Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package brooklyn.entity.rebind; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import brooklyn.basic.BrooklynObject; import brooklyn.basic.BrooklynObjectInternal; import brooklyn.catalog.CatalogItem; import brooklyn.entity.Entity; import brooklyn.entity.Feed; import brooklyn.entity.basic.BrooklynTaskTags; import brooklyn.entity.basic.EntityInternal; import brooklyn.entity.rebind.persister.BrooklynPersistenceUtils; import brooklyn.entity.rebind.persister.PersistenceActivityMetrics; import brooklyn.internal.BrooklynFeatureEnablement; import brooklyn.location.Location; import; import; import brooklyn.mementos.BrooklynMementoPersister; import brooklyn.policy.Enricher; import brooklyn.policy.Policy; import brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap; import brooklyn.util.collections.MutableSet; import brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions; import brooklyn.util.exceptions.RuntimeInterruptedException; import brooklyn.util.task.ScheduledTask; import brooklyn.util.task.Tasks; import brooklyn.util.time.CountdownTimer; import brooklyn.util.time.Duration; import brooklyn.util.time.Time; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A "simple" implementation that periodically persists all entities/locations/policies that have changed * since the last periodic persistence. * * TODO A better implementation would look at a per-entity basis. When the entity was modified, then * schedule a write for that entity in X milliseconds time (if not already scheduled). That would * prevent hammering the persister when a bunch of entity attributes change (e.g. when the entity * has just polled over JMX/http/etc). Such a scheduled-write approach would be similar to the * Nagle buffering algorithm in TCP (see tcp_nodelay). * * @author aled * */ public class PeriodicDeltaChangeListener implements ChangeListener { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PeriodicDeltaChangeListener.class); private static class DeltaCollector { private Set<Location> locations = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); private Set<Entity> entities = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); private Set<Policy> policies = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); private Set<Enricher> enrichers = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); private Set<Feed> feeds = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); private Set<CatalogItem<?, ?>> catalogItems = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); private Set<String> removedLocationIds = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); private Set<String> removedEntityIds = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); private Set<String> removedPolicyIds = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); private Set<String> removedEnricherIds = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); private Set<String> removedFeedIds = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); private Set<String> removedCatalogItemIds = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); public boolean isEmpty() { return locations.isEmpty() && entities.isEmpty() && policies.isEmpty() && enrichers.isEmpty() && feeds.isEmpty() && catalogItems.isEmpty() && removedEntityIds.isEmpty() && removedLocationIds.isEmpty() && removedPolicyIds.isEmpty() && removedEnricherIds.isEmpty() && removedFeedIds.isEmpty() && removedCatalogItemIds.isEmpty(); } public void add(BrooklynObject instance) { BrooklynObjectType type = BrooklynObjectType.of(instance); getUnsafeCollectionOfType(type).add(instance); if (type == BrooklynObjectType.CATALOG_ITEM) { removedCatalogItemIds.remove(instance.getId()); } } public void addIfNotRemoved(BrooklynObject instance) { BrooklynObjectType type = BrooklynObjectType.of(instance); if (!getRemovedIdsOfType(type).contains(instance.getId())) { getUnsafeCollectionOfType(type).add(instance); } } public void remove(BrooklynObject instance) { BrooklynObjectType type = BrooklynObjectType.of(instance); getUnsafeCollectionOfType(type).remove(instance); getRemovedIdsOfType(type).add(instance.getId()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Set<BrooklynObject> getUnsafeCollectionOfType(BrooklynObjectType