Java tutorial
/* ************************************************************************ ******************* CANADIAN ASTRONOMY DATA CENTRE ******************* ************** CENTRE CANADIEN DE DONNES ASTRONOMIQUES ************** * * (c) 2016. (c) 2016. * Government of Canada Gouvernement du Canada * National Research Council Conseil national de recherches * Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6 Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6 * All rights reserved Tous droits rservs * * NRC disclaims any warranties, Le CNRC dnie toute garantie * expressed, implied, or nonce, implicite ou lgale, * statutory, of any kind with de quelque nature que ce * respect to the software, soit, concernant le logiciel, * including without limitation y compris sans restriction * any warranty of merchantability toute garantie de valeur * or fitness for a particular marchande ou de pertinence * purpose. NRC shall not be pour un usage particulier. * liable in any event for any Le CNRC ne pourra en aucun cas * damages, whether direct or tre tenu responsable de tout * indirect, special or general, dommage, direct ou indirect, * consequential or incidental, particulier ou gnral, * arising from the use of the accessoire ou fortuit, rsultant * software. Neither the name de l'utilisation du logiciel. Ni * of the National Research le nom du Conseil National de * Council of Canada nor the Recherches du Canada ni les noms * names of its contributors may de ses participants ne peuvent * be used to endorse or promote tre utiliss pour approuver ou * products derived from this promouvoir les produits drivs * software without specific prior de ce logiciel sans autorisation * written permission. pralable et particulire * par crit. * * This file is part of the Ce fichier fait partie du projet * OpenCADC project. OpenCADC. * * OpenCADC is free software: OpenCADC est un logiciel libre ; * you can redistribute it and/or vous pouvez le redistribuer ou le * modify it under the terms of modifier suivant les termes de * the GNU Affero General Public la GNU Affero General Public * License as published by the License? telle que publie * Free Software Foundation, par la Free Software Foundation * either version 3 of the : soit la version 3 de cette * License, or (at your option) licence, soit ( votre gr) * any later version. toute version ultrieure. * * OpenCADC is distributed in the OpenCADC est distribu * hope that it will be useful, dans lespoir quil vous * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; sera utile, mais SANS AUCUNE * without even the implied GARANTIE : sans mme la garantie * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY implicite de COMMERCIALISABILIT * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ni dADQUATION UN OBJECTIF * PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero PARTICULIER. Consultez la Licence * General Public License for Gnrale Publique GNU Affero * more details. pour plus de dtails. * * You should have received Vous devriez avoir reu une * a copy of the GNU Affero copie de la Licence Gnrale * General Public License along Publique GNU Affero avec * with OpenCADC. If not, see OpenCADC ; si ce nest * <>. pas le cas, consultez : * <>. * * ************************************************************************ */ package; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; import; import; import ca.nrc.cadc.web.selenium.AbstractTestWebPage; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class SearchResultsPage extends AbstractTestWebPage { static final Pattern ROW_COUNT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\d+"); static final By IQ_COLUMN_HEADER = By.cssSelector("div[id$='caom2:Plane.position.resolution']"); static