Java tutorial
package byps.test; /* USE THIS FILE ACCORDING TO THE COPYRIGHT RULES IN LICENSE.TXT WHICH IS PART OF THE SOURCE CODE PACKAGE */ import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.junit.Test; import byps.BException; import byps.BExceptionC; import byps.BInput; import byps.BOutput; import byps.BTransport; import byps.test.api.prim.PrimitiveTypes; import byps.test.api.set.SetTypes; /** * This class provides tests to check the * serialization and deserialization of * List<> types. */ public class TestSerializerSet { private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TestSerializerSet.class); BTransport transport = TestUtils.createTransport(); /** * Test with null values for all lists. * @throws BException */ @Test public void testSetNull() throws BException {"testSetNull("); BOutput bout = transport.getOutput(); SetTypes obj = new SetTypes();; ByteBuffer buf = bout.toByteBuffer(); TestUtils.printBuffer(log, buf); BInput bin = transport.getInput(null, buf); SetTypes objR = (SetTypes) bin.load(); TestUtils.assertEquals(log, "", obj, objR);")testSetNull"); } /** * Test with null values for all lists. * @throws BException */ @Test public void testSetEmpty() throws BException {"testSetEmpty("); BOutput bout = transport.getOutput(); SetTypes obj = new SetTypes(); obj.boolean1 = new HashSet<Boolean>(); obj.byte1 = new HashSet<Byte>(); obj.char1 = new TreeSet<Character>(); obj.double1 = new HashSet<Double>(); obj.float1 = new HashSet<Float>(); obj.int1 = new HashSet<Integer>(); obj.long1 = new HashSet<Long>(); obj.primitiveTypes1 = new HashSet<PrimitiveTypes>(); obj.short1 = new HashSet<Short>(); obj.string1 = new HashSet<String>();; ByteBuffer buf = bout.toByteBuffer(); TestUtils.printBuffer(log, buf); BInput bin = transport.getInput(null, buf); SetTypes objR = (SetTypes) bin.load(); TestUtils.assertEquals(log, "", obj, objR);")testSetEmpty"); } /** * Test with none-null values for all 1-dimensional Arrays. * This test fails, if the generated class PrimitiveTypes is used, since it does not have an equals method. * * @throws BException */ @Test public void testSetNotNull() throws BException {"testSetNotNull("); BOutput bout = transport.getOutput(); SetTypes obj = new SetTypes(); obj.boolean1 = new HashSet<Boolean>(Arrays.asList(true, false)); obj.byte1 = new HashSet<Byte>(Arrays.asList((byte) 1, (byte) 2, (byte) 3)); obj.char1 = new TreeSet<Character>(Arrays.asList('a', 'b')); obj.double1 = new HashSet<Double>(Arrays.asList(0.0, 0.1, 0.2)); obj.float1 = new HashSet<Float>(Arrays.asList(1f, 2f, 3f, 4f)); obj.int1 = new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)); obj.long1 = new HashSet<Long>(Arrays.asList(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L)); obj.primitiveTypes1 = new HashSet<PrimitiveTypes>( Arrays.asList(new PrimitiveTypes[] { TestUtils.createObjectPrimitiveTypes() })); obj.short1 = new HashSet<Short>(Arrays.asList((short) 1)); obj.string1 = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c")); obj.obj1 = new HashSet<Object>( Arrays.asList(new PrimitiveTypes[] { TestUtils.createObjectPrimitiveTypes() }));; ByteBuffer buf = bout.toByteBuffer(); TestUtils.printBuffer(log, buf); BInput bin = transport.getInput(null, buf); SetTypes objR = (SetTypes) bin.load(); TestUtils.assertEquals(log, "", obj, objR);")testSetNotNull"); } @Test public void testSetBoolean() throws BException {"testSetBoolean("); internaltestSetBoolean(new Boolean[] { true, false, true, false, true }); internaltestSetBoolean(new Boolean[] {}); internaltestSetBoolean(new Boolean[] { true }); internaltestSetBoolean(new Boolean[] { false });")testSetBoolean"); } protected void internaltestSetBoolean(Boolean[] arr) throws BException { SetTypes obj = new SetTypes(); obj.boolean1 = new HashSet<Boolean>(Arrays.asList(arr)); internaltestSet(obj); } protected void internaltestSet(Object obj) throws BException { BOutput bout = transport.getOutput();; ByteBuffer buf = bout.toByteBuffer(); TestUtils.printBuffer(log, buf); BInput bin = transport.getInput(null, buf); SetTypes objR = (SetTypes) bin.load(); TestUtils.assertEquals(log, "", obj, objR); } @Test public void testSetByte() throws BException {"testSetByte("); internaltestSetByte(new Byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }); internaltestSetByte(new Byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }); internaltestSetByte(new Byte[] {}); internaltestSetByte(new Byte[] { 1 }); internaltestSetByte(new Byte[] { 0 });")testSetByte"); } protected void internaltestSetByte(Byte[] arr) throws BException { SetTypes obj = new SetTypes(); obj.byte1 = new HashSet<Byte>(Arrays.asList(arr)); internaltestSet(obj); } @Test public void testSetChar() throws BException {"testSetChar("); internaltestSetCharacter(new Character[] { 'a', '', '' }); internaltestSetCharacter(new Character[] {}); internaltestSetCharacter(new Character[] { 'a' }); internaltestSetCharacter(new Character[] { '' }); internaltestSetCharacter(new Character[] { '' });")testSetCharacter"); } protected void internaltestSetCharacter(Character[] arr) throws BException { SetTypes obj = new SetTypes(); obj.char1 = new TreeSet<Character>(Arrays.asList(arr)); internaltestSet(obj); } @Test public void testSetShort() throws BException {"testSetShort("); internaltestSetShort(new Short[] { 1, -1, 123, -123, (short) 0xCDCD }); internaltestSetShort(new Short[] {}); internaltestSetShort(new Short[] { 1 }); internaltestSetShort(new Short[] { 0 });")testSetShort"); } protected void internaltestSetShort(Short[] arr) throws BException { SetTypes obj = new SetTypes(); obj.short1 = new HashSet<Short>(Arrays.asList(arr)); internaltestSet(obj); } @Test public void testSetInteger() throws BException {"testSetInteger("); internaltestSetInteger(new Integer[] { 1, -1, 123, -123, (Integer) 0xCDCDCDCD }); internaltestSetInteger(new Integer[] {}); internaltestSetInteger(new Integer[] { 1 }); internaltestSetInteger(new Integer[] { 0 });")testSetInteger"); } protected void internaltestSetInteger(Integer[] arr) throws BException { SetTypes obj = new SetTypes(); obj.int1 = new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(arr)); internaltestSet(obj); } @Test public void testSetLong() throws BException {"testSetLong("); internaltestSetLong(new Long[] { 1L, -1L, 123L, -123L, 0xCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDL }); internaltestSetLong(new Long[] {}); internaltestSetLong(new Long[] { 1L }); internaltestSetLong(new Long[] { 0L });")testSetLong"); } protected void internaltestSetLong(Long[] arr) throws BException { SetTypes obj = new SetTypes(); obj.long1 = new HashSet<Long>(Arrays.asList(arr)); internaltestSet(obj); } @Test public void testSetFloat() throws BException {"testSetFloat("); internaltestSetFloat(new Float[] { 1f, -1f, 123f, -123f, 4e5f }); internaltestSetFloat(new Float[] {}); internaltestSetFloat(new Float[] { 1f }); internaltestSetFloat(new Float[] { 0f });")testSetFloat"); } protected void internaltestSetFloat(Float[] arr) throws BException { SetTypes obj = new SetTypes(); obj.float1 = new HashSet<Float>(Arrays.asList(arr)); internaltestSet(obj); } @Test public void testSetDouble() throws BException {"testSetDouble("); internaltestSetDouble(new Double[] { 1.0, -1.0, 123.0, -123.0, 1.4e-6 }); internaltestSetDouble(new Double[] {}); internaltestSetDouble(new Double[] { 1.0 }); internaltestSetDouble(new Double[] { 0.0 });")testSetFloat"); } protected void internaltestSetDouble(Double[] arr) throws BException { SetTypes obj = new SetTypes(); obj.double1 = new HashSet<Double>(Arrays.asList(arr)); internaltestSet(obj); } @Test public void testSetString() throws BException {"testSetString("); internaltestSetString(new String[] { "a", "bc", "def", "", "a", "a", "ab", "", "a", "a", "ab" }); internaltestSetString(new String[] {}); internaltestSetString(new String[] { "a" }); internaltestSetString(new String[] { "" }); internaltestSetString(new String[] { "" });")testSetString"); } protected void internaltestSetString(String[] arr) throws BException { SetTypes obj = new SetTypes(); obj.string1 = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(arr)); internaltestSet(obj); } /** * Test set of class PrimitiveTypes. * This test fails, if the generated class PrimitiveTypes is used, since it does not have an equals method. * @throws BException */ @Test public void testSetPimitiveTypes() throws BException {"testSetPimitiveTypes("); internaltestSetPimitiveTypes(new PrimitiveTypes[] { TestUtils.createObjectPrimitiveTypes(), TestUtils.createObjectPrimitiveTypes(), TestUtils.createObjectPrimitiveTypes() }); internaltestSetPimitiveTypes(new PrimitiveTypes[] { TestUtils.createObjectPrimitiveTypes() }); internaltestSetPimitiveTypes(new PrimitiveTypes[] {}); internaltestSetPimitiveTypes(new PrimitiveTypes[] { null });")testSetPimitiveTypes"); } /** * A List<Object> can contain only BSerializable objects. * @throws BException */ @Test public void testSetOfObject() throws BException {"testSetOfObject("); try { SetTypes obj = new SetTypes(); obj.obj1 = new HashSet<Object>(); obj.obj1.add("string must fail"); internaltestSet(obj);"Exception expected for List<Object> containing Strings"); } catch (BException e) { Assert.assertTrue(e.toString().startsWith("[BYPS:" + BExceptionC.CORRUPT)); } SetTypes obj = new SetTypes(); obj.obj1 = new HashSet<Object>(); obj.obj1.add(TestUtils.createObjectPrimitiveTypes()); internaltestSet(obj);")testSetOfObject"); } protected void internaltestSetPimitiveTypes(PrimitiveTypes[] arr) throws BException { SetTypes obj = new SetTypes(); obj.primitiveTypes1 = new HashSet<PrimitiveTypes>(Arrays.asList(arr)); internaltestSet(obj); } }