type) { return (Set<BrooklynObject>) getCollectionOfType(type); } private Set<? extends BrooklynObject> getCollectionOfType(BrooklynObjectType type) { switch (type) { case ENTITY: return entities; case LOCATION: return locations; case ENRICHER: return enrichers; case FEED: return feeds; case POLICY: return policies; case CATALOG_ITEM: return catalogItems; case UNKNOWN: break; } throw new IllegalStateException("No collection for type " + type); } private Set<String> getRemovedIdsOfType(BrooklynObjectType type) { switch (type) { case ENTITY: return removedEntityIds; case LOCATION: return removedLocationIds; case ENRICHER: return removedEnricherIds; case FEED: return removedFeedIds; case POLICY: return removedPolicyIds; case CATALOG_ITEM: return removedCatalogItemIds; case UNKNOWN: break; } throw new IllegalStateException("No removed ids for type " + type); } } private final ExecutionContext executionContext; private final BrooklynMementoPersister persister; private final PersistenceExceptionHandler exceptionHandler; private final Duration period; private final AtomicLong writeCount = new AtomicLong(); private DeltaCollector deltaCollector = new DeltaCollector(); private volatile boolean running = false; private volatile boolean stopped = false; private volatile ScheduledTask scheduledTask; private final boolean persistPoliciesEnabled; private final boolean persistEnrichersEnabled; private final boolean persistFeedsEnabled; private final Semaphore persistingMutex = new Semaphore(1); private final Object startMutex = new Object(); private PersistenceActivityMetrics metrics; public PeriodicDeltaChangeListener(ExecutionContext executionContext, BrooklynMementoPersister persister, PersistenceExceptionHandler exceptionHandler, PersistenceActivityMetrics metrics, Duration period) { this.executionContext = executionContext; this.persister = persister; this.exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler; this.metrics = metrics; this.period = period; this.persistPoliciesEnabled = BrooklynFeatureEnablement .isEnabled(BrooklynFeatureEnablement.FEATURE_POLICY_PERSISTENCE_PROPERTY); this.persistEnrichersEnabled = BrooklynFeatureEnablement .isEnabled(BrooklynFeatureEnablement.FEATURE_ENRICHER_PERSISTENCE_PROPERTY); this.persistFeedsEnabled = BrooklynFeatureEnablement .isEnabled(BrooklynFeatureEnablement.FEATURE_FEED_PERSISTENCE_PROPERTY); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void start() { synchronized (startMutex) { if (running || (scheduledTask != null && !scheduledTask.isDone())) { LOG.warn("Request to start " + this + " when already running - " + scheduledTask + "; ignoring"); return; } stopped = false; running = true; Callable<Task<?>> taskFactory = new Callable<Task<?>>() { @Override public Task<Void> call() { return Tasks.<Void>builder().dynamic(false).name("periodic-persister") .body(new Callable<Void>() { public Void call() { Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.createStarted(); try { persistNow(); metrics.noteSuccess(Duration.of(timer)); return null; } catch (RuntimeInterruptedException e) { LOG.debug("Interrupted persisting change-delta (rethrowing)", e); metrics.noteFailure(Duration.of(timer)); metrics.noteError(e.toString()); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return null; } catch (Exception e) { // Don't rethrow: the behaviour of executionManager is different from a scheduledExecutorService, // if we throw an exception, then our task will never get executed again LOG.error("Problem persisting change-delta", e); metrics.noteFailure(Duration.of(timer)); metrics.noteError(e.toString()); return null; } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.warn("Problem persisting change-delta (rethrowing)", t); metrics.noteFailure(Duration.of(timer)); metrics.noteError(t.toString()); throw Exceptions.propagate(t); } } }).build(); } }; scheduledTask = (ScheduledTask) executionContext .submit(new ScheduledTask(MutableMap.of("displayName", "scheduled[periodic-persister]", "tags", MutableSet.of(BrooklynTaskTags.TRANSIENT_TASK_TAG)), taskFactory).period(period)); } } /** stops persistence, waiting for it to complete */ void stop() { stop(Duration.TEN_SECONDS, Duration.ONE_SECOND); } void stop(Duration timeout, Duration