Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2009, SQL Power Group Inc. * * This file is part of Wabit. * * Wabit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Wabit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package ca.sqlpower.wabit.swingui.chart; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.AbstractButton; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JSlider; import javax.swing.JSpinner; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.JToggleButton; import javax.swing.JToolBar; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener; import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer; import javax.swing.table.TableColumn; import javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel; import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jdesktop.swingx.JXLabel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import ca.sqlpower.object.AbstractPoolingSPListener; import ca.sqlpower.object.SPListener; import ca.sqlpower.swingui.table.EditableJTable; import ca.sqlpower.swingui.table.ResultSetTableModel; import ca.sqlpower.wabit.WabitObject; import ca.sqlpower.wabit.WabitUtils; import ca.sqlpower.wabit.WabitWorkspace; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ca.sqlpower.wabit.swingui.WabitIcons; import ca.sqlpower.wabit.swingui.WabitPanel; import ca.sqlpower.wabit.swingui.WabitSwingSession; import ca.sqlpower.wabit.swingui.WabitToolBarBuilder; import ca.sqlpower.wabit.swingui.chart.effect.ChartAnimation; import com.jgoodies.forms.builder.DefaultFormBuilder; import com.jgoodies.forms.debug.FormDebugPanel; import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout; import com.itextpdf.text.Font; /** * Provides a complete GUI for setting up and modifying a Wabit Chart object. */ public class ChartPanel implements WabitPanel { static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ChartPanel.class); /** * Key for client property stored in the chart chooser toggle buttons. */ private static final String CHART_TYPE_PROP_KEY = ChartPanel.class.getName() + ".CHART_TYPE_PROP_KEY"; private final Icon BAR_CHART_ICON = new ImageIcon(ChartPanel.class.getResource("/icons/32x32/chart-bar.png")); private final Icon LINE_CHART_ICON = new ImageIcon(ChartPanel.class.getResource("/icons/32x32/chart-line.png")); private final Icon PIE_CHART_ICON = new ImageIcon(ChartPanel.class.getResource("/icons/32x32/chart-pie.png")); private final Icon SCATTER_CHART_ICON = new ImageIcon( ChartPanel.class.getResource("/icons/32x32/chart-scatter.png")); /** * The panel that holds the chart editor UI. */ private final JPanel panel = new JPanel(); /** * Contains all the toggle buttons that are for choosing the chart type. * Each button in this group has a client property indicating the {@link ChartType} constant it represents. * */ ButtonGroup chartTypeButtonGroup = new ButtonGroup(); private final WabitToolBarBuilder toolBarBuilder = new WabitToolBarBuilder(); /** * Contains all the queries in the workspace. This will let the user * choose which query to chart. */ private final JComboBox queryComboBox; /** * Holds the chart's Y axis label. */ private final JTextField yaxisNameField = new JTextField(); /** * A label for the y axis field. This is a member variable so we can make * the label invisible when the field is not needed. */ private final JLabel yaxisNameLabel = new JLabel("Y Axis Label"); /** * Holds the chart's X axis label. */ private final JTextField xaxisNameField = new JTextField(); /** * A label for the x axis field. This is a member variable so we can make * the label invisible when the field is not needed. */ private final JLabel xaxisNameLabel = new JLabel("X Axis Label"); /** * Slider for the rotation of the x-axis tick labels. */ private final JSlider xaxisLabelRotationSlider = new JSlider(-90, 90); /** * A label for the x axis rotation slider. This is a member variable so we can make * the label