Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013-2014 by Cloudsoft Corporation Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package brooklyn.networking.cloudstack.loadbalancer; import static; import static; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set; import org.jclouds.cloudstack.domain.AsyncJob; import org.jclouds.cloudstack.domain.LoadBalancerRule; import org.jclouds.cloudstack.domain.LoadBalancerRule.Algorithm; import org.jclouds.cloudstack.domain.PublicIPAddress; import org.jclouds.cloudstack.domain.VirtualMachine; import org.jclouds.cloudstack.features.LoadBalancerApi; import org.jclouds.cloudstack.options.CreateLoadBalancerRuleOptions; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import brooklyn.config.ConfigKey; import brooklyn.config.ConfigKey.HasConfigKey; import brooklyn.entity.Entity; import brooklyn.entity.basic.Lifecycle; import brooklyn.entity.proxy.AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl; import brooklyn.entity.proxy.LoadBalancer; import brooklyn.event.feed.ConfigToAttributes; import brooklyn.location.Location; import brooklyn.location.access.BrooklynAccessUtils; import; import brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsLocation; import brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsSshMachineLocation; import brooklyn.networking.cloudstack.CloudstackNew40FeaturesClient; import brooklyn.util.config.ConfigBag; import brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions; import brooklyn.util.text.Strings; import; import; import; import; import; public class CloudStackLoadBalancerImpl extends AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl implements CloudStackLoadBalancer { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CloudStackLoadBalancerImpl.class); private JcloudsLocation loc; private CloudstackNew40FeaturesClient client; private LoadBalancerApi loadBalancerApi; protected String inferProtocol() { // TODO support other protocols?! return "http"; } protected String getProtocol() { return getAttribute(PROTOCOL); } protected Integer getPort() { return getAttribute(PROXY_HTTP_PORT); } /** returns URL, if it can be inferred; null otherwise */ protected String inferUrl(boolean requireManagementAccessible) { String protocol = checkNotNull(getProtocol(), "no protocol configured"); Integer port = checkNotNull(getPort(), "no port configured (the requested port may be in use)"); String hostname = getAttribute(LoadBalancer.HOSTNAME); if (requireManagementAccessible) { HostAndPort accessible = BrooklynAccessUtils.getBrooklynAccessibleAddress(this, port); if (accessible != null) { hostname = accessible.getHostText(); port = accessible.getPort(); } } if (hostname == null) return null; return protocol + "://" + hostname + ":" + port + "/"; } protected String inferUrl() { return inferUrl(false); } @Override public void start(Collection<? extends Location> locations) { ConfigToAttributes.apply(this); addLocations(locations); setAttribute(SERVICE_UP, false); setAttribute(SERVICE_STATE, Lifecycle.STARTING); try { super.start(locations); checkArgument(locations.size() == 1, "start must have exactly one location, but given %s (%s)", locations.size(), locations); Location onlyloc = Iterables.getOnlyElement(locations); checkArgument(onlyloc instanceof JcloudsLocation, "start must have exactly one location, of type JcloudsLocation, but given %s (%s)", (onlyloc != null ? onlyloc.getClass() : null), onlyloc); loc = (JcloudsLocation) onlyloc; checkArgument("cloudstack".equals(loc.getProvider()), "start must have exactly one jclouds location for cloudstack, but given provider %s (%s)", loc.getProvider(), loc); client = CloudstackNew40FeaturesClient.newInstance(loc); loadBalancerApi = client.getLoadBalancerClient(); startLoadBalancer(); setAttribute(SERVICE_UP, true); setAttribute(SERVICE_STATE, Lifecycle.RUNNING); isActive = true; } catch (Exception e) { setAttribute(SERVICE_STATE, Lifecycle.ON_FIRE); throw Exceptions.propagate(e); } } @Override public void stop() { // TODO Should we delete the load balancer? loc = null; setAttribute(SERVICE_STATE, Lifecycle.STOPPING); setAttribute(SERVICE_UP, false); setAttribute(SERVICE_STATE, Lifecycle.STOPPED); } @Override public void restart() { // no-op } @Override protected void reconfigureService() { // see #reload(); no prep required in reconfigureService } @Override public void reload() { String publicIPId = getRequiredConfig(PUBLIC_IP_ID); String lbId = getAttribute(LOAD_BALANCER_ID); if (lbId == null) { LOG.warn("Not updating load balancer {} ({} in {}), ipId {}, because id not set", new Object[] { this, lbId, loc, publicIPId }); } LOG.debug("Updating load balancer {} ({} in {}), ipId {}", new