Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package ca.cutterslade.match.scheduler; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author W.F. Hartford * */ final class MatchMaker { private static final class PossibleMatchesCallable implements Callable<Set<ImmutableSet<Team>>> { private static final class ConstructorFunction implements Function<Collection<Team>, Callable<Set<ImmutableSet<Team>>>> { private final int teamsPerMatch; public ConstructorFunction(int teamsPerMatch) { this.teamsPerMatch = teamsPerMatch; } @Override public Callable<Set<ImmutableSet<Team>>> apply(Collection<Team> from) { return new PossibleMatchesCallable(from, teamsPerMatch); } } static Iterable<Callable<Set<ImmutableSet<Team>>>> forTiers(Iterable<Collection<Team>> tiers, int teamsPerMatch) { return Iterables.transform(tiers, new ConstructorFunction(teamsPerMatch)); } private final Collection<Team> tier; private final int teamsPerMatch; PossibleMatchesCallable(Collection<Team> tier, int teamsPerMatch) { this.tier = tier; this.teamsPerMatch = teamsPerMatch; } @Override public Set<ImmutableSet<Team>> call() throws Exception { Set<ImmutableSet<Team>> matches = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); build(Sets.<Team>newLinkedHashSet(), matches); return matches; } private void build(Set<Team> match, Set<ImmutableSet<Team>> matches) { Iterable<Team> options = match.isEmpty() ? this.tier : Iterables.filter(this.tier, Predicates.not(; for (Team t : options) { Set<Team> thisMatch = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(match); thisMatch.add(t); if (thisMatch.size() == teamsPerMatch) matches.add(ImmutableSet.copyOf(thisMatch)); else build(thisMatch, matches); } } } private static class SadFacesCallable implements Callable<Integer> { private final SadFaceFactor factor; private final int weight; private final Slot slot; private final ImmutableSet<Team> match; private final Iterable<Match> existingMatches; private final int limit; SadFacesCallable(SadFaceFactor factor, int weight, Slot slot, ImmutableSet<Team> match, Iterable<Match> existingMatches, int limit) { this.factor = factor; this.weight = weight; this.slot = slot; this.match = match; this.existingMatches = existingMatches; this.limit = limit; } @Override public Integer call() throws Exception { return weight * factor.getSadFaces(slot, match, existingMatches, limit); } } private static final Random RANDOM = new Random(); private final Executor executor = new Executor(); private final Configuration configuration; private final ImmutableSet<Team> teams; private final ImmutableMultimap<Tier, Team> tiers; private final ImmutableMultimap<Day, Slot> days; private final int teamSize; MatchMaker(Configuration configuration, ImmutableSet<Slot> slots, ImmutableSet<Team> teams, int teamSize) { if (null == configuration) throw new IllegalArgumentException("configuration may not be null"); if (null == slots) throw new IllegalArgumentException("slots may not be null"); if (null == teams) throw new IllegalArgumentException("teams may not be null"); if (2 > teamSize) throw new IllegalArgumentException("size must be two or greater"); this.configuration = configuration; this.teams = teams; ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Tier, Team> tiers = ImmutableMultimap.builder(); for (Team t : teams) tiers.put(t.getTier(), t); this.tiers =; ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Day, Slot> days = ImmutableMultimap.builder(); for (Slot s : slots) days.put(s.getDay(), s); this.days =; this.teamSize = teamSize; } ImmutableSet<Match> getMatches() throws InterruptedException { ImmutableSet<ImmutableSet<Team>> matches = executor .interleaf(PossibleMatchesCallable.forTiers(this.tiers.asMap().values(), teamSize)); ImmutableSet.Builder<Match> b = ImmutableSet.builder(); final Collection<Day> days; if (configuration.isRandomizeDayOrder()) { List<Day> d = Lists.newArrayList(this.days.keySet()); Collections.shuffle(d); days = d; } else days = this.days.keySet(); for (Day d : days) b.addAll(getMatchesForDay(d,, matches)); return; } private Iterable<Match> getMatchesForDay(Day day, Iterable<Match> existing, ImmutableSet<ImmutableSet<Team>> matches) throws InterruptedException { Set<Team> teams = Sets.newHashSet(this.teams); Set<Match> made = Sets.newHashSet(); while (!teams.isEmpty()) { for (Slot s : getDaySlots(day)) { final ImmutableSet<Team> bestMatch = getBestMatch(Iterables.concat(existing, made), matches, teams, s); made.add(makeMatch(s, bestMatch)); teams.removeAll(bestMatch); } } return ImmutableSet.copyOf(made); } private Collection<Slot> getDaySlots(Day day) { Collection<Slot> slots = this.days.get(day); if (configuration.isRandomizeSlotOrder()) { List<Slot> s = Lists.newArrayList(slots); Collections.shuffle(s, RANDOM); slots = s; } return slots; } private ImmutableSet<Team> getBestMatch(Iterable<Match> existing, ImmutableSet<ImmutableSet<Team>> matches, Set<Team> teams, Slot s) throws InterruptedException { int leastSadFaces = Integer.MAX_VALUE; ImmutableSet<Team> bestMatch = null; for (ImmutableSet<Team> m : matches) { if (teams.containsAll(m)) { int sadFaces = getSadFaces(s, m, existing, leastSadFaces); if (sadFaces < leastSadFaces) { bestMatch = m; if (0 == sadFaces) break; leastSadFaces = sadFaces; } } } if (null == bestMatch) throw new AssertionError("bestMatch is null"); return bestMatch; } private int getSadFaces(Slot slot, ImmutableSet<Team> match, Iterable<Match> existingMatches, int limit) throws InterruptedException { List<SadFacesCallable> sfcs = Lists.newArrayList(); for (SadFaceFactor f : SadFaceFactor.values()) sfcs.add(new SadFacesCallable(f, configuration.getFactor(f), slot, match, existingMatches, limit)); return executor.sum(sfcs); } private Match makeMatch(Slot s, final ImmutableSet<Team> bestMatch) { final Match m; if (configuration.isRandomizeMatchOrder()) { List<Team> r = Lists.newArrayList(bestMatch); Collections.shuffle(r, RANDOM); m = new Match(r, s); } else m = new Match(bestMatch, s); return m; } }