invisible when the field is not needed. */ private final JLabel xaxisLabelRotationLabel = new JLabel("Label Rotation"); /** * Checkbox to control the {@link Chart#isGratuitouslyAnimated()} property. */ private JCheckBox gratuitousAnimationCheckbox = new JCheckBox(""); /** * The table that shows values returned from the queries. The headers * added to this table will allow users to define which column is the * category and which ones are series. */ private final JTable resultTable = new EditableJTable(); /** * Holds the chart's legend position. */ private final JComboBox legendPositionComboBox; /** * This panel will display a JFreeChart that is a preview of what the * user has selected from the result table. This chart should look * identical to what would be shown on a report. */ private final org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel chartPanel = new WabitJFreeChartPanel(null); /** * The label that holds any errors encountered while attempting to create a * chart from the query. It should disappear when the chart has been created * successfully, but reappear if there's an error. * <p> * To modify this value (that is, set or clear it), use the {@link #showError()} method. */ private final JXLabel chartError = new JXLabel(); /** * This is the default renderer for the headers of the table displaying the * values from the query. It's wrapped by {@link #currentHeaderCellRenderer}, * which uses it to render the standard headers below our custom * "column role" components. */ private final TableCellRenderer defaultHeaderCellRenderer; /** * Wrapper around the regular {@link #defaultHeaderCellRenderer}. Places the * appropriate combo boxes above the standard table headers to allow users * to specify the roles of columns (series, categories, or x-axis values) in * a chart. */ private ChartTableHeaderCellRenderer currentHeaderCellRenderer; /** * The header legend of the current table header renderer gets put in the * NORTH segment of this panel. */ private JComponent headerLegendContainer = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); /** * The data model for this component. */ final Chart chart; private final JCheckBox xAxisAuto = new JCheckBox(); private final JLabel xAxisAutoLabel = new JLabel("X axis auto range"); private final JCheckBox yAxisAuto = new JCheckBox(); private final JLabel yAxisAutoLabel = new JLabel("Y axis auto range"); private final JSpinner xAxisMax = new JSpinner(); private final JLabel xAxisMaxLabel = new JLabel(" X axis max"); private final JSpinner yAxisMax = new JSpinner(); private final JLabel yAxisMaxLabel = new JLabel(" Y axis max"); private final JSpinner xAxisMin = new JSpinner(); private final JLabel xAxisMinLabel = new JLabel(" X axis min"); private final JSpinner yAxisMin = new JSpinner(); private final JLabel yAxisMinLabel = new JLabel(" Y axis min"); /** * Listens for changes to all text fields on this panel. Updates the chart * object and its preview on each document event. */ private DocumentListener documentChangeHandler = new DocumentListener() { public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { update(); } public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { update(); } public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { update(); } private void update() { try { skipTextFieldRefresh = true; updateChartFromGUI(); } finally { skipTextFieldRefresh = false; } } }; /** * {@link MouseListener} that listens for mouse clicks to update the chart * from GUI. */ private MouseListener genericMouseListener = new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { updateChartFromGUI(); } }; private ChangeListener genericChangeHandler = new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { updateChartFromGUI(); } }; /** * Listens to changes in the chart's properties (this component's data * model) and updates the GUI when appropriate. Compare with * {@link #chartDataListener}, which handles events strictly dealing with * the chart's current data (rather than its configuration). */ private final SPListener chartListener = new AbstractPoolingSPListener() { /** * Set of properties that are ignored with regards to marking this chart * panel as having unsaved changes. */ private final Set<String> ignorableProperties = new HashSet<String>(); { ignorableProperties.add("unfilteredResultSet"); } public void propertyChangeImpl(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { logger.debug("Got chart property change: \"" + evt.getPropertyName() + "\" " + evt.getOldValue() + " -> " + evt.getNewValue()); updateGUIFromChart(); } }; /** * Listens to changes to the chart's dataset and updates the chart preview * when appropriate. Compare with {@link #chartListener}, which handles * events dealing with the chart's current data (rather than its * configuration). */ private final ChartDataListener chartDataListener = new ChartDataListener() { public void chartDataChanged(ChartDataChangedEvent evt) { if (resultTable.getModel() instanceof ResultSetTableModel) { ResultSetTableModel rstm = (ResultSetTableModel) resultTable.getModel(); logger.debug("Updating table model."); rstm.dataChanged(); } updateGUIFromChart(); ChartPanel.this.chartPanel.repaint(); } }; /** * Protects {@link #updateChartFromGUI()} and {@link #updateGUIFromChart()} * against mutual recursion. * * @see #skipTextFieldRefresh */ private volatile boolean updating = false; /** * Protects against trying to update text fields when we're already handling * a DocumentChanged event. * * @see #updating */ private volatile boolean skipTextFieldRefresh = false; private final Action refreshDataAction; private final Action revertToDefaultsAction; /** * Listens to all the combo boxes, and updates the chart object whenever an * event comes in. */ private final ItemListener genericItemListener = new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { updateChartFromGUI(); } }; /** * Listens to anything that can produce an action event (such as a button), * and updates the chart object whenever an event comes in. */ private final ActionListener genericActionListener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { updateChartFromGUI(); } }; public ChartPanel(WabitSwingSession session, final Chart chart) { WabitWorkspace workspace = session.getWorkspace(); this.chart = chart; refreshDataAction = new RefreshDataAction(chart); revertToDefaultsAction = new RevertToDefaultsAction(this); resultTable.getTableHeader().setReorderingAllowed(false); defaultHeaderCellRenderer = resultTable.getTableHeader().getDefaultRenderer(); List<WabitObject> queries = new ArrayList<WabitObject>(); queries.addAll(workspace.getQueries()); queries.addAll(workspace.getOlapQueries()); queryComboBox = new JComboBox(queries.toArray()); legendPositionComboBox = new JComboBox(LegendPosition.values()); yaxisNameField.getDocument().addDocumentListener(documentChangeHandler); xaxisNameField.getDocument().addDocumentListener(documentChangeHandler); xaxisLabelRotationSlider.addChangeListener(genericChangeHandler); gratuitousAnimationCheckbox.addMouseListener(genericMouseListener); xAxisAuto.addMouseListener(genericMouseListener); yAxisAuto.addMouseListener(genericMouseListener); xAxisMax.addChangeListener(genericChangeHandler); yAxisMax.addChangeListener(genericChangeHandler); xAxisMin.addChangeListener(genericChangeHandler); yAxisMin.addChangeListener(genericChangeHandler); queryComboBox.addItemListener(genericItemListener); legendPositionComboBox.addItemListener(genericItemListener); this.chartError.setAlignmentX(JXLabel.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); this.chartError.setAlignmentY(JXLabel.