Java tutorial
/** * This software is provided under the terms of the Minecraft Forge Public * License v1.0. */ package bspkrs.util.config; import static bspkrs.util.config.Configuration.COMMENT_SEPARATOR; import static bspkrs.util.config.Configuration.NEW_LINE; import static bspkrs.util.config.Configuration.allowedProperties; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import bspkrs.util.config.gui.GuiPropertyList.IGuiConfigListEntry; import; import; import; import; @Deprecated public class ConfigCategory implements Map<String, Property> { private String name; private String comment = ""; private String languagekey; private ArrayList<ConfigCategory> children = new ArrayList<ConfigCategory>(); private Map<String, Property> properties = new TreeMap<String, Property>(); private int propNumber = 0; public final ConfigCategory parent; private boolean changed = false; private boolean isHotLoadable = false; private Class<? extends IGuiConfigListEntry> customEntryClass = null; private List<String> propertyOrder = null; public ConfigCategory(String name) { this(name, null); } public ConfigCategory(String name, ConfigCategory parent) { = name; this.parent = parent; if (parent != null) { parent.children.add(this); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof ConfigCategory) { ConfigCategory cat = (ConfigCategory) obj; return name.equals( && children.equals(cat.children); } return false; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getQualifiedName() { return getQualifiedName(name, parent); } public static String getQualifiedName(String name, ConfigCategory parent) { return (parent == null ? name : parent.getQualifiedName() + Configuration.CATEGORY_SPLITTER + name); } public ConfigCategory getFirstParent() { return (parent == null ? this : parent.getFirstParent()); } public boolean isChild() { return parent != null; } public Map<String, Property> getValues() { return ImmutableMap.copyOf(properties); } public Property[] getOrderedValuesArray() { if (this.propertyOrder != null) { List<Property> list = new ArrayList<Property>(); for (String s : this.propertyOrder) if (properties.containsKey(s)) list.add(properties.get(s)); return list.toArray(new Property[list.size()]); } else return properties.values().toArray(new Property[properties.size()]); } public Set<Property> getOrderedValuesSet() { if (this.propertyOrder != null) { LinkedHashSet<Property> set = new LinkedHashSet<Property>(); for (String key : this.propertyOrder) if (properties.containsKey(key)) set.add(properties.get(key)); return ImmutableSet.copyOf(set); } else return ImmutableSet.copyOf(properties.values()); } public ConfigCategory setCustomIGuiConfigListEntryClass(Class<? extends IGuiConfigListEntry> clazz) { this.customEntryClass = clazz; return this; } public Class<? extends IGuiConfigListEntry> getCustomIGuiConfigListEntryClass() { return this.customEntryClass; } public ConfigCategory setLanguageKey(String languagekey) { this.languagekey = languagekey; return this; } public String getLanguagekey() { if (this.languagekey != null) return this.languagekey; else return getQualifiedName(); } public ConfigCategory setComment(String comment) { this.comment = comment; return this; } public String getComment() { return this.comment; } public ConfigCategory setIsHotLoadable(boolean isHotLoadable) { this.isHotLoadable = isHotLoadable; return this; } public boolean isHotLoadable() { return this.isHotLoadable; } public ConfigCategory setPropertyOrder(List<String> propertyOrder) { this.propertyOrder = propertyOrder; for (String s : properties.keySet()) if (!propertyOrder.contains(s)) propertyOrder.add(s); return this; } public List<String> getPropertyOrder() { if (this.propertyOrder != null) return ImmutableList.copyOf(this.propertyOrder); else return ImmutableList.copyOf(properties.keySet()); } public boolean containsKey(String key) { return properties.containsKey(key); } public Property get(String key) { return properties.get(key); } private void write(BufferedWriter out, String... data) throws IOException { write(out, true, data); } private void write(BufferedWriter out, boolean new_line, String... data) throws IOException { for (int x = 0; x < data.length; x++) { out.write(data[x]); } if (new_line) out.write(NEW_LINE); } public void write(BufferedWriter out, int indent) throws IOException { String pad0 = getIndent(indent); String pad1 = getIndent(indent + 1); String pad2 = getIndent(indent + 2); if (comment != null && !comment.isEmpty()) { write(out, pad0, COMMENT_SEPARATOR); write(out, pad0, "# ", name); write(out, pad0, "#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#"); Splitter splitter = Splitter.onPattern("\r?\n"); for (String line : splitter.split(comment)) { write(out, pad0, "# ", line); } write(out, pad0, COMMENT_SEPARATOR, NEW_LINE); } if (!allowedProperties.matchesAllOf(name)) { name = '"' + name + '"'; } write(out, pad0, name, " {"); Property[] props = getOrderedValuesArray(); for (int x = 0; x < props.length; x++) { Property prop = props[x]; if (prop.comment != null && !prop.comment.isEmpty()) { if (x != 0) { out.newLine(); } Splitter splitter = Splitter.onPattern("\r?\n"); for (String commentLine : splitter.split(prop.comment)) { write(out, pad1, "# ", commentLine); } } String propName = prop.getName(); if (!allowedProperties.matchesAllOf(propName)) { propName = '"' + propName + '"'; } if (prop.isList()) { char type = prop.getType().getID(); write(out, pad1, String.valueOf(type), ":", propName, " <"); for (String line : prop.getStringList()) { write(out, pad2, line); } write(out, pad1, " >"); } else if (prop.getType() == null) { write(out, pad1, propName, "=", prop.getString()); } else { char type = prop.getType().getID(); write(out, pad1, String.valueOf(type), ":", propName, "=", prop.getString()); } } if (children.size() > 0) out.newLine(); for (ConfigCategory child : children) { child.write(out, indent + 1); } write(out, pad0, "}", NEW_LINE); } private String getIndent(int indent) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(""); for (int x = 0; x < indent; x++) { buf.append(" "); } return buf.toString(); } public boolean hasChanged() { if (changed) return true; for (Property prop : properties.values()) { if (prop.hasChanged()) return true; } return false; } void resetChangedState() { changed = false; for (Property prop : properties.values()) { prop.resetChangedState(); } } //Map bouncer functions for compatibility with older mods, to be removed once all mods stop using it. @Override public int size() { return properties.size(); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return properties.isEmpty(); } @Override public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return properties.containsKey(key); } @Override public boolean containsValue(Object value) { return properties.containsValue(value); } @Override public Property get(Object key) { return properties.get(key); } @Override public Property put(String key, Property value) { changed = true; if (this.propertyOrder != null) if (!this.propertyOrder.contains(key)) this.propertyOrder.add(key); return properties.put(key, value); } @Override public Property remove(Object key) { changed = true; return properties.remove(key); } @Override public void putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends Property> m) { changed = true; if (this.propertyOrder != null) for (String key : m.keySet()) if (!this.propertyOrder.contains(key)) this.propertyOrder.add(key); properties.putAll(m); } @Override public void clear() { changed = true; properties.clear(); } @Override public Set<String> keySet() { return properties.keySet(); } @Override public Collection<Property> values() { return properties.values(); } @Override //Immutable copy, changes will NOT be reflected in this category public Set<java.util.Map.Entry<String, Property>> entrySet() { return ImmutableSet.copyOf(properties.entrySet()); } public Set<ConfigCategory> getChildren() { return ImmutableSet.copyOf(children); } public ConfigCategory removeChild(ConfigCategory child) { if (children.contains(child)) { children.remove(child); changed = true; } return this; } }