graceTimeoutForSubsequentOperations) { stopped = true; running = false; if (scheduledTask != null) { CountdownTimer expiry = timeout.countdownTimer(); scheduledTask.cancel(false); try { waitForPendingComplete(expiry.getDurationRemaining().lowerBound(Duration.ZERO) .add(graceTimeoutForSubsequentOperations)); } catch (Exception e) { throw Exceptions.propagate(e); } scheduledTask.blockUntilEnded(expiry.getDurationRemaining().lowerBound(Duration.ZERO) .add(graceTimeoutForSubsequentOperations)); scheduledTask.cancel(true); boolean reallyEnded = Tasks.blockUntilInternalTasksEnded(scheduledTask, expiry.getDurationRemaining() .lowerBound(Duration.ZERO).add(graceTimeoutForSubsequentOperations)); if (!reallyEnded) { LOG.warn("Persistence tasks took too long to complete when stopping persistence (ignoring): " + scheduledTask); } scheduledTask = null; } // Discard all state that was waiting to be persisted synchronized (this) { deltaCollector = new DeltaCollector(); } } /** * This method must only be used for testing. If required in production, then revisit implementation! * @deprecated since 0.7.0, use {@link #waitForPendingComplete(Duration)} */ @VisibleForTesting public void waitForPendingComplete(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException { waitForPendingComplete(Duration.of(timeout, unit)); } @VisibleForTesting public void waitForPendingComplete(Duration timeout) throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException { // Every time we finish writing, we increment a counter. We note the current val, and then // wait until we can guarantee that a complete additional write has been done. Not sufficient // to wait for `writeCount > origWriteCount` because we might have read the value when almost // finished a write. long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long maxEndtime = timeout.isPositive() ? startTime + timeout.toMillisecondsRoundingUp() : Long.MAX_VALUE; long origWriteCount = writeCount.get(); while (true) { if (!isActive()) { return; // no pending activity; } else if (writeCount.get() > (origWriteCount + 1)) { return; } if (System.currentTimeMillis() > maxEndtime) { throw new TimeoutException("Timeout waiting for pending complete of rebind-periodic-delta, after " + Time.makeTimeStringRounded(timeout)); } Thread.sleep(1); } } /** * Indicates whether to persist things now. Even when not active, we will still store what needs * to be persisted unless {@link #isStopped()}. */ private boolean isActive() { return running && persister != null && !isStopped(); } /** * Whether we have been stopped, in which case will not persist or store anything. */ private boolean isStopped() { return stopped || executionContext.isShutdown(); } private void addReferencedObjects(DeltaCollector deltaCollector) { Set<BrooklynObject> referencedObjects = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); // collect references for (Entity entity : deltaCollector.entities) { // FIXME How to let the policy/location tell us about changes? Don't do this every time! for (Location location : entity.getLocations()) { Collection<Location> findLocationsInHierarchy = TreeUtils.findLocationsInHierarchy(location); referencedObjects.addAll(findLocationsInHierarchy); } if (persistPoliciesEnabled) { referencedObjects.addAll(entity.getPolicies()); } if (persistEnrichersEnabled) { referencedObjects.addAll(entity.getEnrichers()); } if (persistFeedsEnabled) { referencedObjects.addAll(((EntityInternal) entity).feeds().getFeeds()); } } for (BrooklynObject instance : referencedObjects) { deltaCollector.addIfNotRemoved(instance); } } @VisibleForTesting public void persistNow() { if (!isActive()) { return; } try { persistingMutex.acquire(); if (!isActive()) return; // Atomically switch the delta, so subsequent modifications will be done in the // next scheduled persist DeltaCollector prevDeltaCollector; synchronized (this) { prevDeltaCollector = deltaCollector; deltaCollector = new DeltaCollector(); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Checkpointing delta of memento: " + "updating entities={}, locations={}, policies={}, enrichers={}, catalog items={}; " + "removing entities={}, locations={}, policies={}, enrichers={}, catalog items={}", new