Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to jclouds, Inc. (jclouds) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. jclouds licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package brooklyn.util.internal.ssh; import static brooklyn.util.NetworkUtils.checkPortValid; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import net.schmizz.sshj.connection.ConnectionException; import; import; import; import; import; import net.schmizz.sshj.sftp.FileAttributes; import net.schmizz.sshj.sftp.SFTPClient; import net.schmizz.sshj.transport.TransportException; import net.schmizz.sshj.xfer.InMemorySourceFile; import; import org.bouncycastle.util.Strings; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import brooklyn.util.flags.TypeCoercions; import brooklyn.util.internal.SshTool; import brooklyn.util.internal.StreamGobbler; import brooklyn.util.text.Identifiers; import brooklyn.util.text.StringEscapes.BashStringEscapes; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * For ssh and scp-style commands, using the sshj library. * <p> * The implementation is based on a combination of the existing brooklyn SshJschTool, * and the jclouds SshjSshClient. * <p> * Not thread-safe. Use a different SshjTool for each concurrent thread. * If passing from one thread to another, ensure code goes through a synchronized block. */ public class SshjTool implements SshTool { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SshjTool.class); private class CloseFtpChannelOnCloseInputStream extends ProxyInputStream { private final SFTPClient sftp; private CloseFtpChannelOnCloseInputStream(InputStream proxy, SFTPClient sftp) { super(proxy); this.sftp = sftp; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { super.close(); if (sftp != null) sftp.close(); } } public static interface SshAction<T> { void clear() throws Exception; T create() throws Exception; } private final String toString; private final int sshTries; private final SshjClientConnection sshClientConnection; private final BackoffLimitedRetryHandler backoffLimitedRetryHandler; private final String host; private final String user; private final String password; private final int port; private String privateKeyPassphrase; private String privateKeyData; private File privateKeyFile; private boolean strictHostKeyChecking; private boolean allocatePTY; public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } private static void warnOnDeprecated(Map<String, ?> props, String deprecatedKey, String correctKey) { if (props.containsKey(deprecatedKey)) { if (correctKey != null && props.containsKey(correctKey)) { Object dv = props.get(deprecatedKey); Object cv = props.get(correctKey); if (!Objects.equal(cv, dv)) { LOG.warn("SshjTool detected deprecated key '" + deprecatedKey + "' with different value (" + dv + ") " + "than new key '" + correctKey + "' (" + cv + "); ambiguous which will be used"); } else { // ignore, the deprecated key populated for legacy reasons } } else { Object dv = props.get(deprecatedKey); LOG.warn("SshjTool detected deprecated key '" + deprecatedKey + "' used, with value (" + dv + ")"); } } } public static class Builder { private String host; private int port = 22; private String user = System.getProperty(""); private String password; private String privateKeyData; public String privateKeyPassphrase; private Set<String> privateKeyFiles = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); private boolean strictHostKeyChecking = false; private boolean allocatePTY = false; private int connectTimeout; private int sessionTimeout; private int sshTries = 4; //allow 4 tries by default, much safer private long sshRetryDelay = 50L; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Builder from(Map<String, ?> props) { host = getMandatoryVal(props, "host", String.class); port = getOptionalVal(props, "port", Integer.class, port); user = getOptionalVal(props, "user", String.class, user); password = getOptionalVal(props, "password", String.class, password); warnOnDeprecated(props, "privateKey", "privateKeyData"); privateKeyData = getOptionalVal(props, "privateKey", String.class, privateKeyData); privateKeyData = getOptionalVal(props, "privateKeyData", String.class, privateKeyData); privateKeyPassphrase = getOptionalVal(props, "privateKeyPassphrase", String.class, privateKeyPassphrase); // for backwards compatibility accept keyFiles and privateKey // but sshj accepts only a single privateKeyFile; leave blank to use defaults (i.e. ~/.ssh/id_rsa and id_dsa) warnOnDeprecated(props, "keyFiles", null); privateKeyFiles.addAll(getOptionalVal(props, "keyFiles", List.class, Collections.emptyList())); String privateKeyFile = getOptionalVal(props, "privateKeyFile", String.class, null); if (privateKeyFile != null) privateKeyFiles.add(privateKeyFile); strictHostKeyChecking = getOptionalVal(props, "strictHostKeyChecking", Boolean.class, strictHostKeyChecking); allocatePTY = getOptionalVal(props, "allocatePTY", Boolean.class, allocatePTY); connectTimeout = getOptionalVal(props, "connectTimeout", Integer.class, connectTimeout); sessionTimeout = getOptionalVal(props, "sessionTimeout", Integer.class, sessionTimeout); sshTries = getOptionalVal(props, "sshTries", Integer.class, sshTries); sshRetryDelay = getOptionalVal(props, "sshRetryDelay", Long.class, sshRetryDelay); return this; } public Builder host(String val) { = val; return this; } public Builder user(String val) { this.user = val; return this; } public Builder password(String val) { this.password = val; return this; } public Builder port(int val) { this.port = val; return this; } public Builder privateKeyPassphrase(String val) { this.privateKeyPassphrase = val; return this; } /** @deprecated 1.4.0, use privateKeyData */ public Builder privateKey(String val) { this.privateKeyData = val; return this; } public Builder privateKeyData(String val) { this.privateKeyData = val; return this; } public Builder privateKeyFile(String val) { this.privateKeyFiles.add(val); return this; } public Builder connectTimeout(int val) { this.connectTimeout = val; return this; } public Builder sessionTimeout(int val) { this.sessionTimeout = val; return this; } public Builder sshRetries(int val) { this.sshTries = val; return this; } public Builder sshRetryDelay(long val) { this.sshRetryDelay = val; return this; } public SshjTool build() { return new SshjTool(this); } } public SshjTool(Map<String, ?> map) { this(builder().from(map)); } private SshjTool(Builder builder) { // TODO Does this need to be ported from SshJschTool? // if (host && host==~ /[^@]+@[^@]+/) { // (user,host) = (host=~/([^@]+)@([^@]+)/)[0][1,2] // } host = checkNotNull(, "host"); port = builder.port; user = builder.user; password = builder.password; strictHostKeyChecking = builder.strictHostKeyChecking; allocatePTY = builder.allocatePTY; sshTries = builder.sshTries; backoffLimitedRetryHandler = new BackoffLimitedRetryHandler(sshTries, builder.sshRetryDelay); privateKeyPassphrase = builder.privateKeyPassphrase; privateKeyData = builder.privateKeyData; if (builder.privateKeyFiles.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("sshj supports only a single private key-file; " + "for defaults of ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/id_dsa leave blank"); } else if (builder.privateKeyFiles.size() == 1) { String privateKeyFileStr = Iterables.get(builder.privateKeyFiles, 0); String amendedKeyFile = privateKeyFileStr.startsWith("~") ? (System.getProperty("user.home") + privateKeyFileStr.substring(1)) : privateKeyFileStr; privateKeyFile = new File(amendedKeyFile); } else { privateKeyFile = null; } checkArgument(host.length() > 0, "host value must not be an empty string"); checkPortValid(port, "ssh port"); toString = String.format("%s@%s:%d", user, host, port); sshClientConnection = SshjClientConnection.builder().hostAndPort(HostAndPort.fromParts(host, port)) .username(user).password(password).privateKeyPassphrase(privateKeyPassphrase) .privateKeyData(privateKeyData).privateKeyFile(privateKeyFile) .strictHostKeyChecking(strictHostKeyChecking).connectTimeout(builder.connectTimeout) .sessionTimeout(builder.sessionTimeout).build(); } public String getHostAddress() { return; } public String getUsername() { return this.user; } @Override public void connect() { try { acquire(sshClientConnection); } catch (Exception e) { throw propagate(e, "failed to connect"); } } @Override public void connect(int maxAttempts) { connect(); // FIXME Should callers instead configure sshTries? But that would apply to all ssh attempts } @Override public void disconnect() { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Disconnecting {}", toString()); try { sshClientConnection.clear(); } catch (Exception e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } @Override public boolean isConnected() { return sshClientConnection.isConnected(); } @Override public int transferFileTo(Map<String, ?> props, InputStream input, String pathAndFileOnRemoteServer) { return createFile(props, pathAndFileOnRemoteServer, toPayload(input)); } @Override public int createFile(Map<String, ?> props, String pathAndFileOnRemoteServer, InputStream input, long size) { return createFile(props, pathAndFileOnRemoteServer, toPayload(input, size)); } /** * Creates the given file with the given contents. * * Permissions specified using 'permissions:0755'. */ @Override public int createFile(Map<String, ?> props, String pathAndFileOnRemoteServer, String contents) { return createFile(props, pathAndFileOnRemoteServer, new StringPayload(contents)); } /** Creates the given file with the given contents. * * Permissions specified using 'permissions:0755'. */ @Override public int createFile(Map<String, ?> props, String pathAndFileOnRemoteServer, byte[] contents) { return createFile(props, pathAndFileOnRemoteServer, new ByteArrayPayload(contents)); } @Override public int copyToServer(Map<String, ?