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); this.chartError.setLineWrap(true); this.chartError.setIcon(WabitIcons.CHART_32); buildUI(); //chartPanel.setChart(null); chart.addSPListener(chartListener); chart.addChartDataListener(chartDataListener); chart.refresh(); updateGUIFromChart(); } /** * Displays an error in the chart preview area. The given message replaces * any previously existing message. If query execution or anything else * fails, this is the appropriate way to hand it. * * @param ex * The exception to show. If null, the error component will * become invisible. */ private void showError(String message) { logger.debug("Showing exception message in chart editor:" + message); chartError.setText(message); chartError.setVisible(true); chartPanel.setChart(null); chartPanel.setVisible(false); } private void showChart(JFreeChart chartToDisplay) { chartError.setText(null); chartError.setVisible(false); chartPanel.setChart(chartToDisplay); chartPanel.setVisible(true); } /** * When any aspect of the chart changes, this method should be called to set * the state of the editor. This will set up the correct result set as well * as display the correct editor in a new edit state. */ void updateGUIFromChart() { if (updating) return; try { updating = true; xaxisLabelRotationSlider.setValue((int) chart.getXAxisLabelRotation()); xAxisAuto.setSelected(chart.isAutoXAxisRange()); yAxisAuto.setSelected(chart.isAutoYAxisRange()); xAxisMax.setEnabled(!chart.isAutoXAxisRange()); xAxisMin.setEnabled(!chart.isAutoXAxisRange()); yAxisMax.setEnabled(!chart.isAutoYAxisRange()); yAxisMin.setEnabled(!chart.isAutoYAxisRange()); xAxisMax.setValue(chart.getXAxisMaxRange()); yAxisMax.setValue(chart.getYAxisMaxRange()); xAxisMin.setValue(chart.getXAxisMinRange()); yAxisMin.setValue(chart.getYAxisMinRange()); gratuitousAnimationCheckbox.setSelected(chart.isGratuitouslyAnimated()); queryComboBox.setSelectedItem(chart.getQuery()); setSelectedChartType(chart.getType()); if (!skipTextFieldRefresh) { yaxisNameField.setText(chart.getYaxisName()); xaxisNameField.setText(chart.getXaxisName()); } if (chart.getQuery() != null && chart.getUnfilteredResultSet() != null) { if (currentHeaderCellRenderer != null) { currentHeaderCellRenderer.cleanup(); } if (chart.getType().getDatasetType() == DatasetType.CATEGORY) { currentHeaderCellRenderer = new CategoryChartHeaderRenderer(this, resultTable.getTableHeader(), defaultHeaderCellRenderer); resultTable.getTableHeader().setDefaultRenderer(currentHeaderCellRenderer); //Set control components visibility based on chart type if (chart.getType() == ChartType.PIE) { xaxisNameLabel.setVisible(false); xaxisNameField.setVisible(false); yaxisNameLabel.setVisible(false); yaxisNameField.setVisible(false); xaxisLabelRotationLabel.setVisible(false); xaxisLabelRotationSlider.setVisible(false); xAxisAuto.setVisible(false); xAxisAutoLabel.setVisible(false); xAxisMax.setVisible(false); xAxisMaxLabel.setVisible(false); xAxisMin.setVisible(false); xAxisMinLabel.setVisible(false); yAxisAuto.setVisible(false); yAxisAutoLabel.setVisible(false); yAxisMax.setVisible(false); yAxisMaxLabel.setVisible(false); yAxisMin.setVisible(false); yAxisMinLabel.setVisible(false); } else { xaxisNameLabel.setVisible(true); xaxisNameField.setVisible(true); yaxisNameLabel.setVisible(true); yaxisNameField.setVisible(true); xaxisLabelRotationLabel.setVisible(true); xaxisLabelRotationSlider.setVisible(true); yAxisAuto.setVisible(true); yAxisAutoLabel.setVisible(true); yAxisMax.setVisible(true); yAxisMaxLabel.setVisible(true); yAxisMin.setVisible(true); yAxisMinLabel.setVisible(true); xAxisAuto.setVisible(false); xAxisAutoLabel.setVisible(false); xAxisMax.setVisible(false); xAxisMaxLabel.setVisible(false); xAxisMin.setVisible(false); xAxisMinLabel.setVisible(false); } } else if (chart.getType().getDatasetType() == DatasetType.XY) { try { currentHeaderCellRenderer = new XYChartHeaderRenderer(this, resultTable.getTableHeader(), defaultHeaderCellRenderer); } catch (SQLException