Source code

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 * Copyright 2014 McGill University
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * TODO fix the Attribtue correlation
package ca.mcgill.cs.creco.logic;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;


 * An attribute associated with a ranking.
public class ScoredAttribute {
    /** Denotes the "natural" direction of an attribute. */
    public static enum Direction {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScoredAttribute.class);

    private static final double CONSIDERATION_THRESHOLD = 0.8;
    private static final double DEFAULT_MIN = 10000000;
    private static final double DEFAULT_MAX = -10000000;

    public static final Comparator<ScoredAttribute> SORT_BY_CORRELATION = new Comparator<ScoredAttribute>() {

         * Compare a scoredAttribute placing the highest absolute correlation first.
         * @param pA scoredAttribute A
         * @param pB scoredAttribute B
         * @return -1 for A > B, 1 for B > A, 0 if A==B
        public int compare(ScoredAttribute pA, ScoredAttribute pB) {
            if (Math.abs(pA.getCorrelation()) > Math.abs(pB.getCorrelation())) {
                return -1;
            } else if (Math.abs(pA.getCorrelation()) < Math.abs(pB.getCorrelation())) {
                return 1;
            } else {
                return 0;

    public static final Comparator<ScoredAttribute> SORT_BY_SCORE = new Comparator<ScoredAttribute>() {

         * Compare a scoredAttribute placing the highest score first.
         * @param pA scoredAttribute A
         * @param pB scoredAttribute B
         * @return -1 for A > B, 1 for B > A, 0 if A==B
        public int compare(ScoredAttribute pA, ScoredAttribute pB) {
            if (pA.getAttributeScore() > pB.getAttributeScore()) {
                return -1;
            } else if (pA.getAttributeScore() < pB.getAttributeScore()) {
                return 1;
            } else {
                return 0;

      * Compare a scoredAttribute placing the highest entropy first.
      * @param pA scoredAttribute A
      * @param pB scoredAttribute B
      * @return -1 for A > B, 1 for B > A, 0 if A==B
    public static final Comparator<ScoredAttribute> SORT_BY_ENTROPY = new Comparator<ScoredAttribute>() {

         * Compare a score placing the highest score first.
         * @param pA score A
         * @param pB score B
         * @return -1 for A > B, 1 for B > A, 0 if A==B
        public int compare(ScoredAttribute pA, ScoredAttribute pB) {
            if (pA.getEntropy() > pB.getEntropy()) {
                return -1;
            } else if (pA.getEntropy() < pB.getEntropy()) {
                return 1;
            } else {
                return 0;


    private IDataStore aDataStore;
    private String aAttributeID;
    private String aAttributeName;
    private double aAttributeScore;
    private TypedValue aDefaultValue;

    private Category aCategory;
    private String aAttributeDesc;
    private double aEntropy;
    private double aCorrelation;

    private TypedValue aMin;
    private TypedValue aMax;
    private List<TypedValue> aStringValues;
    private Map<String, Double> aLabelMeanScores;
    private Map<Double, Integer> aNumericValueRank;
    private Map<String, Integer> aStringValueRank;

    private Type aAttributeMainType;
    private Direction aDirection;
    private boolean aIsPrice;

     * The type of attribute.
    private enum Type {

    /**Constructor for a null scored attribute.
    public ScoredAttribute() {
        aAttributeID = "0";
        aAttributeScore = 0.0;
        aAttributeName = "";
        aAttributeDesc = "";
        aEntropy = 0;
        aCorrelation = 0;
        aAttributeMainType = Type.NULL;
        aDefaultValue = new TypedValue();
        aDirection = Direction.MORE_IS_BETTER;

    /**Constructor from an attribute.
     * @param pAttribute attribute to build score for.
     * @param pCategory in which the attribute is present
    public ScoredAttribute(Attribute pAttribute, Category pCategory) {

        aAttributeID = pAttribute.getId();
        aAttributeScore = 0.0;
        aAttributeName = pAttribute.getName();
        aAttributeDesc = pAttribute.getDescription();
        aEntropy = 0;
        aCorrelation = 0;
        aLabelMeanScores = new HashMap<String, Double>();
        aNumericValueRank = new HashMap<Double, Integer>();
        aStringValueRank = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        aCategory = pCategory;

        aIsPrice = pAttribute.isPrice();

        if (pCategory != null) {
            Collection<Product> products = pCategory.getProducts();
        } else {
            aDefaultValue = new TypedValue();


    private void setStats(Collection<Product> pProducts) {
        ArrayList<TypedValue> values = new ArrayList<TypedValue>();
        for (Product p : pProducts) {

            Attribute a = p.getAttribute(aAttributeID);
            if (a != null) {

        if (values.size() > 0) {
            aAttributeMainType = getMainType(values);
        } else {
            aAttributeMainType = Type.NA;

        // goes only over the products that had a non null attribute value
        if (aAttributeMainType == Type.NUMERIC) {

        } else if (aAttributeMainType == Type.BOOLEAN) {
        } else if (aAttributeMainType == Type.STRING) {
        } else {
            aEntropy = 0;
            aDefaultValue = new TypedValue();

    private void setNumericStats(ArrayList<TypedValue> pValues) {
        SummaryStatistics ss = new SummaryStatistics();
        double min = DEFAULT_MIN;
        double max = DEFAULT_MAX;
        ArrayList<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>(pValues.size());
        for (TypedValue tv : pValues) {
            if (tv.isNumeric()) {
                if (tv.getNumeric() < min) {
                    min = tv.getNumeric();

                if (tv.getNumeric() > max) {
                    max = tv.getNumeric();

        //Set bounds
        if (Double.isNaN(min)) {
            LOG.error("Min value is NaN: " + aAttributeID + ", " + aAttributeName + ", " + aCategory.getId());
        if (Double.isNaN(max)) {
            LOG.error("Max value is NaN: " + aAttributeID + ", " + aAttributeName + ", " + aCategory.getId());
        aMin = new TypedValue(min);
        aMax = new TypedValue(max);
        double mean = ss.getGeometricMean();
        double variance = ss.getStandardDeviation() * ss.getStandardDeviation();
        //Calculate Entropy
        double entropy = 0;
        for (TypedValue tv : pValues) {
            if (tv.isNumeric()) {
                double prob = computeNormalProbability(tv, mean, variance);
                entropy = entropy - prob * (Math.log(prob));
        aDefaultValue = new TypedValue(mean);
        if (!Double.isNaN(entropy)) {
            aEntropy = entropy;
        } else {
            aEntropy = 0;

        //Get the correlation
        NumericCorrelator ac = new NumericCorrelator(aCategory);
        aCorrelation = ac.computeCorrelation(aAttributeID, CONSIDERATION_THRESHOLD);

        if (aIsPrice) {
            aDirection = Direction.LESS_IS_BETTER;
        } else {
            aDirection = ac.computeAttributeDirection(aAttributeID, CONSIDERATION_THRESHOLD);
        //Calculate Ranking
        if (aDirection == Direction.LESS_IS_BETTER) {
        } else {
            Collections.sort(values, Collections.reverseOrder());

    private void setRank(List<Double> pValues) {
        double previousValue = 0;
        boolean notFirst = false;
        int rank = 1;
        for (Double val : pValues) {
            if (notFirst) {
                if (previousValue != val.doubleValue()) {
                    if (aNumericValueRank.containsKey(val)) {
                        LOG.error("setNumericStats sort error in Attribute " + aAttributeID + "in Category "
                                + aCategory.getId());
                    } else {
                        aNumericValueRank.put(val, rank);
                        previousValue = val.doubleValue();
            } else//It is the first Item
                aNumericValueRank.put(val, rank);
                previousValue = val.doubleValue();
                notFirst = true;

    private void setStringStats(ArrayList<TypedValue> pValues) {
        HashMap<String, Double> stringCounts = new HashMap<String, Double>();
        ArrayList<TypedValue> dictionary = new ArrayList<TypedValue>();
        double count;
        double totalCount = 0;
        for (TypedValue tv : pValues) {
            if (tv.isString()) {
                totalCount += 1;
                if (stringCounts.containsKey(tv.getString())) {
                    count = stringCounts.get(tv.getString());
                } else {
                    count = 0;
                stringCounts.put(tv.getString(), count + 1);
        double entropy = 0;
        double maxCount = 0;
        String mode = "";
        for (String key : stringCounts.keySet()) {
            dictionary.add(new TypedValue(key));
            if (stringCounts.get(key) > maxCount) {
                mode = key;
                maxCount = stringCounts.get(key);
            double probKey = stringCounts.get(key) / totalCount;
            entropy = entropy - probKey * (Math.log(probKey));
        aStringValues = dictionary;
        aDefaultValue = new TypedValue(mode);
        if (!Double.isNaN(entropy)) {
            aEntropy = entropy;
        } else {
            aEntropy = 0;
        // Compute Correlation and rankings
        aLabelMeanScores = new HashMap<String, Double>();

        NominalCorrelator nominalCorrelator = new NominalCorrelator(aCategory);
        ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, Double>> entryList = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, Double>>();
        int rank = 1;
        for (Map.Entry<String, Double> entry : entryList) {
            aLabelMeanScores.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
            aStringValueRank.put(entry.getKey(), rank);

        aCorrelation = nominalCorrelator.computeAttributeWeight(aAttributeID);


    private void setBooleanStats(ArrayList<TypedValue> pValues) {
        double trueCount = 0;
        double totalCount = 0;
        for (TypedValue tv : pValues) {
            if (tv.isBoolean()) {
                totalCount = totalCount + 1;
                if (tv.getBoolean()) {
                    trueCount = trueCount + 1;
        double entropy = 0;
        boolean mode = false;
        double probTrue = trueCount / totalCount;
        double probFalse = 1 - probTrue;
        entropy = -probTrue * (Math.log(probTrue)) - probFalse * (Math.log(probFalse));
        if (trueCount >= totalCount / 2) {
            mode = true;

        aDefaultValue = new TypedValue(mode);
        if (!Double.isNaN(entropy)) {
            aEntropy = entropy;
        } else {
            aEntropy = 0;
        // Compute Correlation
        NominalCorrelator nominalCorrelator = new NominalCorrelator(aCategory);
        ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, Double>> entryList = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, Double>>();
        int rank = 1;
        for (Map.Entry<String, Double> entry : entryList) {
            aLabelMeanScores.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
            aStringValueRank.put(entry.getKey(), rank);

        aCorrelation = nominalCorrelator.computeAttributeWeight(aAttributeID);


    private double computeNormalProbability(TypedValue pValue, double pMean, double pVariance) {
        if (!pValue.isNumeric()) {
            return 0.0;
        double x = pValue.getNumeric();
        double probability;
        probability = 1 / (Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI * pVariance))
                * Math.exp(-((x - pMean) * (x - pMean)) / 2 * pVariance);

        return probability;

    private Type getMainType(ArrayList<TypedValue> pValues) {
        float stringCount = 0;
        float numericCount = 0;
        float booleanCount = 0;
        for (TypedValue tv : pValues) {
            if (tv.isBoolean()) {
                booleanCount += 1.0;
            } else if (tv.isNumeric()) {
                numericCount += 1.0;
            } else if (tv.isString()) {
                stringCount += 1.0;
        float totalCount = pValues.size();
        if ((booleanCount / totalCount) >= CONSIDERATION_THRESHOLD) {
            return Type.BOOLEAN;
        } else if ((numericCount / totalCount) >= CONSIDERATION_THRESHOLD) {
            return Type.NUMERIC;
        } else if ((stringCount / totalCount) >= CONSIDERATION_THRESHOLD) {
            return Type.STRING;
        } else {
            return Type.NA;

    private void sortEntries(List<Map.Entry<String, Double>> pEntries) {
        Collections.sort(pEntries, new Comparator<Map.Entry<String, Double>>() {
            public int compare(Map.Entry<String, Double> pA, Map.Entry<String, Double> pB) {
                return, pB.getValue());

     * @return attribute or category ID check first
     * @see isCat()
    public String getAttributeID() {
        return aAttributeID;

     * @return the score of the attribute as a double
    public double getAttributeScore() {
        return aAttributeScore;

     * @return name of the attribute as String
    public String getAttributeName() {
        return aAttributeName;

     * To be Changed.
     * @return string.
    public String toString() {
        return aAttributeName + ", " + aAttributeID + ", " + aAttributeDesc + ": " + aAttributeScore + ", ";

     * @return mean or mode of this attribute given a product list used to 
     * calculate the score
    public TypedValue getAttributeDefault() {
        return aDefaultValue;

     * @return The minimum value for this attribute.
    public TypedValue getMin() {
        return aMin;

     * @return The maximum value for this attribute.
    public TypedValue getMax() {
        return aMax;

     * @return The potential string values for this attribute.
    public List<TypedValue> getDict() {
        return aStringValues;

     * @return The potential string values for this attribute.
    public Map<String, Double> getLabelMeanScores() {
        return aLabelMeanScores;

     * @return String representing the attribute description
     * */
    public String getAttributeDesc() {
        return aAttributeDesc;

     * @return The entropy for this attribute.
    public double getEntropy() {
        return aEntropy;

     * @return The correlation for this attribute.
    public double getCorrelation() {
        return aCorrelation;

     * @return True if and only if this object represents
     * a non-available value.
    public boolean isNA() {
        return aAttributeMainType == Type.NA;

     * @return True if and only if this object represents
     * a null value.
    public boolean isNull() {
        return aAttributeMainType == Type.NULL;

     * @return True if and only if this object represents
     * a boolean value.
    public boolean isBoolean() {
        return aAttributeMainType == Type.BOOLEAN;

     * @return True if and only if this object represents
     * a numeric.
    public boolean isNumeric() {
        return aAttributeMainType == Type.NUMERIC;

     * @return True if and only if this object represents
     * a string value.
    public boolean isString() {
        return aAttributeMainType == Type.STRING;

     * @return The threshold at which an attribute is determined
     * to be of a certain type. An attribute must have more than
     * the threshold fraction of it's attribute of a same type 
     * to be considered of that type. This is currently set to 
     * 0.8.
    public double getTypeThreshold() {

     * @return The directions in which the atrtibute is worth more
    public Direction getDirection() {
        return aDirection;

     * This will return the rank of the Typed value passed. If the value is not found,
     * this will throw an IllegalArgeumetnException error.
     * For booleans, the rank is either 1 or 2 depending on which value is considered
     * favourable
     * @param pValue the value to be checkAgainst
     * @return the rank of the value in this ScoredAttribute
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the value wasn't found or if the type is incompatible
    public Integer getValueRank(TypedValue pValue) {
        if (pValue.isNumeric()) {
            if (aNumericValueRank.containsKey(pValue.getNumeric())) {
                return aNumericValueRank.get(pValue.getNumeric());
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("TypedValue Incompatible with Ranking " + "in Attribute "
                        + aAttributeID + "in Category " + aCategory.getId());
        } else if (pValue.isString()) {
            if (aStringValueRank.containsKey(pValue.getString())) {
                return aStringValueRank.get(pValue.getString());
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("TypedValue Incompatible with Ranking " + "in Attribute "
                        + aAttributeID + "in Category " + aCategory.getId());
        } else if (pValue.isBoolean()) //Assume it is always better to have 
            if (aStringValueRank.containsKey(String.valueOf(pValue.getBoolean()))) {
                return aStringValueRank.get(String.valueOf(pValue.getBoolean()));
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("TypedValue Incompatible with Ranking " + "in Attribute "
                        + aAttributeID + "in Category " + aCategory.getId());
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("TypedValue Incompatible with Ranking " + "in Attribute "
                    + aAttributeID + "in Category " + aCategory.getId());

     * This will return the score for a  TypedValue passed. If the value is not found,
     * this will throw an IllegalArgeumetnException error.
     * For numeric TypedValues the score is the value if the attribute is numeric and zero otherwise.
     * @param pValue the value to be checkAgainst
     * @return the score of the value in this ScoredAttribute
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the value wasn't found or if the type is incompatible
    public double getValueScore(TypedValue pValue) {
        if (pValue.isNumeric()) {
            if (aAttributeMainType == Type.NUMERIC) {
                return pValue.getNumeric();
            return 0.0;

        } else if (pValue.isString() || pValue.isBoolean()) {
            if (aLabelMeanScores.containsKey(pValue.getString())) {
                return aLabelMeanScores.get(pValue.getString());
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("TypedValue Incompatible with Ranking " + "in Attribute "
                        + aAttributeID + "in Category " + aCategory.getId());
        } else if (pValue.isBoolean()) //Assume it is always better to have 
            if (aLabelMeanScores.containsKey(String.valueOf(pValue.getBoolean()))) {
                return aLabelMeanScores.get(String.valueOf(pValue.getBoolean()));
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("TypedValue Incompatible with Ranking " + "in Attribute "
                        + aAttributeID + "in Category " + aCategory.getId());
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("TypedValue Incompatible with Ranking " + "in Attribute "
                    + aAttributeID + "in Category " + aCategory.getId());