Object[] { limitedCountString(prevDeltaCollector.entities), limitedCountString(prevDeltaCollector.locations), limitedCountString(prevDeltaCollector.policies), limitedCountString(prevDeltaCollector.enrichers), limitedCountString(prevDeltaCollector.catalogItems), limitedCountString(prevDeltaCollector.removedEntityIds), limitedCountString(prevDeltaCollector.removedLocationIds), limitedCountString(prevDeltaCollector.removedPolicyIds), limitedCountString(prevDeltaCollector.removedEnricherIds), limitedCountString(prevDeltaCollector.removedCatalogItemIds) }); addReferencedObjects(prevDeltaCollector); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Checkpointing delta of memento with references: " + "updating {} entities, {} locations, {} policies, {} enrichers, {} catalog items; " + "removing {} entities, {} locations, {} policies, {} enrichers, {} catalog items", new Object[] { prevDeltaCollector.entities.size(), prevDeltaCollector.locations.size(), prevDeltaCollector.policies.size(), prevDeltaCollector.enrichers.size(), prevDeltaCollector.catalogItems.size(), prevDeltaCollector.removedEntityIds.size(), prevDeltaCollector.removedLocationIds.size(), prevDeltaCollector.removedPolicyIds.size(), prevDeltaCollector.removedEnricherIds.size(), prevDeltaCollector.removedCatalogItemIds.size() }); // Generate mementos for everything that has changed in this time period if (prevDeltaCollector.isEmpty()) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("No changes to persist since last delta"); } else { PersisterDeltaImpl persisterDelta = new PersisterDeltaImpl(); for (BrooklynObjectType type : BrooklynPersistenceUtils.STANDARD_BROOKLYN_OBJECT_TYPE_PERSISTENCE_ORDER) { for (BrooklynObject instance : prevDeltaCollector.getCollectionOfType(type)) { try { persisterDelta.add(type, ((BrooklynObjectInternal) instance).getRebindSupport().getMemento()); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionHandler.onGenerateMementoFailed(type, instance, e); } } } for (BrooklynObjectType type : BrooklynPersistenceUtils.STANDARD_BROOKLYN_OBJECT_TYPE_PERSISTENCE_ORDER) { persisterDelta.removed(type, prevDeltaCollector.getRemovedIdsOfType(type)); } /* * Need to guarantee "happens before", with any thread that subsequently reads * the mementos. * * See MementoFileWriter.writeNow for the corresponding synchronization, * that guarantees its thread has values visible for reads. */ synchronized (new Object()) { } // Tell the persister to persist it, exceptionHandler); } } catch (Exception e) { if (isActive()) { throw Exceptions.propagate(e); } else { Exceptions.propagateIfFatal(e); LOG.debug("Problem persisting, but no longer active (ignoring)", e); } } finally { writeCount.incrementAndGet(); persistingMutex.release(); } } private static String limitedCountString(Collection<?> items) { if (items == null) return null; int size = items.size(); if (size == 0) return "[]"; int MAX = 12; if (size <= MAX) return items.toString(); List<Object> itemsTruncated = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.limit(items, MAX)); if (items.size() > itemsTruncated.size()) itemsTruncated.add("... (" + (size - MAX) + " more)"); return itemsTruncated.toString(); } @Override public synchronized void onManaged(BrooklynObject instance) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("onManaged: {}", instance); onChanged(instance); } @Override public synchronized void onUnmanaged(BrooklynObject instance) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("onUnmanaged: {}", instance); if (!isStopped()) { removeFromCollector(instance); if (instance instanceof Entity) { Entity entity = (Entity) instance; for (BrooklynObject adjunct : entity.getPolicies()) removeFromCollector(adjunct); for (BrooklynObject adjunct : entity.getEnrichers()) removeFromCollector(adjunct); for (BrooklynObject adjunct : ((EntityInternal) entity).feeds().getFeeds()) removeFromCollector(adjunct); } } } private void removeFromCollector(BrooklynObject instance) { deltaCollector.remove(instance); } @Override public synchronized void onChanged(BrooklynObject instance) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("onChanged: {}", instance); if (!isStopped()) { deltaCollector.add(instance); } } public PersistenceExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler() { return exceptionHandler; } }