e) { showError(WabitUtils.getRootCause(e).getMessage()); return; } resultTable.getTableHeader().setDefaultRenderer(currentHeaderCellRenderer); xaxisNameLabel.setVisible(true); xaxisNameField.setVisible(true); yaxisNameLabel.setVisible(true); yaxisNameField.setVisible(true); xaxisLabelRotationLabel.setVisible(false); xaxisLabelRotationSlider.setVisible(false); xAxisAuto.setVisible(true); xAxisAutoLabel.setVisible(true); xAxisMax.setVisible(true); xAxisMaxLabel.setVisible(true); xAxisMin.setVisible(true); xAxisMinLabel.setVisible(true); } headerLegendContainer.removeAll(); headerLegendContainer.add(currentHeaderCellRenderer.getHeaderLegendComponent(), BorderLayout.NORTH); headerLegendContainer.revalidate(); headerLegendContainer.repaint(); if (chart.getLegendPosition() != null) { legendPositionComboBox.setSelectedItem(chart.getLegendPosition()); } else { legendPositionComboBox.setSelectedItem(LegendPosition.BOTTOM); } final ResultSetTableModel model = new ResultSetTableModel(chart.getUnfilteredResultSet()); resultTable.setModel(model); ChartTableCellRenderer cellRenderer = new ChartTableCellRenderer(chart); for (Enumeration<TableColumn> tableCols = resultTable.getColumnModel().getColumns(); tableCols .hasMoreElements();) { TableColumn tc = tableCols.nextElement(); tc.setCellRenderer(cellRenderer); } } else { if (currentHeaderCellRenderer != null) { currentHeaderCellRenderer.cleanup(); } resultTable.getTableHeader().setDefaultRenderer(defaultHeaderCellRenderer); } updateChartPreview(); } finally { updating = false; } } /** * Updates the the JFreeChart preview panel and its associated error * message based on the current state of the GUI components in this property * panel. The chart generated here is only intended as a preview for the * property panel. */ private void updateChartPreview() { try { if (chart.getQuery() == null) { showError("Please select a query from the data source selector above."); return; } if (chart.getUnfilteredResultSet() == null) { showError("The selected query does not return any data."); return; } if (chart.findRoleColumns(ColumnRole.CATEGORY).isEmpty() && (chart.getType() == ChartType.BAR || chart.getType() == ChartType.PIE || chart.getType() == ChartType.CATEGORY_LINE)) { showError("Map a column to the category role using the controls above."); return; } if (chart.findRoleColumns(ColumnRole.SERIES).isEmpty()) { showError("Map a column to the series role using the controls above."); return; } JFreeChart newJFreeChart = ChartSwingUtil.createChartFromQuery(chart); logger.debug("Created new JFree chart: " + newJFreeChart); this.showChart(newJFreeChart); if (chart.isGratuitouslyAnimated()) { ChartAnimation.animateIfPossible(newJFreeChart); } } catch (Exception ex) { showError("Unable to create a chart based on the current settings: " + WabitUtils.getRootCause(ex)); } } private void buildUI() { // First level in the panel has only 2 rows of 1 column panel.setLayout(new MigLayout("fill", "[grow, fill]", "[shrink]10[grow, fill]")); panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.GRAY), BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5))); // Now we build the upper part. // The "data" section. JPanel topPanel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("fill", "[115]10[fill, grow]", "[]10[]10[400]")); JLabel dataCategoryLabel = new JLabel("Data"); dataCategoryLabel.setFont(dataCategoryLabel.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); topPanel.add(dataCategoryLabel, "span, wrap"); topPanel.add(new JLabel("Data source"), "gapleft 15"); topPanel.add(queryComboBox, "wrap"); JScrollPane tableScrollPane = new JScrollPane(resultTable); topPanel.add(headerLegendContainer, "gapleft 15, aligny top"); topPanel.add(tableScrollPane); panel.add(topPanel, "wrap"); // Now the lower part. It has two parts. The options scrolling pane and the preview. JPanel bottomPanel = new JPanel( new MigLayout("fill, hidemode 2", "[grow]10[fill, shrinkprio 101]", "[fill]")); JLabel optionsCategoryLabel = new JLabel("Options"); optionsCategoryLabel.setFont(optionsCategoryLabel.