Java tutorial
/* * BioNimbuZ is a federated cloud platform. * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Data (LaBiD), * Department of Computer Science, University of Brasilia, Brazil * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.avro.AvroRemoteException; import org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.BasicThreadFactory; import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry; import; import; import; import com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException; import com.jcraft.jsch.SftpException; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.avro.gen.FileInfo; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.avro.gen.NodeInfo; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.avro.rpc.AvroClient; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.avro.rpc.RpcClient; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.config.BioNimbusConfig; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.plugin.PluginFile; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.plugin.PluginInfo; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.toSort.Listeners; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.utils.Nmap; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.utils.Put; @Singleton public class StorageService extends AbstractBioService { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StorageService.class); private final ScheduledExecutorService executorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, new BasicThreadFactory.Builder().namingPattern("StorageService-%d").build()); private Map<String, PluginInfo> cloudMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Map<String, PluginFile> savedFiles = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // private Set<String> pendingSaveFiles = new HashSet<String>(); private final File dataFolder = new File(BioNimbusConfig.get().getDataFolder()); private final Double MAXCAPACITY = 0.9; private final int PORT = 8080; private final int REPLICATIONFACTOR = 2; @Inject public StorageService(final CloudMessageService cms, MetricRegistry metricRegistry) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(cms); this.cms = cms; } @Override public void run() { } /** * Mtodo que inicia a storage * * @param config * @param listeners */ @Override public void start(List<Listeners> listeners) { this.listeners = listeners; if (listeners != null) { listeners.add(this); } // Criando pastas zookeeper para o mdulo de armazenamento if (!this.cms.getZNodeExist(Path.PENDING_SAVE.getFullPath(), null)) { this.cms.createZNode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT, Path.PENDING_SAVE.getFullPath(), null); } if (!this.cms.getZNodeExist(Path.FILES.getFullPath(BioNimbusConfig.get().getId()), null)) { this.cms.createZNode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT, Path.FILES.getFullPath(BioNimbusConfig.get().getId()), ""); } // watcher para verificar se um pending_save foi lanado this.cms.getChildren(Path.PENDING_SAVE.getFullPath(), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); this.cms.getChildren(Path.PEERS.getFullPath(), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); // NECESSARIO atualizar a lista de arquivo local , a lista do zookeeper com os arquivos locais. // checkFiles(); this.checkPeers(); try { if (this.getPeers().size() != 1) { this.checkReplicationFiles(); } } catch (final Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("[Exception] - " + ex.getMessage()); } this.executorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(this, 0, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } @Override public void shutdown() { this.listeners.remove(this); this.executorService.shutdownNow(); } @Override public void getStatus() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /** * Verifica os peers(plugins) existentes e adiciona um observador(watcher) * no zNode STATUS de cada plugin. */ public void checkPeers() { for (final PluginInfo plugin : this.getPeers().values()) { if (this.cms.getZNodeExist(Path.STATUS.getFullPath(plugin.getId()), null)) { this.cms.getData(Path.STATUS.getFullPath(plugin.getId()), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); } } } /** * Verifica os arquivos que existem no recurso e adiciona no Zookeeper os arquivos novos. Alterado para synchronized * para evitar condio de corrida. */ public synchronized void checkFiles() { try { if (!this.dataFolder.exists()) { this.dataFolder.mkdirs(); } this.cms.getChildren(Path.FILES.getFullPath(BioNimbusConfig.get().getId()), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); for (final File file : this.dataFolder.listFiles()) { if (!this.savedFiles.containsKey(file.getName())) { final PluginFile pluginFile = new PluginFile(); pluginFile.setId(file.getName()); pluginFile.setName(file.getName()); pluginFile.setPath(file.getPath()); final List<String> listIds = new ArrayList<>(); listIds.add(BioNimbusConfig.get().getId()); pluginFile.setPluginId(listIds); pluginFile.setSize(file.length()); // pluginFile.setHash(Hash.calculateSha3(file.getPath())); // cria um novo znode para o arquivo e adiciona o watcher this.cms.createZNode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT, Path.NODE_FILE.getFullPath(BioNimbusConfig.get().getId(), pluginFile.getId()), pluginFile.toString()); this.cms.getData(Path.NODE_FILE.getFullPath(BioNimbusConfig.get().getId(), pluginFile.getId()), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); this.savedFiles.put(pluginFile.getName(), pluginFile); } } } catch (final Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("[Exception] - " + ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Checa quantas cpias existem de um arquivo, caso existam menos cpias do * que REPLICATIONFACTOR inicia a replicao deste arquivo; Este mtodo * checa todos os arquivos da federao. * * @throws Exception */ public void checkReplicationFiles() throws Exception { for (final Collection<String> collection : this.getFiles().values()) { /* * Percorre cada arquivo e o IP que possui ele */ for (final String fileNamePlugin : collection) { if (!this.existReplication(fileNamePlugin)) { /* * Caso no exista um nmero de cpias igual a REPLICATIONFACTOR inicia as cpias, * enviando uma RPC para o peer que possui o arquivo, para que ele replique. */ final String ipPluginFile = this.getIpContainsFile(fileNamePlugin); if (!ipPluginFile.isEmpty() && !ipPluginFile.equals(BioNimbusConfig.get().getAddress())) { final RpcClient rpcClient = new AvroClient("http", ipPluginFile, this.PORT); rpcClient.getProxy().notifyReply(fileNamePlugin, ipPluginFile); rpcClient.close(); } else { this.replication(fileNamePlugin, ipPluginFile); } } } } } /** * Verifica a existncia da replicao do arquivo na federao. Se a * replicao estiver feita retona true; Fator de replicao igual a 2; * Retorna true se existir replicao. */ private boolean existReplication(String fileName) throws IOException { int cont = 0; for (final Collection<String> collection : this.getFiles().values()) { for (final String fileNamePlugin : collection) { if (fileName.equals(fileNamePlugin)) { cont++; } } } return cont >= this.REPLICATIONFACTOR; } /** * Cria map com endereo dos peers(plugins) e seus respectivos arquivos * baseado nos dados do zookeeper. * * @return map de endereo e lista de arquivos. * @throws */ public Map<String, List<String>> getFiles() throws IOException { final Map<String, List<String>> mapFiles = new HashMap<>(); List<String> listFiles; this.checkFiles(); for (final PluginInfo plugin : this.getPeers().values()) { listFiles = new ArrayList<>(); for (final String file : this.cms.getChildren(Path.FILES.getFullPath(plugin.getId()), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null))) { listFiles.add(file); } mapFiles.put(plugin.getHost().getAddress(), listFiles); } return mapFiles; } /** * Metodo para pegar o Ip de cada peer na federao e verificar em qual peer * o arquivo est, se o arquivo for encontrado retorna o Ip do peer, caso * contrrio retorna null. * * @param file * @return Ip que possui o arquivo ou null * @throws */ public String getIpContainsFile(String file) throws IOException { List<String> listFiles; // NECESSARIO atualizar a lista de arquivo local , a lista do zookeeper com os arquivos locais. No feito em nenhum momento // caso no seja chamado a checkFiles(); this.checkFiles(); for (final Iterator<PluginInfo> it = this.getPeers().values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final PluginInfo plugin =; listFiles = this.cms.getChildren(Path.FILES.getFullPath(plugin.getId()), null); for (final String checkfile : listFiles) { if (file.equals(checkfile)) { return plugin.getHost().getAddress(); } } } return ""; } /** * Retorna o tamanho do arquivo, dado o nome do mesmo. * NOTE: listFiles never used. Revise this code. * Refactor message of integrity verification * * @param file * O nome do arquivo * @return O tamanho do arquivo */ public long getFileSize(String file) { try { for (final Iterator<PluginInfo> it = this.getPeers().values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final PluginInfo plugin =; final PluginFile files = new ObjectMapper().readValue( this.cms.getData(Path.NODE_FILE.getFullPath(plugin.getId(), file), null), PluginFile.class); return files.getSize(); } } catch (final IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("[IOException] - " + ex.getMessage()); } return 0; } /** * Recebe uma list com todos os peers da federao e seta o custo de * armazenamento em cada plugin * * @param list * - Lista com todos os plugins da federao * @return - Lista com todos os plugins com seus custos de armazenamento * inseridos */ public List<NodeInfo> bestNode(List<NodeInfo> list) { List<NodeInfo> plugins; this.cloudMap = this.getPeers(); for (final NodeInfo node : list) { this.cloudMap.get(node.getPeerId()).setLatency(node.getLatency()); this.cloudMap.get(node.getPeerId()).setFsFreeSize(node.getFreesize()); } // TODO: Permitir a escolha entre a BioCirrus e a ZooClouS final StoragePolicy policy = new BioCirrusPolicy(); /* * Dentro da Storage Policy feito o ordenamento da list de acordo com o custo de armazenamento */ plugins = policy.calcBestCost(this.cms, this.cloudMap.values()); return plugins; } /** * Verifica se um arquivo existe em um peer e seta o seu Znode no Zookeeper * * @param file * - Arquivo a ser verifcado * @return true caso o arquivo exista e tenha sido setado */ public boolean checkFilePeer(PluginFile file) {"Verifying if file (filename=" + file.getName() + ") exists on peer"); final File localFile = new File(BioNimbusConfig.get() + file.getName()); if (localFile.exists()) { this.cms.createZNode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT, Path.NODE_FILE.getFullPath(BioNimbusConfig.get().getId(), file.getId()), file.toString()); this.cms.getData(Path.NODE_FILE.getFullPath(BioNimbusConfig.get().getId(), file.getId()), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); return true; }"File not found on Peer"); return false; } /** * Mtodo que manda o comando dizendo que o arquivo foi upado com o intuito * de replicar esse arquivo pelos ns. * * @param fileUploaded * @return * @throws KeeperException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException * @throws * @throws com.jcraft.jsch.SftpException */ public synchronized String fileUploaded(PluginFile fileUploaded) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, SftpException {"Checking if there is request on PENDING_SAVE: " + fileUploaded.getName()); Boolean successUpload = false; if (this.cms.getZNodeExist(Path.NODE_PENDING_FILE.getFullPath(fileUploaded.getId()), null)) { String ipPluginFile; ipPluginFile = this.getIpContainsFile(fileUploaded.getName()); final FileInfo file = new FileInfo(); file.setId(fileUploaded.getId()); file.setName(fileUploaded.getName()); file.setSize(fileUploaded.getSize()); file.setHash(fileUploaded.getHash()); String idPluginFile = null; for (final String idPlugin : fileUploaded.getPluginId()) { idPluginFile = idPlugin; break; } // Verifica se a mquina que recebeu essa requisio no a que est armazenando o arquivo if (!fileUploaded.getPluginId().contains(BioNimbusConfig.get().getId())) { for (final PluginInfo plugin : this.getPeers().values()) { if (plugin.getId().equals(fileUploaded.getPluginId().get(0))) { ipPluginFile = plugin.getHost().getAddress(); } } final RpcClient rpcClient = new AvroClient("http", ipPluginFile, this.PORT); final String filePeerHash = rpcClient.getProxy().getFileHash(fileUploaded.getName()); // Verifica se o arquivo foi corretamente transferido ao n. if (Integrity.verifyHashes(filePeerHash, fileUploaded.getHash())) { successUpload = true; try { if (rpcClient.getProxy().verifyFile(file, fileUploaded.getPluginId()) && this.cms.getZNodeExist( Path.NODE_FILE.getFullPath(idPluginFile, fileUploaded.getId()), null)) { // Remova o arquivo do PENDING FILE j que ele foi upado this.cms.delete(Path.NODE_PENDING_FILE.getFullPath(fileUploaded.getId())); } rpcClient.close(); } catch (final Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("[Exception] - " + ex.getMessage()); } } } else { if (this.checkFilePeer(fileUploaded)) { final String filePeerHash = HashUtil .computeNativeSHA3(BioNimbusConfig.get().getDataFolder() + fileUploaded.getName()); // Verifica se o arquivo foi corretamente transferido ao peer. if (Integrity.verifyHashes(filePeerHash, fileUploaded.getHash())) { successUpload = true; if (this.cms.getZNodeExist(Path.NODE_FILE.getFullPath(idPluginFile, fileUploaded.getId()), null) && !this.existReplication(file.getName())) { try { this.replication(file.getName(), BioNimbusConfig.get().getAddress()); if (this.existReplication(file.getName())) { // Remova o arquivo do PENDING FILE j que ele foi upado this.cms.delete(Path.NODE_PENDING_FILE.getFullPath(fileUploaded.getId())); } else {"Replication failed! File wasn't replicated..."); } } catch (final JSchException ex) { LOGGER.error("[JSchException] - " + ex.getMessage()); } } } } } } else {"File not found on pending files"); } if (successUpload) {"File integrity verified: File uploaded correctly"); return "File integrity verified: File uploaded correctly."; } else { LOGGER.error("File integrity verified: Error on file uploading."); return "File integrity verified: Error on file uploading."; } } /** * Metodo que checa os znodes filhos da pending_save, para replica-ls * * @throws * @throws * @throws InterruptedException */ public void checkingPendingSave() throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InterruptedException { final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); int cont = 0; final List<String> pendingSave = this.cms.getChildren(Path.PENDING_SAVE.getFullPath(), null); // pendingSaveFiles.addAll(pendingSave); for (final String files : pendingSave) { try { final String data = this.cms .getData(Path.NODE_PENDING_FILE.getFullPath(files.substring(13, files.length())), null); // verifica se arquivo existe if (data == null || data.trim().isEmpty()) {"========> There is no data for Path: " + Path.PENDING_SAVE.getFullPath()); continue; } final PluginFile fileplugin = mapper.readValue(data, PluginFile.class); // Verifica se um arquivo de sada de uma execuo e se o arquivo foi gerado nesse recurso if (fileplugin.getService() != null && fileplugin.getService().equals(SchedService.class.getSimpleName()) && fileplugin.getPluginId().get(0).equals(BioNimbusConfig.get().getId())) { // Adiciona o arquivo a lista do zookeeper this.checkFiles(); } while (cont < 6) { if (fileplugin.getPluginId().size() == this.REPLICATIONFACTOR) { this.cms.delete(Path.PENDING_SAVE.getFullPath(fileplugin.getId())); break; } final String address = this.getIpContainsFile(fileplugin.getName()); if (!address.isEmpty() && !address.equals(BioNimbusConfig.get().getAddress())) { final RpcClient rpcClient = new AvroClient("http", address, this.PORT); rpcClient.getProxy().notifyReply(fileplugin.getName(), address); try { rpcClient.close(); if (this.existReplication(fileplugin.getName())) { this.cms.delete(Path.NODE_PENDING_FILE.getFullPath(fileplugin.getId())); break; } else { cont++; } } catch (final Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("[Exception] - " + ex.getMessage()); } } else { try { this.replication(fileplugin.getName(), address); } catch (final JSchException ex) { LOGGER.error("[JSchException] - " + ex.getMessage()); } catch (final SftpException ex) { LOGGER.error("[SftpException] - " + ex.getMessage()); } if (this.existReplication(fileplugin.getName())) { this.cms.delete(Path.NODE_PENDING_FILE.getFullPath(fileplugin.getId())); break; } } } } catch (final IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("[IOException] - " + ex.getMessage()); } // verifica se exite replicao quando houver mais de um peer if (this.getPeers().size() != 1) { this.existReplication(files); } } } /** * Realiza a replicao de arquivos, sejam eles enviados pelo cliente ou * apenas gerados na prpria federao * * @param filename * - nome do arquivo * @param address * - endereo do peer que possui o arquivo * @throws IOException * @throws JSchException * @throws SftpException * @throws * @throws * @throws InterruptedException */ public synchronized void replication(String filename, String address) throws IOException, JSchException, SftpException, FileNotFoundException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InterruptedException {"Replicating file (filename=" + filename + ") from peer (peer=" + address + ")"); List<NodeInfo> pluginList = new ArrayList<>(); final List<String> idsPluginsFile = new ArrayList<>(); final File file = new File(BioNimbusConfig.get().getDataFolder() + filename); final int filesreplicated = 1; // Verifica se o arquivo existe no peer if (file.exists()) { final FileInfo info = new FileInfo(); info.setId(file.getName()); info.setName(file.getName()); info.setSize(file.length()); info.setHash(HashUtil.computeNativeSHA3(file.getAbsolutePath())); final PluginFile pluginFile = new PluginFile(info); /* * PLuginList ira receber a lista dos Peers disponiveis na federao * e que possuem espao em disco para receber o arquivo a ser replicado */ pluginFile.setPath(BioNimbusConfig.get().getDataFolder() + info.getName()); NodeInfo no = null; /* * While para que o peer pegue o prprio endereo e ele seja removido da lista de peers, * isso feito para evitar que ele tente replicar * o arquivo para ele mesmo. */ for (final NodeInfo node : this.getNodeDisp(info.getSize())) { if (node.getAddress().equals(address)) { no = node; break; } } if (no != null) { pluginList.remove(no); idsPluginsFile.add(BioNimbusConfig.get().getId()); pluginList = new ArrayList<>(this.bestNode(pluginList)); for (final NodeInfo curr : pluginList) { if (no.getAddress().equals(curr.getAddress())) { no = curr; break; } } pluginList.remove(no); } pluginList = new ArrayList<>(this.bestNode(pluginList)); pluginList.remove(no); final Iterator<NodeInfo> bt = pluginList.iterator(); while (bt.hasNext() && filesreplicated != this.REPLICATIONFACTOR) { final NodeInfo node =; if (!node.getAddress().equals(address)) { // Descoberto um peer disponivel, tenta enviar o arquivo final Put conexao = new Put(node.getAddress(), this.dataFolder + "/" + info.getName()); if (conexao.startSession()) { idsPluginsFile.add(node.getPeerId()); pluginFile.setPluginId(idsPluginsFile); final RpcClient rpcClient = new AvroClient("http", node.getAddress(), this.PORT); final String fileReplicatedHash = rpcClient.getProxy().getFileHash(pluginFile.getName()); // rpcClient.close(); // Verifica se o arquivo foi corretamente transferido ao n. if (Integrity.verifyHashes(pluginFile.getHash(), fileReplicatedHash)) { // Com o arquivo enviado, seta os seus dados no Zookeeper for (final String idPlugin : idsPluginsFile) { if (this.cms.getZNodeExist(Path.NODE_FILE.getFullPath(idPlugin, filename), null)) { this.cms.setData(Path.NODE_FILE.getFullPath(idPlugin, filename), pluginFile.toString()); } else { this.cms.createZNode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT, Path.NODE_FILE.getFullPath(idPlugin, filename), pluginFile.toString()); } this.cms.getData(Path.NODE_FILE.getFullPath(idPlugin, filename), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); } } else {"Error replicating the file to the peer (peer=" + node.getAddress() + ")"); } } } } } } /** * Pega uma lista com todos os peers da federao e separa eles de acordo * com o tamanho do arquivo, criando uma lista somente com os peers que * possuem condies de receber o arquivo * * @param lengthFile * @return - Lista com peers que podem receber o arquivo */ public List<NodeInfo> getNodeDisp(long lengthFile) { final List<NodeInfo> nodesdisp = new ArrayList<>(); final Collection<PluginInfo> cloudPlugin = this.getPeers().values(); nodesdisp.clear(); for (final PluginInfo plugin : cloudPlugin) { try { final NodeInfo node = new NodeInfo(); if ((long) (plugin.getFsFreeSize() * this.MAXCAPACITY) > lengthFile && plugin.getId().equals(BioNimbusConfig.get().getId())) { node.setLatency(Ping.calculo(plugin.getHost().getAddress())); if (node.getLatency().equals(Double.MAX_VALUE)) { node.setLatency(Nmap.nmap(plugin.getHost().getAddress())); } node.setBandwidth( BandwidthCalculator.linkSpeed(plugin.getHost().getAddress(), node.getLatency())); node.setAddress(plugin.getHost().getAddress()); node.setFreesize(plugin.getFsFreeSize()); node.setPeerId(plugin.getId()); nodesdisp.add(node); } } catch (final IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("[IOException] - " + ex.getMessage()); } catch (final InterruptedException ex) { LOGGER.error("[InterruptedException] - " + ex.getMessage()); } } return nodesdisp; } /** * Seta no Zookeeper os dados de um arquivo que foi requisitado por um * cliente para ser submetido na federao * * @param file * - Arquivo a ser submetido */ public void setPendingFile(PluginFile file) { this.cms.createZNode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT, Path.NODE_PENDING_FILE.getFullPath(file.getId()), file.toString()); } /** * Cria uma Map com o ID de um peer e seus respectivos arquivos * * @param pluginId * id do plugin para pegar os arquivos do plugin * @return Map com os plugins e seus arquivos */ public List<PluginFile> getFilesPeer(String pluginId) { List<String> children; final List<PluginFile> filesPeerSelected = new ArrayList<>(); // NECESSARIO atualizar a lista de arquivo local , a lista do zookeeper com os arquivos locais. No feito em nenhum momento // caso no seja chamado a checkFiles(); this.checkFiles(); try { children = this.cms.getChildren(Path.FILES.getFullPath(pluginId), null); for (final String fileId : children) { final String fileName = fileId.substring(5, fileId.length()); final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); final PluginFile file = mapper.readValue( this.cms.getData(Path.NODE_FILE.getFullPath(pluginId, fileName), null), PluginFile.class); filesPeerSelected.add(file); } } catch (final IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("[IOException] - " + ex.getMessage()); } return filesPeerSelected; } @Override public void verifyPlugins() { final Collection<PluginInfo> temp = this.getPeers().values(); temp.removeAll(this.cloudMap.values()); for (final PluginInfo plugin : temp) { if (this.cms.getZNodeExist(Path.STATUS.getFullPath(plugin.getId(), null, null), null)) { this.cms.getData(Path.STATUS.getFullPath(plugin.getId()), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); } } } /** * Sends a file to ZooKeeper * * @param filepath * @param fileInfo * @return * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws JSchException * @throws * @throws SftpException */ public boolean writeFileToZookeeper(String filepath, FileInfo fileInfo) throws IOException, JSchException, SftpException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InterruptedException { List<NodeInfo> pluginList; List<NodeInfo> nodesdisp = new ArrayList<>(); final RpcClient rpcClient = new AvroClient("http", BioNimbusConfig.get().getAddress(), 8080); final File file = new File(filepath); // Verifica se o arquivo existe if (file.exists()) { pluginList = rpcClient.getProxy().getPeersNode(); // Insere o arquivo na pasta PENDING SAVE do Zookeeper rpcClient.getProxy().setFileInfo(fileInfo, "upload!"); for (final Iterator<NodeInfo> it = pluginList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final NodeInfo plugin =; // Adiciona na lista de possiveis peers de destino somente os que possuem espao livre para receber o arquivo if ((long) (plugin.getFreesize() * this.MAXCAPACITY) > fileInfo.getSize()) { plugin.setLatency(Ping.calculo(plugin.getAddress())); if (plugin.getLatency().equals(Double.MAX_VALUE)) { plugin.setLatency(Nmap.nmap(plugin.getAddress())); } nodesdisp.add(plugin); } } // Retorna a lista dos nos ordenados como melhores, passando a latncia calculada nodesdisp = new ArrayList<>(rpcClient.getProxy().callStorage(nodesdisp)); NodeInfo no = null; final Iterator<NodeInfo> it = nodesdisp.iterator(); // Tenta enviar o arquivo para o melhor peer que est na lista while (it.hasNext() && no == null) { final NodeInfo node =; final Put conexao = new Put(node.getAddress(), filepath); if (conexao.startSession()) { no = node; break; } } // Conserta o nome do arquivo encriptado // TODO: Remove comment after William Final Commit // final AESEncryptor aes = new AESEncryptor(); // aes.setCorrectFilePath(path); if (no != null) { final List<String> dest = new ArrayList<>(); dest.add(no.getPeerId()); nodesdisp.remove(no); // Envia RPC para o peer em que est conectado, para que ele sete no Zookeeper os dados do arquivo que foi upado. rpcClient.getProxy().fileSent(fileInfo, dest); // File uploaded"File uploaded!"); return true; } } // Upload error LOGGER.error("File not found"); return false; } /** * Cria Map com ID dos plugins e seus respectivos arquivos baseado nos dados * do zookeeper. * * @return Map<Id_Plugin, Lista de Arquivos> * @throws */ public Map<String, List<String>> getAllPluginFiles() throws IOException { final Map<String, List<String>> mapFiles = new HashMap<>(); List<String> listFiles; this.checkFiles(); for (final PluginInfo plugin : this.getPeers().values()) { listFiles = new ArrayList<>(); for (final String file : this.cms.getChildren(Path.FILES.getFullPath(plugin.getId()), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null))) { listFiles.add(file); } mapFiles.put(plugin.getId(), listFiles); } return mapFiles; } /** * Returns a FileInfo from a given filename. It searches over the ZooKeeper * structure to find the peer and the name. * * @param filename * @return */ public br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.avro.gen.PluginFile getFileInfoByFilename(String filename) { try { // Map --> {peer_id, {file_1, file_2, file_3, ...}, peer_id, {}...} final Map<String, List<String>> map = this.getAllPluginFiles(); // Iterates over the map for (final Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : map.entrySet()) {"Iterating over peer: " + entry.getKey()); // Iterates the list of files of a peer for (final String file : entry.getValue()) {"File: " + file); // Verify if it is that searched if (file.equals(filename)) { // Creates Mapper final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); // Retrives from ZooKeeper final String pFile = this.cms.getData(Path.NODE_FILE.getFullPath(entry.getKey(), file), null); // Convert to PluginFile final br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.avro.gen.PluginFile pluginFile = mapper.readValue(pFile, br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.avro.gen.PluginFile.class); final br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.model.FileInfo fileInfo = new br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.model.FileInfo(); fileInfo.setId(pluginFile.getId()); fileInfo.setName(pluginFile.getName()); fileInfo.setHash(pluginFile.getHash()); fileInfo.setSize(pluginFile.getSize()); fileInfo.setUploadTimestamp(""); // Found -> return peer_id return pluginFile; } } } } catch (final IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("Error searching files"); ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Mtodo que recebe um evento do zookeeper caso os znodes setados nessa * classe sofra alguma alterao, criado, deletado, modificado, trata os * eventos de acordo com o tipo do mesmo * * @param eventType */ @Override public void event(WatchedEvent eventType) { final String path = eventType.getPath(); switch (eventType.getType()) { case NodeChildrenChanged: if (eventType.getPath().equals(Path.PEERS.toString())) { if (this.cloudMap.size() < this.getPeers().size()) { this.verifyPlugins(); } } else if (eventType.getPath().equals(Path.PENDING_SAVE.toString())) { // chamada para checar a pending_save apenas quando uma alerta para ela for lanado // try{ // checkingPendingSave(); // } // catch (IOException ex) { // Logger.getLogger(StorageService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } } break; case NodeDeleted: if (eventType.getPath().contains(Path.STATUS.toString())) {"Erased ZNode Status"); final String peerId = path.substring(12, path.indexOf("/STATUS")); if (this.getPeers().values().size() != 1) { try { if (!this.cms.getZNodeExist(Path.STATUSWAITING.getFullPath(peerId), null)) { this.cms.createZNode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT, Path.STATUSWAITING.getFullPath(peerId), ""); } final StringBuilder info = new StringBuilder( this.cms.getData(Path.STATUSWAITING.getFullPath(peerId), null)); // verifica se recurso j foi recuperado ou est sendo recuperado por outro recurso if (!info.toString().contains("S") /* && !info.toString().contains("L") */) { // bloqueio para recuperar tarefas sem que outros recursos realizem a mesma operao // cms.setData(Path.STATUSWAITING.getFullPath(peerId), info.append("L").toString()); // Verificar pluginid para gravar for (final PluginFile fileExcluded : this.getFilesPeer(peerId)) { String idPluginExcluded = null; for (final String idPlugin : fileExcluded.getPluginId()) { if (peerId.equals(idPlugin) && !idPlugin.equals(BioNimbusConfig.get().getId())) { idPluginExcluded = idPlugin; break; } } if (fileExcluded.getPluginId().size() > 1) { fileExcluded.getPluginId().remove(idPluginExcluded); } this.setPendingFile(fileExcluded); fileExcluded.setService("storagePeerDown"); this.fileUploaded(fileExcluded); } // retira bloqueio de uso e adiciona marcao de recuperao // info.deleteCharAt(info.indexOf("L")); info.append("S"); this.cms.setData(Path.STATUSWAITING.getFullPath(peerId), info.toString()); // nao necessrio chamar esse mtodo aqui, ele ser chamado se for necessrio ao receber um alerta de watcher // checkingPendingSave(); } } catch (final AvroRemoteException ex) { LOGGER.error("[AvroRemoteException] - " + ex.getMessage()); } catch (final KeeperException ex) { LOGGER.error("[KeeperException] - " + ex.getMessage()); } catch (final InterruptedException ex) { LOGGER.error("[InterruptedException] - " + ex.getMessage()); } catch (final IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("[IOException] - " + ex.getMessage()); } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { LOGGER.error("[NoSuchAlgorithmException] - " + ex.getMessage()); } catch (final SftpException ex) { LOGGER.error("[SftpException] - " + ex.getMessage()); } } break; } default: break; } } }