> props, File f, String pathAndFileOnRemoteServer) { return createFile(props, pathAndFileOnRemoteServer, new FilePayload(f)); } @Override public int transferFileFrom(Map<String, ?> props, String pathAndFileOnRemoteServer, String pathAndFileOnLocalServer) { Payload payload = acquire(new GetFileAction(pathAndFileOnRemoteServer)); try { Files.copy(InputSuppliers.of(payload.getInput()), new File(pathAndFileOnLocalServer)); return 0; // TODO Can we assume put will have thrown exception if failed? Rather than exit code != 0? } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } private int createFile(Map<String, ?> props, String pathAndFileOnRemoteServer, Payload payload) { acquire(new PutFileAction(props, pathAndFileOnRemoteServer, payload)); return 0; // TODO Can we assume put will have thrown exception if failed? Rather than exit code != 0? } public int execShell(Map<String, ?> props, List<String> commands) { return execScript(props, commands, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap()); } public int execShell(Map<String, ?> props, List<String> commands, Map<String, ?> env) { return execScript(props, commands, env); } @Override public int execScript(Map<String, ?> props, List<String> commands) { return execScript(props, commands, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap()); } /** * This creates a script containing the user's commands, copies it to the remote server, and * executes the script. The script is then deleted. * <p> * Executing commands directly is fraught with dangers! Here are other options, and their problems: * <ul> * <li>Use execCommands, rather than shell. * The user's environment will not be setup normally (e.g. ~/.bash_profile will not have been sourced) * so things like wget may not be on the PATH. * <li>Send the stream of commands to the shell. * But characters being sent can be lost. * Try the following (e.g. in an OS X terminal): * - sleep 5 * - <paste a command that is 1000s of characters long> * Only the first 1024 characters appear. The rest are lost. * If sending a stream of commands, you need to be careful not send the next (big) command while the * previous one is still executing. * <li>Send a stream to the shell, but spot when the previous command has completed. * e.g. by looking for the prompt (but what if the commands being executed change the prompt?) * e.g. by putting every second command as "echo <uid>", and waiting for the stdout. * This gets fiddly... * </ul> * * So on balance, the script-based approach seems most reliable, even if there is an overhead * of separate message(s) for copying the file! */ @Override public int execScript(Map<String, ?> props, List<String> commands, Map<String, ?> env) { OutputStream out = getOptionalVal(props, "out", OutputStream.class, null); OutputStream err = getOptionalVal(props, "err", OutputStream.class, null); String scriptDir = getOptionalVal(props, "scriptDir", String.class, "/tmp"); String scriptPath = scriptDir + "/brooklyn-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "-" + Identifiers.makeRandomId(8) + ".sh"; String scriptContents = toScript(commands, env); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Running shell command at " + host + " as script: {}", scriptContents); createFile(ImmutableMap.of("permissions", "0700"), scriptPath, scriptContents); // use "-f" because some systems have "rm" aliased to "rm -i"; use "< /dev/null" to guarantee doesn't hang List<String> cmds = ImmutableList.of(scriptPath + " < /dev/null", "RESULT=$?", "echo \"Executed " + scriptPath + ", result $RESULT\"", "rm -f " + scriptPath + " < /dev/null", "exit $RESULT"); Integer result = acquire(new ShellAction(cmds, out, err)); return result != null ? result : -1; } public int execShellDirect(Map<String, ?> props, List<String> commands, Map<String, ?> env) { OutputStream out = getOptionalVal(props, "out", OutputStream.class, null); OutputStream err = getOptionalVal(props, "err", OutputStream.class, null); List<String> cmdSequence = toCommandSequence(commands, env); List<String> allcmds = ImmutableList.<String>builder().add("exec bash -e").addAll(cmdSequence) .add("exit $?").build(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Running shell command at " + host + ": {}", allcmds); Integer result = acquire(new ShellAction(allcmds, out, err)); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Running shell command at " + host + " completed, exit code: {}", result); return result != null ? result : -1; } @Override public int execCommands(Map<String, ?> props, List<String> commands) { return execCommands(props, commands, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap()); } @Override public int execCommands(Map<String, ?> props, List<String> commands, Map<String, ?