Object[] { this, lbId, loc, publicIPId }); Set<VirtualMachine> oldVirtualMachines = loadBalancerApi .listVirtualMachinesAssignedToLoadBalancerRule(lbId); Set<String> oldVirtualMachineIds = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); for (VirtualMachine virtualMachine : oldVirtualMachines) { oldVirtualMachineIds.add(virtualMachine.getId()); } Set<String> currentVirtualMachineIds = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); for (String address : serverPoolAddresses) { currentVirtualMachineIds.add(address); } Set<String> removedVirtualMachineIds = Sets.difference(oldVirtualMachineIds, currentVirtualMachineIds); Set<String> addedVirtualMachineIds = Sets.difference(currentVirtualMachineIds, oldVirtualMachineIds); LOG.debug("Updating load balancer {} ({} in {}), ipId {}: adding {}, removing {}", new Object[] { this, lbId, loc, publicIPId, addedVirtualMachineIds, removedVirtualMachineIds }); if (addedVirtualMachineIds.size() > 0) { loadBalancerApi.assignVirtualMachinesToLoadBalancerRule(lbId, addedVirtualMachineIds); } if (removedVirtualMachineIds.size() > 0) { loadBalancerApi.removeVirtualMachinesFromLoadBalancerRule(lbId, removedVirtualMachineIds); } } @Override protected String getAddressOfEntity(Entity member) { JcloudsSshMachineLocation machine = (JcloudsSshMachineLocation) Iterables.find(member.getLocations(), Predicates.instanceOf(JcloudsSshMachineLocation.class), null); if (machine != null && machine.getNode().getProviderId() != null) { return machine.getNode().getProviderId(); } else { LOG.error("Unable to construct cloudstack-id representation for {} in {}; skipping in {}", new Object[] { member, machine, this }); return null; } } protected void startLoadBalancer() { String lbName = getAttribute(LOAD_BALANCER_NAME); if (Strings.isBlank(lbName)) { ConfigBag setup = ConfigBag.newInstance(getAllConfig()); lbName = new CloudMachineNamer(setup).generateNewGroupId(); setAttribute(LOAD_BALANCER_NAME, lbName); } createLoadBalancer(lbName); } protected void createLoadBalancer(String lbName) {"Creating load balancer {} ({}), in {}", new Object[] { lbName, this, loc }); Integer loadBalancerPort = getAttribute(PROXY_HTTP_PORT); if (loadBalancerPort == null) loadBalancerPort = getRequiredConfig(PROXY_HTTP_PORT).iterator().next(); String publicIPId = getRequiredConfig(PUBLIC_IP_ID); Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.fromValue(getRequiredConfig(ALGORITHM)); int instancePort = getRequiredConfig(INSTANCE_PORT); String description = getConfig(DESCRIPTION); Set<String> allowedSourceCIRDs = getConfig(ALLOWED_SOURCE_CIDRs); String domainId = getConfig(DOMAIN_ID); String zoneId = getConfig(ZONE_ID); String accountInDomain = getConfig(ACCOUNT_IN_DOMAIN); Boolean openFirewall = getConfig(OPEN_FIREWALL); PublicIPAddress ip = client.getCloudstackGlobalClient().getAddressApi().getPublicIPAddress(publicIPId); CreateLoadBalancerRuleOptions options = new CreateLoadBalancerRuleOptions(); if (description != null) options.description(description); if (allowedSourceCIRDs != null) options.allowedSourceCIDRs(allowedSourceCIRDs); if (domainId != null) options.domainId(domainId); if (zoneId != null) options.zoneId(zoneId); if (accountInDomain != null) { if (domainId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Domain id must be specified if specifying account (" + accountInDomain + ") for " + this); options.accountInDomain(accountInDomain, domainId); } if (openFirewall != null) options.openFirewall(openFirewall); // FIXME jclouds javadoc is wrong: it's returning the job id rather than the rule String jobId = loadBalancerApi.createLoadBalancerRuleForPublicIP(publicIPId, algorithm, lbName, instancePort, loadBalancerPort, options); AsyncJob<Object> job = client.waitForJobSuccess(jobId); LoadBalancerRule rule = (LoadBalancerRule) job.getResult(); String loadBalancerId = rule.getId(); setAttribute(LOAD_BALANCER_ID, loadBalancerId); setAttribute(PROXY_HTTP_PORT, loadBalancerPort); setAttribute(HOSTNAME, ip.getIPAddress()); setAttribute(PROTOCOL, inferProtocol()); setAttribute(ROOT_URL, inferUrl()); } @Override public void deleteLoadBalancer() { String lbId = getAttribute(LOAD_BALANCER_ID);"Deleting load balancer {} ({}, in {})", new Object[] { lbId, this, loc }); loadBalancerApi.deleteLoadBalancerRule(lbId); } protected String getZoneId(JcloudsLocation loc) { String zoneId = getConfig(ZONE_ID); if (zoneId == null) { zoneId = loc.getRegion(); } return Preconditions.checkNotNull(zoneId, "zoneId"); } protected <T> T getRequiredConfig(ConfigKey<T> key) { return checkNotNull(getConfig(key), key.getName()); } protected <T> T getRequiredConfig(HasConfigKey<T> key) { return checkNotNull(getConfig(key), key.getConfigKey().getName()); } }