of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above * and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL License. * If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of * this file under either the MPL or the GPL. */ package ca.uhn.hl7v2.testpanel.model.conn; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.*; import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.beans.PropertyVetoException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import; import; import; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.DefaultHapiContext; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.HapiContext; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.hoh.auth.SingleCredentialClientCallback; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.hoh.auth.SingleCredentialServerCallback; import; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.hoh.sign.BouncyCastleCmsMessageSigner; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.hoh.sockets.CustomCertificateTlsSocketFactory; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.hoh.sockets.TlsSocketFactory; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.hoh.util.HapiSocketTlsFactoryWrapper; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.hoh.util.KeystoreUtils; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.hoh.util.ServerRoleEnum; import; import; import; import; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.DefaultXMLParser; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.Parser; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.PipeParser; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.testpanel.api.WorkingStatusBean; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.testpanel.controller.Controller; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.testpanel.model.AbstractModelClass; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.testpanel.model.ActivityBase; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.testpanel.model.ActivityIncomingBytes; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.testpanel.model.ActivityInfo; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.testpanel.model.ActivityOutgoingBytes; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.testpanel.ui.IDestroyable; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.testpanel.util.CollectionUtils; import; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.testpanel.xsd.Hl7V2EncodingTypeEnum; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.util.SocketFactory; import; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.validation.impl.ValidationContextImpl; @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "AbstractConnection") public abstract class AbstractConnection extends AbstractModelClass implements IDestroyable { public static final String HOH_SIGNATURE_KEYSTORE_STATUS = AbstractConnection.class.getName() + "_HOH_SIGNATURE_KEYSTORE_STATUS"; public static final String HOH_SIGNER_AVAILABLE_ALIASES_PROPERTY = AbstractConnection.class.getName() + "_HOH_SIGNER_AVAILABLE_ALIASES"; public static final String NAME_PROPERTY = AbstractConnection.class.getName() + "_NAME"; public static final String NEW_MESSAGES_PROPERTY = InboundConnection.class.getName() + "_NEW_MESSAGES_PROP"; private static final Logger ourLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractConnection.class); public static final String PERSISTENT_PROPERTY = AbstractConnection.class.getName() + "_PERSISTENT"; public static final String RECENT_ACTIVITY_PROPERTY = AbstractConnection.class.getName() + "_RECENT_ACTIVITY"; public static final String STATUS_LINE_PROPERTY = AbstractConnection.class.getName() + "_STATUS_LINE"; public static final String STATUS_PROPERTY = AbstractConnection.class.getName() + "_STATUS"; public static final String TLS_KEYSTORE_STATUS = AbstractConnection.class.getName() + "_TLS_KEYSTORE_STATUS"; public static final String TRANSPORT_PROPERTY = AbstractConnection.class.getName() + "_TRANSPORT"; @XmlAttribute(required = true) private boolean myCaptureBytes; @XmlAttribute(required = true) private String