> env) { if (props.containsKey("blocks") && props.get("blocks") == Boolean.FALSE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot exec non-blocking: command=" + commands); } OutputStream out = getOptionalVal(props, "out", OutputStream.class, null); OutputStream err = getOptionalVal(props, "err", OutputStream.class, null); String separator = getOptionalVal(props, "separator", String.class, " ; "); List<String> allcmds = toCommandSequence(commands, env); String singlecmd = Joiner.on(separator).join(allcmds); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Running command at " + host + ": {}", singlecmd); Command result = acquire(new ExecAction(singlecmd, out, err)); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Running command at " + host + " completed, exit code: {}", result.getExitStatus()); return result.getExitStatus(); } private String toScript(List<String> commands, Map<String, ?> env) { List<String> allcmds = toCommandSequence(commands, env); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); // -e causes it to fail on any command in the script which has an error (non-zero return code) result.append("#!/bin/bash -e" + "\n"); for (String cmd : allcmds) { result.append(cmd + "\n"); } return result.toString(); } /** * Merges the commands and env, into a single set of commands. Also escapes the commands as required. * * Not all ssh servers handle "env", so instead convert env into exported variables */ private List<String> toCommandSequence(List<String> commands, Map<String, ?> env) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(env.size() + commands.size()); for (Entry<String, ?> entry : env.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() == null || entry.getValue() == null) { LOG.warn("env key-values must not be null; ignoring: key=" + entry.getKey() + "; value=" + entry.getValue()); continue; } String escapedVal = BashStringEscapes.escapeLiteralForDoubleQuotedBash(entry.getValue().toString()); result.add("export " + entry.getKey() + "=\"" + escapedVal + "\""); } for (CharSequence cmd : commands) { // objects in commands can be groovy GString so can't treat as String here result.add(cmd.toString()); } return result; } private void checkConnected() { if (!isConnected()) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("(%s) ssh not connected!", toString())); } } private void backoffForAttempt(int retryAttempt, String message) { backoffLimitedRetryHandler.imposeBackoffExponentialDelay(200L, 2, retryAttempt, sshTries, message); } protected <T, C extends SshAction<T>> T acquire(C connection) { for (int i = 0; i < sshTries; i++) { try { connection.clear(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace(">> ({}) acquiring {}", toString(), connection); T returnVal = connection.create(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("<< ({}) acquired {}", toString(), returnVal); return returnVal; } catch (Exception from) { String errorMessage = String.format("(%s) error acquiring %s", toString(), connection); try { disconnect(); } catch (Exception e1) { LOG.warn("<< (" + toString() + ") error closing connection: " + from + " / " + e1, from); } if (i + 1 == sshTries) { LOG.warn("<< " + errorMessage + " (attempt " + (i + 1) + " of " + sshTries + "): " + from.getMessage()); throw propagate(from, errorMessage + " (out of retries - max " + sshTries + ")"); } else { LOG.debug("<< " + errorMessage + " (attempt " + (i + 1) + " of " + sshTries + "): " + from.getMessage()); backoffForAttempt(i + 1, errorMessage + ": " + from.getMessage()); if (connection != sshClientConnection) connect(); continue; } } } assert false : "should not reach here"; return null; } private final SshAction<SFTPClient> sftpConnection = new SshAction<SFTPClient>() { private SFTPClient sftp; @Override public void clear() { if (sftp != null) try { sftp.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Throwables.propagate(e); } } @Override public SFTPClient create() throws IOException { checkConnected(); sftp = sshClientConnection.ssh.newSFTPClient(); return sftp; } @Override public String toString() { return "SFTPClient()"; } }; private class GetFileAction implements SshAction<Payload> { private final String path; private SFTPClient sftp; GetFileAction(String path) { this.path = checkNotNull(path, "path"); } @Override public void clear() throws IOException { if (sftp != null) sftp.close(); } @Override public Payload create() throws Exception { sftp = acquire(sftpConnection); return Payloads.newInputStreamPayload( new CloseFtpChannelOnCloseInputStream(sftp.getSFTPEngine().open(path).getInputStream(), sftp)); } @Override public String toString() { return "Payload(path=[" + path + "])"; } }; private class PutFileAction implements SshAction<Void> { // TODO See SshJschTool.createFile: it does whacky stuff when copying; do we need that here as well? // TODO support backup as a property? private final String path; private final Payload contents; private SFTPClient sftp; private int permissionsMask; private long lastModificationDate; private long lastAccessDate; PutFileAction(Map<String, ?> props, String path, Payload contents) { String permissions = getOptionalVal(props, "permissions", String.class, "0644"); permissionsMask = Integer.parseInt(permissions, 8); lastModificationDate = getOptionalVal(props, "lastModificationDate", Long.class, 0L); lastAccessDate = getOptionalVal(props, "lastAccessDate", Long.class, 0L); if (lastAccessDate <= 0 ^ lastModificationDate <= 0) { lastAccessDate = Math.max(lastAccessDate, lastModificationDate); lastModificationDate = Math.max(lastAccessDate, lastModificationDate); } this.path = checkNotNull(path, "path"); this.contents = checkNotNull(contents, "contents"); } @Override public void clear() { if (sftp != null) try { sftp.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Throwables.propagate(e); } } @Override public Void create() throws Exception { sftp = acquire(sftpConnection); try { sftp.put(new InMemorySourceFile() { @Override public String getName() { return path; } @Override public long getLength() { return contents.getContentMetadata().getContentLength(); } @Override public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return checkNotNull(contents.getInput(), "inputstream for path %s", path); } }, path); sftp.chmod(path, permissionsMask); if (lastAccessDate > 0) { sftp.setattr(path, new FileAttributes.Builder() .withAtimeMtime(lastAccessDate, lastModificationDate).build()); } } finally { contents.release(); } return null; } @Override public String toString() { return "Put(path=[" + path + "])"; } }; @VisibleForTesting Predicate<String> causalChainHasMessageContaining(final Exception from) { return new Predicate<String>() { @Override public boolean apply(final String input) { return any(getCausalChain(from), new Predicate<Throwable>() { @Override public boolean apply(Throwable arg0) { return (arg0.toString().indexOf(input) != -1) || (arg0.getMessage() != null && arg0.getMessage().indexOf(input) != -1); } }); } }; } private SshException propagate(Exception e, String message) throws SshException { message += ": " + e.getMessage(); // it's not necessarily an error yet, that's up to the caller LOG.debug("<< PROPAGATING: " + message, e); throw new SshException("(" + toString() + ") " + message, e); } protected void allocatePTY(Session s) throws ConnectionException, TransportException { // this was set as the default, but it makes output harder to read // and causes stderr to be sent to stdout; // but some systems requiretty for sudoing if (allocatePTY) s.allocatePTY("vt100", 80, 24, 0, 0, Collections.<PTYMode, Integer>emptyMap()); // s.allocatePTY("dumb", 80, 24, 0, 0, Collections.<PTYMode, Integer> emptyMap()); } @Override public String toString() { return toString; } protected SshAction<Session> newSessionAction() { return new SshAction<Session>() { private Session session = null; @Override public void clear() throws TransportException, ConnectionException { if (session != null) session.close(); } @Override public Session create() throws Exception { checkConnected(); session = sshClientConnection.ssh.startSession(); allocatePTY(session); return session; } @Override public String toString() { return "Session()"; } }; } class ExecAction implements SshAction<Command> { private final String command; private Session session; private Shell shell; private StreamGobbler outgobbler; private StreamGobbler errgobbler; private OutputStream out; private OutputStream err; ExecAction(String command, OutputStream out, OutputStream err) { this.command = checkNotNull(command, "command"); this.out = out; this.err = err; } @Override public void clear() throws TransportException, ConnectionException { if (session != null) { session.close(); } if (shell != null) { shell.close(); } if (outgobbler != null) { outgobbler.shutdown(); } if (errgobbler != null) { errgobbler.shutdown(); } } @Override public Command create() throws Exception { try { session = acquire(newSessionAction()); Command output = session.exec(checkNotNull(command, "command")); if (out != null) { outgobbler = new StreamGobbler(output.getInputStream(), out, (Logger) null); outgobbler.start(); } if (err != null) { errgobbler = new StreamGobbler(output.getErrorStream(), err, (Logger) null); errgobbler.start(); } try { output.join(sshClientConnection.getSessionTimeout(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); return output; } finally { // wait for all stdout/stderr to have been re-directed try { if (outgobbler != null) outgobbler.join(); if (errgobbler != null) errgobbler.