Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2016 Stichting PALGA * This file is distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License * (see accompanying file <a href="{@docRoot}/LICENSE">LICENSE</a>). */ package; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.LockModeType; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.transaction.Transactional; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import business.exceptions.EmailAddressNotAvailable; import business.exceptions.EmailAddressNotUnique; import business.exceptions.InvalidPassword; import business.exceptions.InvalidUserData; import business.models.ActivationLink; import business.models.ActivationLinkRepository; import business.models.ContactData; import business.models.Lab; import business.models.Role; import business.models.RoleRepository; import business.models.User; import business.models.UserRepository; import business.representation.ProfileRepresentation; import business.validation.PasswordValidator; @Service @Transactional public class UserService { public enum NewUserLinkType { ACTIVATION_LINK, PASSWORD_RESET_LINK, NONE } Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); private Object lock = new Object(); @PersistenceContext private EntityManager em; @Autowired UserRepository userRepository; @Autowired RoleRepository roleRepository; @Autowired LabService labService; @Autowired MailService mailService; @Autowired PasswordService passwordService; @Autowired ActivationLinkRepository activationLinkRepository; @Transactional public User save(User user) throws EmailAddressNotAvailable { assert (user.getRoles().size() == 1); synchronized (lock) { em.persist(user); em.flush(); em.refresh(user, LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE); em.flush(); long count = userRepository.countByUsernameAndDeletedFalse(user.getUsername()); if (count > 1) { throw new EmailAddressNotUnique(); } } return user; } public User findByUsername(String username) { return userRepository.findByUsernameAndDeletedFalse(username); } public User getOne(Long id) { return userRepository.getByIdAndDeletedFalse(id); } public User findOne(Long id) { return userRepository.findByIdAndDeletedFalse(id); } public List<User> findAll() { return userRepository.findByDeletedFalseOrderByUsernameAsc(); } public List<User> findScientificCouncilMembers() { Role role = roleRepository.findByName("scientific_council"); List<User> members = userRepository.findAllByDeletedFalseAndActiveTrueAndHasRole(role.getId()); return members; } public List<User> findHubUsersForLab(Lab lab) { Role role = roleRepository.findByName("hub_user"); return userRepository.findAllByDeletedFalseAndActiveTrueAndHasRoleAndHubLab(role.getId(), lab.getId()); } public void transferUserData(User currentUser, ProfileRepresentation body, User user) { user.setFirstName(body.getFirstName()); user.setLastName(body.getLastName()); user.setPathologist(body.isPathologist()); user.setInstitute(body.getInstitute()); user.setSpecialism(body.getSpecialism()); // copy email address String email = body.getContactData().getEmail(); if (email == null) { throw new InvalidUserData("No email address entered."); } email = email.trim().toLowerCase(); if (user.getUsername() == null || !user.getUsername().equals(email)) { // check for uniqueness (also enforced by user service): User u = findByUsername(email); if (u == null) { user.setUsername(email); } else { throw new EmailAddressNotAvailable(); } } // change role ProfileRepresentation representation = new ProfileRepresentation(user); // Update of user roles can only be done by Palga users. if (currentUser != null && currentUser.isPalga()) { if (!representation.getCurrentRole().equals(body.getCurrentRole())) { Role role = roleRepository.findByName(body.getCurrentRole()); if (role == null) { throw new InvalidUserData("Unknown role selected."); } Set<Role> roles = new HashSet<Role>(); roles.add(role); user.setRoles(roles); } } if (user.isRequester() || user.isLabUser()) { if (body.getLabId() == null) { throw new InvalidUserData("No lab selected."); } Lab lab = labService.findOne(body.getLabId()); if (lab == null) { throw new InvalidUserData("No lab selected."); } user.setLab(lab); } if (user.isHubUser()) { if (body.getHubLabIds() == null || body.getHubLabIds().isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidUserData("No hub labs selected."); } Set<Lab> labs = new HashSet<>(); for (Long labId : body.getHubLabIds()) { Lab lab = labService.findOne(labId); if (lab == null) { throw new InvalidUserData("Selected hub lab not found."); } labs.add(lab); } user.setHubLabs(labs); } if (body.getContactData() == null) { throw new InvalidUserData("No contact data entered."); } if (user.getContactData() == null) { user.setContactData(new ContactData()); } user.getContactData().copy(body.getContactData()); } @Transactional public ProfileRepresentation createNewUser(User currentUser, ProfileRepresentation body, NewUserLinkType linkType) { if (body == null || body.getContactData() == null || body.getContactData().getEmail() == null) { throw new InvalidUserData("Invalid user data."); } if (body.getPassword1() == null || !body.getPassword1().equals(body.getPassword2())) { throw new InvalidUserData("Passwords do not match."); } String email = body.getContactData().getEmail().trim().toLowerCase(); if (findByUsername(email) != null) { throw new EmailAddressNotAvailable(); } Role role = null; if (currentUser != null && currentUser.isPalga()) { role = roleRepository.findByName(body.getCurrentRole()); } else { // when a user is registered by anyone else than a Palga user, // then only the requester role can be selected. role = roleRepository.findByName("requester"); } Set<Role> roles = new HashSet<Role>(); if (role == null) { throw new InvalidUserData("No role selected."); } else { roles.add(role); } if (!PasswordValidator.validate(body.getPassword1())) { throw new InvalidPassword(); } User user = new User(email, passwordService.getEncoder().encode(body.getPassword1()), true, roles); transferUserData(currentUser, body, user); try { User result = save(user); if (linkType == NewUserLinkType.ACTIVATION_LINK) { // Generate and save activation link ActivationLink link = new ActivationLink(user);; // The user has been successfully saved. Send activation email mailService.sendActivationEmail(link); } else if (linkType == NewUserLinkType.PASSWORD_RESET_LINK) { passwordService.requestNewPassword(email); } return new ProfileRepresentation(result); } catch (EmailAddressNotUnique e) { throw new EmailAddressNotAvailable(); } } /** * Convert all usernames to lowercase. */ public void lowerCaseUsernames() { List<User> users = userRepository.findByDeletedFalseOrderByUsernameAsc(); for (User user : users) { if (!user.getUsername().equals(user.getUsername().toLowerCase())) {"Changing username " + user.getUsername() + " to lowercase: " + user.getUsername().toLowerCase()); user.setUsername(user.getUsername().toLowerCase()); save(user); } } } @Cacheable("users") public User findOneCached(Long userId) { return findOne(userId); } }