myCharSet; private transient Controller myController; @XmlAttribute(required = true) private boolean myDetectCharSetInMessage; @XmlAttribute(required = true) private boolean myDualPort; @XmlAttribute(required = true) private Hl7V2EncodingTypeEnum myEncoding; @XmlAttribute(name = "hoh_authentication") private boolean myHohAuthenticationEnabled; @XmlAttribute(name = "hoh_auth_pass") private String myHohAuthenticationPassword; @XmlAttribute(name = "hoh_auth_user") private String myHohAuthenticationUsername; private boolean myHohSecurityKeystoreCheckIsScheduled; private transient List<String> myHohSignatureAvailableAliases; @XmlAttribute(name = "hoh_signature_enabled") private boolean myHohSignatureEnabled; @XmlAttribute(name = "hoh_signature_key") private String myHohSignatureKey; @XmlAttribute(name = "hoh_signature_key_password") private String myHohSignatureKeyPassword; @XmlAttribute(name = "hoh_signature_keystore") private String myHohSignatureKeystore; private transient KeyStore myHohSignatureKeystore_; private boolean myHohSignatureKeystoreCheckIsScheduled; @XmlAttribute(name = "hoh_signature_keystore_password") private String myHohSignatureKeystorePassword; private WorkingStatusBean myHohSignatureKeystoreStatus; @XmlAttribute(required = true) private String myHost; @XmlAttribute(name = "httpUriPath", required = false) private String myHttpUriPath; @XmlAttribute(required = true) private String myId; @XmlAttribute(required = true) private int myIncomingOrSinglePort; @XmlAttribute(required = true) private String myName; @XmlAttribute(required = true) private boolean myNameIsExplicitlySet; private transient int myNewMessages; @XmlAttribute(required = true) private int myOutgoingPort; @XmlAttribute(required = true) private boolean myPersistent; private transient ByteArrayOutputStream myReaderCapture = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private transient List<ActivityBase> myRecentActivity = new ArrayList<ActivityBase>(); private transient StatusEnum myStatus = StatusEnum.STOPPED; private transient String myStatusLine; private transient StreamWatcherThread myStreamWatcherThread; @XmlAttribute(required = true) private boolean myTls; private transient KeyStore myTlsKeystore; @XmlAttribute(required = false) private String myTlsKeystoreLocation; @XmlAttribute(required = false) private String myTlsKeystorePassword; private transient WorkingStatusBean myTlsKeystoreStatus; @XmlAttribute(name = "transport", required = true) private TransportStyleEnum myTransport; private transient ByteArrayOutputStream myWriterCapture = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); public AbstractConnection() { myId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } protected void addActivity(ActivityBase theActivity) { myRecentActivity.add(theActivity); if (myRecentActivity.size() > 100) { myRecentActivity.remove(0); } firePropertyChange(RECENT_ACTIVITY_PROPERTY, null, null); } SocketFactory getSocketFactory() { return new SocketFactory() { @Override public Socket createTlsSocket() throws IOException { try { if (getTransport() == TransportStyleEnum.HL7_OVER_HTTP && getTlsKeystore() != null) { return createHohSocketFactory().createClientSocket(); } } catch (KeyStoreException e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage(), e); } return SSLSocketFactory.getDefault().createSocket(); } @Override public ServerSocket createTlsServerSocket() throws IOException { try { if (getTransport() == TransportStyleEnum.HL7_OVER_HTTP && getHohSignatureKeystore_() != null) { return createHohSocketFactory().createServerSocket(); } } catch (KeyStoreException e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage(), e); } return SSLServerSocketFactory.getDefault().createServerSocket(); } private CustomCertificateTlsSocketFactory createHohSocketFactory() throws KeyStoreException { KeyStore keystore = getTlsKeystore(); String keystorePassword = getTlsKeystorePassword(); CustomCertificateTlsSocketFactory sf = new CustomCertificateTlsSocketFactory(keystore, keystorePassword); return sf; } @Override public Socket createSocket() throws IOException { return; } @Override public ServerSocket createServerSocket() throws IOException { return ServerSocketFactory.getDefault().createServerSocket(); } @Override public void configureNewAcceptedSocket(Socket theSocket) throws SocketException { // nothing } }; } public void addNewMessage() { int oldValue = myNewMessages; int newValue = myNewMessages + 1; try { fireVetoableChange(NEW_MESSAGES_PROPERTY, oldValue, newValue); } catch (PropertyVetoException e) { ourLog.debug("Property {} vetoed", NEW_MESSAGES_PROPERTY); return; } myNewMessages = newValue; firePropertyChange(NEW_MESSAGES_PROPERTY, oldValue, myNewMessages); } protected void beforeProcessingNewMessageIn() { if (isCaptureBytes()) { checkInboundCapture(); } } protected void beforeProcessingNewMessageOut() { if (isCaptureBytes()) { checkOutboundCapture(); } } private void checkInboundCapture() { synchronized (myReaderCapture) { byte[] inboundBytes = myReaderCapture.toByteArray(); if (inboundBytes.length > 0) { addActivity(new ActivityIncomingBytes(new Date(), inboundBytes)); myReaderCapture.reset(); } } } protected void addActivityInfoInSwingThread(final String msg) { final ActivityBase activity = new ActivityInfo(new Date(), msg); addActivityInSwingThread(activity); } protected void addActivityInSwingThread(final ActivityBase theActivity) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { addActivity(theActivity); } }); } private void checkOutboundCapture() { synchronized (myWriterCapture) { byte[] outboundBytes = myWriterCapture.toByteArray(); if (outboundBytes.length > 0) { addActivity(new ActivityOutgoingBytes(new Date(), outboundBytes)); myWriterCapture.reset(); } } } public void clearNewMessages() { int oldValue = myNewMessages; try { fireVetoableChange(NEW_MESSAGES_PROPERTY, oldValue, 0); } catch (PropertyVetoException e) { ourLog.debug("Property {} vetoed", NEW_MESSAGES_PROPERTY); return; } myNewMessages = 0; firePropertyChange(NEW_MESSAGES_PROPERTY, oldValue, myNewMessages); } /** * Remove all entries from the recent activity list */ public void clearRecentActivity() { myRecentActivity.clear(); firePropertyChange(RECENT_ACTIVITY_PROPERTY, null, null); } protected String createDescription() { StringBuilder retVal = new StringBuilder(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(myHost)) { retVal.append(myHost); } else { retVal.append("Unknown"); } retVal.append(":"); if (myIncomingOrSinglePort > 0) { retVal.append(myIncomingOrSinglePort); } else { retVal.append("Unknown"); } if (myOutgoingPort > 0) { retVal.append(":"); retVal.append(myOutgoingPort); } String name = retVal.toString(); return name; } protected LowerLayerProtocol createLlp() throws LLPException { LowerLayerProtocol llpClass; if (getTransport() == TransportStyleEnum.HL7_OVER_HTTP) { ServerRoleEnum role = isInbound() ? ServerRoleEnum.SERVER : ServerRoleEnum.CLIENT; Hl7OverHttpLowerLayerProtocol hohLlp = new Hl7OverHttpLowerLayerProtocol(role); if (isHohAuthenticationEnabled()) { if (isInbound()) { hohLlp.setAuthorizationCallback(new SingleCredentialServerCallback( getHohAuthenticationUsername(), getHohAuthenticationPassword())); } else { hohLlp.setAuthorizationCallback(new SingleCredentialClientCallback( getHohAuthenticationUsername(), getHohAuthenticationPassword())); } } if (isHohSignatureEnabled()) { BouncyCastleCmsMessageSigner signer = new BouncyCastleCmsMessageSigner(); try { signer.setKeyStore(getHohSignatureKeystore_()); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { throw new LLPException(e.getMessage(), e); } signer.setKeyAlias(getHohSignatureKey()); signer.setAliasPassword(getHohSignatureKeyPassword()); hohLlp.setSigner(signer); } hohLlp.setUriPath(getHttpUriPath()); llpClass = hohLlp; } else if (isDetectCharSetInMessage()) { llpClass = new ExtendedMinLowerLayerProtocol(); } else { MinLowerLayerProtocol llp = new MinLowerLayerProtocol(); llp.setCharset(Charset.forName(getCharSet())); llpClass = llp; } if (isCaptureBytes()) { llpClass = new ByteCapturingMinLowerLayerProtocolWrapper(llpClass, myReaderCapture, myWriterCapture); } return llpClass; } protected HapiContext createHapiContext() throws