Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2011-2015, SpaceToad and the BuildCraft Team * * * BuildCraft is distributed under the terms of the Minecraft Mod Public * License 1.0, or MMPL. Please check the contents of the license located in * */ package buildcraft.commander; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.util.IIcon; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import buildcraft.BuildCraftCore; import buildcraft.api.core.EnumColor; import buildcraft.core.BCDynamicTexture; import buildcraft.core.DefaultProps; import buildcraft.core.ZonePlan; import buildcraft.core.gui.AdvancedSlot; import buildcraft.core.gui.GuiAdvancedInterface; import buildcraft.core.gui.buttons.GuiBetterButton; import buildcraft.core.gui.tooltips.ToolTip; import buildcraft.core.gui.tooltips.ToolTipLine; import; import; import buildcraft.core.utils.StringUtils; public class GuiZonePlan extends GuiAdvancedInterface { private static final ResourceLocation TMP_TEXTURE = new ResourceLocation("buildcraft", DefaultProps.TEXTURE_PATH_GUI + "/map_gui.png"); private int mapWidth = 200; private int mapHeight = 100; private TileZonePlan zonePlan; private BCDynamicTexture newSelection; private int selX1 = 0; private int selX2 = 0; private int selY1 = 0; private int selY2 = 0; private boolean inSelection = false; private BCDynamicTexture currentSelection; private int mapXMin = 0; private int mapYMin = 0; private int zoomLevel = 1; private int cx; private int cz; private AreaSlot colorSelected = null; private float alpha = 0.8F; private GuiBetterButton tool; private List inventorySlots; private List savedButtonList; private static class AreaSlot extends AdvancedSlot { public EnumColor color; public AreaSlot(GuiAdvancedInterface gui, int x, int y, EnumColor iColor) { super(gui, x, y); color = iColor; } @Override public IIcon getIcon() { return color.getIcon(); } @Override public String getDescription() { return color.getLocalizedName(); } } public GuiZonePlan(IInventory inventory, TileZonePlan iZonePlan) { super(new ContainerZonePlan(inventory, iZonePlan), inventory, TMP_TEXTURE); getContainer().gui = this; xSize = 256; ySize = 220; zonePlan = iZonePlan; getContainer().mapTexture = new BCDynamicTexture(mapWidth, mapHeight); getContainer().mapTexture.createDynamicTexture(); currentSelection = new BCDynamicTexture(mapWidth, mapHeight); currentSelection.createDynamicTexture(); newSelection = new BCDynamicTexture(1, 1); newSelection.createDynamicTexture(); getContainer().currentAreaSelection = new ZonePlan(); cx = zonePlan.xCoord; cz = zonePlan.zCoord; resetNullSlots(16); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { slots.set(i * 4 + j, new AreaSlot(this, 8 + 18 * i, 138 + 18 * j, EnumColor.values()[i * 4 + j])); } } colorSelected = (AreaSlot) slots.get(0); newSelection.setColor(0, 0, colorSelected.color.getDarkHex(), alpha); uploadMap(); getContainer().loadArea(colorSelected.color.ordinal()); inventorySlots = container.inventorySlots; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void initGui() { super.initGui(); tool = new GuiBetterButton(0, guiLeft + 5, guiTop + 20, 20, "+"); tool.setToolTip(new ToolTip(new ToolTipLine(StringUtils.localize("tip.tool.add")))); buttonList.add(tool); savedButtonList = buttonList; } private void uploadMap() { BuildCraftCore.instance.sendToServer(new PacketCommand(getContainer(), "computeMap", new CommandWriter() { public void write(ByteBuf