Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 WANdisco * * WANdisco licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package c5db.client; import c5db.client.generated.ByteArrayComparable; import c5db.client.generated.Call; import c5db.client.generated.Column; import c5db.client.generated.Comparator; import c5db.client.generated.GetRequest; import c5db.client.generated.MultiRequest; import c5db.client.generated.MutateRequest; import c5db.client.generated.MutationProto; import c5db.client.generated.NameBytesPair; import c5db.client.generated.ScanRequest; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableInt; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValueUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Mutation; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.Filter; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableSet; public class ProtobufUtil { private ProtobufUtil() { } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Result to a client Result * * @param proto the protocol buffer Result to convert * @return the converted client Result */ public static Result toResult(final c5db.client.generated.Result proto) { if (proto == null) { return null; } List<c5db.client.generated.Cell> values = proto.getCellList(); List<Cell> cells = new ArrayList<>(); for (c5db.client.generated.Cell c : values) { cells.add(toCell(c)); } return Result.create(cells); } @NotNull private static Cell toCell(c5db.client.generated.Cell c) { return CellUtil.createCell(c.getRow().array(), c.getFamily().array(), c.getQualifier().array(), c.getTimestamp(), (byte) c.getCellType().getNumber(), c.getValue().array()); } /** * Create a protocol buffer Get based on a client Get. * * @param get The client Get. * @param existenceOnly Is this only an existence check. * @return a protocol buffer Get * @throws IOException */ @NotNull public static c5db.client.generated.Get toGet(final Get get, boolean existenceOnly) throws IOException { c5db.client.generated.TimeRange timeRange; ByteBuffer row = ByteBuffer.wrap(get.getRow()); boolean cacheBlocks = get.getCacheBlocks(); int maxVersions = get.getMaxVersions(); List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>(); List<NameBytesPair> attributes = new ArrayList<>(); int storeLimit; int storeOffset; c5db.client.generated.Filter filter = get.getFilter() == null ? null : ProtobufUtil.toFilter(get.getFilter()); if (!get.getTimeRange().isAllTime()) { timeRange = new c5db.client.generated.TimeRange(get.getTimeRange().getMin(), get.getTimeRange().getMax()); } else { timeRange = new c5db.client.generated.TimeRange(0, Long.MAX_VALUE); } Map<String, byte[]> attributesMap = get.getAttributesMap(); if (!attributes.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> attribute : attributesMap.entrySet()) { NameBytesPair updatedAttribute = new NameBytesPair(attribute.getKey(), ByteBuffer.wrap(attribute.getValue())); attributes.add(updatedAttribute); } } if (get.hasFamilies()) { Map<byte[], NavigableSet<byte[]>> families = get.getFamilyMap(); for (Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableSet<byte[]>> family : families.entrySet()) { List<ByteBuffer> qualifiers = new ArrayList<>(); if (family.getValue() != null) { for (byte[] qualifier : family.getValue()) { qualifiers.add(ByteBuffer.wrap(qualifier)); } } Column column = new Column(ByteBuffer.wrap(family.getKey()), qualifiers); columns.add(column); } } storeLimit = get.getMaxResultsPerColumnFamily(); storeOffset = get.getRowOffsetPerColumnFamily(); return new c5db.client.generated.Get(row, columns, attributes, filter, timeRange, maxVersions, cacheBlocks, storeLimit, storeOffset, existenceOnly, false); } /** * Convert a client Filter to a protocol buffer Filter * * @param filter the Filter to convert * @return the converted protocol buffer Filter */ @NotNull private static c5db.client.generated.Filter toFilter(Filter filter) throws IOException { if (filter == null) { return new c5db.client.generated.Filter(); } return new c5db.client.generated.Filter(filter.getClass().getName(), ByteBuffer.wrap(filter.toByteArray())); } /** * Create a protocol buffer Mutate based on a client Mutation * * @param type The type of mutation to create * @param mutation The client Mutation * @return a protobuf Mutation */ @NotNull public static MutationProto toMutation(final MutationProto.MutationType type, final Mutation mutation) { List<MutationProto.ColumnValue> columnValues = new ArrayList<>(); List<NameBytesPair> attributes = new ArrayList<>(); final MutableInt cellCount = new MutableInt(0); mutation.getFamilyCellMap().forEach((family, cells) -> { List<MutationProto.ColumnValue.QualifierValue> qualifierValues = new ArrayList<>(); for (Cell cell : cells) { KeyValue kv = KeyValueUtil.ensureKeyValue(cell); cellCount.add(1); ByteBuffer qualifier = ByteBuffer.wrap(cell.getQualifier()); ByteBuffer value = ByteBuffer.wrap(cell.getValue()); MutationProto.DeleteType deleteType; if (type == MutationProto.MutationType.DELETE) { KeyValue.Type keyValueType = KeyValue.Type.codeToType(kv.getTypeByte()); deleteType = toDeleteType(keyValueType); } else { deleteType = null; } MutationProto.ColumnValue.QualifierValue qualifierValue = new MutationProto.ColumnValue.QualifierValue( qualifier, value, cell.getTimestamp(), deleteType); qualifierValues.add(qualifierValue); } columnValues.add(new MutationProto.ColumnValue(ByteBuffer.wrap(family), qualifierValues)); }); MutationProto.Durability durability = MutationProto.Durability.valueOf(mutation.getDurability().ordinal()); return new MutationProto(ByteBuffer.wrap(mutation.getRow()), type, columnValues, mutation.getTimeStamp(), attributes, durability, new c5db.client.generated.TimeRange(), cellCount.intValue()); } /** * Convert a delete KeyValue type to protocol buffer DeleteType. * * @param type The delete type to make * @return protocol buffer DeleteType */ private static MutationProto.DeleteType toDeleteType(KeyValue.Type type) { switch (type) { case Delete: return MutationProto.DeleteType.DELETE_ONE_VERSION; case DeleteColumn: return MutationProto.DeleteType.DELETE_MULTIPLE_VERSIONS; case DeleteFamily: return MutationProto.DeleteType.DELETE_FAMILY; default: return null; } } /** * Convert a client Scan to a protocol buffer Scan * * @param scan the client Scan to convert * @return the converted protocol buffer Scan * @throws IOException */ @NotNull public static c5db.client.generated.Scan toScan(final Scan scan) throws IOException { boolean cacheBlocks = scan.getCacheBlocks(); int batchSize = scan.getBatch(); long maxResultSize = scan.getMaxResultSize(); Boolean loadColumnFamiliesOnDemand = scan.getLoadColumnFamiliesOnDemandValue(); if (loadColumnFamiliesOnDemand == null) { loadColumnFamiliesOnDemand = false; } int maxVersions = scan.getMaxVersions(); c5db.client.generated.TimeRange timeRange; if (scan.getTimeRange().isAllTime()) { timeRange = new c5db.client.generated.TimeRange(0, Long.MAX_VALUE); } else { timeRange = new c5db.client.generated.TimeRange(scan.getTimeRange().getMin(), scan.getTimeRange().getMax()); } List<NameBytesPair> attributes = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, byte[]> attributesMap = scan.getAttributesMap(); if (!attributes.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> attribute : attributesMap.entrySet()) { attributes.add(new NameBytesPair(attribute.getKey(), ByteBuffer.wrap(attribute.getValue()))); } } ByteBuffer startRow = ByteBuffer.wrap(scan.getStartRow()); ByteBuffer stopRow = ByteBuffer.wrap(scan.getStopRow()); c5db.client.generated.Filter filter = ProtobufUtil.toFilter(scan.getFilter()); List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>(); if (scan.hasFamilies()) { for (Map.Entry<byte[], NavigableSet<byte[]>> family : scan.getFamilyMap().entrySet()) { NavigableSet<byte[]> qualifierSet = family.getValue(); List<ByteBuffer> qualifiers = new ArrayList<>(); if (qualifierSet != null && qualifierSet.size() > 0) { for (byte[] qualifier : qualifierSet) { qualifiers.add(ByteBuffer.wrap(qualifier)); } } Column column = new Column(ByteBuffer.wrap(family.getKey()), qualifiers); columns.add(column); } } int storeLimit = scan.getMaxResultsPerColumnFamily(); int storeOffset = scan.getRowOffsetPerColumnFamily(); return new c5db.client.generated.Scan(columns, attributes, startRow, stopRow, filter, timeRange, maxVersions, cacheBlocks, batchSize, maxResultSize, storeLimit, storeOffset, loadColumnFamiliesOnDemand, false); } @NotNull public static Call getGetCall(long commandId, GetRequest get) { return new Call(Call.Command.GET, commandId, get, null, null, null); } @NotNull public static Call getMutateCall(long commandId, MutateRequest mutateRequest) { return new Call(Call.Command.MUTATE, commandId, null, mutateRequest, null, null); } @NotNull public static Call getScanCall(long commandId, ScanRequest scanRequest) { return new Call(Call.Command.SCAN, commandId, null, null, scanRequest, null); } @NotNull public static Call getMultiCall(long commandId, MultiRequest multiRequest) { return new Call(Call.Command.MULTI, commandId, null, null, null, multiRequest); } /** * Convert a protocol buffer Result to a client Result * * @param proto the protocol buffer Result to convert * @return the converted client Result */ public static Result toResultExists(final c5db.client.generated.Result proto) { if (proto == null) { return null; } return Result.create(null, proto.getExists()); } /** * Convert a ByteArrayComparable to a protocol buffer Comparator * * @param comparator the ByteArrayComparable to convert * @return the converted protocol buffer Comparator */ @NotNull public static Comparator toComparator(ByteArrayComparable comparator) { return new Comparator(comparator.getClass().getName(), comparator.getValue()); } }