IOException { try { SocketFactory serverSocket; if (!isTls()) { serverSocket = new ca.uhn.hl7v2.util.StandardSocketFactory(); } else if (getTlsKeystore() == null) { serverSocket = new HapiSocketTlsFactoryWrapper(new TlsSocketFactory()); } else { serverSocket = new HapiSocketTlsFactoryWrapper( new CustomCertificateTlsSocketFactory(getTlsKeystore(), getTlsKeystorePassword())); } HapiContext ctx = new DefaultHapiContext(new NoValidationBuilder()); ctx.setLowerLayerProtocol(createLlp()); ctx.setSocketFactory(serverSocket); if (getEncoding() == Hl7V2EncodingTypeEnum.ER_7) { ctx.getGenericParser().setPipeParserAsPrimary(); } else { ctx.getGenericParser().setXMLParserAsPrimary(); } return ctx; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage(), e); } } protected Parser createParser() { Parser parser; if (getEncoding() == Hl7V2EncodingTypeEnum.ER_7) { parser = new PipeParser(); } else { parser = new DefaultXMLParser(); } parser.setValidationContext(new ValidationContextImpl()); return parser; } public void destroy() { stop(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean equals(Object theObj) { return (theObj instanceof AbstractConnection) && ((AbstractConnection) theObj).myId.equals(myId); } /** * @return the charSet */ public String getCharSet() { return myCharSet; } /** * @return the controller */ public Controller getController() { return myController; } /** * @return the encoding */ public Hl7V2EncodingTypeEnum getEncoding() { return myEncoding; } /** * @return the hohAuthenticationPassword */ public String getHohAuthenticationPassword() { return myHohAuthenticationPassword; } /** * @return the hohAuthenticationUsername */ public String getHohAuthenticationUsername() { return myHohAuthenticationUsername; } /** * @return the hohSignatureAvailableAliases */ public List<String> getHohSignatureAvailableAliases() { List<String> retVal; if (myHohSignatureAvailableAliases != null) { retVal = myHohSignatureAvailableAliases; } else { retVal = Collections.emptyList(); } return retVal; } /** * @return the hohSignatureKey */ public String getHohSignatureKey() { return myHohSignatureKey; } /** * @return the hohSignatureKeyPassword */ public String getHohSignatureKeyPassword() { return myHohSignatureKeyPassword; } /** * @return the hohSignatureKeystore */ public String getHohSignatureKeystore() { return myHohSignatureKeystore; } /** * TODO: rename */ public KeyStore getHohSignatureKeystore_() throws KeyStoreException { if (isBlank(getHohSignatureKeystore())) { return null; } if (myHohSignatureKeystore_ != null) { return myHohSignatureKeystore_; } File jksFile = new File(getHohSignatureKeystore()); if (!jksFile.exists() || !jksFile.canRead()) { throw new KeyStoreException("File does not exist or can not be read: " + jksFile.getAbsolutePath()); } char[] password = null; if (isNotBlank(myHohSignatureKeystorePassword)) { password = myHohSignatureKeystorePassword.toCharArray(); } KeyStore keystore; try { keystore = KeystoreUtils.loadKeystore(jksFile, password); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { ourLog.error("Failed to load keystore!", e); throw new KeyStoreException("Failed to load keystore: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (CertificateException e) { ourLog.error("Failed to load keystore!", e); throw new KeyStoreException("Failed to load keystore: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { ourLog.error("Failed to load keystore!", e); if (e.getCause() instanceof UnrecoverableKeyException) { throw new KeyStoreException("Keystore password appears to be incorrect"); } throw new KeyStoreException("Failed to load keystore: " + e.getMessage()); } if (this instanceof InboundConnection) { if (!KeystoreUtils.validateKeystoreForSignatureVerifying(keystore)) { throw new KeyStoreException("Keystore contains no keys appropriate for receiving data"); } } else if (this instanceof OutboundConnection) { if (!KeystoreUtils.validateKeystoreForSignatureSigning(keystore)) { throw new KeyStoreException("Keystore contains no keys appropriate for receiving data"); } } myHohSignatureKeystore_ = keystore; return