data) { data.writeInt(cx); data.writeInt(cz); data.writeShort(getContainer().mapTexture.width); data.writeShort(getContainer().mapTexture.height); data.writeByte(zoomLevel); } })); } @Override protected void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(float f, int x, int y) { super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(f, x, y); mapXMin = (width - getContainer().mapTexture.width) / 2; if (getContainer().mapTexture.height <= 200) { mapYMin = guiTop + 20; } else { mapYMin = (height - getContainer().mapTexture.height) / 2; } getContainer().mapTexture.drawMap(mapXMin, mapYMin, zLevel); GL11.glPushAttrib(GL11.GL_ENABLE_BIT); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND); currentSelection.drawMap(mapXMin, mapYMin, zLevel); GL11.glPopAttrib(); newSelection.updateDynamicTexture(); if (inSelection && selX2 != 0) { GL11.glPushAttrib(GL11.GL_ENABLE_BIT); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND); int x1 = selX1 < selX2 ? selX1 : selX2; int x2 = selX1 < selX2 ? selX2 : selX1; int y1 = selY1 < selY2 ? selY1 : selY2; int y2 = selY1 < selY2 ? selY2 : selY1; drawTexturedModalRect(x1, y1, 0, 0, x2 - x1 + 1, y2 - y1 + 1); GL11.glPopAttrib(); } if (getContainer().mapTexture.height <= 200) { drawBackgroundSlots(); bindTexture(texture); drawTexturedModalRect(guiLeft + colorSelected.x, guiTop + colorSelected.y, 0, 220, 16, 16); drawTexturedModalRect(guiLeft + 236, guiTop + 38, 16, 220, 8, (int) ((zonePlan.progress / (float) TileZonePlan.CRAFT_TIME) * 27)); } } @Override protected void mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY, int mouseButton) { super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, mouseButton); int blocksX = (mouseX - mapXMin) * zoomLevel; int blocksZ = (mouseY - mapYMin) * zoomLevel; int blockStartX = cx - mapWidth * zoomLevel / 2; int blockStartZ = cz - mapHeight * zoomLevel / 2; boolean clickOnMap = mouseX >= mapXMin && mouseX <= mapXMin + getContainer().mapTexture.width && mouseY >= mapYMin && mouseY <= mapYMin + getContainer().mapTexture.height; if (clickOnMap) { if (mouseButton == 1) { cx = blockStartX + blocksX; cz = blockStartZ + blocksZ; uploadMap(); refreshSelectedArea(); } else { inSelection = true; selX1 = mouseX; selY1 = mouseY; selX2 = 0; selY2 = 0; } } else { AdvancedSlot slot = getSlotAtLocation(mouseX, mouseY); if (slot instanceof AreaSlot) { colorSelected = (AreaSlot) slot; newSelection.setColor(0, 0, colorSelected.color.getDarkHex(), alpha); getContainer().loadArea(colorSelected.color.ordinal()); } } } @Override protected void mouseClickMove(int mouseX, int mouseY, int lastButtonBlicked, long time) { super.mouseClickMove(mouseX, mouseY, lastButtonBlicked, time); if (inSelection && mouseX >= mapXMin && mouseX <= mapXMin + getContainer().mapTexture.width && mouseY >= mapYMin && mouseY <= mapYMin + getContainer().mapTexture.height) { selX2 = mouseX; selY2 = mouseY; } } @Override protected void mouseMovedOrUp(int mouseX, int mouseY, int eventType) { super.mouseMovedOrUp(mouseX, mouseY, eventType); if (eventType != -1 && inSelection) { boolean val = tool.displayString.equals("+"); int blockStartX = cx - mapWidth * zoomLevel / 2; int blockStartZ = cz - mapHeight * zoomLevel / 2; int x1 = selX1 < selX2 ? selX1 : selX2; int x2 = selX1 < selX2 ? selX2 : selX1; int y1 = selY1 < selY2 ? selY1 : selY2; int y2 = selY1 < selY2 ? selY2 : selY1; int lengthX = (x2 - x1) * zoomLevel; int lengthY = (y2 - y1) * zoomLevel; for (int i = 0; i <= lengthX; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j <= lengthY; ++j) { int