final By REST_FRAME_COLUMN_HEADER = By.cssSelector("div[id$='']"); static final By PROPOSAL_PROJECT_COLUMN_HEADER = By .cssSelector("div[id$='caom2:Observation.proposal.project']"); static final By REST_FRAME_ENERGY_UNIT_SELECT_LOCATOR =""); static final By IQ_UNIT_SELECT_LOCATOR ="caom2:Plane.position.resolution_unitselect"); private static final By MAQ_LABEL_BY ="resultsMaqEnabled"); private static final By FILTER_FILTER_BY =""); private static final By RA_FILTER_BY ="caom2:Plane.position.bounds.cval1_filter"); private static final By DEC_FILTER_BY ="caom2:Plane.position.bounds.cval2_filter"); private static final By CHANGE_COLUMNS_BY ="change_column_button"); private static final By CHANGE_COLUMNS_POPUP_BY ="column_manager"); private static final String CHANGE_COLUMNS_AVAILABLE_COLUMNS_LIST_ID = "cadc_columnpicker_available_items"; private static final By CHANGE_COLUMNS_AVAILABLE_COLUMNS_LIST_BY = By .id(CHANGE_COLUMNS_AVAILABLE_COLUMNS_LIST_ID); private static final String CHANGE_COLUMNS_SELECTED_COLUMNS_LIST_ID = "cadc_columnpicker_selected_items"; private static final By CHANGE_COLUMNS_SELECTED_COLUMNS_LIST_BY = By .id(CHANGE_COLUMNS_SELECTED_COLUMNS_LIST_ID); private static final By FOOTPRINT_VIEWER_TOGGLE_LINK ="slick-visualize"); private static final By FOOTPRINT_VIEWER ="aladin-lite"); private static final By MARK_ALL_CHECKBOX_BY = By .cssSelector("div.slick-header-column-checkboxsel > span > input[type=\"checkbox\"]"); static final String ICON_BUSY_SRC = "cadcVOTV/images/PleaseWait-small.gif"; static final String ICON_IDLE_SRC = "images/transparent-20.png"; static final By GRID_LOCATOR ="resultTable"); static final By GRID_HEADER_LOCATOR ="results-grid-header"); static final By GRID_HEADER_LABEL_LOCATOR = By.className("grid-header-label"); static final String OBSERVATION_DETAILS_LINK_LOCATOR = "caom2:Observation.observationID_%d_observation_details"; static final By FIRST_QUICKSEARCH_TARGET_LINK = By.cssSelector("a.quicksearch_link:nth-child(1)"); static final By QUERY_TAB_LOCATOR = By.cssSelector("#tabList > li:nth-child(1)"); // Switches between busy and transparent (idle). static final By GRID_HEADER_ICON = By.className("grid-header-icon"); @FindBy(className = "grid-container") private WebElement gridContainer; public SearchResultsPage(final WebDriver driver) throws Exception { super(driver); waitForGridToLoad(); waitForElementPresent(QUERY_TAB_LOCATOR); waitForElementVisible(QUERY_TAB_LOCATOR); waitForElementClickable(QUERY_TAB_LOCATOR); PageFactory.initElements(driver, this); } void includeHiddenColumn(final String uType) throws Exception { click(gridContainer.findElement(CHANGE_COLUMNS_BY)); waitForElementVisible(CHANGE_COLUMNS_POPUP_BY); waitForElementPresent(CHANGE_COLUMNS_AVAILABLE_COLUMNS_LIST_BY); final WebElement changeColumnsPopupElement = find(CHANGE_COLUMNS_POPUP_BY); final WebElement availableColumnsListElement = changeColumnsPopupElement .findElement(CHANGE_COLUMNS_AVAILABLE_COLUMNS_LIST_BY); final WebElement selectedColumnsListElement = changeColumnsPopupElement .findElement(CHANGE_COLUMNS_SELECTED_COLUMNS_LIST_BY); final String listItemID = "ITEM_" + uType; final String listItemSelector = "#" + listItemID; final WebElement listItem = availableColumnsListElement.findElement(; scrollIntoView(listItem); waitForElementVisible(listItem); if (listItem == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to locate list item in change columns for " + listItemSelector); } else { // check that the drag-and-drop changed the ordinal of the column (new Actions(driver)).dragAndDrop(listItem, selectedColumnsListElement).perform(); waitForElementVisible(selectedColumnsListElement.findElement(; click(changeColumnsPopupElement.findElement("column_manager_close"))); } } void