myHohSignatureKeystore_; } /** * @return the hohSignatureKeystorePassword */ public String getHohSignatureKeystorePassword() { return myHohSignatureKeystorePassword; } /** * @return the host */ public String getHost() { return myHost; } /** * @return the httpUriPath */ public String getHttpUriPath() { return myHttpUriPath; } public String getId() { return myId; } /** * @return the incomingOrSinglePort */ public int getIncomingOrSinglePort() { return myIncomingOrSinglePort; } /** * @return the name */ public String getName() { updateName(); return myName; } /** * @return the newMessages */ public int getNewMessages() { return myNewMessages; } /** * @return the outgoingPort */ public int getOutgoingPort() { return myOutgoingPort; } /** * @return the recentActivity */ public List<ActivityBase> getRecentActivity() { return myRecentActivity; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends ActivityBase> List<T> getRecentActivityEntriesOfType(Class<T> theClass) { ArrayList<T> retVal = new ArrayList<T>(); for (Object next : getRecentActivity()) { if (theClass.isAssignableFrom(next.getClass())) { retVal.add((T) next); } } return retVal; } /** * @return the status */ public StatusEnum getStatus() { return myStatus; } /** * @return the statusLine */ public String getStatusLine() { return myStatusLine; } public KeyStore getTlsKeystore() throws KeyStoreException { if (isBlank(myTlsKeystoreLocation) || isTls() == false) { return null; } if (myTlsKeystore != null) { return myTlsKeystore; } File jksFile = new File(myTlsKeystoreLocation); if (!jksFile.exists() || !jksFile.canRead()) { throw new KeyStoreException("File does not exist or can not be read: " + jksFile.getAbsolutePath()); } char[] password = null; if (isNotBlank(myTlsKeystorePassword)) { password = myTlsKeystorePassword.toCharArray(); } KeyStore keystore; try { keystore = KeystoreUtils.loadKeystore(jksFile, password); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { ourLog.error("Failed to load keystore!", e); throw new KeyStoreException("Failed to load keystore: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (CertificateException e) { ourLog.error("Failed to load keystore!", e); throw new KeyStoreException("Failed to load keystore: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { ourLog.error("Failed to load keystore!", e); if (e.getCause() instanceof UnrecoverableKeyException) { throw new KeyStoreException("Keystore password appears to be incorrect"); } throw new KeyStoreException("Failed to load keystore: " + e.getMessage()); } if (this instanceof InboundConnection) { if (!KeystoreUtils.validateKeystoreForTlsReceiving(keystore)) { throw new KeyStoreException("Keystore contains no keys appropriate for receiving data"); } } else if (this instanceof OutboundConnection) { if (!KeystoreUtils.validateKeystoreForTlsSending(keystore)) { throw new KeyStoreException("Keystore contains no keys appropriate for receiving data"); } } myTlsKeystore = keystore; return myTlsKeystore; } /** * @return the tlsKeystoreLocation */ public String getTlsKeystoreLocation() { return myTlsKeystoreLocation; } /** * @return the tlsKeystorePassword */ public String getTlsKeystorePassword() { return myTlsKeystorePassword; } /** * @return the transport */ public TransportStyleEnum getTransport() { if (myTransport == null) { if (myDualPort) { myTransport = TransportStyleEnum.DUAL_PORT_MLLP; } else { myTransport = TransportStyleEnum.SINGLE_PORT_MLLP; } } return myTransport; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */ @Override public int hashCode() { return myId.hashCode(); } /** * @return the captureBytes */ public boolean isCaptureBytes() { return myCaptureBytes; } /** * @return the detectCharSetInMessage */ public boolean isDetectCharSetInMessage() { return myDetectCharSetInMessage; } /** * @return the dualPort */ public boolean isDualPort() { return myDualPort; } /** * @return the hohAuthenticationEnabled */ public boolean isHohAuthenticationEnabled() { return myHohAuthenticationEnabled; } /** * @return the hohSignatureEnabled */ public boolean isHohSignatureEnabled() { return