Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package ca.cutterslade.match.scheduler; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; public final class Scheduler { private final Configuration config; private final ImmutableSet<Gym> gyms; private final ImmutableSet<Court> courts; private final ImmutableSet<Day> days; private final ImmutableSet<Time> times; private final ImmutableSet<Slot> slots; private final ImmutableSet<Tier> tiers; private final ImmutableSet<Team> teams; private final ImmutableSet<Match> matches; private final ImmutableMap<Day, ImmutableMap<Time, ImmutableSet<Match>>> dayTimeMatches; private final ImmutableMap<Day, ImmutableSet<Match>> dayMatches; private final ImmutableMap<Slot, Match> slotMatches; public Scheduler(Configuration config, Set<String> teams, Set<String> tiers, Set<String> gyms, Set<String> courts, Set<String> times, Set<String> days, int teamSize) throws InterruptedException { if (null == config) throw new IllegalArgumentException("config may not be null"); if (null == teams) throw new IllegalArgumentException("teams may not be null"); if (null == tiers) throw new IllegalArgumentException("tiers may not be null"); if (null == gyms) throw new IllegalArgumentException("gyms may not be null"); if (null == courts) throw new IllegalArgumentException("courts may not be null"); if (null == times) throw new IllegalArgumentException("times may not be null"); if (null == days) throw new IllegalArgumentException("days may not be null"); this.config = config; this.gyms = Gym.forNames(gyms); this.courts = Court.forNames(courts, this.gyms); this.days = Day.forNames(days); this.times = Time.forNames(times); this.slots = Slot.forNames(this.times, this.courts, this.days); this.tiers = Tier.forNames(tiers); int slotsPerDay = gyms.size() * courts.size() * times.size(); int possibleTeams = slotsPerDay * teamSize; ImmutableSet<Team> realTeams = Team.forNames(teams, this.tiers, (int) Math.ceil(possibleTeams / (double) this.tiers.size())); if (teams.size() > possibleTeams) throw new IllegalArgumentException( teams.size() + " teams cannot play in " + slotsPerDay + " slots per day"); else if (teams.size() < possibleTeams) this.teams = padWithByes(this.tiers, realTeams, possibleTeams / this.tiers.size()); else this.teams = realTeams; this.matches = new MatchMaker(config, slots, this.teams, teamSize).getMatches(); ImmutableMap.Builder<Day, ImmutableMap<Time, ImmutableSet<Match>>> dayTimeMatches = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Day day : this.days) { ImmutableMap.Builder<Time, ImmutableSet<Match>> timeMatches = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Time time : this.times) { ImmutableSet.Builder<Match> b = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (Match m : matches) if (m.getDay().equals(day) && m.getTime().equals(time)) b.add(m); timeMatches.put(time,; } dayTimeMatches.put(day,; } this.dayTimeMatches =; ImmutableMap.Builder<Day, ImmutableSet<Match>> dayMatches = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Day day : this.days) dayMatches.put(day, ImmutableSet.copyOf(Iterables.concat(this.dayTimeMatches.get(day).values()))); this.dayMatches =; slotMatches = Maps.uniqueIndex(matches, new Function<Match, Slot>() { @Override public Slot apply(Match match) { return match.getSlot(); } }); } private static ImmutableSet<Team> padWithByes(ImmutableSet<Tier> tiers, ImmutableSet<Team> realTeams, int teamsPerTier) { ImmutableSet.Builder<Team> b = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (Tier tier : tiers) { ImmutableSet<Team> tierTeams = ImmutableSet.copyOf(tier.getTeams(realTeams)); b.addAll(tierTeams); if (tierTeams.size() > teamsPerTier) throw new AssertionError("More than allowed number of teams"); if (tierTeams.size() < teamsPerTier) for (int i = 0, n = teamsPerTier - tierTeams.size(); i < n; i++) b.add(new Team("B" + i, tier)); } return; } public Scheduler(Configuration config, int nTeams, int nTiers, int nGyms, int nCourts, int nTimes, int nDays, int size) throws InterruptedException { this(config, setOf(nTeams), setOf(nTiers), setOf(nGyms), setOf(nCourts), setOf(nTimes), setOf(nDays), size); } private static ImmutableSet<String> setOf(int n) { ImmutableSet.Builder<String> b = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) b.add(String.valueOf(i)); return; } public Configuration getConfig() { return config; } public ImmutableSet<Gym> getGyms() { return gyms; } public ImmutableSet<Court> getCourts() { return courts; } public ImmutableSet<Day> getDays() { return days; } public ImmutableSet<Time> getTimes() { return times; } public ImmutableSet<Slot> getSlots() { return slots; } public ImmutableSet<Tier> getTiers() { return tiers; } public ImmutableSet<Team> getTeams() { return teams; } public ImmutableSet<Match> getMatches() { return matches; } public ImmutableSet<Match> getMatches(Day day) { return dayMatches.get(day); } public ImmutableSet<Match> getMatches(Day day, Time time) { return dayTimeMatches.get(day).get(time); } public Match getMatch(Day day, Time time, Court court) { return slotMatches.get(new Slot(time, day, court)); } }