waitForGridToLoad() throws Exception { waitForElementPresent(GRID_LOCATOR); waitForElementPresent(GRID_HEADER_LOCATOR); waitForElementPresent(GRID_HEADER_ICON); waitForElementPresent(CHANGE_COLUMNS_BY); waitUntil(new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean apply(final WebDriver webDriver) { final String srcAttribute = webDriver.findElement(GRID_HEADER_ICON).getAttribute("src"); return srcAttribute.endsWith(ICON_IDLE_SRC); } }); waitForTextPresent(GRID_HEADER_LABEL_LOCATOR, "Showing"); waitForElementPresent(FIRST_QUICKSEARCH_TARGET_LINK); } SearchResultsPage quickSearchTarget() throws Exception { click(FIRST_QUICKSEARCH_TARGET_LINK); return new SearchResultsPage(driver); } <T extends AbstractTestWebPage> T clickPreview(final String windowName, final Class<T> pageClass) throws Exception { click(By.className("preview_tooltip_link")); final Class[] constructorArgTypes = new Class[] { WebDriver.class }; final Constructor<T> constructor = pageClass.getConstructor(constructorArgTypes); return constructor.newInstance(selectWindow(windowName)); } WebElement getGridHeader() throws Exception { return gridContainer.findElement(GRID_HEADER_LOCATOR); } WebElement getGrid() throws Exception { return gridContainer.findElement(GRID_LOCATOR); } String getPagerStatusText() throws Exception { return getGridHeader().findElement(GRID_HEADER_LABEL_LOCATOR).getText(); } int getCurrentResultsRowCount() throws Exception { final Matcher matcher = ROW_COUNT_PATTERN.matcher(getPagerStatusText()); return matcher.find() ? Integer.parseInt( : -1; } /** * Will throw a NumberFormatException when no integer present. * * @param checkForResults Whether to check for a row count > 0. * @throws Exception */ void verifyGridHeaderLabelHasIntegerValue(final boolean checkForResults) throws Exception { final String result = getPagerStatusText(); verifyTrue(result.startsWith("Showing ")); verifyTrue(result.indexOf(" rows") > 0); final int rowCount = getCurrentResultsRowCount(); if (checkForResults) { verifyTrue(rowCount > 0); } } CAOMObservationDetailsPage openObservationDetails(final int rowNumber) throws Exception { click(, rowNumber))); return new CAOMObservationDetailsPage(driver); } CAOMSearchFormPage queryTab() throws Exception { waitFor(1000L); click(QUERY_TAB_LOCATOR); waitFor(1000L); return new CAOMSearchFormPage(driver); } WebElement getIQColumnHeader() throws Exception { return getGrid().findElement(IQ_COLUMN_HEADER); } WebElement getRestFrameEnergyColumnHeader() throws Exception { return getGrid().findElement(REST_FRAME_COLUMN_HEADER); } void confirmFootprintViewer() throws Exception { click(FOOTPRINT_VIEWER_TOGGLE_LINK); waitForElementVisible(FOOTPRINT_VIEWER); click(FOOTPRINT_VIEWER_TOGGLE_LINK); waitForElementInvisible(FOOTPRINT_VIEWER); } void confirmProposalProjectColumnHeader() throws Exception { waitForElementVisible(getGrid().findElement(PROPOSAL_PROJECT_COLUMN_HEADER)); } String getSelectedRestFrameEnergyUnit() throws Exception { final Select rfUnitSelect = new Select(gridContainer.findElement(REST_FRAME_ENERGY_UNIT_SELECT_LOCATOR)); final WebElement rfUnitSelectedOption = rfUnitSelect.getFirstSelectedOption(); return rfUnitSelectedOption.getText(); } String getSelectIQUnit() throws Exception { final Select iqUnitSelectElement = new Select(gridContainer.findElement(IQ_UNIT_SELECT_LOCATOR)); return iqUnitSelectElement.getFirstSelectedOption().getText(); } void filterOnRA(final String value) throws Exception { sendKeys(find(RA_FILTER_BY), value); } void ensureMarkAllCheckboxVisible() throws Exception { waitForElementVisible(MARK_ALL_CHECKBOX_BY); } void ensureMAQEnabled() throws Exception { waitForElementVisible(MAQ_LABEL_BY); } }