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); bottomPanel.add(optionsCategoryLabel); JLabel previewCategoryLabel = new JLabel("Preview"); previewCategoryLabel.setFont(previewCategoryLabel.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); bottomPanel.add(previewCategoryLabel, "wrap"); JScrollPane optionsScrollPane = new JScrollPane(buildChartPrefsPanel(), JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); optionsScrollPane.setBorder(null); bottomPanel.add(optionsScrollPane, "push, gapleft 15"); JPanel chartAndErrorPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); chartAndErrorPanel.add(chartError, BorderLayout.NORTH); chartAndErrorPanel.add(chartPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); bottomPanel.add(chartAndErrorPanel, "width 100%, alignx left, gapleft 15"); panel.add(bottomPanel, "height 100%"); toolBarBuilder.add(refreshDataAction); toolBarBuilder.add(revertToDefaultsAction); //Since the first button on the tool bar will be displayed this size will be the //same as the font size of a displayed button. If the button wasn't being displayed //the font size ends up incorrect float fontSize = toolBarBuilder.getToolbar().getComponentAtIndex(0).getFont().getSize(); toolBarBuilder.addSeparator(); toolBarBuilder.add(makeChartTypeButton("Bar", ChartType.BAR, BAR_CHART_ICON, fontSize)); toolBarBuilder.add(makeChartTypeButton("Pie", ChartType.PIE, PIE_CHART_ICON, fontSize)); toolBarBuilder .add(makeChartTypeButton("Category Line", ChartType.CATEGORY_LINE, LINE_CHART_ICON, fontSize)); toolBarBuilder.addSeparator(); toolBarBuilder.add(makeChartTypeButton("Line", ChartType.LINE, LINE_CHART_ICON, fontSize)); toolBarBuilder.add(makeChartTypeButton("Scatter", ChartType.SCATTER, SCATTER_CHART_ICON, fontSize)); } /** * Subroutine of {@link #buildUI()}. Makes a chart type toggle button and * adds it to the button group. * * @param caption * The text to appear under the button * @param type * The type of chart the buttons should select * @param icon * The icon for the button * @param fontSize * the font size for the toggle buttons. The default font size of * the toggle buttons are different than the default font size of * JButtons on some platforms. This value should be equal to the * JButton font size. This is a float as deriving fonts with a size * takes a float. * @return A button properly configured for the new-look Wabit toolbar. */ private JToggleButton makeChartTypeButton(String caption, ChartType type, Icon icon, float fontSize) { JToggleButton b = new JToggleButton(caption, icon); b.putClientProperty(CHART_TYPE_PROP_KEY, type); chartTypeButtonGroup.add(b); b.setVerticalTextPosition(SwingConstants.BOTTOM); b.setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.CENTER); // Removes button borders on OS X 10.5 b.putClientProperty("JButton.buttonType", "toolbar"); b.addActionListener(genericActionListener); b.setFont(b.getFont().deriveFont(fontSize)); return b; } private ChartType getSelectedChartType() { for (Enumeration<AbstractButton> buttons = chartTypeButtonGroup.getElements(); buttons.hasMoreElements();) { AbstractButton b = buttons.nextElement(); if (chartTypeButtonGroup.isSelected(b.getModel())) { ChartType ct = (ChartType) b.getClientProperty(CHART_TYPE_PROP_KEY); logger.debug("Found selected chart type " + ct); return ct; } } logger.debug("Didn't find any selected chart buttons. Returning null."); return null; } /** * Selects the appropriate button in {@link #chartTypeButtonGroup}. * * @param type The type of chart to select the button of. */ private void setSelectedChartType(ChartType type) { for (Enumeration<AbstractButton> buttons = chartTypeButtonGroup.getElements(); buttons.hasMoreElements();) { AbstractButton b = buttons.nextElement(); ChartType ct = (ChartType) b.getClientProperty(CHART_TYPE_PROP_KEY); if (ct == type) { chartTypeButtonGroup.setSelected(b.getModel(), true); return; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("I can't find a button for chart type " + type); } /** * Subroutine of {@link #buildUI()}. Creates the form that appears to the * right of the JFreeChart preview. */ private Component buildChartPrefsPanel() { DefaultFormBuilder builder = new DefaultFormBuilder(new FormLayout("70dlu, 3dlu, 90dlu"), logger.isDebugEnabled() ? new FormDebugPanel() : new JPanel()); builder.append("Legend Postion", legendPositionComboBox); builder.nextLine(); builder.append(yaxisNameLabel, yaxisNameField); builder.nextLine(); builder.append(xaxisNameLabel, xaxisNameField); builder.nextLine(); builder.append(xaxisLabelRotationLabel, xaxisLabelRotationSlider); builder.nextLine(); builder.append(this.xAxisAutoLabel, this.xAxisAuto); builder.append(this.xAxisMaxLabel, this.xAxisMax); builder.append(this.xAxisMinLabel, this.xAxisMin); builder.nextLine(); builder.append(this.yAxisAutoLabel, this.yAxisAuto); builder.append(this.yAxisMaxLabel, this.yAxisMax); builder.append(this.yAxisMinLabel, this.yAxisMin); builder.nextLine(); builder.append("Gratuitous Animation", gratuitousAnimationCheckbox); return builder.getPanel(); } public boolean hasUnsavedChanges() { //TODO replace the false with the chartHasChanges flag //when fixing bug 2002. return false; } public JComponent getPanel() { return panel; } public void discardChanges() { logger.debug("Discarding changes"); cleanup(); updateChartFromGUI(); //TODO remove this when fixing bug 2002. } public boolean applyChanges() { logger.debug("Applying changes"); cleanup(); updateChartFromGUI(); return true; } private void cleanup() { chart.removeSPListener(chartListener); chart.removeChartDataListener(chartDataListener); } /** * Updates {@link #chart}'s settings to match those currently in this * panel's GUI components. This is the inverse of {@link #updateGUIFromChart()}. */ void updateChartFromGUI() { if (updating) return; try { updating = true; if (getSelectedChartType() != chart.getType()) { chart.setType(getSelectedChartType()); } chart.setLegendPosition((LegendPosition) legendPositionComboBox.getSelectedItem()); chart.setYaxisName(yaxisNameField.getText()); chart.setXaxisName(xaxisNameField.getText()); chart.setXAxisLabelRotation(xaxisLabelRotationSlider.getValue()); chart.setGratuitouslyAnimated(gratuitousAnimationCheckbox.isSelected()); chart.setAutoXAxisRange(xAxisAuto.isSelected()); chart.setAutoYAxisRange(yAxisAuto.isSelected()); chart.setXAxisMaxRange(Double.parseDouble(xAxisMax.getValue().toString())); chart.setYAxisMaxRange(Double.parseDouble(yAxisMax.getValue().toString())); chart.setXAxisMinRange(Double.parseDouble(xAxisMin.getValue().toString())); chart.setYAxisMinRange(Double.parseDouble(yAxisMin.getValue().toString())); if (queryComboBox.getSelectedItem() != chart.getQuery()) { chart.setQuery((WabitResultSetProducer) queryComboBox.getSelectedItem()); chart.refresh(); } } finally { updating = false; } /* * Because we were purposely ignoring events from the chart while updating it, * we now have to do an explicit refresh of the table and chart preview. The * same interlock that prevented mutual recursion during the GUI->Chart update * prevents Chart->GUI updates from re-calling this method. */ updateGUIFromChart(); } public String getTitle() { return "Chart Editor - " + chart.getName(); } public JComponent getSourceComponent() { // nothing drags onto this return null; } public Chart getChart() { return chart; } /** * Returns the leading X coordinate (within the table of data) of the given * column. This is a helper method for the table header cell renderers. */ int getXPositionOfColumn(final TableColumnModel model, final int columnIndex) { int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < columnIndex; i++) { sum += model.getColumn(i).getWidth(); } logger.debug("X position of column " + columnIndex + " is " + sum + " according to " + model); return sum; } public JToolBar getToolbar() { return toolBarBuilder.getToolbar(); } }