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Interrupted gobbling streams from ssh: " + command, e); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } finally { clear(); } } @Override public String toString() { return "Exec(command=[" + command + "])"; } } class ShellAction implements SshAction<Integer> { private final List<String> commands; private Session session; private Shell shell; private StreamGobbler outgobbler; private StreamGobbler errgobbler; private OutputStream out; private OutputStream err; ShellAction(List<String> commands, OutputStream out, OutputStream err) { this.commands = checkNotNull(commands, "commands"); this.out = out; this.err = err; } @Override public void clear() throws TransportException, ConnectionException { if (session != null) { session.close(); } if (shell != null) { shell.close(); } if (outgobbler != null) { outgobbler.shutdown(); } if (errgobbler != null) { errgobbler.shutdown(); } } @Override public Integer create() throws Exception { try { session = acquire(newSessionAction()); shell = session.startShell(); if (out != null) { InputStream outstream = shell.getInputStream(); outgobbler = new StreamGobbler(outstream, out, (Logger) null); outgobbler.start(); } if (err != null) { InputStream errstream = shell.getErrorStream(); errgobbler = new StreamGobbler(errstream, err, (Logger) null); errgobbler.start(); } OutputStream output = shell.getOutputStream(); for (CharSequence cmd : commands) { try { output.write(Strings.toUTF8ByteArray(cmd + "\n")); output.flush(); } catch (ConnectionException e) { if (!shell.isOpen()) { // shell is closed; presumably the user command did `exit` if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Shell closed to {} when executing {}", SshjTool.this.toString(), commands); break; } else { throw e; } } } shell.sendEOF(); output.close(); try { int timeout = sshClientConnection.getSessionTimeout(); long timeoutEnd = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout; Exception last = null; do { if (!shell.isOpen() && ((SessionChannel) session).getExitStatus() != null) // shell closed, and exit status returned break; boolean endBecauseReturned = // if either condition is satisfied, then wait 1s in hopes the other does, then return (!shell.isOpen() || ((SessionChannel) session).getExitStatus() != null); try { shell.join(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (ConnectionException e) { last = e; } if (endBecauseReturned) // shell is still open, ie some process is running // but we have a result code, so main shell is finished // we waited one second extra to allow any background process // which is nohupped to really be in the background (#162) // now let's bail out break; } while (timeout <= 0 || System.currentTimeMillis() < timeoutEnd); if (shell.isOpen() && ((SessionChannel) session).getExitStatus() == null) { LOG.debug("Timeout ({}) in SSH shell to {}", sshClientConnection.getSessionTimeout(), this); // we timed out, or other problem -- reproduce the error throw last; } return ((SessionChannel) session).getExitStatus(); } finally { // wait for all stdout/stderr to have been re-directed try { shell.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.debug("ssh shell closing error: " + e); /* close quietly */ } try { if (outgobbler != null) outgobbler.join(); if (errgobbler != null) errgobbler.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Interrupted gobbling streams from ssh: " + commands, e); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } finally { clear(); } } @Override public String toString() { return "Shell(command=[" + commands + "])"; } } private Payload toPayload(InputStream input, long length) { InputStreamPayload payload = new InputStreamPayload(new LimitInputStream(input, length)); payload.getContentMetadata().setContentLength(length); return payload; } private Payload toPayload(InputStream input) { /* * TODO sshj needs to know the length of the InputStream to copy the file: * java.lang.NullPointerException * at brooklyn.util.internal.ssh.SshjTool$PutFileAction$1.getLength( * at net.schmizz.sshj.sftp.SFTPFileTransfer$Uploader.upload( * at net.schmizz.sshj.sftp.SFTPFileTransfer$Uploader.access$100( * at net.schmizz.sshj.sftp.SFTPFileTransfer.upload( * at net.schmizz.sshj.sftp.SFTPClient.put( * at brooklyn.util.internal.ssh.SshjTool$PutFileAction.create( * * Unfortunately that requires consuming the input stream to find out! We can't just do: * new InputStreamPayload(input) * * This is nasty: we have to hold the entire file in-memory. * It's worth a look at changing sshj to not need the length, if possible. */ try { ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteStreams.copy(input, byteArrayOutputStream); return new ByteArrayPayload(byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Error consuming stream", e); throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } static <T> T getMandatoryVal(Map<String, ?> map, String key, Class<T> clazz) { checkArgument(map.containsKey(key), "must contain key '" + key + "'"); return TypeCoercions.coerce(map.get(key), clazz); } static <T> T getOptionalVal(Map<String, ?> map, String key, Class<T> clazz, T defaultVal) { if (map.containsKey(key)) { return TypeCoercions.coerce(map.get(key), clazz); } else { return defaultVal; } } }