myHohSignatureEnabled; } private boolean isInbound() { return this instanceof InboundConnection; } /** * @return the nameIsExplicitlySet */ public boolean isNameIsExplicitlySet() { return myNameIsExplicitlySet; } /** * @return the persistent */ public boolean isPersistent() { return myPersistent; } /** * @return the tls */ public boolean isTls() { return myTls; } private void scheduleHohSecurityKeystoreCheck() { synchronized (this) { if (myHohSecurityKeystoreCheckIsScheduled == false) { setTlsKeystoreStatus(new WorkingStatusBean("Working...", WorkingStatusBean.StatusEnum.WORKING)); } myHohSecurityKeystoreCheckIsScheduled = true; if (myController != null) { myController.invokeInBackground(new CheckHohSecurityKeystoreRunnable()); } } } private void scheduleHohSignatureKeystoreCheck() { synchronized (this) { if (myHohSignatureKeystoreCheckIsScheduled == false) { setHohSignatureKeystoreStatus( new WorkingStatusBean("Working...", WorkingStatusBean.StatusEnum.WORKING)); } myHohSignatureKeystoreCheckIsScheduled = true; if (myController != null) { myController.invokeInBackground(new CheckHohSignatureKeystoreRunnable()); } } } /** * @param theCaptureBytes * the captureBytes to set */ public void setCaptureBytes(boolean theCaptureBytes) { myCaptureBytes = theCaptureBytes; } /** * @param theCharSet * the charSet to set */ public void setCharSet(String theCharSet) { myCharSet = theCharSet; } /** * @param theController * the controller to set */ public void setController(Controller theController) { myController = theController; scheduleHohSecurityKeystoreCheck(); scheduleHohSignatureKeystoreCheck(); } /** * @param theDetectCharSetInMessage * the detectCharSetInMessage to set */ public void setDetectCharSetInMessage(boolean theDetectCharSetInMessage) { myDetectCharSetInMessage = theDetectCharSetInMessage; } /** * @param theDualPort * the dualPort to set */ public void setDualPort(boolean theDualPort) { myDualPort = theDualPort; updateName(); } /** * @param theEncoding * the encoding to set */ public void setEncoding(Hl7V2EncodingTypeEnum theEncoding) { myEncoding = theEncoding; } /** * @param theHohAuthenticationEnabled * the hohAuthenticationEnabled to set */ public void setHohAuthenticationEnabled(boolean theHohAuthenticationEnabled) { myHohAuthenticationEnabled = theHohAuthenticationEnabled; } /** * @param theHohAuthenticationPassword * the hohAuthenticationPassword to set */ public void setHohAuthenticationPassword(String theHohAuthenticationPassword) { myHohAuthenticationPassword = theHohAuthenticationPassword; } /** * @param theHohAuthenticationUsername * the hohAuthenticationUsername to set */ public void setHohAuthenticationUsername(String theHohAuthenticationUsername) { myHohAuthenticationUsername = theHohAuthenticationUsername; } /** * @param theList * the hohSignatureAvailableAliases to set */ public void setHohSignatureAvailableAliases(List<String> theList) { List<String> oldValue = myHohSignatureAvailableAliases; myHohSignatureAvailableAliases = theList; firePropertyChange(HOH_SIGNER_AVAILABLE_ALIASES_PROPERTY, oldValue, theList); } /** * @param theHohSignatureEnabled * the hohSignatureEnabled to set */ public void setHohSignatureEnabled(boolean theHohSignatureEnabled) { myHohSignatureEnabled = theHohSignatureEnabled; scheduleHohSignatureKeystoreCheck(); } /** * @param theHohSignatureKey * the hohSignatureKey to set */ public void setHohSignatureKey(String theHohSignatureKey) { myHohSignatureKey = theHohSignatureKey; scheduleHohSignatureKeystoreCheck(); } /** * @param theHohSignatureKeyPassword * the hohSignatureKeyPassword to set */ public void setHohSignatureKeyPassword(String theHohSignatureKeyPassword) { myHohSignatureKeyPassword = theHohSignatureKeyPassword; scheduleHohSignatureKeystoreCheck(); } /** * @param theHohSignatureKeystore * the hohSignatureKeystore to set */ public void setHohSignatureKeystore(String theHohSignatureKeystore) { myHohSignatureKeystore = theHohSignatureKeystore; scheduleHohSignatureKeystoreCheck(); } /** * @param theHohSignatureKeystorePassword * the hohSignatureKeystorePassword to set */ public void