Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2011 McGill University * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Barthelemy Dagenais *******************************************************************************/ package ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.BACKSLASH; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.BOLD_END; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.BOLD_END_TAG; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.BOLD_START; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.BOLD_START_TAG; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.BULLET_POINT; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.ESCAPE_8BIT; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.ESCAPE_CONTROLS; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.FOOTER; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.HEADER; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.IGNORE_GROUPS; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.ITALIC_END; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.ITALIC_END_TAG; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.ITALIC_START; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.ITALIC_START_TAG; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.LEFT_BRACE; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.MINUS; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.NEW_LINE; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.NEW_LINE_CHAR; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.NEW_LINE_TAG; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.NULL_CHAR; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.PLAIN; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.RESET; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.RIGHT_BRACE; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.SPACES; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.SPACE_CHAR; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.TAB; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.TAB_CHAR; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.TAB_TAG; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.UNDERLINE_END; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.UNDERLINE_END_TAG; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.UNDERLINE_START; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.UNDERLINE_START_TAG; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.UNICODE; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.UNICODE_COUNT; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.UNICODE_COUNT_FULL; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.UNICODE_END_TAG; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.RTFTags.UNICODE_START_TAG; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.util.ParserUtil.equal; import static ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.util.ParserUtil.getDefault; import static; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Stack; import org.apache.commons.lang.CharUtils; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; import org.eclipse.jface.text.Position; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.Annotation; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModel; import org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.FileDocumentProvider; import org.eclipse.ui.part.FileEditorInput; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.editors.inputs.RTFEditorInput; import ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.model.Facade; import ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.model.Fragment; import ca.mcgill.cs.swevo.qualyzer.model.IAnnotatedDocument; /** * The DocumentProvider for our editor. If you need to parse a document for some other task (without opening the editor) * do the following. * * RTFDocumentProvider provider = new RTFDocumentProvider(); RTFEditorInput input = new RTFEditorInput(file, document); * IDocument parsedDocument = provider.getCreatedDocument(input); * * String paresedText = parsedDocument.getText(); * */ public class RTFDocumentProvider2 extends FileDocumentProvider { private static Logger gLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RTFDocumentProvider2.class); private static final String EMPTY = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final int HEX_RADIX = 16; private static final String SPACE = " "; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String UNICOUNT = "UNICOUNT"; /** * Exists only for use by things that need parsed documents, but that don't want to open the editor. * * @param element * The editor input that will be used to create the document. * @return The parsed document. */ public IDocument getCreatedDocument(Object element) { try { return createDocument(element); } catch (CoreException e) { gLogger.error("DocumentProvider: Failed to create document.", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return null; } /** * Given the RTFEditorInput creates the document and then attaches all the fragments to the document. */ @Override protected IDocument createDocument(Object element) throws CoreException { RTFDocument doc = (RTFDocument) super.createDocument(element); IAnnotatedDocument document = ((RTFEditorInput) element).getDocument(); for (Fragment fragment : document.getFragments().values()) { Position position = new Position(fragment.getOffset(), fragment.getLength()); doc.addAnnotation(position, new FragmentAnnotation(fragment)); } return doc; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.StorageDocumentProvider#createEmptyDocument() */ @Override protected IDocument createEmptyDocument() { return new RTFDocument(); } /** * This is the main loop of the RTF parser. */ //CSOFF: @Override protected void setDocumentContent(IDocument document, InputStream contentStream, String encoding) throws CoreException { RTFDocument rtfDocument = (RTFDocument) document; StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); Map<String, Integer> currentTags = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); currentTags.put(UNICOUNT, 1); Stack<Map<String, Integer>> state = new Stack<Map<String, Integer>>(); state.push(currentTags); try { int c =; while (c != -1) { char ch = (char) c; if (ch == BACKSLASH) { ParserPair pair = handleControl(contentStream, safeState(state)); handleControlCommand(pair.fString, text, safeState(state), rtfDocument); c = pair.fChar; } else if (ch == LEFT_BRACE) { ParserPair pair = handleGroup(contentStream, state, text, rtfDocument); c = pair.fChar; } else if (ch == RIGHT_BRACE) { handleEndGroup(contentStream, state, text, rtfDocument); c =; } else { if (!in(ch, SPACES)) { text.append(ch); } else if (equal(ch, SPACE_CHAR)) { text.append(ch); } c =; } } } catch (Exception e) { gLogger.error("Error while parsing a rtf file.", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } rtfDocument.set(text.toString()); } //CSON: private void handleEndGroup(InputStream contentStream, Stack<Map<String, Integer>> state, StringBuilder text, RTFDocument document) { Map<String, Integer> oldState = safeState(state, true); reset(oldState, text, document); Map<String, Integer> currentState = safeState(state); resetNew(text, currentState, document); } private ParserPair handleGroup(InputStream contentStream, Stack<Map<String, Integer>> state, StringBuilder text, RTFDocument document) throws IOException { int c =; char ch = NULL_CHAR; ParserPair pair = null; String groupName = null; while (c != -1) { ch = (char) c; if (!Character.isWhitespace(ch)) { break; } else { c =; } } if (ch == BACKSLASH) { pair = handleControl(contentStream, safeState(state)); c = pair.fChar; groupName = pair.fString; } else { groupName = " "; } if (in(groupName, IGNORE_GROUPS)) { c = skipGroup(contentStream, c); } else { Map<String, Integer> oldState = safeState(state); reset(oldState, text, document); Map<String, Integer> newState = new HashMap<String, Integer>(oldState); newState.put(UNICOUNT, oldState.get(UNICOUNT)); state.push(newState); resetNew(text, newState, document); handleControlCommand(groupName, text, newState, document); } return new ParserPair(c, groupName); } private void resetNew(StringBuilder text, Map<String, Integer> state, RTFDocument document) { for (String command : state.keySet()) { if (command.equals(UNICOUNT)) { continue; } state.remove(command); handleControlCommand(command, text, state, document); } } private void reset(Map<String, Integer> state, StringBuilder text, RTFDocument document) { handleControlCommand(PLAIN, text, state, document); } private int skipGroup(InputStream contentStream, int inputC) throws IOException { int c = inputC; int count = 1; while (c != -1 && count > 0) { char ch = (char) c; if (ch == LEFT_BRACE) { count++; } else if (ch == RIGHT_BRACE) { count--; } c =; } return c; } //CSOFF: private void handleControlCommand(String control, StringBuilder text, Map<String, Integer> state, RTFDocument document) { if (control.equals(BOLD_START) && !state.containsKey(BOLD_START)) { startBold(document, text, state); } else if (control.equals(BOLD_END) && state.containsKey(BOLD_START)) { endBold(document, text, state); } else if (control.equals(ITALIC_START) && !state.containsKey(ITALIC_START)) { startItalic(document, text, state); } else if (control.equals(ITALIC_END) && state.containsKey(ITALIC_START)) { endItalic(document, text, state); } else if (control.equals(UNDERLINE_START) && !state.containsKey(UNDERLINE_START)) { startUnderline(document, text, state); } else if (control.equals(UNDERLINE_END) && state.containsKey(UNDERLINE_START)) { endUnderline(document, text, state); } else if (control.equals(NEW_LINE)) { text.append(NEW_LINE_CHAR); } else if (control.equals(TAB)) { text.append(TAB_CHAR); } else if (in(control, RESET)) { handleControlCommand(BOLD_END, text, state, document); handleControlCommand(ITALIC_END, text, state, document); handleControlCommand(UNDERLINE_END, text, state, document); } else if (in(control, ESCAPE_CONTROLS)) { text.append(control); } else if (control.charAt(0) == ESCAPE_8BIT) { text.append(get8bit(control.substring(1))); } else if (isUnicodeCount(control)) { int number = Integer.parseInt(control.substring(2)); state.put(UNICOUNT, number); } else if (isUnicode(control)) { ParserPair unicode = parseUnicode(control.substring(1)); int unicodeNumber = Integer.parseInt(unicode.fString); char unicodeChar = (char) unicodeNumber; text.append(unicodeChar); } } //CSON: private boolean isUnicodeCount(String control) { return control.length() > 2 && control.startsWith(UNICODE_COUNT_FULL) && Character.isDigit(control.charAt(2)); } private ParserPair parseUnicode(String unicodeStr) { StringBuilder number = new StringBuilder(); int size = unicodeStr.length(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { char ch = unicodeStr.charAt(i); if (Character.isDigit(ch)) { number.append(ch); } else { // For now, we don't care about the replacement... break; } } return new ParserPair(-1, number.toString()); } private boolean isUnicode(String control) { return control.length() > 1 && control.charAt(0) == UNICODE && Character.isDigit(control.charAt(1)); } private char get8bit(String numberStr) { int c = Integer.parseInt(numberStr, HEX_RADIX); // Replace weird bullet point by dashes. if (c == BULLET_POINT) { c = '-'; } return (char) c; } private ParserPair handleControl(InputStream contentStream, Map<String, Integer> state) throws IOException { int c =; return handleControl(contentStream, c, EMPTY, state); } //CSOFF: private ParserPair handleControl(InputStream contentStream, int startChar, String startControl, Map<String, Integer> state) throws IOException { StringBuilder controlWord = new StringBuilder(startControl); int c = startChar; char ch; while (c != -1) { ch = (char) c; if (ch == UNICODE && isEmpty(controlWord)) { // This is potentially an unicode char ParserPair pair = getUnicode(contentStream, state); c = pair.fChar; controlWord = new StringBuilder(pair.fString); break; } else if (Character.isLetter(ch)) { // Start of a control word controlWord.append(ch); } else if (ch == ESCAPE_8BIT && isEmpty(controlWord)) { // This is an escaped 8bit char ParserPair pair = get8Bit(contentStream); c = pair.fChar; controlWord = new StringBuilder(pair.fString); break; } else if (Character.isDigit(ch)) { // Unit of control word controlWord.append(ch); } else if (ch == MINUS) { controlWord.append(ch); } else { if (isEmpty(controlWord)) { controlWord.append(ch); c =; } else if (Character.isWhitespace(ch)) { // This is a delimiter. Skip it c =; } break; } c =; } return new ParserPair(c, controlWord.toString()); } //CSON: private ParserPair get8Bit(InputStream contentStream) throws IOException { StringBuilder sBuilder = new StringBuilder(); sBuilder.append(ESCAPE_8BIT); sBuilder.append((char); sBuilder.append((char); int c =; return new ParserPair(c, sBuilder.toString()); } private ParserPair getUnicode(InputStream contentStream, Map<String, Integer> state) throws IOException { StringBuilder control = new StringBuilder(); int c =; if (c != -1) { char ch = (char) c; if (ch == UNICODE_COUNT) { ParserPair number = getNumber(contentStream); control.append(UNICODE_COUNT_FULL); control.append(number.fString); c = number.fChar; // This is a control so a space is a delimiter. if (Character.isWhitespace((char) c)) { c =; } } else if (!Character.isDigit(ch)) { ParserPair result = handleControl(contentStream, c, String.valueOf(UNICODE), state); c = result.fChar; control = new StringBuilder(result.fString); } else { ParserPair number = getNumber(contentStream, Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(ch))); int replacement = number.fChar; ParserPair replPair = getUnicodeReplacement(contentStream, replacement, state); c = replPair.fChar; control.append(UNICODE); control.append(number.fString); control.append(replPair.fString); } } return new ParserPair(c, control.toString()); } private ParserPair getUnicodeReplacement(InputStream contentStream, int replC, Map<String, Integer> state) throws IOException { int count = state.get(UNICOUNT); int currentCount = 0; int c = replC; StringBuilder replString = new StringBuilder(); while (currentCount < count) { String replch = String.valueOf((char) c); if (equal(BACKSLASH, replch)) { // This is a 8 bit ParserPair repl8bit = handleControl(contentStream, state); replString.append(repl8bit.fString); c = repl8bit.fChar; } else { // This was a 7 bit character replString.append(replch); c =; } currentCount++; } return new ParserPair(c, replString.toString()); } private ParserPair getNumber(InputStream contentStream) throws IOException { return getNumber(contentStream, -1); } private ParserPair getNumber(InputStream contentStream, int initial) throws IOException { StringBuilder number = new StringBuilder(); if (initial > -1) { number.append(initial); } int c =; while (c != -1) { char ch = (char) c; if (Character.isDigit(ch)) { number.append(ch); c =; } else { break; } } return new ParserPair(c, number.toString()); } private boolean isEmpty(StringBuilder builder) { return builder.toString().isEmpty(); } private Map<String, Integer> safeState(Stack<Map<String, Integer>> state) { return safeState(state, false); } /** * Returns the set of tags at the top of the stack. Return an empty set if the stack is empty. This should never * occur, but some badly-formatted RTF documents seem to lead to this situation. * * @param state * @param pop * @return */ private Map<String, Integer> safeState(Stack<Map<String, Integer>> state, boolean pop) { if (!state.isEmpty()) { if (pop) { return state.pop(); } else { return state.peek(); } } else { gLogger.error("State was empty."); return new HashMap<String, Integer>(); } } /** * @param document * @param currentText */ private void startBold(RTFDocument document, StringBuilder currentText, Map<String, Integer> state) { if (state.containsKey(BOLD_START)) { return; } int boldPos = currentText.length(); int italicPos = getDefault(state, ITALIC_START, -1); int underlinePos = getDefault(state, UNDERLINE_START, -1); if (italicPos != -1 && underlinePos != -1 && italicPos != boldPos) { Annotation annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.ITALIC_UNDERLINE_TYPE, true, EMPTY); Position position = new Position(italicPos, boldPos - italicPos); document.addAnnotation(position, annotation); italicPos = boldPos; underlinePos = boldPos; } else if (italicPos != -1 && italicPos != boldPos) { Annotation annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.ITALIC_TYPE, true, EMPTY); Position position = new Position(italicPos, boldPos - italicPos); document.addAnnotation(position, annotation); italicPos = boldPos; } else if (underlinePos != -1 && underlinePos != boldPos) { Annotation annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.UNDERLINE_TYPE, true, EMPTY); Position position = new Position(underlinePos, boldPos - underlinePos); document.addAnnotation(position, annotation); underlinePos = boldPos; } // Save state state.put(BOLD_START, boldPos); if (italicPos != -1) { state.put(ITALIC_START, italicPos); } if (underlinePos != -1) { state.put(UNDERLINE_START, underlinePos); } } /** * @param document * @param currentText */ private void endBold(RTFDocument document, StringBuilder currentText, Map<String, Integer> state) { if (!state.containsKey(BOLD_START)) { return; } int boldPos = state.get(BOLD_START); int italicPos = getDefault(state, ITALIC_START, -1); int underlinePos = getDefault(state, UNDERLINE_START, -1); Annotation annotation; int curPos = currentText.length(); Position position = new Position(boldPos, curPos - boldPos); if (italicPos != -1 && underlinePos != -1) { annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.BOLD_ITALIC_UNDERLINE_TYPE, true, EMPTY); italicPos = curPos; underlinePos = curPos; state.put(ITALIC_START, italicPos); state.put(UNDERLINE_START, underlinePos); } else if (italicPos != -1) { annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.BOLD_ITALIC_TYPE, true, EMPTY); italicPos = curPos; state.put(ITALIC_START, italicPos); } else if (underlinePos != -1) { annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.BOLD_UNDERLINE_TYPE, true, EMPTY); underlinePos = curPos; state.put(UNDERLINE_START, underlinePos); } else { annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.BOLD_TYPE, true, EMPTY); } if (position.length > 0) { document.addAnnotation(position, annotation); } state.remove(BOLD_START); } /** * @param document * @param currentText */ private void endUnderline(RTFDocument document, StringBuilder currentText, Map<String, Integer> state) { if (!state.containsKey(UNDERLINE_START)) { return; } int underlinePos = state.get(UNDERLINE_START); int italicPos = getDefault(state, ITALIC_START, -1); int boldPos = getDefault(state, BOLD_START, -1); Annotation annotation; int curPos = currentText.length(); Position position = new Position(underlinePos, curPos - underlinePos); if (boldPos != -1 && italicPos != -1) { annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.BOLD_ITALIC_UNDERLINE_TYPE, true, EMPTY); boldPos = curPos; italicPos = curPos; state.put(BOLD_START, boldPos); state.put(ITALIC_START, italicPos); } else if (boldPos != -1) { annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.BOLD_UNDERLINE_TYPE, true, EMPTY); boldPos = curPos; state.put(BOLD_START, boldPos); } else if (italicPos != -1) { annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.ITALIC_UNDERLINE_TYPE, true, EMPTY); italicPos = curPos; state.put(ITALIC_START, italicPos); } else { annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.UNDERLINE_TYPE, true, EMPTY); } if (position.length > 0) { document.addAnnotation(position, annotation); } state.remove(UNDERLINE_START); } /** * @param document * @param currentText */ private void startUnderline(RTFDocument document, StringBuilder currentText, Map<String, Integer> state) { if (state.containsKey(UNDERLINE_START)) { return; } int underlinePos = currentText.length(); int italicPos = getDefault(state, ITALIC_START, -1); int boldPos = getDefault(state, BOLD_START, -1); if (boldPos != -1 && italicPos != -1 && boldPos != underlinePos) { Annotation annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.BOLD_ITALIC_TYPE, true, EMPTY); Position position = new Position(boldPos, underlinePos - boldPos); document.addAnnotation(position, annotation); boldPos = underlinePos; italicPos = underlinePos; } else if (boldPos != -1 && boldPos != underlinePos) { Annotation annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.BOLD_TYPE, true, EMPTY); Position position = new Position(boldPos, underlinePos - boldPos); document.addAnnotation(position, annotation); boldPos = underlinePos; } else if (italicPos != -1 && italicPos != underlinePos) { Annotation annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.ITALIC_TYPE, true, EMPTY); Position position = new Position(italicPos, underlinePos - italicPos); document.addAnnotation(position, annotation); italicPos = underlinePos; } // Save state state.put(UNDERLINE_START, underlinePos); if (italicPos != -1) { state.put(ITALIC_START, italicPos); } if (boldPos != -1) { state.put(BOLD_START, boldPos); } } /** * @param document * @param currentText */ private void endItalic(RTFDocument document, StringBuilder currentText, Map<String, Integer> state) { if (!state.containsKey(ITALIC_START)) { return; } int italicPos = state.get(ITALIC_START); int underlinePos = getDefault(state, UNDERLINE_START, -1); int boldPos = getDefault(state, BOLD_START, -1); Annotation annotation; int curPos = currentText.length(); Position position = new Position(italicPos, curPos - italicPos); if (boldPos != -1 && underlinePos != -1) { annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.BOLD_ITALIC_UNDERLINE_TYPE, true, EMPTY); boldPos = curPos; underlinePos = curPos; state.put(BOLD_START, boldPos); state.put(UNDERLINE_START, underlinePos); } else if (boldPos != -1) { annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.BOLD_ITALIC_TYPE, true, EMPTY); boldPos = curPos; state.put(BOLD_START, boldPos); } else if (underlinePos != -1) { annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.ITALIC_UNDERLINE_TYPE, true, EMPTY); underlinePos = curPos; state.put(UNDERLINE_START, underlinePos); } else { annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.ITALIC_TYPE, true, EMPTY); } if (position.length > 0) { document.addAnnotation(position, annotation); } state.remove(ITALIC_START); } /** * @param document * @param currentText */ private void startItalic(RTFDocument document, StringBuilder currentText, Map<String, Integer> state) { if (state.containsKey(ITALIC_START)) { return; } int italicPos = currentText.length(); int underlinePos = getDefault(state, UNDERLINE_START, -1); int boldPos = getDefault(state, BOLD_START, -1); if (boldPos != -1 && underlinePos != -1 && boldPos != italicPos) { Annotation annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.BOLD_UNDERLINE_TYPE, true, EMPTY); Position position = new Position(boldPos, italicPos - boldPos); document.addAnnotation(position, annotation); boldPos = italicPos; underlinePos = italicPos; } else if (boldPos != -1 && boldPos != italicPos) { Annotation annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.BOLD_TYPE, true, EMPTY); Position position = new Position(boldPos, italicPos - boldPos); document.addAnnotation(position, annotation); boldPos = italicPos; } else if (underlinePos != -1 && underlinePos != italicPos) { Annotation annotation = new Annotation(RTFConstants.UNDERLINE_TYPE, true, EMPTY); Position position = new Position(underlinePos, italicPos - underlinePos); document.addAnnotation(position, annotation); underlinePos = italicPos; } // Save state state.put(ITALIC_START, italicPos); if (underlinePos != -1) { state.put(UNDERLINE_START, underlinePos); } if (boldPos != -1) { state.put(BOLD_START, boldPos); } } /** * Converts the contents of the document back into rtf so that it can be saved to disk. * * @see org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.FileDocumentProvider#doSaveDocument(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor, * java.lang.Object, org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument, boolean) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected void doSaveDocument(IProgressMonitor monitor, Object element, IDocument document, boolean overwrite) throws CoreException { FileEditorInput input = (FileEditorInput) element; IAnnotationModel model = getAnnotationModel(element); StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder(document.get()); StringBuilder toWrite = new StringBuilder(EMPTY); toWrite = buildRTFString(contents, model); InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(toWrite.toString().getBytes()); try { input.getFile().setContents(stream, IResource.FORCE, new NullProgressMonitor()); } catch (CoreException e) { } // This seems to be necessary for the timestamp markers to persist across saves. FileInfo info = (FileInfo) getElementInfo(element); if (info != null) { RTFAnnotationModel rtfModel = (RTFAnnotationModel) info.fModel; rtfModel.updateMarkers(info.fDocument); } // Updates all of the fragment positions, and removes any annotations that have length 0. IAnnotatedDocument rtfDoc = ((RTFEditorInput) element).getDocument(); Iterator<Annotation> iter = model.getAnnotationIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Annotation annotation =; if (annotation instanceof FragmentAnnotation) { updateFragment(model, rtfDoc, annotation); } else { if (model.getPosition(annotation).length == 0) { model.removeAnnotation(annotation); } } } Facade.getInstance().saveDocument(rtfDoc); } /** * Updates the given annotation's fragment to match it's new offset and length. Then updates the map key so that it * matches the new offset. If the fragment has a length of 0 it gets removed from the model (and the DB). * * @param model * @param rtfDoc * @param annotation */ private void updateFragment(IAnnotationModel model, IAnnotatedDocument rtfDoc, Annotation annotation) { Fragment fragment = ((FragmentAnnotation) annotation).getFragment(); Position position = model.getPosition(annotation); if (position.length == 0) { model.removeAnnotation(annotation); } else { int oldOffset = fragment.getOffset(); fragment.setOffset(position.offset); fragment.setLength(position.length); rtfDoc.getFragments().remove(oldOffset); rtfDoc.getFragments().put(position.offset, fragment); } } /** * Goes through the editor text and all the annotations to build the string that will be written to the disk. * Converts any special characters to their RTF tags as well. * * @param contents * @param model * @return */ private StringBuilder buildRTFString(StringBuilder contents, IAnnotationModel model) { StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(HEADER); ArrayList<Position> positions = new ArrayList<Position>(); ArrayList<Annotation> annotations = new ArrayList<Annotation>(); prepareAnnotationLists(model, positions, annotations); Position position = null; Annotation annotation = null; for (int i = 0; i < contents.length(); i++) { if (position == null) { for (int j = 0; j < positions.size(); j++) { if (positions.get(j).offset == i) { position = positions.remove(j); annotation = annotations.remove(j); break; } else if (positions.get(j).offset > i) { break; } } if (position != null) { output.append(getStartTagFromAnnotation(annotation)); } } char c = contents.charAt(i); output.append(getMiddleChar(c)); if (position != null && i == position.offset + position.length - 1) { output.append(getEndTagFromAnnotation(annotation)); position = null; annotation = null; } output.append(getEndChar(c)); } return output.append(FOOTER); } /** * Gets the annotations and their positions from the model and sorts them by position. Sets them into the two * provided arraylists. * * @param model * @param positions * @param annotations */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void prepareAnnotationLists(IAnnotationModel model, ArrayList<Position> positions, ArrayList<Annotation> annotations) { Iterator<Annotation> iter = model.getAnnotationIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Annotation annotation =; String type = annotation.getType(); if (!(annotation instanceof FragmentAnnotation) && !type.equals(RTFConstants.TIMESTAMP_TYPE)) { if (positions.isEmpty()) { annotations.add(annotation); positions.add(model.getPosition(annotation)); } else { Position position = model.getPosition(annotation); int i; for (i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++) { Position curPos = positions.get(i); if (position.offset < curPos.offset) { annotations.add(i, annotation); positions.add(i, position); break; } } if (i >= positions.size()) { annotations.add(annotation); positions.add(position); } } } } } /** * Gets the rtf representations of newline and tab if the current character is one of those. * * @param c * @return */ private String getEndChar(char c) { StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(EMPTY); if (c == '\n') { output.append(NEW_LINE_TAG); } else if (c == '\t') { output.append(TAB_TAG); } return output.toString(); } /** * Stops newlines tabs and EOF from being written, adds an escape to brackets and backslash, converts non-ascii * characters to their RTF tag and lets all other characters through. * * @param c * @return */ private String getMiddleChar(char c) { StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(EMPTY); if (c != '\n' && c != '\t' && c != '\0') { if (c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '\\') { output.append(BACKSLASH); } if (CharUtils.isAscii(c)) { output.append(c); } else { int unicode = (int) c; output = new StringBuilder(UNICODE_START_TAG + unicode + UNICODE_END_TAG); } } return output.toString(); } /** * @param annotation * @return */ private String getEndTagFromAnnotation(Annotation annotation) { String tag = EMPTY; String type = annotation.getType(); if (type.equals(RTFConstants.BOLD_TYPE)) { tag = BOLD_END_TAG + SPACE; } else if (type.equals(RTFConstants.ITALIC_TYPE)) { tag = ITALIC_END_TAG + SPACE; } else if (type.equals(RTFConstants.UNDERLINE_TYPE)) { tag = UNDERLINE_END_TAG + SPACE; } else if (type.equals(RTFConstants.BOLD_ITALIC_TYPE)) { tag = BOLD_END_TAG + ITALIC_END_TAG + SPACE; } else if (type.equals(RTFConstants.BOLD_UNDERLINE_TYPE)) { tag = BOLD_END_TAG + UNDERLINE_END_TAG + SPACE; } else if (type.equals(RTFConstants.ITALIC_UNDERLINE_TYPE)) { tag = ITALIC_END_TAG + UNDERLINE_END_TAG + SPACE; } else if (type.equals(RTFConstants.BOLD_ITALIC_UNDERLINE_TYPE)) { tag = BOLD_END_TAG + ITALIC_END_TAG + UNDERLINE_END_TAG + SPACE; } return tag; } /** * @param annotation * @return */ private String getStartTagFromAnnotation(Annotation annotation) { String tag = EMPTY; String type = annotation.getType(); if (type.equals(RTFConstants.BOLD_TYPE)) { tag = BOLD_START_TAG + SPACE; } else if (type.equals(RTFConstants.ITALIC_TYPE)) { tag = ITALIC_START_TAG + SPACE; } else if (type.equals(RTFConstants.UNDERLINE_TYPE)) { tag = UNDERLINE_START_TAG + SPACE; } else if (type.equals(RTFConstants.BOLD_ITALIC_TYPE)) { tag = BOLD_START_TAG + ITALIC_START_TAG + SPACE; } else if (type.equals(RTFConstants.BOLD_UNDERLINE_TYPE)) { tag = BOLD_START_TAG + UNDERLINE_START_TAG + SPACE; } else if (type.equals(RTFConstants.ITALIC_UNDERLINE_TYPE)) { tag = ITALIC_START_TAG + UNDERLINE_START_TAG + SPACE; } else if (type.equals(RTFConstants.BOLD_ITALIC_UNDERLINE_TYPE)) { tag = BOLD_START_TAG + ITALIC_START_TAG + UNDERLINE_START_TAG + SPACE; } return tag; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.FileDocumentProvider#createAnnotationModel(java.lang.Object) */ @Override protected IAnnotationModel createAnnotationModel(Object element) throws CoreException { if (element instanceof RTFEditorInput) { return new RTFAnnotationModel((RTFEditorInput) element); } return super.createAnnotationModel(element); } } /** * Used by the parser to return a string and the last read character (similar to peek). * */ //CSOFF: class ParserPair { public final int fChar; public final String fString; public ParserPair(int ch, String str) { fChar = ch; fString = str; } } //CSON: