Java tutorial
/* * BioNimbuZ is a federated cloud platform. * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Data (LaBiD), * Department of Computer Science, University of Brasilia, Brazil * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.BasicThreadFactory; import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException; import com.jcraft.jsch.SftpException; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.avro.rpc.AvroClient; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.avro.rpc.RpcClient; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.config.BioNimbusConfig; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.model.FileInfo; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.model.Job; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.model.Log; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.model.LogSeverity; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.model.Workflow; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.persistence.dao.WorkflowLoggerDao; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.plugin.PluginFile; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.plugin.PluginInfo; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.plugin.PluginTask; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.plugin.PluginTaskState; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.plugin.linux.LinuxPlugin; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.toSort.Listeners; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.utils.Get; import br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.utils.Pair; @Singleton public class SchedService extends AbstractBioService implements Runnable { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchedService.class); private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, PluginInfo> cloudMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ScheduledExecutorService schedExecService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, new BasicThreadFactory.Builder().namingPattern("SchedService-%d").build()); private final Queue<PluginTask> relocateTasks = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); private final List<Job> pendingJobs = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<Job> dependentJobs = new ArrayList<>(); private final Map<String, Pair<PluginInfo, PluginTask>> waitingTask = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Map<String, PluginFile> mapFilesPlugin; private final Map<String, Job> jobsWithNoService = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // private final Queue<PluginTask> runningJobs = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<PluginTask>(); private final Map<String, PluginInfo> cancelingJobs = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private RpcClient rpcClient; // change this to select scheduling policy private final SchedPolicy.Policy policy = SchedPolicy.Policy.C99SUPERCOLIDER; private String idPlugin; private LinuxPlugin myLinuxPlugin; private SchedPolicy schedPolicy; // Workflow information logger private final WorkflowLoggerDao workflowLogger; // Workflow private Workflow workflow; private boolean isClient = true; @Inject public SchedService(final CloudMessageService cms, final RepositoryService rs) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(cms); Preconditions.checkNotNull(rs); this.cms = cms; = rs; // Initializes workflow logger this.workflowLogger = new WorkflowLoggerDao(); } public synchronized SchedPolicy getPolicy() { if (this.schedPolicy == null) { this.schedPolicy = SchedPolicy.getInstance(this.policy, this.cloudMap); } this.schedPolicy.setCloudMap(this.cloudMap); return this.schedPolicy; } /** * Altera a poltica de escalonamento para executar os jobs. */ private void setPolicy() { // try { // String dataPolicy = cms.getData(JOBS.toString(), null); // if (dataPolicy != null && !dataPolicy.isEmpty()) { // schedPolicy = SchedPolicy.getInstance(new Integer(dataPolicy), cloudMap); // } // } catch (KeeperException ex) { // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("METHOD COMMENTED"); } @Override public void run() { this.checkTasks(); // try { // ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); // PluginFile pfile = mapper.readValue(cms.getData("/bionimbuz/buckets/bionimbuz-g-us/files/mclovin.png", null), PluginFile.class); // // FileInfo ifile = new FileInfo(); // ifile.setId(pfile.getId()); // ifile.setName(pfile.getName()); // List<FileInfo> request = new ArrayList<>(); // request.add(ifile); // // checkFilesPlugin(); // requestFile(request); // // } catch (Throwable t) { // LOGGER.error("[SchedService] Exception(run): " + t.getMessage()); // t.printStackTrace(); // } // LOGGER.debug("[SchedService] File requested"); } @Override public void start(List<Listeners> listeners) {"[SchedService] Starting ..."); this.isClient = BioNimbusConfig.get().isClient(); this.listeners = listeners; // if (listeners != null) { listeners.add(this); // } this.idPlugin = BioNimbusConfig.get().getId(); this.getPolicy().setRs(; // inicia o valor do zk na politica de escalonamento this.getPolicy().setCms(this.cms); if (!this.cms.getZNodeExist(Path.PIPELINES.getFullPath(), null)) { this.cms.createZNode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT, Path.PIPELINES.getFullPath(), this.policy.toString()); } this.cms.createZNode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT, Path.SCHED.getFullPath(this.idPlugin), null); this.cms.createZNode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT, Path.TASKS.getFullPath(this.idPlugin), null); this.cms.createZNode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT, Path.SIZE_JOBS.getFullPath(this.idPlugin), null); this.cloudMap.putAll(this.getPeers()); try { // adicona watchers para receber um alerta quando um novo job for criado para ser escalonado, e uma nova requisio de latncia existir this.cms.getChildren(Path.PIPELINES.getFullPath(), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); this.cms.getData(Path.PIPELINES.getFullPath(), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); this.cms.getChildren(Path.PEERS.getFullPath(), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); this.checkMyPlugin(); this.checkWaitingTasks(); this.checkPeers(); } catch (final KeeperException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (final InterruptedException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (final IOException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } this.schedExecService.scheduleAtFixedRate(this, 1, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } /** * Executa a rotina de escalonamento, aps o zookeeper disparar um aviso que * um novo job foi criado para ser escalonado. */ private synchronized void scheduleJobs() throws InterruptedException, KeeperException { HashMap<Job, PluginInfo> schedMap; // Caso nao exista nenhum pipeline pendente da a chance para o escalonador // realocar as tarefas. if (!this.pendingJobs.isEmpty()) { // Log if workflow not null if (this.workflow != null) { this.workflowLogger.log(new Log("Job recebido pelo Servio de Escalonamento", this.workflow.getUserId(), this.workflow.getId(), LogSeverity.INFO)); } this.cloudMap.clear(); this.cloudMap.putAll(this.getPeers()); // realiza a requisicao dos valores da lantncia antes de escalonar um job // sched all pending jobs schedMap = this.getPolicy().schedule(this.pendingJobs); for (final Map.Entry<Job, PluginInfo> entry : schedMap.entrySet()) { final Job jobInfo = entry.getKey(); final PluginInfo pluginInfo = entry.getValue(); final PluginTask task = new PluginTask(); task.setJobInfo(jobInfo); if (pluginInfo != null) { task.setState(PluginTaskState.PENDING); task.setPluginExec(pluginInfo.getId()); // adiciona o job na lista de execuo do servidor zookeeper this.cms.createZNode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT, Path.NODE_TASK.getFullPath(task.getPluginExec(), jobInfo.getId()), task.toString()); // retira o pipeline da lista de pipelines para escanolamento no zookeeper // cms.delete(cms.getPath().NODE_PIPELINE.getFullPath(pipeline.getId())); // retira o pipelineda lista de jobs para escalonamento this.pendingJobs.remove(jobInfo); // adiciona a lista de jobs que aguardam execuo task.setState(PluginTaskState.WAITING); this.waitingTask.put(task.getId(), new Pair<>(pluginInfo, task)); // Log it this.workflowLogger.log(new Log( "Job <b>" + jobInfo.getId() + "</b> com arquivo de saida <b>" + jobInfo.getOutputs() + "</b> enviado para n de processamento do BioNimbuZ", this.workflow.getUserId(), this.workflow.getId(), LogSeverity.INFO)); // Log all output files of a given workflow id this.workflowLogger.logOutputFile(this.workflow.getId(), jobInfo.getOutputs()); } else {"JobID: " + jobInfo.getId() + " no escalonado"); } } // chamada recursiva para escalonar todos os jobs enviados, s chamada aps um this.scheduleJobs(); } } /** * * @param job */ public void setLatencyPlugins(Job job) { final HashMap<String, Double> pluginIdLatency = new HashMap<>(); try { // if(!cms.getZNodeExist(cms.getPath().PREFIX_JOB.getFullPath("", "", job.getId())+LATENCY, false)) { // for (PluginInfo plugin : getPeers().values()) { // //calcula a latencia e regula para segundos // pluginIdLatency.put(plugin.getId(),Ping.calculo(plugin.getHost().getAddress())/1000); // // } // cms.createZNode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT, cms.getPath().PREFIX_JOB.getFullPath("", "", job.getId())+LATENCY, new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(pluginIdLatency)); // } throw new IOException("REMOVE COMMENTS"); } catch (final IOException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /** * Rotinas para auxiliar escalonamento,chamado caso seja necessrio cancelar * um job. No remove job em execuo. * * OBS: no utilizado * * @param jobId */ public void cancelJob(String jobId) { // if (getPendingJobs().containsKey(jobId)) { // getPendingJobs().remove(jobId); // //excluir o job do zookeeper TO DO // } else if (waitingTask.containsKey(jobId)) { // waitingTask.remove(jobId); // } //// try { // cms.delete(JOBS.toString() + PREFIX_JOB.toString() + jobId); // //// } catch (KeeperException ex) { //// java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); //// } catch (InterruptedException ex) { //// java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); //// } } /** * Remove a tarefa da lista de jobs cancelados.Job permanece na lista de * jobs a serem escalonados. * * @param task */ private synchronized void finishCancelJob(PluginTask task) { // getCancelingJobs().remove(task.getId()); // System.out.println("Task canceled " + task.getId()); // // relocateTasks.add(task); // // Verifica se todas as requisicoes de cancelamento foram realizadas. // // TODO: Provavelmente se o usuario cancelar o job na mao essa // // funcao vai buggar. Mas dado o tempo que temos acho que eh a melhor // // solucao. } /** * Realiza a requisio do(s) arquivo(s) que no existe(m) no plugin. * * @param listFiles * lista de arquivos que devem conter no plugin */ private void requestFile(List<FileInfo> listFiles) { for (final FileInfo info : listFiles) { if (!this.mapFilesPlugin.containsKey(info.getName())) { LOGGER.debug("[SchedService] Requesting file: " + info.getName()); LOGGER.debug("[SchedService] Trying on the CloudStorage Buckets"); if (BioNimbusConfig.get().getStorageMode().equalsIgnoreCase("1")) { final CloudStorageService cloud_service = new CloudStorageService(this.cms); final BioBucket bucket = cloud_service.findFile(info); if (bucket != null) { LOGGER.debug("[SchedService] File found on bucket: " + bucket.getName()); if (CloudStorageService.checkMode(bucket)) { LOGGER.debug("[SchedService] Will execute on mounted-mode"); final PluginFile file = new PluginFile(); file.setId(info.getId()); file.setName(info.getName()); final String path = bucket.getMountPoint() + "/" + BioNimbusConfig.get().getDataFolder() + info.getName(); file.setPath(path); this.mapFilesPlugin.put(info.getName(), file); info.setBucket(bucket.getName()); } else { LOGGER.debug("[SchedService] Will execute on normal-mode (download file first)"); final CloudStorageMethods cloud_methods = new CloudMethodsAmazonGoogle(); try { cloud_methods.StorageDownloadFile(bucket, BioNimbusConfig.get().getDataFolder(), BioNimbusConfig.get().getDataFolder(), info.getName()); } catch (final Throwable t) { LOGGER.error("[SchedService] Exception(requestFile): " + t.getMessage()); t.printStackTrace(); } } } } else { // Try old storage method LOGGER.debug("[SchedService] Trying on the instances"); final String ipContainsFile = this.getFilesIP(info.getName()); LOGGER.debug("[SchedService] ipContainsFile: " + ipContainsFile); final Get conexao = new Get(); try { conexao.startSession(info.getName(), ipContainsFile); } catch (final JSchException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (final SftpException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } } this.checkFilesPlugin(); } /** * Recebe uma lista de PluginsTasks para serem relanadas ao escalonamento. * * @param tasks * lista das tarefas * @throws org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException */ public void relocateTasks(Collection<PluginTask> tasks) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { this.relocateTasks.addAll(tasks); // Adiciona os jobs cancelados a lista de jobs a serem escalonados no servidor zookeeper while (!this.relocateTasks.isEmpty()) { final PluginTask task = this.relocateTasks.remove(); try { // cms.createZNode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT, JOBS + PREFIX_JOB + task.getJobInfo().getId(), task.getJobInfo().toString()); throw new KeeperException.UnimplementedException(); } catch (final Exception ex) { // StringBuilder datas = new StringBuilder(cms.getData(cms.getPath().STATUSWAITING.getFullPath(task.getPluginExec(), "", ""), null)); // cms.setData(cms.getPath().STATUSWAITING.getFullPath(task.getPluginExec(), "", ""), datas.append("E").toString());"[SchedService] COMMENTED cms.setData"); tasks.add(task); java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } /** * Realiza a recuperao das tarefas que estavam em execuo no peer que * ficou off-line, colocando-as para serem reescalonadas. Ao final exclui o * zNode STATUSWAITING para que o peer possa ser excludo do servidor * zookeeper * * @param peerPath */ private synchronized void repairTask(String peerPath) { final Collection<PluginTask> repairTasks = new LinkedList<>(); try { if (!this.cms.getZNodeExist(peerPath + Path.STATUSWAITING, new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null))) { this.cms.createZNode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT, peerPath + Path.STATUSWAITING, ""); } String dataStatus = this.cms.getData(peerPath + Path.STATUSWAITING, new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); // verifica se recurso j foi recuperado ou est sendo recuperado por outro recurso if (dataStatus.contains("B")) { return; } dataStatus = dataStatus.concat("status:B"); // bloqueio para recuperar tarefas sem que outros recursos realizem a mesma operao this.cms.setData(peerPath + Path.STATUSWAITING, dataStatus); final List<String> tasksChildren = this.cms.getChildren(peerPath + Path.SCHED + Path.TASKS, new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); for (final String taskChild : tasksChildren) { final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); final PluginTask pluginTask = mapper.readValue( this.cms.getData(peerPath + Path.SCHED + Path.TASKS + "/" + taskChild, null), PluginTask.class); if (pluginTask.getState() != PluginTaskState.DONE && pluginTask.getState() != PluginTaskState.ERRO) { repairTasks.add(pluginTask); } } this.relocateTasks(repairTasks); // retira bloqueio de uso e sinaliza que as tarefas do plugin foram recuperadas this.cms.delete(peerPath + Path.STATUSWAITING); } catch (final KeeperException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (final InterruptedException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (final IOException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /** * Verifica qual o Plugin referente ao mesmo do recurso. */ private void checkMyPlugin() { for (final Listeners listener : this.listeners) { if (listener instanceof LinuxPlugin) { this.myLinuxPlugin = (LinuxPlugin) listener; } } } /** * Realiza a verificao dos peers existentes identificando se existe algum * peer aguardando recuperao, se o peer estiver off-line e a recuperao * j estiver sido feito, realiza a limpeza do peer. Realizada apenas quando * o mdulo inicia. */ private void checkPeers() { // try { final List<String> listPeers = this.cms.getChildren(Path.PEERS.getFullPath(), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); for (final String peerId : listPeers) { if (!this.cms.getZNodeExist(Path.STATUS.getFullPath(peerId), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)) && !this.cms.getZNodeExist(Path.STATUSWAITING.getFullPath(peerId), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null))) { this.cms.createZNode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT, Path.STATUSWAITING.getFullPath(peerId), ""); } if (this.cms.getZNodeExist(Path.STATUSWAITING.getFullPath(peerId), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null))) { if (!this.cms .getData(Path.STATUSWAITING.getFullPath(peerId), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)) .contains("")) { this.repairTask(Path.NODE_PEER.getFullPath(peerId)); } } } // } catch (KeeperException ex) { // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } catch (IOException ex) { // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } } /** * Verifica quais so as tarefas que j esto escanoladas e adiciona um * watcher em cada conjunto de tarefas dos plugins e nas tarefas caso * existam. Mtodo chamado ao iniciar o mdulo de escalonamento. * * @throws KeeperException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException */ private void checkWaitingTasks() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException, IOException { final List<PluginInfo> plgs = new ArrayList<>(this.getPeers().values()); List<String> listTasks; Watcher watcher;"[SchedService] Checking waiting tasks"); for (final PluginInfo plugin : plgs) { // cria watch para ser adicionado no znode que contm as tarefas escanoladas desse plugin if (this.myLinuxPlugin.getMyInfo().getId().equals(plugin.getId())) {"[SchedService] checkWaitingTasks : watcher adicionado no plugin " + plugin.getId()); watcher = new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null); } else { watcher = null; } listTasks = this.cms.getChildren(Path.TASKS.getFullPath(plugin.getId()), watcher); for (final String task : listTasks) { final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); final PluginTask pluginTask = mapper.readValue( this.cms.getData(Path.NODE_TASK.getFullPath(plugin.getId(), task), null), PluginTask.class); this.waitingTask.put(pluginTask.getId(), new Pair<>(plugin, pluginTask)); if (pluginTask.getState() == PluginTaskState.DONE) { this.finalizeTask(pluginTask); } } // adiconando watch para cada peer, realizar recuperao de task escalonadas caso o plugin fique off-line this.cms.getData(Path.STATUS.getFullPath(plugin.getId()), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); } } /** * Verifica no zookeeper qual foi a nova tarefa colocada para execuo, * adiciona um watcher na tarefa e adiciona a tarefa na lista de tarefas que * esto aguardando execuo. * * @param peerPath * caminho do local que foi criado a tarefa no zookeeper. * @return a pluginTask da tarefas adicionada para execuo * @throws KeeperException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException */ private PluginTask getNewTask(String taskPath) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException, IOException { final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); PluginTask pluginTask = null; final List<String> tasksChildren = this.cms.getChildren(taskPath, new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); for (final String taskChild : tasksChildren) { final String datasTask = this.cms.getData(taskPath + "/" + taskChild, new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); final PluginTask task = mapper.readValue(datasTask, PluginTask.class); // verifica se a tarefa j estava na lista para no adicionar mais de um watcher if (!this.waitingTask.containsKey(task.getId())) { // adiciona um watcher na task que foi escanolada this.cms.getData(taskPath + "/" + taskChild, new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); if (task.getState() == PluginTaskState.PENDING) { this.waitingTask.put(task.getId(), new Pair<>(this.cloudMap.get(task.getPluginExec()), task)); pluginTask = task; } } } return pluginTask; } private void decryptFiles(List<FileInfo> inputs) throws Exception { try { // realiza uma chama rpc para decriptografar os arquivos que serao usados pela task this.rpcClient = new AvroClient(BioNimbusConfig.get().getRpcProtocol(), this.myLinuxPlugin.getMyInfo().getHost().getAddress(), this.myLinuxPlugin.getMyInfo().getHost().getPort()); for (final FileInfo info : inputs) { this.rpcClient.getProxy().decryptPluginFile(info.getName()); } this.rpcClient.close(); } catch (final IOException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /** * Mtodo que realiza a verificao dos arquivos existentes no plugin para * possveis utilizaes durante a execuo das tarefas. * */ // TODO ajustar a Storage para realizar alguma foram de atualizao dos arquivos antes e depois de uma execuo e ento inutilizar esse mtodo private void checkFilesPlugin() { try { // realiza uma chama rpc para atualizar a lista de arquivos no zookeeper this.rpcClient = new AvroClient(BioNimbusConfig.get().getRpcProtocol(), this.myLinuxPlugin.getMyInfo().getHost().getAddress(), this.myLinuxPlugin.getMyInfo().getHost().getPort()); this.rpcClient.getProxy().listFilesName(); this.rpcClient.close(); if (this.cms.getZNodeExist(Path.FILES.getFullPath(this.myLinuxPlugin.getMyInfo().getId()), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null))) { List<String> filesChildren; // verifica se a primeira vez que executado e ento cria o watcher e inicia a lista if (this.mapFilesPlugin == null) { this.mapFilesPlugin = new HashMap<>(); filesChildren = this.cms.getChildren( Path.FILES.getFullPath(this.myLinuxPlugin.getMyInfo().getId()), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); } else { filesChildren = this.cms.getChildren( Path.FILES.getFullPath(this.myLinuxPlugin.getMyInfo().getId()), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); } final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); for (final String fileChild : filesChildren) { final String datasFile = this.cms.getData( Path.NODE_FILE.getFullPath(this.myLinuxPlugin.getMyInfo().getId(), fileChild), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); final PluginFile file = mapper.readValue(datasFile, PluginFile.class); // Verificar o que esse LONG TO DO final Pair<String, Long> pair = new Pair<>(file.getName(), file.getSize()); // verifica se o arquivo j estava na lista if (!this.mapFilesPlugin.containsKey(pair.first)) { this.mapFilesPlugin.put(file.getName(), file); } } } } catch (final KeeperException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (final InterruptedException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (final IOException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (final Exception ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /** * Verifica o status da tarefa e se ela pertence ao plugin e executa se * satisfizer essas condies. */ private void checkStatusTask() {"[SchedService] checkStatusTask"); for (final Pair<PluginInfo, PluginTask> pair : this.waitingTask.values()) { if (this.myLinuxPlugin.getMyInfo().getId().equals(pair.first.getId()) && pair.second.getState() == PluginTaskState.PENDING) { try { this.executeTasks(pair.second); } catch (final Exception ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } } /** * Verifica se as tarefas que estavam aguardando algum arquivo j foram * executadas, se no solicita execuo. */ private void checkTasks() { try {"[SchedService] Checking Tasks..."); // Check if there are any pipelines left to add this.updatePipelines(); if (this.waitingTask != null && !this.waitingTask.isEmpty()) { for (final Pair<PluginInfo, PluginTask> pair : this.waitingTask.values()) { if (pair.first.getHost().getAddress() .equals(this.myLinuxPlugin.getMyInfo().getHost().getAddress())) { if (pair.second.getState() == PluginTaskState.WAITING) { this.executeTasks(pair.second); // Consumer<Job> style =(Job p) -> System.out.println("id:"+p.getIpjob().); final List<String> ip = new ArrayList<>(); ip.addAll(pair.second.getJobInfo().getIpjob()); // remove the others ips attributed to the task, leaving just the ip wich is executing the task for (final String j : ip) { if (!j.equals(this.myLinuxPlugin.getMyInfo().getHost().getAddress())) { pair.second.getJobInfo().getIpjob().remove(j); } } } } if (pair.second.getState() == PluginTaskState.DONE) { this.finalizeTask(pair.second); } } } // check if any dependent task can be executed if (this.dependentJobs != null && !this.dependentJobs.isEmpty()) { final List<String> finishedJobs = this.cms.getChildren(Path.FINISHED_TASKS.getFullPath(), null); for (final Iterator<Job> it = this.dependentJobs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final Job j =; // remove finished dependencies for (final Iterator<String> it2 = j.getDependencies().iterator(); it2.hasNext();) { final String d =; for (final String f : finishedJobs) { if (f.equals(d)) { it2.remove(); } } } // if there are no more dependencies put j on pendingJobs if (j.getDependencies().isEmpty()) { this.pendingJobs.add(j); it.remove(); } } } // schedule jobs if there are any if (this.pendingJobs != null && !this.pendingJobs.isEmpty()) {"Tamanho da lista de JOBS para execuo : " + this.pendingJobs.size()); this.scheduleJobs(); } } catch (final Exception ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /** * Recebe a ltima tarefa enviada para execuo * * @param task */ private void executeTasks(PluginTask task) throws Exception {"Recebimento do pedido de execuo da tarefa!"); // TODO otimiza chamada de checagem dos arquivos this.checkFilesPlugin(); // CORREO: CRIAR N FILES E REFAZER ESSA FUNO // //verifica se o arquivo existe no plugin se no cria a solicitao de transfrencia do arquivo // if (!existFilesCloud(task.getJobInfo().getInputs())) { // task.setState(PluginTaskState.ERRO); // System.out.println("[SchedService] executeTasks: task " + task.getId() + " error."); // return; // } if (!this.existFiles(task.getJobInfo().getInputFiles())) {"Files from JobInfo(id=" + task.getJobInfo().getId() + ") not found. Requesting file..."); for (final FileInfo f : task.getJobInfo().getInputFiles()) {"Arquivo: " + f.getName()); } this.requestFile(task.getJobInfo().getInputFiles());"Task " + task.getId() + " files not present."); } if (this.existFiles(task.getJobInfo().getInputFiles())) { this.decryptFiles(task.getJobInfo().getInputFiles()); // Executes the command line and upload it to ZooKeeper this.myLinuxPlugin.startTask(task, this.cms, this.workflow);"Task " + task.getId() + " started."); } else { task.setState(PluginTaskState.WAITING);"Task " + task.getId() + " waiting."); } } /** * Verifica a existncia dos arquivos de entrada no plugin, lista de * arquivos atualizada ao plugin ser iniciado e quando um novo arquivo * adicionado ao plugin. * * @param listInputFiles * @return */ private boolean existFiles(List<FileInfo> listInputFiles) { int toFind = listInputFiles.size(); if (listInputFiles.isEmpty()) { return true; } for (final FileInfo fileInput : listInputFiles) { if (this.mapFilesPlugin.containsKey(fileInput.getName())) { toFind--; } } if (toFind == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * MEtodo aparentemente no utilizado Verifica a existncia dos arquivos de * entrada na federao, caso no exista retorna false. * * @param listInputFiles * @return false se no existir algum arquivo no zoonimbus */ private boolean existFilesCloud(List<Pair<String, Long>> listInputFiles) { for (final Pair<String, Long> fileInput : listInputFiles) { if (this.getFilesIP(fileInput.first) == null) {"Arquivo :" + fileInput.first + " no existe no Zoonimbus !!!"); return false; } } return true; } /** * Realiza a chamada dos mtodos para a finalizao da execuo do job. * * @param pathTask * endereo do znode, task executada. */ private void finalizeTask(PluginTask task) { if (this.waitingTask.containsKey(task.getId())) { this.waitingTask.remove(task.getId()); } // try { this.getPolicy().jobDone(task); this.cms.delete(Path.NODE_TASK.getFullPath(task.getPluginExec(), task.getJobInfo().getId())); // chamada de mtodo para atualizar a lista de arquivos // TODO ajustar a Storage para realizar alguma foram de atualizao dos arquivos aps uma execuo. this.checkFilesPlugin(); // cria um znode efmero para exibir jobs finalizados, efmero para poder ser apagado quando peer ficar off-line this.cms.createZNode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT, Path.NODE_FINISHED_TASK.getFullPath(task.getPluginExec(), task.getJobInfo().getId()), task.toString()); // } catch (KeeperException ex) { // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // }"[SchedService] task finished: " + task.getId()); } /** * Metodo para pegar o Ip do peer na federao que esta com o arquivo * se o arquivo for encontrado retorna o Ip do peer, caso contrrio * retorna null. * * @param fileId * @return */ public String getFilesIP(String fileId) { List<String> listFiles; // Map<String,List<String>> mapFiles = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); // try { for (final PluginInfo plugin : this.getPeers().values()) { listFiles = this.cms.getChildren(Path.FILES.getFullPath(plugin.getId()), null); for (final String checkfile : listFiles) { // atualizar // String idfile = checkfile.substring(5, checkfile.length()); if (fileId.equals(checkfile)) { return plugin.getHost().getAddress(); } } } // } catch (KeeperException ex) { // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } catch (IOException ex) { // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } return null; } /** * Trata os watchers enviados pelas mudanas realizadas no zookeeper. * * @param eventType * evento recebido do zookeeper */ @Override public void event(WatchedEvent eventType) { try { switch (eventType.getType()) { case NodeChildrenChanged: String datas; // reconhece um alerta de um novo pipeline if (eventType.getPath().contains(Path.PIPELINES.toString()) && !this.isClient) {"[SchedService] Recebimento de um alerta para um pipeline, NodeChildrenChanged"); // checking moved to checkTasks in order to solve racing condition // updatePipelines(); } else if (eventType.getPath().contains(Path.SCHED.toString() + Path.TASKS)) {"[SchedService] Recebimento de um alerta para uma TAREFA"); // verifica qual foi o job colocado para ser executado final PluginTask pluginTask = this.getNewTask(eventType.getPath()); // verifica se um existe algum novo pluginTask if (pluginTask != null) { if (pluginTask.getState() == PluginTaskState.PENDING) { this.executeTasks(pluginTask); } } else if (!this.waitingTask.isEmpty()) { this.checkStatusTask(); } } else if (eventType.getPath().contains(Path.FILES.toString())) { this.checkFilesPlugin(); } else if (eventType.getPath().equals(Path.PEERS.toString())) { if (this.cloudMap.size() < this.getPeers().size()) { this.verifyPlugins(); } } break; case NodeDataChanged: // reconhece o alerta como uma mudana na poltica de escalonamento // if (eventType.getPath().contains(JOBS.getCodigo()) && !eventType.getPath().contains(PREFIX_JOB.toString())) { // setPolicy(); // reconhece a mudana no estado da tarefa // } else if (this.cms.getZNodeExist(eventType.getPath(), null)) { datas = this.cms.getData(eventType.getPath(), null); final PluginTask pluginTask = (PluginTask) this.convertString(PluginTask.class, datas); // retirar depois testes, exibi a tarefa que est em execuo if (pluginTask.getState() == PluginTaskState.RUNNING) {"Task est rodando: " + Path.NODE_TASK.getFullPath(pluginTask.getPluginExec(), pluginTask.getId())); } if (pluginTask.getState() == PluginTaskState.DONE) { this.finalizeTask(pluginTask); } } break; case NodeDeleted: // Trata o evento de quando o zNode status for apagado, ou seja, quando um peer estiver off-line, deve recuperar os jobs // que haviam sido escalonados para esse peer if (eventType.getPath().contains(Path.STATUS.toString())) { // cloudMap.clear(); // cloudMap.putAll(getPeers()); // schedPolicy.setCloudMap(cloudMap); this.repairTask(eventType.getPath().subSequence(0, eventType.getPath().indexOf("STATUS") - 1) .toString()); } break; } } catch (final KeeperException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (final InterruptedException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (final Exception ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } public void registerPipeline(br.unb.cic.bionimbuz.avro.gen.Workflow workflow) { this.cms.createZNode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT, Path.NODE_PIPELINE.getFullPath(workflow.getId()), workflow.toString()); } private void updatePipelines() throws IOException, InterruptedException, KeeperException { // get all pipelines final List<String> pipelinesId = this.cms.getChildren(Path.PIPELINES.getFullPath(), null); String datas; if (!pipelinesId.isEmpty()) { // get pipelines and add them to pendingPipelines for (final String pipelineReady : pipelinesId) { final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); datas = this.cms.getData(Path.NODE_PIPELINE.getFullPath(pipelineReady), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); // Sets it workflow this.workflow = mapper.readValue(datas, Workflow.class); this.workflowLogger.log(new Log("Iniciando servio de escalonamento...", this.workflow.getUserId(), this.workflow.getId(), LogSeverity.INFO)); // add independent jobs to pendingJobs list and jobs with // any dependency to the dependentJobs list int i = 0; for (final Job j : this.workflow.getJobs()) { if (j.getDependencies().isEmpty()) { this.pendingJobs.add(j); i++; } else { this.dependentJobs.add(j); } }"Workflow is compound by: " + i + " independent jobs and " + (this.workflow.getJobs().size() - i) + " jobs with dependency"); // Log it this.workflowLogger.log(new Log(" Job(s) independente(s): <b>" + i + "</b>", this.workflow.getUserId(), this.workflow.getId(), LogSeverity.INFO)); this.workflowLogger.log( new Log("Job(s) com dependncia(s): <b>" + (this.workflow.getJobs().size() - i) + "</b>", this.workflow.getUserId(), this.workflow.getId(), LogSeverity.INFO)); // remove pipeline from zookeeper this.cms.delete(Path.NODE_PIPELINE.getFullPath(pipelineReady)); } if (!this.pendingJobs.isEmpty()) { this.scheduleJobs(); } } } @Override public void verifyPlugins() { final Collection<PluginInfo> temp = this.getPeers().values(); temp.removeAll(this.cloudMap.values()); for (final PluginInfo plugin : temp) { // try { if (this.cms.getZNodeExist(Path.STATUS.getFullPath(plugin.getId()), null)) { this.cms.getData(Path.STATUS.getFullPath(plugin.getId()), new UpdatePeerData(this.cms, this, null)); } // } catch (KeeperException ex) { // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } } } private Object convertString(Class classe, String datas) { Object object = null; try { final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); object = mapper.readValue(datas, classe); } catch (final IOException ex) { java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SchedService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return object; } public synchronized Map<String, PluginInfo> getCancelingJobs() { return this.cancelingJobs; } public synchronized Map<String, Job> getJobsWithNoService() { return this.jobsWithNoService; } @Override public void shutdown() { this.listeners.remove(this); this.schedExecService.shutdownNow(); } @Override public void getStatus() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }