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 * Copyright 2011 OverZealous Creations, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package by.heap.remark.convert;

import by.heap.remark.Options;
import by.heap.remark.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Node;
import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * This class is used to clean up plain text fields based on the selected set of options.
 * It optionally escapes certain special characters, as well as replacing various
 * HTML and Unicode entities with their plaintext equivalents.
 * @author Phil DeJarnett
public class TextCleaner {

     * Internal class simply used to hold the various escape regexes.
    private class Escape {
        final Pattern pattern;
        final String replacement;

        public Escape(String pattern, String replacement) {
            this.pattern = Pattern.compile(pattern);
            this.replacement = replacement;

    /** Used to track the replacements based on matched groups. */
    private Map<String, String> replacements;
    /** Compiled entity replacement pattern. */
    private Pattern entityReplacementsPattern;
    /** Compiled unicode replacement pattern. */
    private Pattern unicodeReplacementsPattern = null;
    /** List of possible escapes */
    private List<Escape> escapes;
    private Pattern unescapeLeadingChars;

    private static final Pattern EMPTY_MATCHER = Pattern.compile("\\s+", Pattern.DOTALL);
    private static final Pattern LINEBREAK_REMOVER = Pattern.compile("(\\s*\\r?+\\n)+");

    private static final Pattern URL_CLEANER = Pattern.compile("([\\(\\) ])");

     * Create a new TextCleaner based on the configured options.
     * @param options Options that will affect what is cleaned.
    public TextCleaner(Options options) {

     * Configures the basic replacements based on the configured options.
     * @param options Options that will affect what is replaced.
    @SuppressWarnings({ "OverlyLongMethod" })
    private void setupReplacements(Options options) {
        this.replacements = new HashMap<String, String>();

        // build replacement regex
        StringBuilder entities = new StringBuilder(replacements.size() * 5);

        // this is a special case for double-encoded HTML entities.
        addRepl(entities, "&amp;", "&");
        addRepl(entities, "&lt;", "<");
        addRepl(entities, "&gt;", ">");
        addRepl(entities, "&quot;", "\"");
        if (options.reverseHtmlSmartQuotes) {
            addRepl(entities, "&ldquo;", "\"");
            addRepl(entities, "&rdquo;", "\"");
            addRepl(entities, "&lsquo;", "\'");
            addRepl(entities, "&rsquo;", "\'");
            addRepl(entities, "&apos;", "\'");
            addRepl(entities, "&laquo;", "<<");
            addRepl(entities, "&raquo;", ">>");
        if (options.reverseHtmlSmartPunctuation) {
            addRepl(entities, "&ndash;", "--");
            addRepl(entities, "&mdash;", "---");
            addRepl(entities, "&hellip;", "...");
        entities.replace(entities.length() - 1, entities.length(), ");)");

        entityReplacementsPattern = Pattern.compile(entities.toString(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);

        if (options.reverseUnicodeSmartPunctuation || options.reverseUnicodeSmartQuotes) {
            StringBuilder unicode = new StringBuilder("[\\Q");
            if (options.reverseUnicodeSmartQuotes) {
                addRepl(unicode, "\u201c", "\""); // left double quote: 
                addRepl(unicode, "\u201d", "\""); // right double quote: ?
                addRepl(unicode, "\u2018", "\'"); // left single quote: 
                addRepl(unicode, "\u2019", "\'"); // right single quote: 
                addRepl(unicode, "\u00ab", "<<"); // left angle quote: 
                addRepl(unicode, "\u00bb", ">>"); // right angle quote: 
            if (options.reverseUnicodeSmartPunctuation) {
                addRepl(unicode, "\u2013", "--"); // en-dash: 
                addRepl(unicode, "\u2014", "---"); // em-dash: 
                addRepl(unicode, "\u2026", "..."); // ellipsis: 
            unicodeReplacementsPattern = Pattern.compile(unicode.toString());

     * Utility method to make the code above easier to read.
     * @param regex A character buffer to append the replacement to
     * @param original Original character or string.
     * @param replacement Replacement character or string.
    private void addRepl(StringBuilder regex, String original, String replacement) {
        replacements.put(original, replacement);
        if (original.charAt(0) == '&') {
            // add entity
            regex.append(original.substring(1, original.length() - 1));
        } else {
            // add single character

     * Configures the basic escapes based on the configured options.
     * @param options Options that will affect what is escaped.
    private void setupEscapes(Options options) {
        escapes = new ArrayList<Escape>();

        // confusingly, this replaces single backslashes with double backslashes.
        // Man, I miss Groovy's slashy strings in these moments...
        escapes.add(new Escape("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"));

        // creates an set of characters that are universally escaped.
        // these characters are wrapped in \Q...\E to ensure they aren't treated as special characters.
        StringBuilder chars = new StringBuilder("([\\Q`*_{}[]#");
        if (options.tables.isConvertedToText() && !options.tables.isRenderedAsCode()) {
        escapes.add(new Escape(chars.toString(), "\\\\$1"));

        // finally, escape certain characters only if they are leading characters
        StringBuilder leadingChars = new StringBuilder("^( ?+)([\\Q-+");
        if (options.definitionLists) {
        escapes.add(new Escape(leadingChars.toString(), "$1\\\\$2"));

        // setup the leading character reverser
        // this is a bit of a hack to undo leading character escapes.
        unescapeLeadingChars = Pattern.compile(leadingChars.insert(6, "\\\\").toString());

     * Clean the given input text based on the original configuration Options.
     * Newlines are also replaced with a single space.
     * @param input The text to be cleaned. Can be any object. JSoup nodes are handled specially.
     * @return The cleaned text.
    public String clean(Object input) {
        return clean(input, true);

     * Clean the given input text based on the original configuration Options.
     * The text is treat as code, so it is not escaped, and newlines are preserved.
     * @param input The text to be cleaned. Can be any object. JSoup nodes are handled specially.
     * @return The cleaned text.
    public String cleanCode(Object input) {
        return clean(input, false);

     * Clean the given input text based on the original configuration Options.
     * Optionally, don't escape special characters.
     * @param oinput The text to be cleaned. Can be any object. JSoup nodes are handled specially.
     * @param normalText If false, don't escape special characters.  This is usually only used for
     *                 inline code or code blocks, because they don't need to be escaped.
     * @return The cleaned text.
    private String clean(Object oinput, boolean normalText) {
        String input;
        if (oinput instanceof TextNode) {
            input = getTextNodeText((TextNode) oinput, normalText);
        } else if (oinput instanceof Element) {
            if (normalText) {
                input = ((Element) oinput).text();
            } else {
                input = getPreformattedText((Element) oinput);
        } else {
            input = oinput.toString();
        String result;
        if (input.length() == 0) {
            // not seen, so just return an empty string.
            result = "";
        } else if (normalText) {
            // For non-code text, newlines are _never_ allowed.
            // Replace one or more set of whitespace chars followed by a newline with a single space.
            input = LINEBREAK_REMOVER.matcher(input).replaceAll(" ");

            // now escape special characters.
            for (final Escape rep : escapes) {
                input = rep.pattern.matcher(input).replaceAll(rep.replacement);
            StringBuffer output = doReplacements(input, entityReplacementsPattern);
            if (unicodeReplacementsPattern != null) {
                output = doReplacements(output, unicodeReplacementsPattern);
            result = output.toString();
        } else {
            // we have to revert ALL HTML entities for code, because they will end up
            // double-encoded by markdown
            // we also don't need to worry about escaping anything
            // note: we have to manually replace &apos; because it is ignored by StringEscapeUtils for some reason.
            result = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(input.replace("&apos;", "'"));
        return result;

     * Replaces all {@code <br/>} tags with a newline in a copy of the input node, and
     * returns the resulting innter text.
     * This is necessary to ensure that manual linebreaks are supported in preformatted code.
     * @param oinput Preformatted node to process
     * @return inner text of the node.
    private String getPreformattedText(Element oinput) {
        Element el = oinput.clone();
        return el.text();

    // recursively processes the element to replace <br>'s with \n
    private void fixLineBreaks(Element el) {
        for (final Element e : el.children()) {
            if (e.tagName().equals("br")) {
            } else {

     * Handles running the regex-based replacements in the input
     * @param input String to process
     * @param regex Pattern to use
     * @return cleaned up input string
    private StringBuffer doReplacements(CharSequence input, Pattern regex) {
        StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();

