Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of the S1000D Transformation Toolkit * project hosted on See the accompanying * license.txt file for applicable licenses. */ package bridge.toolkit.commands; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.chain.Command; import org.apache.commons.chain.Context; import org.jdom.Attribute; import org.jdom.DocType; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.Namespace; import org.jdom.ProcessingInstruction; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom.output.Format; import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter; import org.jdom.xpath.XPath; import bridge.toolkit.packaging.ContentPackageCreator; import bridge.toolkit.util.CopyDirectory; import bridge.toolkit.util.DMParser; import bridge.toolkit.util.Keys; import bridge.toolkit.util.StylesheetApplier; /** * Builds the launchable learning resources (SCOs) from the DMs found in the * SCPM. */ public class SCOBuilder implements Command { /** * File that represents the location of the content package directory. */ File cpPackage; /** * List of Strings that represent the file found in the Viewer Application * directory. */ List<String> commonFiles; /** * JDOM Document that is used for the imsmanifest.xml file. */ Document manifest; /** * JDOM Document that is used for the S1000D SCPM file. */ Document scpm; /** * Provides a way to parse S1000D files and to find data model codes. */ DMParser dmp; /** * Message that is returned if the building of the SCOs is unsuccessful. */ final String SCOBUILDER_FAILED = "SCOBuilder processing was unsuccessful"; /** * SCORM CP XSLT StyleSheet to be applied to the data modules */ final String CPSTYLESHEET = "app/s1000d_4.xslt"; /** * SCORM CP XSLT StyleSheet to be applied to the data modules (HTML option) */ final String CPHTMLSTYLESHEET = "app/s1000d_4html.xslt"; /** * The unit of processing work to be performed for the SCOBuilder module. * * @see org.apache.commons.chain.Command#execute(org.apache.commons.chain.Context) */ @Override public boolean execute(Context ctx) { System.out.println("Executing SCOBuilder"); commonFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); //System.out.println("Executing SCOBuilder"); //System.out.flush(); if ((ctx.get(Keys.XML_SOURCE) != null) && (ctx.get(Keys.RESOURCE_PACKAGE) != null) && (ctx.get(Keys.SCPM_FILE) != null)) { //check to see if a cp_package directory exist yet if (ctx.get(Keys.CP_PACKAGE) == null) { ContentPackageCreator cpc = new ContentPackageCreator((String) ctx.get(Keys.RESOURCE_PACKAGE)); try { cpPackage = cpc.createPackage(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(SCOBUILDER_FAILED); e.printStackTrace(); return PROCESSING_COMPLETE; } catch (JDOMException e) { System.out.println(SCOBUILDER_FAILED); e.printStackTrace(); return PROCESSING_COMPLETE; } ctx.put(Keys.CP_PACKAGE, cpPackage); } else { cpPackage = (File) ctx.get(Keys.CP_PACKAGE); } try { //copy necessary files over to CP folder copyViewerAppFiles(); //apply the SCORM CP XSLT StyleSheet to the data modules StylesheetApplier sa = new StylesheetApplier(); if (ctx.get(Keys.OUTPUT_TYPE) == "SCORMHTML") { sa.applyStylesheetToDMCs(cpPackage, CPHTMLSTYLESHEET); } else { sa.applyStylesheetToDMCs(cpPackage, CPSTYLESHEET); } //create list.js, add to CP dmp = new DMParser(); manifest = (Document) ctx.get(Keys.XML_SOURCE); File scpmFile = new File((String) ctx.get(Keys.SCPM_FILE)); scpm = dmp.getDoc(scpmFile); generateListFile(); //write urn map to cp app location Document urn_map = (Document) ctx.get(Keys.URN_MAP); File js = new File(cpPackage + File.separator + "resources/s1000d/app/urn_resource_map.xml"); XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(js); outputter.output(urn_map, writer); writer.flush(); writer.close(); //System.out.println("A " + js.getAbsolutePath()); commonFiles.add(js.getAbsolutePath()); //add as a common resource element generateCommonResource(); //build launchable htm files and add to manifest generateLaunchableFile(); } catch (JDOMException e) { System.out.println(SCOBUILDER_FAILED); e.printStackTrace(); return PROCESSING_COMPLETE; } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println(SCOBUILDER_FAILED); ioe.printStackTrace(); return PROCESSING_COMPLETE; } ctx.put(Keys.XML_SOURCE, manifest); System.out.println("SCOBuilder processing was successful"); } else { System.out.println(SCOBUILDER_FAILED); System.out.println("One of the required Context entries for the " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " command to be executed was null"); return PROCESSING_COMPLETE; } return CONTINUE_PROCESSING; } /** * Copies the Viewer Application files to the content package directory * location. * * @throws IOException */ private void copyViewerAppFiles() throws IOException { //.out.println("at copyViewerAppFiles"); File trainingContent = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "ViewerApplication"); File cpTrainingContent = new File(cpPackage + File.separator + "resources" + File.separator + "s1000d"); CopyDirectory cd = new CopyDirectory(); //check if the directory exists if it does use it else copy it from the jar if (trainingContent.exists()) { cd.copyDirectory(trainingContent, cpTrainingContent); } else { cd.CopyJarFiles(this.getClass(), "ViewerApplication", cpTrainingContent.getAbsolutePath()); } //System.out.println("After SCO Copy"); //System.out.flush(); listViewerAppFiles(cpTrainingContent); } /** * Adds all of the Viewer Application files to a List that will be used to * generate a common 'resource' element to be added to the imsmanifest.xml * file. * * @param srcFolder File object that represents the location of the * Viewer Application files in the content package. */ private void listViewerAppFiles(File srcFolder) { if (srcFolder.isDirectory()) { //ensures that hidden folders are not included if (!srcFolder.getName().contains(".")) { String[] oChildren = srcFolder.list(); for (int i = 0; i < oChildren.length; i++) { listViewerAppFiles(new File(srcFolder, oChildren[i])); } } } else { if (srcFolder.getParent().contains("app") || srcFolder.getParent().contains("Assessment_templates")) { commonFiles.add(srcFolder.getAbsolutePath()); } } } /** * Generates a JavaScript file that is used to navigate between the data * modules inside of each SCO. * * @throws IOException * @throws JDOMException */ private void generateListFile() throws IOException, JDOMException { File js = new File(cpPackage + File.separator + "resources/s1000d/app/list.js"); //parse resource element to find file names... List<List<String>> sco_map = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); XPath xp = XPath.newInstance("//scoEntry[@scoEntryType='scot01']"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Element> scos = xp.selectNodes(scpm); Iterator<Element> iterator = scos.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Element sco =; sco.detach(); Document temp = new Document(sco); List<String> dms = dmp.searchForDmRefs(temp); sco_map.add(dms); } List<List<String>> scoPages = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); List<String> page; xp = null; Iterator<List<String>> iter = sco_map.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { List<String> scoList =; page = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<String> value = scoList.iterator(); while (value.hasNext()) { Element resource = null; String str_current =; xp = XPath.newInstance("//ns:resource[@identifier='" + str_current + "']"); xp.addNamespace("ns", ""); resource = (Element) xp.selectSingleNode(manifest); if (resource != null) { String[] resource_path = resource.getAttributeValue("href").split("/"); page.add("../" + resource_path[resource_path.length - 1]); } } scoPages.add(page); } FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(js); int count = 0; writer.write("var scoPages = new Array(" + scoPages.size() + ");\n"); Iterator<List<String>> pages = scoPages.iterator(); while (pages.hasNext()) { List<String> nextPg =; writer.write("scoPages[" + count + "] = new Array(" + nextPg.size() + ");\n"); Iterator<String> nextPgIterator = nextPg.iterator(); int numfile = 0; while (nextPgIterator.hasNext()) { String file =; writer.write("scoPages[" + count + "][" + numfile + "] = \"" + file + "\";\n"); numfile++; } count++; } writer.write("function getArray()\n"); writer.write("{\n return scoPages;\n}"); writer.close(); commonFiles.add(js.getAbsolutePath()); } /** * Generates a common 'resource' element that contains all of the files * in the View Application and adds a dependency element for the * RES-common-files to all resource elements that have scormType = 'sco'. * * @throws JDOMException */ private void generateCommonResource() throws JDOMException { Element resources = manifest.getRootElement().getChild("resources", null); Namespace ns = manifest.getRootElement().getNamespace(); Namespace adlcpNS = Namespace.getNamespace("adlcp", ""); String commonFilesID = "RES-common-files"; Element commonResource = new Element("resource"); commonResource.setAttribute(new Attribute("identifier", commonFilesID)); commonResource.setAttribute(new Attribute("type", "webcontent")); commonResource.setAttribute(new Attribute("scormType", "asset", adlcpNS)); Iterator<String> iterator = commonFiles.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String file =; file = file.replace("\\", "/"); String[] split = file.split(cpPackage.getName() + "/"); Element fileElement = new Element("file", ns); fileElement.setAttribute(new Attribute("href", split[1])); commonResource.addContent(fileElement); } commonResource.setNamespace(ns); resources.addContent(commonResource); //add a dependency element for the RES-common-files to all resource //elements that have scormType = 'sco' Iterator<Element> scoResIterator = findSCOResources(); while (scoResIterator.hasNext()) { Element resource =; Element dependency = new Element("dependency"); dependency.setAttribute("identifierref", commonFilesID); dependency.setNamespace(ns); resource.addContent(dependency); } } /** * Searches through the imsmanifest.xml file for all of the 'resource' * elements that have scormType = 'sco'. * * @return Iterator<Element> Iterator of JDOM Elements that are 'resource' * elements with scormType = 'sco'. * @throws JDOMException */ private Iterator<Element> findSCOResources() throws JDOMException { XPath xp = XPath.newInstance("//ns:resource[@adlcpNS:scormType='sco']"); xp.addNamespace("ns", ""); xp.addNamespace("adlcpNS", ""); return xp.selectNodes(manifest).iterator(); } /** * Generates a unique htm file for each 'resource' element that has * scormType = 'sco' found in the imsmanifest.xml file and applies the * unique htm file name to the 'href' values for each of the SCO 'resource' * elements. * * @throws JDOMException * @throws IOException */ private void generateLaunchableFile() throws JDOMException, IOException { int scoCounter = 0; Iterator<Element> scoResIterator = findSCOResources(); while (scoResIterator.hasNext()) { Element resource =; //replace href and file href Namespace ns = manifest.getRootElement().getNamespace(); resource.setAttribute("href", "resources/scos/index" + scoCounter + ".htm"); XPath xp = XPath.newInstance("//ns:file[@href='TODO:ref_to_SCO_goes_here']"); xp.addNamespace("ns", ""); Element file = (Element) xp.selectSingleNode(resource); file.setAttribute("href", "resources/scos/index" + scoCounter + ".htm"); buildHTMLFile(scoCounter); scoCounter++; } } /** * Builds an unique htm file for each 'resource' element that has * scormType = 'sco' found in the imsmanifest.xml file. * * @param scoNum * @throws IOException */ public void buildHTMLFile(int scoNum) throws IOException { String num = Integer.toString(scoNum); Element html = new Element("html"); Element head = new Element("head"); Element script = new Element("script"); List<Attribute> scriptAtts = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); scriptAtts.add(new Attribute("language", "javascript")); scriptAtts.add(new Attribute("src", "../s1000d/app/navScript.js")); script.setAttributes(scriptAtts); script.addContent("/* */"); head.addContent(script); html.addContent(head); Element frameset = new Element("frameset"); List<Attribute> framesetAtts = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); framesetAtts.add(new Attribute("id", "toolkit")); framesetAtts.add(new Attribute("rows", "43,*,35")); frameset.setAttributes(framesetAtts); Element topframe = new Element("frame"); List<Attribute> topframeAtts = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); topframeAtts.add(new Attribute("id", "topframe")); topframeAtts.add(new Attribute("name", "topframe")); topframeAtts.add(new Attribute("src", "../s1000d/app/topz.htm")); topframeAtts.add(new Attribute("scrolling", "no")); topframeAtts.add(new Attribute("frameborder", "0")); topframeAtts.add(new Attribute("marginheight", "1")); topframe.setAttributes(topframeAtts); Element content = new Element("frame"); List<Attribute> contentAtts = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); contentAtts.add(new Attribute("id", "content")); contentAtts.add(new Attribute("name", "content")); contentAtts.add(new Attribute("src", "../s1000d/app/content.htm")); contentAtts.add(new Attribute("scrolling", "auto")); contentAtts.add(new Attribute("frameborder", "0")); content.setAttributes(contentAtts); Element navframe = new Element("frame"); List<Attribute> navframeAtts = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); navframeAtts.add(new Attribute("id", "nav_frame")); navframeAtts.add(new Attribute("name", "nav_frame")); navframeAtts.add(new Attribute("src", "../s1000d/app/navPage.htm?loc=" + num)); navframeAtts.add(new Attribute("frameborder", "0")); navframe.setAttributes(navframeAtts); frameset.addContent(topframe); frameset.addContent(content); frameset.addContent(navframe); html.addContent(frameset); File scoFolder = new File(cpPackage + File.separator + "resources/scos/"); scoFolder.mkdir(); XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(cpPackage + File.separator + "resources/scos/index" + num + ".htm"); outputter.output(html, writer); writer.flush(); writer.close(); } }