setHohSignatureKeystorePassword(String theHohSignatureKeystorePassword) { myHohSignatureKeystorePassword = theHohSignatureKeystorePassword; scheduleHohSignatureKeystoreCheck(); } private void setHohSignatureKeystoreStatus(final WorkingStatusBean theStatusBean) { final WorkingStatusBean oldValue = myHohSignatureKeystoreStatus; myHohSignatureKeystoreStatus = theStatusBean; EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { firePropertyChange(HOH_SIGNATURE_KEYSTORE_STATUS, oldValue, theStatusBean); } }); } /** * @param theHost * the host to set */ public void setHost(String theHost) { myHost = theHost; updateName(); } /** * @param theHttpUriPath * the httpUriPath to set */ public void setHttpUriPath(String theHttpUriPath) { myHttpUriPath = theHttpUriPath; } /** * @param theIncomingOrSinglePort * the incomingOrSinglePort to set */ public void setIncomingOrSinglePort(int theIncomingOrSinglePort) { myIncomingOrSinglePort = theIncomingOrSinglePort; updateName(); } /** * @param theName * the name to set */ public void setName(String theName) { String oldValue = myName; myName = theName; firePropertyChange(NAME_PROPERTY, oldValue, myName); } /** * @param theName * the name to set */ public void setNameExplicitly(String theName) { if (theName == null) { return; } String oldValue = myName; myName = theName; if (StringUtils.equals(oldValue, theName) == false) { myNameIsExplicitlySet = true; } firePropertyChange(NAME_PROPERTY, oldValue, myName); } /** * @param theNameIsExplicitlySet * the nameIsExplicitlySet to set */ public void setNameIsExplicitlySet(boolean theNameIsExplicitlySet) { myNameIsExplicitlySet = theNameIsExplicitlySet; } /** * @param theOutgoingPort * the outgoingPort to set */ public void setOutgoingPort(int theOutgoingPort) { myOutgoingPort = theOutgoingPort; } /** * @param thePersistent * the persistent to set */ public void setPersistent(boolean thePersistent) { boolean oldValue = myPersistent; myPersistent = thePersistent; firePropertyChange(PERSISTENT_PROPERTY, oldValue, myPersistent); } protected void setStatus(StatusEnum theTryingToStart) { StatusEnum oldValue = myStatus; myStatus = theTryingToStart; firePropertyChange(STATUS_PROPERTY, oldValue, myStatus); } /** * @param theStatusLine * the statusLine to set */ public void setStatusLine(String theStatusLine) { String oldValue = myStatusLine; myStatusLine = theStatusLine; firePropertyChange(STATUS_LINE_PROPERTY, oldValue, theStatusLine); } public void setTls(boolean theSelected) { boolean oldValue = myTls; myTls = theSelected; if (oldValue != myTls) { myTlsKeystore = null; } } public void setTlsKeystoreLocation(String theTlsKeystoreLocation) { String oldValue = myTlsKeystoreLocation; myTlsKeystoreLocation = theTlsKeystoreLocation; if (StringUtils.equals(oldValue, theTlsKeystoreLocation) == false) { myTlsKeystore = null; } scheduleHohSecurityKeystoreCheck(); } public void setTlsKeystorePassword(String theTlsKeystorePassword) { String oldValue = myTlsKeystorePassword; myTlsKeystorePassword = theTlsKeystorePassword; if (StringUtils.equals(oldValue, theTlsKeystorePassword) == false) { myTlsKeystore = null; } scheduleHohSecurityKeystoreCheck(); } private void setTlsKeystoreStatus(final WorkingStatusBean theStatusBean) { final WorkingStatusBean oldValue = myTlsKeystoreStatus; myTlsKeystoreStatus = theStatusBean; EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { firePropertyChange(TLS_KEYSTORE_STATUS, oldValue, theStatusBean); } }); } /** * @param theTransport * the transport to set */ public void setTransport(TransportStyleEnum theTransport) { TransportStyleEnum oldValue = myTransport; myTransport = theTransport; firePropertyChange(TRANSPORT_PROPERTY, oldValue, myTransport); } public void start() { if (isCaptureBytes()) { myStreamWatcherThread = new StreamWatcherThread(); myStreamWatcherThread.start(); } } public void stop() { if (myStreamWatcherThread != null) { StreamWatcherThread streamWatcherThread = myStreamWatcherThread; myStreamWatcherThread = null; streamWatcherThread.interrupt(); } } private void updateName() { if (myName != null && isNameIsExplicitlySet()) { return; } String name = createDescription(); setName(name); } private final class CheckHohSecurityKeystoreRunnable implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // wait a bit } synchronized (AbstractConnection.this) { if (!myHohSecurityKeystoreCheckIsScheduled) { return; } myHohSecurityKeystoreCheckIsScheduled = false; } KeyStore keystore; try { keystore = getTlsKeystore(); if (keystore == null) { if (isTls()) { setTlsKeystoreStatus( new WorkingStatusBean("Using system keystore", WorkingStatusBean.StatusEnum.OK)); } else { setTlsKeystoreStatus(new WorkingStatusBean("", WorkingStatusBean.StatusEnum.OK)); } } else { setTlsKeystoreStatus( new WorkingStatusBean("Keystore appears good", WorkingStatusBean.StatusEnum.OK)); } } catch (KeyStoreException e) { ourLog.error("Keystore problem", e); setTlsKeystoreStatus(new WorkingStatusBean(e.getMessage(), WorkingStatusBean.StatusEnum.ERROR)); } } } private final class CheckHohSignatureKeystoreRunnable implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { if (!isHohSignatureEnabled()) { setHohSignatureKeystoreStatus(new WorkingStatusBean("", WorkingStatusBean.StatusEnum.OK)); return; } if (isBlank(getHohSignatureKeystore())) { setHohSignatureKeystoreStatus( new WorkingStatusBean("Select a KeyStore", WorkingStatusBean.StatusEnum.ERROR)); return; } try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // wait a bit } synchronized (AbstractConnection.this) { if (!myHohSignatureKeystoreCheckIsScheduled) { return; } myHohSignatureKeystoreCheckIsScheduled = false; } KeyStore keystore; try { keystore = getHohSignatureKeystore_(); if (keystore == null) { setHohSignatureKeystoreStatus( new WorkingStatusBean("No keystore selected", WorkingStatusBean.StatusEnum.ERROR)); setHohSignatureAvailableAliases(new ArrayList<String>()); } else { List<String> aliases = CollectionUtils.enumerationToList(keystore.aliases()); if (aliases.size() > 0) { if (isBlank(myHohSignatureKey)) { myHohSignatureKey = aliases.get(0); } } else { setHohSignatureKeystoreStatus(new WorkingStatusBean( "Keystore contains no suitable keys/aliases", WorkingStatusBean.StatusEnum.ERROR)); return; } setHohSignatureAvailableAliases(aliases); if (!isInbound()) { if (isBlank(myHohSignatureKeyPassword)) { setHohSignatureKeystoreStatus(new WorkingStatusBean("Key password not specified", WorkingStatusBean.StatusEnum.ERROR)); return; } if (!KeystoreUtils.canRecoverKey(getHohSignatureKeystore_(), getHohSignatureKey(), getHohSignatureKeyPassword())) { setHohSignatureKeystoreStatus(new WorkingStatusBean("Key password is incorrect", WorkingStatusBean.StatusEnum.ERROR)); return; } if (!KeystoreUtils.validateKeyForSignatureSigning(getHohSignatureKeystore_(), getHohSignatureKey(), getHohSignatureKeyPassword())) { setHohSignatureKeystoreStatus(new WorkingStatusBean( "Key is not appropriate for signing", WorkingStatusBean.StatusEnum.ERROR)); return; } } Certificate cert = keystore.getCertificate(myHohSignatureKey); if (cert instanceof X509Certificate) { String signer = ((X509Certificate) cert).getSubjectX500Principal().getName(); setHohSignatureKeystoreStatus(new WorkingStatusBean("Key belongs to: " + signer, WorkingStatusBean.StatusEnum.OK)); } else { setHohSignatureKeystoreStatus( new WorkingStatusBean("Keystore appears good", WorkingStatusBean.StatusEnum.OK)); } // TODO: verify that key alias is usable // TODO: verify whether separate key password is needed } } catch (KeyStoreException e) { ourLog.error("Keystore problem", e); setHohSignatureKeystoreStatus( new WorkingStatusBean(e.getMessage(), WorkingStatusBean.StatusEnum.ERROR)); setHohSignatureAvailableAliases(new ArrayList<String>()); } } } public enum StatusEnum { FAILED(false), STARTED(true), STOPPED(false), TRYING_TO_START(true); private boolean myRunning; private StatusEnum(boolean theRunning) { myRunning = theRunning; } public boolean isRunning() { return myRunning; } } private class StreamWatcherThread extends Thread { @Override public void run() { while (myStreamWatcherThread == this) { checkInboundCapture(); checkOutboundCapture(); try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore } } } } }