Java tutorial
/** * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3 * along with this work; Please find the Copyright information and Terms and * Conditions in the or file. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class WorldDatabase { // public static void main(String[] args) { // WorldDatabase wdb = new WorldDatabase(); // WorldInfo info = new WorldInfo(); // info.blockViewRadius = 1; // info.depth = 1; // info.numSectors = 2; // info.numTiles = 10; // info.numZones = 3; // wdb.addNewWorld(info, (short) 1, true); // } private ArrayList<OnlineWorld> worlds; public WorldDatabase() { FileService.makeDirectory(FileService.getWorldDirectory()); worlds = new ArrayList<OnlineWorld>(); } public void gracefulExit() { ArrayList<Byte> worldsNotSaved = new ArrayList<Byte>(); for (OnlineWorld world : worlds) { if (!saveWorld(world)) { worldsNotSaved.add(; } } if (worldsNotSaved.size() > 0) { throw new ServerException( "The following player(s) could not be saved:<br/>" + worldsNotSaved.toString()); } } private World loadWorld(byte worldID) { if (!doesWorldExists(worldID)) { throw new ServerException("World id-" + worldID + " does not exist. Stopping load order."); } String dataLocation = FileService.getWorldDataLocation(worldID); String infoLocation = FileService.getWorldInfoLocation(worldID); World world = new World(); = FileService.readData(dataLocation, short[][].class); = FileService.readData(infoLocation, WorldInfo.class); return world; } public boolean unloadWorld(byte worldID) { World world = getWorld(worldID); if (saveWorld(world)) { worlds.remove(world); } return false; } public boolean saveWorld(World world) { String dataLocation = FileService.getWorldDataLocation(; String infoLocation = FileService.getWorldInfoLocation(; Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create(); try (Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(dataLocation), "UTF-8")) { gson.toJson(, writer); writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } try (Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(infoLocation), "UTF-8")) { gson.toJson(, writer); writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } worlds.remove(world); return true; } private boolean doesWorldExists(byte worldID) { if (new File(FileService.getWorldInfoLocation(worldID)).exists()) { return true; } return false; } public OnlineWorld getWorld(byte worldID) { for (OnlineWorld world : worlds) { if ( == worldID) { return world; } } return null; } public ArrayList<OnlineWorld> getWorlds() { return worlds; } public boolean addWorld(byte worldID) { World world = loadWorld(worldID); if (world == null) return false; worlds.add(new OnlineWorld(world)); return true; } public boolean saveWorld(byte worldID) { World world = getWorld(worldID); if (world == null) return false; return saveWorld(world); } /*======================================================================== Database Testing Below */ /** * For Test World Creation */ private void addNewWorld(WorldInfo info, short initialTileID, boolean initialSave) { World world = WorldFactory.createBlankWorld(info, initialTileID); worlds.add(new OnlineWorld(world)); if (initialSave) { saveWorld(world); } } public static void main(String[] args) { WorldDatabase wdb = new WorldDatabase(); WorldInfo info = new WorldInfo(); info.worldID = (byte) 0; info.blockViewRadius = 6; info.depth = 3; info.sectorsPerWorld = 2; info.zonesPerSector = 3; info.tilesPerZone = 4; // WorldInfo info = new WorldInfo(); // info.depth = 1; // info.worldID = 1; // // info.numSectors = 1; // info.numZones = 3; // info.numTiles = 10; // FileService.makeDirectory(FileService.getWorldDataLocation(info.worldID)); wdb.addNewWorld(info, (byte) 1, true); // wdb.saveWorld(; // wdb.addWorld((byte) 1); } }