x = blockStartX + (x1 - mapXMin) * zoomLevel + i; int z = blockStartZ + (y1 - mapYMin) * zoomLevel + j; getContainer().currentAreaSelection.set(x, z, val); } } inSelection = false; getContainer().saveArea(colorSelected.color.ordinal()); refreshSelectedArea(); } } @Override protected void keyTyped(char carac, int val) { super.keyTyped(carac, val); if (val == Keyboard.KEY_F5) { uploadMap(); refreshSelectedArea(); } else if (carac == '+' && zoomLevel > 1) { zoomLevel--; uploadMap(); refreshSelectedArea(); } else if (carac == '-' && zoomLevel < 6) { zoomLevel++; uploadMap(); refreshSelectedArea(); } else if (carac == 'm') { mapWidth = 200; mapHeight = 100; getContainer().mapTexture = new BCDynamicTexture(mapWidth, mapHeight); getContainer().mapTexture.createDynamicTexture(); currentSelection = new BCDynamicTexture(mapWidth, mapHeight); currentSelection.createDynamicTexture(); uploadMap(); refreshSelectedArea(); container.inventorySlots = inventorySlots; buttonList = savedButtonList; } else if (carac == 'M') { mapWidth =; mapHeight =; getContainer().mapTexture = new BCDynamicTexture(mapWidth, mapHeight); getContainer().mapTexture.createDynamicTexture(); currentSelection = new BCDynamicTexture(mapWidth, mapHeight); currentSelection.createDynamicTexture(); uploadMap(); refreshSelectedArea(); container.inventorySlots = new LinkedList(); buttonList = new LinkedList(); } } public void refreshSelectedArea() { int color = colorSelected.color.getDarkHex(); int rAdd = (color >> 16) & 255; int gAdd = (color >> 8) & 255; int bAdd = color & 255; for (int i = 0; i < currentSelection.width; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < currentSelection.height; ++j) { int blockStartX = cx - mapWidth * zoomLevel / 2; int blockStartZ = cz - mapHeight * zoomLevel / 2; double r = 0; double g = 0; double b = 0; for (int stepi = 0; stepi < zoomLevel; ++stepi) { for (int stepj = 0; stepj < zoomLevel; ++stepj) { int x = blockStartX + i * zoomLevel + stepi; int z = blockStartZ + j * zoomLevel + stepj; if (getContainer().currentAreaSelection.get(x, z)) { r += rAdd; g += gAdd; b += bAdd; } } } r /= zoomLevel * zoomLevel; g /= zoomLevel * zoomLevel; b /= zoomLevel * zoomLevel; r /= 255F; g /= 255F; b /= 255F; if (r != 0) { currentSelection.setColor(i, j, r, g, b, alpha); } else { currentSelection.setColor(i, j, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } } } @Override public ContainerZonePlan getContainer() { return (ContainerZonePlan) super.getContainer(); } @Override protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton button) { if (button == tool) { if (tool.displayString.equals("+")) { tool.displayString = "-"; tool.getToolTip().remove(0); tool.getToolTip().add(new ToolTipLine(StringUtils.localize("tip.tool.remove"))); } else { tool.displayString = "+"; tool.getToolTip().remove(0); tool.getToolTip().add(new ToolTipLine(StringUtils.localize("tip.tool.add"))); } } } @Override public void handleMouseInput() { super.handleMouseInput(); int mouseX = Mouse.getEventX() * this.width /; int mouseY = this.height - Mouse.getEventY() * this.height / - 1; if (mouseX >= mapXMin && mouseX <= mapXMin + getContainer().mapTexture.width && mouseY >= mapYMin && mouseY <= mapYMin + getContainer().mapTexture.height) { int wheel = Mouse.getEventDWheel(); if (wheel != 0) { if (zoomLevel < 6 && wheel > 0) { zoomLevel++; uploadMap(); refreshSelectedArea(); } else if (zoomLevel > 1 && wheel < 0) { zoomLevel--; uploadMap(); refreshSelectedArea(); } } } } }