        Matcher m = regex.matcher(input);
        while (m.find()) {
            String repString;
            // if we have a hard match, do a simple replacement.
            String replacementKey =;
            if (replacements.containsKey(replacementKey)) {
                repString = replacements.get(replacementKey);
            } else {
                // special case for escaped HTML entities.
                repString = "\\\\&$1";
            m.appendReplacement(output, repString);

        return output;

     * Method to clean inline code, and, if necessary, add spaces to make sure that internal, leading, or
     * trailing {@code '`'} characters don't break the inline code.
     * Newlines are also replaced with spaces.
     * This method also adds the leading and trailing {@code '`'} or {@code '```'} as necessary.
     * @param input String to clean. Can be any object. JSoup nodes are handled specially.
     * @return The cleaned text.
    public String cleanInlineCode(Object input) {
        String output = clean(input, false).replace('\n', ' ');
        if (output.indexOf('`') != -1) {
            String prepend = "";
            if (output.charAt(0) == '`') {
                prepend = " ";
            String append = "";
            if (output.charAt(output.length() - 1) == '`') {
                append = " ";
            String delim = getDelimiter(output);
            output = String.format("%s%s%s%s%s", delim, prepend, output, append, delim);
        } else {
            output = String.format("`%s`", output);
        return output;

     * Removes the escaping on leading characters, for example, when they are going to be rendered inside
     * another node, such as a table.
     * @param input String to process
     * @return Cleaned string.
    public String unescapeLeadingCharacters(String input) {
        // removes any leading escapes...
        return unescapeLeadingChars.matcher(input).replaceAll("$1$2");

     * Handles escaping special characters in URLs to avoid issues when they are rendered out
     * (ie: spaces, parentheses)
     * @param input URL to process
     * @return Cleaned URL
    public String cleanUrl(String input) {
        StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();

        Matcher m = URL_CLEANER.matcher(input);
        while (m.find()) {
            char c =;
            m.appendReplacement(output, String.format("%%%02x", (int) c));
        return output.toString();

    String getDelimiter(String input) {
        int max = 0;
        int counter = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
            if (input.charAt(i) == '`') {
            } else {
                max = Math.max(max, counter);
                counter = 0;
        // check in case the last tick was at the end.
        max = Math.max(max, counter);
        return StringUtils.multiply('`', max + 1);

    private String getTextNodeText(TextNode tn, boolean normalText) {
        String input = normalText ? tn.text() : tn.getWholeText();
        Node prev = tn.previousSibling();
        Node next = tn.nextSibling();
        boolean parentIsBlock = isBlock(tn.parent());
        if (isBlock(prev)) {
            input = ltrim(input);
        } else if (prev == null && parentIsBlock) {
            input = ltrim(input);
        } else if (normalText && prev instanceof TextNode) {
            TextNode tprev = (TextNode) prev;
            if (EMPTY_MATCHER.matcher(tprev.text()).matches()) {
                input = ltrim(input);
        if (input.length() > 0) {
            if (isBlock(next)) {
                input = rtrim(input);
            } else if (next == null && parentIsBlock) {
                input = rtrim(input);
            } else if (normalText && next instanceof TextNode) {
                TextNode tnext = (TextNode) next;
                if (EMPTY_MATCHER.matcher(tnext.text()).matches()) {
                    input = rtrim(input);
        return input;

    private boolean isBlock(Node n) {
        boolean block = false;
        if (n != null && n instanceof Element) {
            Element el = (Element) n;
            block = el.isBlock() || el.tagName().equals("br");
        return block;

    private String ltrim(String s) {
        int start = 0;
        while ((start + 1 <= s.length()) && EMPTY_MATCHER.matcher(s.substring(start, start + 1)).matches()) {
        String ret = "";
        if (start != s.length()) {
            ret = s.substring(start);
        return ret;

    private String rtrim(String s) {
        int end = s.length();
        while ((end - 1 >= 0) && EMPTY_MATCHER.matcher(s.substring(end - 1, end)).matches()) {
        String ret = "";
        if (end != 0) {
            ret = s.substring(0, end);
        return ret;
